Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • So does anyone mind if I add them?

    Please do!
    I'm new and I need as much help as I can get.
  • Idiotsjoy
    Idiotsjoy Posts: 14 Member
    Count me in! My starting weight was 242,5 lbs and in three weeks I've lost almost 8 lbs. But there's still ~90 lbs to lose... I've got a long road ahead of me. But little by little, that's my motto. :>

    Good luck with your journey everyone! :>
  • I'm IN! =)
  • GOOD!!! i really can use some motivation, and too can motivate.... As one of the posters on here i am getting married next may as well and would really love to loose that wooping 70lbs!!! It looks like a lot, but with your help and support as a team .. i think we can do this!!!

    What do you all do as excercise daily?

    I wanna be in this group!! I walk EVERYDAY and then once or twice a week I ride my bicycle. I want to get a workout DVD (don't have any yet) so I have something to do inside when it's raining.
  • pumina
    pumina Posts: 13
    I'm in! I have about 80 lbs left to lose!
  • sheggymarie
    sheggymarie Posts: 13
    i'm in. Started at 375 4 years ago before I had gastric bypass. I got down to 247 for about a day, then slowly increased weight. I'm now at 282 (i was at 294 6 weeks ago). I would love to get down to 200 but I'm not so concerned about the pounds as I am about how I feel.
  • mldoiron1
    mldoiron1 Posts: 16
    I'd love to join! I've been doing this for about a week (even though i joined a while ago) friendless but would love some motivation!

    I have about 95 pounds to lose!

    My favorite activity is definitely TENNIS! My boyfriend and I play three days a week and we love it!

    Even if we stink :wink:

    Everyone feel free to add me!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    i'm in! i wanna lose 150 pounds.
  • ladychi306
    ladychi306 Posts: 273 Member
    Im in....please...I need LOTS of support!!!!
  • oneonezerozerozero
    oneonezerozerozero Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in as well - I've got about 40 lbs to lose for certain, at which point I'll re-evaluate how much more I need to lose - I'm incredibly top-heavy, so I'm finding it difficult to gauge how much I should aim for total. Anyone who would like to is welcome to add me - I'm a little shy about adding people, but I could definitely use some more people to keep me accountable (and I'll do my best to cheer you on too).

    As for what I do for exercise - not very much right now. I've been working on improving my core strength with planks and some other things I don't know the proper names for, and also recently started doing squats. I mean to get out and walk, but I am a little bit of a workaholic (and self-employed, which means I work until well past dark some days and don't even notice it - oops). I have difficulty pulling myself away from work in the middle of the day, even though that would probably be best, so I might try getting myself to walk first thing in the morning instead.
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    My second reply:

    It's hard to say what my favourite activity is, I have a pretty short attention span so I like to switch the cardio up. Strength training is the thing I do without any needed motivation. Which may be why I've lost 1lb in the past month but lost 2 inches in my waist :P

    I like dance/aerobic videos. I have Zumba for the wii, and few videos. I also have Leslie Sansone's walk off the pounds 5 mile walk. And sometimes I just like to turn up the music and dance a bit.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    Can I join??!

    I have lost 70 pounds and would like to lose at least another 35 ideally, if not 45.

    Whoever reads this please add me! I'll motivate if you motivate!! :)

    God bless!
  • csexton76
    csexton76 Posts: 10
    Oh count me in too! I have at least 50lbs to lose, maybe more. I just joined yesterday, so having additional support will be fantastic! Please feel free to send me a friend request!
  • jen_42
    jen_42 Posts: 26
    Aussie here needs to drop 19kg which works out to be 41.8 pounds..just started ..AGAIN...this time its for good!!!

    I just walk for about 40mins 3 to 4 times a week...so see how this goes for me.. :wink:
  • misshayes
    misshayes Posts: 7 Member
    Zumba videos are great
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    Me too! ;o)
  • IM IN>>75+ to lose !
  • KarieRod
    KarieRod Posts: 15
    I'd like the support too!
  • lifeinpink09
    lifeinpink09 Posts: 87 Member
    im in
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    got 80something pounds to go :)
This discussion has been closed.