Would you have surgery?



  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    Yep. Already had a couple.

    Had Lasik done a loong time ago. Best $$ ever spent! Oh the joy of waking up in the middle of the night and actually being able to see the clock!!

    Oh and had my gall bladder removed last year! :tongue:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't regret getting my teeth straightened one bit, nor wearing contacts rather than glasses. Wish I was a candidate for laser surgery, but my eyes are too bad. I also love coloring my hair and wearing makeup.

    If I had excess skin that wasn't going to go away, I'd sure as hell get that removed, too.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Absolutely. And I PLAN on having surgery after I reach and maintain my goal weight, no question!

    It's not always about appearances alone. My stomach sags now, and infections can happen in the skin folds even if you are meticulous about your hygiene. They are painful, oh so painful, and can be dangerous. I also want to look and feel better about myself, but the infection issue alone is enough for me to say YES, definitely, I WILL have a tummy tuck.

    I also want a breast augmentation. THAT is for more superficial reasons and if I don't have the money to do it, then it won't get done. But I will finance a tummy tuck if I have to because I want/need it that badly.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    If I can finally lose all my extra weight, and I don't like the way my skin turns out, Hay-ull yeah, I'll get it fixed. I want to be able to enjoy being un-selfconcious for the first time in 10 years! Hoping it doesn't come to that, but so be it!
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I have admit I've considered it on several occasions and I'm not ruling it out.... I have not reached my ultimate goal yet so we'll see..... but I really think this is a personal choice. If in the end it makes that person feel better about themselves then I don't see it being a negative thing really. Just as some women get up in the morning and do their makeup and hair, wear push up bras, artificial nails or anything else for that matter to make themselves FEEL more beautiful. IMHO
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    I have admit I've considered it on several occasions and I'm not ruling it out.... I have not reached my ultimate goal yet so we'll see..... but I really think this is a personal choice. If in the end it makes that person feel better about themselves then I don't see it being a negative thing really. Just as some women get up in the morning and do their makeup and hair, wear push up bras, artificial nails or anything else for that matter to make themselves FEEL more beautiful. IMHO

    Wow...women do all that??? Not me, Fesse...BWAHHAHAHAHAHA
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    no way!
  • mjtbb
    mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
    One of the reasons I want to lose weight is so I can try to get a breast reduction. Mine are too big and now are all going south. Age does that. I hate them. I understand the "no surgery" thing as I have RA and had to replace my hips twice each, my shoulder, had 2 wrist surgerys,they were all necessary for my quality of life. Considering to have something I really didn't need to do seems wrong but on the other hand my boobs bother me a lot. They get in the way, plus they hurt my back, my replaced shoulder have issues with the extra weight and the area under the clavicles is always sore with all the weight. Considering the pros and cons if I can get my insurance to pay I will definitively going to do it. Heck, I have been under many times so I guess one more time shouldn't be that bad.

  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    Yes!! In 3 weeks ill have mine, i aleady have the appointment and everithing. Im so excited!! . Its a breast lift by the way, long time ago i lost sooo much weight and last year i had baby. I seriously need that lift.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    For me, it's not "if", it's "when"!!! I had 2 c-sections (not by choice) and have the deflated balloon belly because of it. Completely nasty stretch marks from bikini line to above the belly button.. it's gross. I alreay have had braces, Lasik eye surgery and a breast reduction at age 19. All of these things were priceless to me and my lifestyle and self esteem!!! I fully plan on getting to my goal and staying there a while and if I still think I could use it, I'll have a tummy tuck. I know it's just for me, not like I need to wear a bikini, nor can I see myself doing that, but if it helps me find clothes that look good on me and feel better about myself naked, I'll do it. Hubby is supportive, but doesn't care if I do it or not, so it might be awhile. If money were no option, I'd do it this summer!!!! Since it is, I'll wait and see, but I do plan on it.

    I support people's choices to have surgery or to decline. It's such a personal choice!!!! If I looked the way I wanted without all these stretch marks and the deflated balloon belly, I wouldn't consider it! But being heavy for the last 20 years has taken it's toll.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    When I reach my weight loss goal, I am planning to have surgery to look like a giraffe.
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    After losing 220 pounds i have decided to meet with a surgeon to remove the excess skin on my arms and upper back as well as have a breast reshape/enhancement. I go back andforth in my head because i know it will hurt and it seems so shallow and the 6 week recovery time is crazy but i look at it like this. I BUSTED MY *kitten* to get here. Hard work and determination. I should be able to wear clothes that show my arms, i miss my full breasts and if you ever saw me in the gym doing weights and pushups its kind of sad to see my extra skin on my arms bunch up. No joke, when i go out without sleeves on (it takes a LOT of courage for me to do that) I have actually had random people come up and ask me how much weight ive lost. THey always point to my arms as "how they just knew" Either way, I want a body that reflects the dedication i put into it. I dont know if i want to get my tummy or legs done. I just would like the chance to have a "normal body". You can't go from 430 to 210 without skin issues. My doctor said i have at least 25 pounds of extra skin on me. I worked hard and frankly i deserve a it.
  • MsMe79
    MsMe79 Posts: 54
    Yes, once I've lost the weight and kept it off for at least 12 months, IF I have extra saggy skin, I have no hesitations to getting rid of it.
  • Willowalker
    Willowalker Posts: 26
    I'm a bit put off by passing judgement on those who consider surgery, as if it is something frivolous. In my early 20's, I had a baby that had chromosomal defects that caused an excessive amount of amniotic fluid. My belly was stretched from here to Kingdom Come. Two days after birth, my baby died and I returned from the hospital to learn that husband abandoned me..

    Throughout my 20's & 30's - I had to deal with that pouch of skin that would NOT go away, despite any amouth of exercise and toning. Every time I looked at my abs, I thought "dead baby", so I opted for a tummy tuck at age 40.

    That said, I did have a problem post surgery and the doctor was less than helpful, and my results were not optimal. My advise is that surgical procedures are not something to be considered on a whim. Give yourself time for skin to retract as much as possible and then, do heavy duty homework checking out plastic surgeons. Just because they are accredited, doesn't mean they are perfect or even scrupulous.. Mine looked great on paper, but upon doing some checking after my problems, he had MANY problems with patients. My doc ended up playing games with me with big talk about free revisions in time, to the point where statute of limitations ran out (2 years.) There was nothing I could do legally. At that point, he refused to see me. Lovely, right?

    On the other hand, in many ways, it was still worth it. If you do not want to live with redundent skin, be sure to discuss all details with your doc, especially what happens if revisions are necessary and what you would be financially responsible for, such as O.R. fees, anesthesia, etc.. Check out the doctor fearlessly, ask for references, pour through their "brag book", go to your courthouse, google the heck out of them. And once you've done all that, trust your gut instincts. If something seems wrong, it probably is.

    However, it is completely reasonable to not want to carry around a mass of skin and tissue, just be sure to make sure you choose the right professional to help you with this phase of your journey.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I had braces starting in 2008 and got them off in January of this year (I am 24). I actually got them because I was having serious jaw problems and waking up in the middle of the night with a locked jaw. Turned out that I was grinding my teeth so much at night that they would lock (I had an overbite) and I had to crack my jaw to open my mouth, which was very painful. After a failed attempt at a bite plate from my dentist, and a trip to the emergency room in panic, I eventually got fed up. The braces fixed my jaw and yes, made my teeth straight in the process but I haven't had any jaw problems since.

    My answer to your question is, no, I would not get surgery for any cosmetic reasons, but I would do it for my health or safety. For example, I would get a breast reduction to reduce back pain but would probably not get implants to improve my looks (easy for me to say - I don't need it!). I wouldn't get liposuction because I am within my own capabilities to lose the weight (I only have 20-25lbs more to lose). I wouldn't get a nose job to look nicer, but I would if my breathing was suffering.

    So basically, I wouldn't personally get cosmetic surgery but I would have surgery that I would benefit from, if it were necessary. That doesn't mean I don't approve of it; I think everyone should do what makes them comfortable and happy, as long as it is safe and within reason.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    If money were no object? HELL yeah, I would. Platypuses (platypi?) are natural creatures, but I sure as hell wouldn't wanna look like one if a little surgery would fix it.

    I had laser surgery years ago and it's the best money I ever spent. To be able to see without glasses was a gift that just keeps on giving.

    I got both my sons braces and they are effin handsome as hell when they smile and their speech is much better as well.

    In a nutshell? If it's broke and you can fix it, what's stopping you?
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    Yes, I would have surgery! If I could afford it, I'd do it sooner rather than later. I had to have steroids when I was pregnant with my son to aid in his lung development. The steroids made me puff out and gain over 75lbs. Thus, I have a lot of excess skin that hangs from my body, along with stretch marks. So, YES, if I could afford it, I DEFINITELY would have it tucked and my girls lifted & gifted. I don't think it's a vain thing to wanna look good naked.

    PS...I also had braces for 3 years when I was a teenager and plan to do the same for my son.:wink:
  • SayLiLIG
    SayLiLIG Posts: 197 Member
    Seeing as I've been big my whole life Im sure im going to need some type of surgery for excess skin. Yes, I'm young but if i maintain for a year, and my skin doesnt shrink..i would surely have surgery because im really not into getting skin infections.

    Thats my choice though. The whole point of me losing weight was to feel better about myself. I wont feel good if I have extra skin everywhere.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    If I can afford it and end up needing it - YES! Its one of my biggest fears that Ill do all this hard work and end up with saggy skin. I want to finally feel good in my skin! Ive had 3 kids and carried 140+ pounds of extra weight for a long time!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    if i busted my *kitten* to reach my goal weight and maintained it for a year or two but still had loose skin flapping all over the place, i would consider getting it handled. that's fair game in my opinion - you put in the work and just need a little boost. i'm also going to have my big honkin' varicose veins zapped at some point - probably when i get a job. they don't hurt, but i can play with them. it's rather disturbing.

    as for 'age' remedies like face-lifts and botox, that's a no-go for me!