What does your username mean?



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    The Rain is cause I live in WA state an it rains so much.

    But only on the West side.
  • Mando55
    Mando55 Posts: 140
    Mando is short for Armando and 55 was my number in all sports I played in high school and in the Navy.
  • remaho80
    remaho80 Posts: 126 Member
    Boring here! Mine is the first two letters of my first, middle, and last names and the year I was born.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Ellie was a nickname that stuck and I have used for years. First initial is 'L' middle initial is 'E' and someone heard them together and 'LE' became "Ellie' and Colorado because I am a Colorado girl.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I am half mexican, half Filipino :smile:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    that I'm married :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
  • monkeydoodle
    monkeydoodle Posts: 44 Member
    MONKEYDOODLE:laugh: When my baby girl was born, she wiggled so much and later climbed so much that it became her nickname. She is 7 and I sometimes call her "doodle" for short.
  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    nomoreplus_sizes because I'm aiming to get out of the plus size section!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    My last name starts with W, and I live in the Denver area, area code 303
  • HilarieXcore
    HilarieXcore Posts: 214 Member
    Hilarie = The way I wiish my first name was spelled.
    Xcore = because I'm so hardcore ;)

    Well, I wanted to be all hxc and emo in high school (I listened to Hawthorne Heights, but I didn't cut my wrists then :P) when I came up with it lol.
    On MySpace (yes, that thing before Facebook), I was in a group thing called Emo4Life so I became hXc Hilarie.
    I made a second MySpace (because that was the cool thing to do) and since hxchilarie was already taken as my URL, I had to switch it up. Thus, HilarieXcore was born :)
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Fluffy = an fun alternate of the word fat
    Corky =my nickname from my family
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    :love: ... that I love my wife. :love:

    But allow me to explain. We both signed up for "Words With Friends" on our iPhones. I put "franlover" and she put "scottlover". Well, when I Downloaded the MFP app on my phone, something copied something and I had it as my MFP name too. She likes it... obviously.
  • Ladysliverkin
    Ladysliverkin Posts: 3 Member
    It means black Sheep
    forgot what langauge though... Just felt like I was when I was growing up...felt like I was loner. Considering my brothers were so much outgoing hand seem like they had bunch friends and were so involved in everything.
  • mummakitty
    mummakitty Posts: 24 Member
    My husband says I have a lot of cat like qualities..& calls me Kitty.. :blushing: the kids picked that up & say I "Mumma "all their friends as well .. so MummaKitty is a name I have used for yrs for a lot of online things esp when you need a long one & don't feel like using numbers! :happy:
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    sweet = cause I am
    Bri = thats what I go by (name is Briana)
    07 = month both my kids were born.

    My oldest child, my husband, and I are July babies too :)
  • Iamgiam
    Iamgiam Posts: 38
    My name is Gary hence the G and iamg was taken so added the iam on the end.
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    when i post stuff u cant read the who thing it says happybunnysbabe57 i got it because i couldnt think of anything else. i love happy bunny he is bunny that nsults u lol. he says stuff like ur ugly and thats sad. he also has a shirt that says kiss this and he points at his tush that has red lips on it. they sell him at hot topic and sometimes walmart. then i added babe like i was his babe lol. and the 5 is a common number i pick and 7 is my lucky number. its weird but it stuck.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I was trying to think of a username on AOL when I was about 14, or 15 and all the ones I wanted, one after another, were taken! I kept trying and trying and trying and I finally gave up and typed WHATEVERDAMNIT and tah-dahhh.. it's now my username for life. haha

    Similar back story! Husband worked for AOL about 14 years ago and had to have a professional AOL username. They suggested combo of first & last name. He mixed in his middle name and came up with Kajehart. So I did the same and did AshDHart. Username for life - since we use those everywhere we bought the domains! :bigsmile:
  • ordinarywmn
    ordinarywmn Posts: 10
    my user name is actually an oxymoron to me because I believe there is no such thing as am "Ordinary Woman" and I wanted to make it my own and original when people looked me up so "Ordinarywmn" I love it!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    A friend nic-named me that when I was rebuilding an engine with him. When we fired it up I Laughed "It's Alive!!". Just kinda stuck, and I'm glad, it makes me laugh!