Would you have surgery?



  • i wouldnt want a tummy tuck. but their good for people who need em..

    as for me. i had to get rid of my tonsils. and my wisdom teethes...

    their consider as surgery so i was told.

    but surgery arent all that bad. but it depends on what you use em as...
    also what if a prego woman cant give birth the natural way??? cause its to small or something goes wrong. so they have a c-section.

    In my opinion i dont approve of surgery. but i also dont disapprove due to certain standards.

    thats just my opinion.

    even people who have really bad teethes need surgery... if they dont. it could get worst. that they end up having to get a surgery anyways when they could of gotten taken care of.

    BUUUUUT!! if i still have extended amount of skin... i would want to get rid of it after a while... cause i dont want them and their not making me look pretty
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    I think it's okay if it makes you as a person feel better. You worked so hard to lose the weight and if you're like me and have to lose over 100lbs, and having saggy skin isn't the best feeling. I would consider a body lift myself. Of course I would check into it first!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    If my boobs don't shrink when I'm done losing weight, I'd want a reduction. They hurt my back now quite a bit.
  • leamatthew
    leamatthew Posts: 162
    i'll more than likely need everything lifted being extreemly overweight but im ok with that, i got me here in the first place!!

    Ive already accepted the fact that my body will look almost melted! so if i do need to have a tummy tuck, arm and thigh lift and my boobs put back in place then hell yeh!
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    If I can lose all the weight I need to, then yes I will. I only say this because I have had 3 big babies and 3 c-sections so that in addition to gaining 100 pounds in 11 years, there is no way my belly is going to get flat enough on it's own.

    *Edited to add* - Oh yeah and I would love to have my boobs put back where they belong.....

    And just so you know, if you have decent medical insurance, most will cover the cost of the surgery as it usually is considered medically necessary.
  • monkeydoodle
    monkeydoodle Posts: 44 Member
    i'll more than likely need everything lifted being extreemly overweight but im ok with that, i got me here in the first place!!

    Ive already accepted the fact that my body will look almost melted! so if i do need to have a tummy tuck, arm and thigh lift and my boobs put back in place then hell yeh!
    I am right with you on this one Lea! I started at 345 and my goal is 175. I have an aweful "apron" from 2 c-sections. The last one kept getting infected and I developed a hemotoma about the size of a grapefruit that took forever to go away. I have a huge area at the bottom of my stomach that feels dead from where the hemotoma was. I guess it caused nerve damage. I also nursed and my middle child preferred a specific one in the middle of the night and let's just say it no longer matches it's mate!:wink: I would definitely get the tummy, arms, and breast done if I ever reach goal. I totally deserve to be able to look in the mirror and be proud of all the hard work that I have done. I have a family member who had the gastric bypass and she says she hates the way she looks now. She went from 430 to 180 and has skin like the saggy, baggy elephant. :brokenheart: If I lose this weight, I finally want to be proud of my body and if it takes surgery to do that......LET"S GO!:happy:
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    I am right with you on this one Lea! I started at 345 and my goal is 175. I have an aweful "apron" from 2 c-sections. The last one kept getting infected and I developed a hemotoma about the size of a grapefruit that took forever to go away. I have a huge area at the bottom of my stomach that feels dead from where the hemotoma was. I guess it caused nerve damage. I also nursed and my middle child preferred a specific one in the middle of the night and let's just say it no longer matches it's mate!:wink: I would definitely get the tummy, arms, and breast done if I ever reach goal. I totally deserve to be able to look in the mirror and be proud of all the hard work that I have done. I have a family member who had the gastric bypass and she says she hates the way she looks now. She went from 430 to 180 and has skin like the saggy, baggy elephant. :brokenheart: If I lose this weight, I finally want to be proud of my body and if it takes surgery to do that......LET"S GO!:happy:

    The "dead" feeling is normal, even without having an infection/hematoma. I've had 3 c-sections and there's a big part of my belly that feels like that.

    On June 14th I have to have a hysterectomy and he's not sure if he'll have to cut or if he can do it with the laproscope. He's pretty sure because of the c-sections that the amount of scar tissue I have is really bad and he said he's 99% sure my uterus is actually attached to my abdomen wall by scar tissue....anyway, if he has to cut it will be like a c-section which is going to mean more "dead" feeling. I asked him if he could give me a "mini tuck" but he said no :(
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    It depends if my skin will ever bounce back. I used to be a purist as well, but if I can't get rid of the loose skin by putting on some muscle weight after I get to goal, then I might consider surgery.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I'm not really one for cosmetic surgery, but I have lost a cup size so far and I have decided that if I lose anything more than that I am going to get implants once I get to a weight that I am happy with.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    i've had a lot of surgeries as a very accident prone person, so i dont think i would. unless i had lost like 500lbs and had an insane amount of excess skin. i just dont think it's worth the risk.
    ex: look at kanye west's mom. She was a woman who appeared to be healthy and died bc of unnecessary plastic surgery. it's just not worth the risk.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Yep. Already had a couple.

    Had Lasik done a loong time ago. Best $$ ever spent! Oh the joy of waking up in the middle of the night and actually being able to see the clock!!

    Oh and had my gall bladder removed last year! :tongue:

    I want lasik! but im terrified lol.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I've always said I'd embrace my flappy skin and saggy boobs after this weight loss I'm not so sure the more I see the skin get looser the more I rethink it. I'm normally not for cosmetic surgery and think people usually look better before but if I was to do it wouldn't be to improve upon something already good...it would be to improve upon something undesirable and possibly bad for my health. I'm obese and I just can't fathom what my skin will look like once I'm down to my goal weight/fitness level. If it's not bad then I'd probably deal with it but if it's out of control I just may consider.
  • When i am at my goal weight and maintain it for a year.

    I want a

    Boob job
    Tummy tuck,
    Possibly a eyelid lift.
    Scar remover

    ....also plan on lazer hair removal.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Totally. My grandmother had to have an eye lift just to be able to keep her eyes open in her later years, so I've considered it just a matter of time for a while. I've had time to get used to the idea, and it doesn't bother me. If money weren't an object at all, I'd have several more tattoos, no need for contacts, no leg/bikini/underarm hair, only the good looking facial hair, and I wouldn't be working at a job where I feel lucky to only eat 2000 calories a day. I imagine I'd be much thinner, and if need be, have had at least a tummy tuck (cause, wow, does preeclampsia make you gain weight. A lot. Fast.)
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    I would and I am in August (corrective lift and breast implants), I've weighed the risks...considered for years and am still shopping for a surgeon. Its worth it to me and I'm so excited and pleased this is happening as its my reward for my weightloss.

    I don't think its strange that people want to improve their looks at all, I guess its just varying degrees of how far one person will go as opposed to another. Some people spend hours every day in the gym to look how they want to or cover themselves in tattoos, may not be as invasive as plastic surgery but I consider them similar.What I don't get is a preachy no should be having elective surgery attitude, why on earth would any adult be telling another adult whats acceptable in terms of what they do to their own appearance/ body?
  • Hopie17
    Hopie17 Posts: 53
    usually when i lose weight my boobs go from a c cup to an a or b cup. so new big dd boobs would be a nice addition to my new skinny body
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have a terrible post baby tummy and having spent 6 years pregnant and breastfeeding "the girls" aren't as they should be either, but I would still never get non-essential surgery.

    When I had a general anaesthetic last time I woke up before I had been given pain relief. I actually woke up to the sound of my own screaming, then the anaesthetist ran in saying I wasn't supposed to have woken up yet. I had severe asthma for months after from the GA, I couldn't get out of bed without my inhaler. Then there's the whole freaky lack of time passing as if you are dead thing while you are under. I have never been so scared in my life. I cannot understand why anyone would put themselves through that voluntarily. If I could press a button and have my body made perfect I would, but it isn't worth the price of having surgery to me. I can't imagine caring that much about how I look!
  • mjemerson
    mjemerson Posts: 141
    Yes I absolutely would have a tummy tuck. I have been for a consult already. Hubby and I just have to decide if we are done having kids.
    Also mine wouldn't be for a non-essential reason. I actually have some medical factors that have gone into why I need one to the point where my insurance would cover it. I guess it depends on how bad your stomach is, tummy tucks aren't always just a vain person wanting to look pretty.
  • ggggg2
    ggggg2 Posts: 2
    Absolutely not ! The best way to lose weight (unless morbidly obese) is to follow a wise diet plan. I just finished reading "The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Dr. Richard F.Heller. A great book - Only have 15 pounds to lose and have already lost 6 of those pounds. Goal weight is 129.

    This book has a good recipe for soy muffins. Better than white bread for breakfast, and actually, delicious. Instead of muffins (they take time to bake), I'll switch to 1/2 slice of thin PEPPERIDGE FARM whole wheat bread, toasted with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter. Delicious. plus a bunch of protein, like 2 poached eggs. Of course, coffee! Keeping my carb count down for Breakfast and Lunch (maximum of 5 carbs per meal) and, then, at Dinner having a regular meal of protein,veggies, potato (small) with butter and sometimes a Dessert has made all the difference in the world! Too many carbs produce too much insulin which promotes fat cell growth!
  • I think that surgery is an okay thing. I'm not saying I'd do it myself (though I would be lying if I said I wouldn't consider a breast lift if I had kids and my chest took a hit for the greater good lol), but it is a thin line to walk. I am fully supportive of all the guys and gals who have done all the hard yards, lost all their weight and feel that they need that last bit of a nip and tuck to help give them achieve the image that they'd like to see.

    I just don't like seeing extreme changes....things like overdone lip plumping, eye reshaping...that stuff scares the hell out of me.

    I don't mind breast enhancing (by a 'normal' amount), though I feel that it's become so available and common day it's getting to an unhealthy standard (there are so many teenagers considering going under the knife it's just freaking wrong) and reduction is fine also, though it can also be a bad thing - if you're not cafeful, a doctor can end up taking the fullness out of the chest, but not reduce the circumference. It's harder for you to find a right fitting bra and look good in your clothing (which is probably why you got the surgery in the first place) if you're still the width of an F cup, but the fullness of a DD, if you get what I mean.
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