

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    edited July 2015
    Welcome back @FluffySandwich !!

    I'd go to an urgent care or the doctor right away if for nothing else just to get drops to relieve the constant feeling of something being in your eye when there's not- it's just the scratch! Plus you want to make sure there's no infection or permanent damage. I've scratched my eye by getting something in it and rubbing it a few different times so I speak from experience :(

    So happy to see you back and I hope your eye feels better soon! Now just to get @MoHousdon back!!

    ETA- my first post completely cut off my whole post! So had to rewrite the whole thing...from my iPhone :(
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited July 2015
    @bkhamill and @Just_Ceci Amazing transformations!

    @quiksylver296 Awesome on the deadlifts and it's great to have that support. And I have just shared that photo with Sgt. SP (Will update on what he thinks of it). :laugh:

    @Susieq_1994 It's good to see you overcoming anxiety a bit and focusing on your goals! Keep up the good work!

    @Italian_Buju I'm sorry. No one should have a mother who is horribly manipulative like that.
    As for the health issues, I read all of it and I have to agree with some other posters on here(can't remember who :persevere:). Buy some tupperware/ziplock baggies and try to pick a day where you can prep your food out for the week. It's what I do. Makes things a little easier when you wake up late(the snooze button is my worst enemy) and have to sqeeze in the workout and grab your lunch as you race out the door for work.

    Weighing out and portioning food has been essential for me. Every little thing you can do will help. You've survived your mother, you can definitely do this. :smiley:

    ETA: Typing...I'm not so good with it.... :angry:
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    @ythannah Wowza!! Your SO was right! Nice muscles!

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Yes! Very impressive!

    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I agree!
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Nice!! Super great definition!
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Nice!! You are all muscle!!
    Awesome job! You're totally rocking your recomp.
    This. Awesomeness

    Thanks so much, guys. That display of muscle is half down to lighting and half down to the fact that I was working as the pic was taken. Remember Pancake's trick with the bathroom lighting? Lol. But... not too shabby for a 51 yr old, I gotta admit.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    HI ALL! I am back from my vacation in the Dominican Republic! It was pretty awesome, though sadly the beach (which got awesome reviews on TripAdvisor) was FULL of seaweed. The water was murky, too... I went to the Bahamas thrice when I was younger and always loved the clear Caribbean water, but this water sucked! The sand was nice and soft, though... and it was nice to just lay out and read (I thought 1,400 pages would be enough... boy was I wrong).

    The room was a lot better than I was expecting, because (opposite of the beach) there were a lot of complaints. I was very much happy with it... and the buffet was pretty decent. I'm going to miss eating all the mango and passion fruit I can. It was the first time I had passion fruit and to me it's pretty much like sour candy. Yum. And the banana smoothies and fresh donuts (made right in front of you) in the morning.

    I got burned and it didn't feel great. For the first time ever I have freckles on my shoulders... I feel like my body didn't know what to do with the sudden influx of sun, and really I didn't get that much of a tan despite spending a lot of time every day in the great outdoors.

    SOMETHING THAT HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME: I got sand in my eye yesterday, last day to really enjoy the beach. I kept rubbing my eye and washing it out with water but I still feel like something is in my eye. It kept waking me up last night and now it's just freaking me out. My boyfriend says it's probably due to irritation or just my own mind playing tricks on me... but I do feel like it's in there and it's driving me mad. I just tried to submerge my eye in the sink to rinse it out but I only succeeded in making my eye burn. I've rubbed it raw (bad idea) and now it's pretty dry. I do think I can see a hairline scratch, so maybe I rubbed san into my eye enough to scratch it? Does anyone have experience with scratched eyeballs? I'm terrified to go to the doctor because I hate people going anywhere near my eye :(

    Despite that (and my dumb flip-flops breaking two days ago), I really enjoyed Punta Cana :tongue: It does feel pretty good to be home, though. I've been wanting to see Inside Out.

    If nobody has answered you yet - I scratched my eyeball with a splinter of wood doing firewood. They gave me eye drops (which I hate) but it soothed the irritation. It healed fairly quickly if I am remembering correctly as it was 25 years ago or so.

    If it is scratched, the scratch may come back years down the road. About 5 years ago I thought I had something in my eye and my optometrist said the scratch had come back. Not as bad as before but back on eye drops I went for about a week.

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @orangesmartie have a safe trip to Glasgow and know we will all be cheering you as you climb!

    Sorry about the boyfriend stuff. Hope that you guys work it out.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    @FluffySandwich yes, it's possible to scratch your cornea... my mum did so while on a vacation in Spain and was treated there, with drops. Stop rubbing and see a specialist.

    Glad the vacation was good and happy to have you back!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    @ythannah Wowza!! Your SO was right! Nice muscles!

    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Yes! Very impressive!

    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I agree!
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Nice!! Super great definition!
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Nice!! You are all muscle!!
    Awesome job! You're totally rocking your recomp.
    This. Awesomeness

    Thanks so much, guys. That display of muscle is half down to lighting and half down to the fact that I was working as the pic was taken. Remember Pancake's trick with the bathroom lighting? Lol. But... not too shabby for a 51 yr old, I gotta admit.

    That's not too shabby for ANYONE! WOW!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    edited July 2015
    @pofoster21 to answer your question from Susie's diary - I have both my Fitbit and mfp set to sedentary and I start getting more calories around 2,500 steps or so. On Wednesday the Fitbit gave me 1,295 extra calories. I usually don't eat all of them back to increase my deficit.

    If you have the active settings on both the same you should get extra after a certain point. Probably not as low as mine though since you are more active.

    The increasing my deficit part is because although I can lose a lb a week at my weight I don't like the little tiny calories it gives me. So I set it to 0.5 lbs so I'm almost never in the red, which I find disheartening, and try to eat under and use my Fitbit to move more and increase my deficit.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    And also @pofoster21 have a good trip!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Call me crazy, but I get so confused when I have a qualified doctor telling me to do a low carb diet instead of CICO because some bodies react to carbs differently to others and this might work better for me, and then this kind of thread appears

    and I start to question everything. But then I think, well, these are random people on the internet, no qualifications, possibly trolls just wanting to confuse the situation, but they are all saying the same thing so it can't be UNtrue. But do I then question the validity of my doctor? Low-carb is a way of life for people with certain conditions so it's not unhealthy but it just frustrates and confuses me when a group of people are so adamant that their way is right and everything else is wrong (this can be applied to sooooo many other things in life). This is almost playground bullying, their way is right an no-one should say anything or even suggest something different.
    I get to a point where I feel so helpless, CICO hasn't worked for me and funnily enough it isn't working for my mum and my nan struggles with her weight as well, so it could be a genetic thing that carbs just don't sit well (or maybe too well?!) with our bodies and limiting it is the solution.
    Either way, I'm going ahead with the low-carb plan and my mum said she is going to do it as well, and if we lose weight where before we couldn't, then I think this should be something that is taken into consideration for obese and overweight people.

    Sorry rant/moan/verbal diarrhea over.

    It is confusing. I had a medical professional tell me to avoid watermelon because it is high GI. I did ignore that one, since I don't have any insulation resistance issues so low GI is not an absolute must for me.

    But it won't do you any harm to try low carv for a while so long as you get the necessary nutrients and see what results you get, so why not try it? I really hope you have some success.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    There was a McNugget shaped hole in my life, and I sure filled it last night. Probably overfilled it in fact. Mmmmmm terrible, terrible McNuggets. I regret nothing.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    Welcome back, @FluffySandwich ! Glad you had a nice trip. Sorry about your eye! :(
    Good luck, @orangesmartie!! Can't wait for the pictures/videos!! Sorry about the boyfriend stuff. I'm sure you guys can work it out!
    @ythannah, great pics! :)
    I hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend! Safe travels! :)

    ETA: @Glinda1971, the thought of getting a splinter of wood in my eye, makes me cringe!! Yikes!!!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @FluffySandwich Welcome back! I'd say you should definitely get to a doctor. It happened to my husband once when he was younger, and he had to put CREAM into his eye. Yes, cream. Ouch. Don't mess around with your eyes, they're the only ones you have and all that... ;)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I'm happy to report that I met ALL of my goals yesterday, which is awesome. Including my calorie goal, although I was stuffed after that. :o

    I'm feeling much less "oomph" today and rather devoid of energy, so today's baby step goals will be:
    - Get out of bed (Yes, I'm still in bed.)
    - Prepare the food that I pre-logged into my diary today in time for iftar
    - Stick to my calorie goal as closely as possible (Not too little, not too much).
    - Drink plenty of water
    - Do at least 20-30 minutes on my stationary bike.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!

    Thanks! I should post a picture where you an see his eyes. They are BEAUTIFUL! Big and super dark brown. Definitely what he get compliments on the most. When he was younger, strangers always thought he was a girl (no matter how he was dressed) and their excuse after I would correct them was always, "but those eyes are so beautiful" if boys can't have beautiful eyes???

    Awww! He does have beautiful eyes! What a cutie <3
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I failed at the grocery store...I'm way over goal already and haven't had dinner yet. Oh well, whatever.
    But anyway, after I ordered our half pound of cheese at the deli, my son politely asked the woman working, "Can I get 3 pounds of kittens, please"??? OMG, everyone in line busted out laughing, including me! Where does he come up with this stuff?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! This is AWESOME. He's hilarious!

    Thanks! :) And seriously I know that kids are funny...but I could never imagine that a 3 year old could be as sarcastic, creative, and hilarious as he is! Cracks me up all day, every day. He's my best little bud! I'm dreading this fall when he starts pre school...I'll be lost without my sidekick!
    Edited because HE'S starting pre school, not ME. Where's the coffee?

    And he looks super cute too!

    Thanks! I should post a picture where you an see his eyes. They are BEAUTIFUL! Big and super dark brown. Definitely what he get compliments on the most. When he was younger, strangers always thought he was a girl (no matter how he was dressed) and their excuse after I would correct them was always, "but those eyes are so beautiful" if boys can't have beautiful eyes???

    Awww! He does have beautiful eyes! What a cutie <3

    He sure does! He reminds me of my little brother when he was a toddler. Enormous, chocolate brown eyes with the longest lashes you've ever seen! I wonder if I can find a picture... *going to look*


    ... Not the best or most cheerful picture in the world, but it's all I could find in my computer. ;)
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    So I pretty much only check the forums when working :) I took me all week to get caught up from last weekend! I was a little busier than usual doing my job and all this week. That said, I am so mad that I have to work today so I have absolutely no intention of doing any actual work today. I have a couple of long walks around the building planned, chit chatting with anyone I can find and, you know, this thread. They really should have let me have the day off...

    I am 100% positive I will forget to comment on something that I wanted to say but here goes:

    @FluffySandwich Welcome back!!! Vacation sounded wonderful. Please take care of that eye. I probably would let it be for a couple of days and if it's not feeling any better by Monday, see a doctor. But do not touch it at all!

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine. All I can say is hugs for what you went through and applause for the amazing person you became despite.

    To all the brave women that shared their stories of sexual abuse, hugs as well and admiration for your strength.

    @ythannah Wow!! Impressive for any age. For realz!

    @FroggyBug Happy Birthday!!!

    @spamarie Chicken nuggets are seriously the only thing I would eat from McDonalds and your update made me laugh

    @orangesmartie Sorry about the boyfriend trouble but you are going to rock that mountain!

    @Susieq_1994 Yay for hitting all your goals yesterday!!! I can always tell when you're feeling low I and love it when you are feeling good!

    I am probably going to be posting a lot today...
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Confession: I read MFP's newest blog post about hacks for healthier ice cream sandwiches, and I think my brain imploded and my IQ went down by at least 10 points...

    Is it just me, or have the blogs been getting more and more like those idiotic articles in "fitness" magazines ever since UnderArmor purchased MFP? O.o
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice regarding my dumb eyeball. I woke up today with it feeling a bit better and I'm hoping it continues to improve. Thinking I might look into getting one of those eye cup cleaner things and drops.

    I find it weird that being on vacation has reset my sleeping schedule into something much better than it was before. I woke up at 8 AM today, not tired. That was pretty much unheard of before.

    Now that the beachy vacation is out of the way, my boyfriend and I are thinking about saving up to go to Japan for a long while. Honestly, I've been wanting to go there since I was very, very young.... so that sounds incredibly amazing to me. Japanese food is just the best (sushi... fresh ramen... yum).
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice regarding my dumb eyeball. I woke up today with it feeling a bit better and I'm hoping it continues to improve. Thinking I might look into getting one of those eye cup cleaner things and drops.

    I find it weird that being on vacation has reset my sleeping schedule into something much better than it was before. I woke up at 8 AM today, not tired. That was pretty much unheard of before.

    Now that the beachy vacation is out of the way, my boyfriend and I are thinking about saving up to go to Japan for a long while. Honestly, I've been wanting to go there since I was very, very young.... so that sounds incredibly amazing to me. Japanese food is just the best (sushi... fresh ramen... yum).

    While I haven't been to Japan, I went to South Korea and it was AWESOME. I loved it!