Why do SKINNY ppl think there FAT??

esmestarz Posts: 30
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
hi, guys well why do skinny ppl think there fat is this something we should laugh about or considered it is a problem in the future? my cusins daughter is only 6 shes sooo tiny...she crys when they tell her she needs to eat her mom is about 370 pounds....she says she dosent want to be FAT ....WHAT DO GUYS THINK ?


  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't know. My son is tall and skinny (he's 24) and thinks he's fat. Give me a break!! Just because I'm fat doesn't mean he gets to think he's fat too. :angry:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Everyone has body issues, especially women. Doesn't matter what size they are, sadly.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    hi, guys well why do skinny ppl think there fat is this something we should laugh about or considered it is a problem in the future? my cusins daughter is only 6 shes sooo tiny...she crys when they tell her she needs to eat her mom is about 370 pounds....she says she dosent want to be FAT ....WHAT DO GUYS THINK ?

    It's sad that a 6 year old is so scared to gain weight ....at that age. A lot of children are affected by having "fat moms" because they get teased or they see the torment etc. A woman on BL this year said her daughter nearly died because she dehydrated herself so badly because she was afraid to gain weight and get fat like her mom. This is sad. It's a real eye opener to the parents. They need to be the role model for the child before it's too late.
  • ZannahDia
    ZannahDia Posts: 65
    I don't know either. My best friend thinks she is fat when she isn't AT ALL! I am a lot bigger than she is! So when she is constantly saying how fat she is, what am I supposed to think? If she thinks she is so fat? What does she think I am?
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Everybody has body issues. And categorically no, it's not something that we should be laughing about.
  • I think sometimes people have a habit of not expressing themselves well enough. It's a lot easier to say "I'm fat!" rather than express to a person that this isn't where you want to be. I got into a habit of saying "I'm fat," instead of telling my friends "I know I'm not fat, but I think I'd feel better about myself if i lost a few pounds."

    Also, although I never realized it, media does affect the way a person feels about themselves. I always said I wasn't trying to fit those standards, but in the back of my mind I was always thinking "You don't see fat Victoria Secret models." There's pressure to be what you see as socially acceptable weights, and I think everyone needs to remember we're all different with varying body types and sizes. We can't all look the same... that would be boring!
  • DiamondRubyMom
    DiamondRubyMom Posts: 147 Member
    If your cousin is 370 pounds, her daughter might have a fear of becoming that heavy someday. I don't think we should try to deny or belittle that fear. At 6 years, she is old enough to understand some basics of food pyramid ideas and encouraging basic exercise like playing outside. In basic terms explain to her that food is good to help her grow and learn but that excessive eating can cause problems. Too often we as mothers pass on our problems with food to our daughters. Whether those problems are physical or mental.
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141

    It's sad that a 6 year old is so scared to gain weight ....at that age. A lot of children are affected by having "fat moms" because they get teased or they see the torment etc. A woman on BL this year said her daughter nearly died because she dehydrated herself so badly because she was afraid to gain weight and get fat like her mom. This is sad. It's a real eye opener to the parents. They need to be the role model for the child before it's too late.

    I agree with all of the above. Parents must try their best to lead by example. I realize some people have health issues or medications cause weight gain, but at least consume healthy foods and express love in the home by encouragement to stay involved in sports or playing outside. =)
  • Phanessa917
    Phanessa917 Posts: 100 Member
    People tell me i'm crazy becasue I think i'm "fat". I tell them, I don't think i'm fat, I just don't look the way "I" want to. I have "problem" areas (who doesn't?). Anyway, I "appear skinny" but when i tell people how much I weigh, they're surprised. That's usually how I get them to shut up about it. In the past 10 years I've been asked if I was "expecting" which hurt my feelings at first but i got use to it and just tell people "i'm not pregnant, I'm just FAT" so yes, some people who others may think are skinny, can have problems with thier weight.

    Your cousin is so young... and probably looks at mom and is afraid she might be 370 pounds as an adult?
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Yes, I think it is something to worry about. It can quite easily develop into a lifelong disorder! Body Dismorphic Disorder. It can be weight, it can be the features of the face... it can be anything really but basically it's when you look in the mirror and see things that aren't really there. As a young child you don't understand the complexities of diet, lifestyle and exercise so maybe someone should take the time and explain that to her. It's so sad. :frown:
  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
    hi, guys well why do skinny ppl think there fat is this something we should laugh about or considered it is a problem in the future? my cusins daughter is only 6 shes sooo tiny...she crys when they tell her she needs to eat her mom is about 370 pounds....she says she dosent want to be FAT ....WHAT DO GUYS THINK ?

    It's sad that a 6 year old is so scared to gain weight ....at that age. A lot of children are affected by having "fat moms" because they get teased or they see the torment etc. A woman on BL this year said her daughter nearly died because she dehydrated herself so badly because she was afraid to gain weight and get fat like her mom. This is sad. It's a real eye opener to the parents. They need to be the role model for the child before it's too late.

    I completely agree. We know that as a society we are having issues when our kids are starving themselves because they don't want to look like their fat moms. This was my eye opener. I need to do this for my daughter because unlike these girls, my 5 year old is telling me that she wants a belly like mine. I don't want her to have to go through everything that I have.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Self body image is a bizarre thing. I've ALWAYS thought I was fat. Even when I was fit as anything, exercising 4 times a week and a steady 140 pounds. Now I look back and think 'was I mad?!' I'd LOVE that body again...
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My husband didnt fall in love with me cause of my weight. I didn't even meet my husband until 2 weeks after we got engaged if you can believe that. So my weight is of little to no concern to my husband.

    Some women, I think, just want to hear other people tell them they are SO skinny. Its not really about the weight they just want the attention drawn to their size. Other women don't completely think things through. Or think that not eating will keep them healthy. I wish we had more role models that promoted eating healthy as opposed to being a size -6. And not only being healthy but being ok with living how your body is shaped.

    I'm a tall slender woman. I will never have the curves other women have. I know that. I also know that if I want to "not get fat" I need to eat healthy and work out. It all boils down to what other people think. We need to be happy in our own skin and know how WE FEEL ABOUT OURSELVES. Not how other people feel about us.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I read a study a while ago that said that many children of overweight people underestimate how overweight they and their parents are.

    Have you seen these friends in a revealing bathing suit to actually justify that they are not fat? For example, I still have a stomach that I can't get rid of, but my shirt hides it quite well, so I "look" skinny.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I don't know either. My best friend thinks she is fat when she isn't AT ALL! I am a lot bigger than she is! So when she is constantly saying how fat she is, what am I supposed to think? If she thinks she is so fat? What does she think I am?

    You can't help what you see in the mirror. I am neither skinny nor fat, but I still see fat sometimes when I look in the mirror. It is getting better, but not every day is a good self-image day for me. As for what she thinks of you, I know that I see women who are technically bigger (heavier or a bigger size) than I am and I think they are smaller than me or that they look great. I have felt this way about women who are the same size as me as well. It has nothing to do with you. If someone has body issues, it's all about how that person feels about her/himself.
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
    In that particular case I think your cousin needs to be more careful about what she says around her daughter. Six is very young to have actual body image issues yet, and its more likely that she is picking up on comments her mom makes. It could cause issues for her in the future, no matter how thin she is..
  • We should never laugh about such things. The suggestion that we should just laugh off serious issues like that rather makes me sick. I am in a healthy weight range for my height, and I have body image issues. When I was a kid my parents fed me crap. I was overweight as a child and then I had an eating disorder through most of my teenage years to cope with it. I almost starved to death when I was 15. Being overweight at that time wasn't my fault- my parents put food on my plate, so I ate it. If I didn't finish my dad would reprimand me for wasting food. I suffer from digestion problems now from eating so much fast food, processed food and low quality meat, and I can no longer eat meat at all. I probably never will be able to without taking medication. I think it's really a wakeup call for parents to eat right, feed your kids a balanced diet, and be a good role model!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I don't know either. My best friend thinks she is fat when she isn't AT ALL! I am a lot bigger than she is! So when she is constantly saying how fat she is, what am I supposed to think? If she thinks she is so fat? What does she think I am?

    I always wondered the same thing. But take a look at ANY magazine about stars. They will post some starlet's *kitten* on the cover of their magazine if she has TWO OUNCES of cellulite showing somewhere and call her FAT. Not only is it harmful to that famous chick, it's harmful to every single person (especially women) who see that. Because we look at that skinny *kitten* with a tiny bit of cellulite and think "OMG - I'm 50x worse than that! I'm a disgusting pig!" This world-wide (especially USA) obsession with "THIN" is disgusting! How about focusing on HEALTHY??
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    because everyone knows what their body has looked like, looks like now, and how they want it to be.. when people look at me they don't see the inch of blubber hiding my muscles, or the giggle on my legs when i walk, but i do.. so i fee like i am fat..
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    hi, guys well why do skinny ppl think there fat is this something we should laugh about or considered it is a problem in the future? my cusins daughter is only 6 shes sooo tiny...she crys when they tell her she needs to eat her mom is about 370 pounds....she says she dosent want to be FAT ....WHAT DO GUYS THINK ?

    It's sad that a 6 year old is so scared to gain weight ....at that age. A lot of children are affected by having "fat moms" because they get teased or they see the torment etc. A woman on BL this year said her daughter nearly died because she dehydrated herself so badly because she was afraid to gain weight and get fat like her mom. This is sad. It's a real eye opener to the parents. They need to be the role model for the child before it's too late.

    I read in my Early Childhood Education books last quarter that children are more likely to be overweight if they have a overweight mother themselves. It really motivated me to lose the weight before my daughter can really remember that I was this big because I never want her to go threw this.
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