So I am getting married in three weeks and really need some advice. I'm not actually overweight but would like to lose a few pounds for the wedding. So I calculated some stuff today and figured out that my TDEE is only 1400. I'm 5'1 btw and 31 year old female. How the heck am I supposed too lose weight somewhat healthily with a TDEE that darn low.


  • TaiMcEwan
    TaiMcEwan Posts: 8 Member
    I forgot to mention, I can't exercise other than walking. I can't get my heart rate up too high die to a heart condition. I don't know what to think, would it be okay to go super low cal for three weeks?
  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    edited July 2015
    You could eat 1400 calories and burn 250 calories a day through exercise to lose 1.5 lbs before your wedding.

    Edit: Oops sorry didn't see your post until after! You could definitely eat 1200 calories a day if you're not going to exercise. Don't make a habit of eating less than that though, and make sure everything you eat is nutrient dense!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    You didn't post your current weight/goal weight, unfortunately, so it's a little hard to give anything specific without that.

    Going super low cal for a few weeks would not do you any favors, I'd recommend against it. 1200 is the minimum recommended for women, and I wouldn't advocate a sustained time going below that.

    Do you know your current BMI? And the BMI at your goal weight? Are they in the healthy/normal range?

    Normally I would suggest looking at a body recomposition plan, but due to your heart condition you have fewer options. That said, walking can be a good way to give yourself a little more calories to work with.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Weight lifting should help you make up the difference.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    At your height and TDEE, you could safely go to 1000. 1000-1200 is a woman's range for low calories.
  • mangrothian
    mangrothian Posts: 1,351 Member
    If you want to look ill and have no wedding, sure. Going super low calorie without close supervision from a doctor is never a good thing.

    I hate to say it, but thinking about this only 3 weeks before a wedding is cutting it a bit close. At your height, and from your profile pic, with only a little bit to lose, with a small deficit each day, tbh you should have planned it a couple of months ago.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    I am a non smoker. I think that I would like to take up smoking. Is it OK to light up one cigarette at a time, or should I puff two or three at once in order to get my lungs destroyed faster?

    You are not overweight. Your goal of losing weight for your wedding is not appropriate.

    Furthermore, the way you are thinking of achieving your goal will lead to you losing water, muscle, and some fat.

    At the end of the process (read: right after the wedding), you will regain the water, and gain back fat, reducing your overall muscle percentage, especially since strenuous exercise seems to be out of the question for you.

    On the other hand there is nothing wrong with going out for an hour long walk (or two) every day. Exercise walks will help you feel better, and possibly help you de-stress from the wedding preparations. If you do not increase your food intake to compensate, they may also lead to minor weight loss.

    <windmills, tilting, why?>
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    TaiMcEwan wrote: »
    I forgot to mention, I can't exercise other than walking.

    Try Powerwalking in the Park maybe?
    I Powerwalk 4 miles a day (at least 4 times a week) and it can burn quite a few calories.
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    You're confusing TDEE and BMR. Your TDEE is about 1750
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited July 2015
    A few pounds in 3 weeks isn't really viable (certainly not a few pounds of fat anyway, though you might be able to lose a few pounds of water weight), but you could manage something in that time. Eat at 1200, do a bit of walking and you can lose 0.5lbs/week, which is what you should probably be aiming for anyway.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    You are not overweight. Your goal of losing weight for your wedding is not appropriate.

    Uhhhh, excuse you? Who are you to say what is and is not appropriate for anyone but yourself? If she wants to look a little better in her wedding dress, she wants to look a little better in her wedding dress. And a weight loss journey is a weight loss journey no matter how much you have to loose. She wants to loose weight even though she is not overweight, that is what she wants to do--hell, so do I. That is a personal choice and appropriate for her (us).

    Now, OP, PAV8888 is right in saying that most of what you will loose is going to be water and whatever fat/muscle you do loose will come back on once you stop eating at a deficit. It would have been handier to start a little earlier, but hell, you can try? Cut down on your calories, try to stay above ~1200, drink plenty of water and move as much as you can. No guarantees because of the time period, but as long as you go about it smart and healthily, it's worth the shot.

    Enjoy your wedding day and congratulations!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    From your profile pic, it looks like you don't need to lose any weight. Why not maintain, and enjoy this time in your life instead of stressing over a few pounds that you don't need to lose? Enjoy some nice long de-stressing walks and go into this marriage happy and healthy.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Working backwards from Scooby, if your TDEE is 1400 at 5'1 and 31 years, (and sedentary) this means you are only around 88lbs and have a BMI of 16.6. If this is correct then you should not be trying to lose weight.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    With a combination of a heart condition that none of us posters know anything about and your photo, OP, you should ask your doctor this question.

    You say you can't get your heart rate up too much due to that condition, but have you ever talked to your doctor about going "super low cal" (whatever that means to you)? For all we know, that could impact your condition. Even someone in "good" health shouldn't be going "super low cal" without medical supervision.

    If your doctor has approved light walking, as someone else said, you could simply do that over the next three weeks. But I don't think you should be trying anything more drastic without talking to your doctor.
  • kyrannosaurus
    kyrannosaurus Posts: 350 Member
    Working backwards from Scooby, if your TDEE is 1400 at 5'1 and 31 years, (and sedentary) this means you are only around 88lbs and have a BMI of 16.6. If this is correct then you should not be trying to lose weight.

    Exactly what I was thinking.
  • TaiMcEwan
    TaiMcEwan Posts: 8 Member
  • TaiMcEwan
    TaiMcEwan Posts: 8 Member
    TDEE 1404 and yeah I know I'm not overweight or anything but I mean damn it's my wedding. I don't want to keep the weight off, I just know these pics will be forever. Thanks for the advice, I can walk so I'll just so a lot of that since I did kin of leave it to the last minute.
  • RAinWA
    RAinWA Posts: 1,980 Member
    TaiMcEwan wrote: »

    I think you entered your height wrong - I'm 5'1 and it's 61 inches, not 52. You might want to recalculate.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    TaiMcEwan wrote: »

    I think you entered your height wrong - I'm 5'1 and it's 61 inches, not 52. You might want to recalculate.

    She did put 62. I just tried it myself and it gave me 1404 for the TDEE.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    TaiMcEwan wrote: »
    TDEE 1404 and yeah I know I'm not overweight or anything but I mean damn it's my wedding. I don't want to keep the weight off, I just know these pics will be forever. Thanks for the advice, I can walk so I'll just so a lot of that since I did kin of leave it to the last minute.

    To raise TDEE you need to exercise...it's that simple.