May-Day by Day Challenge-Part 9 OPEN GROUP



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Friday goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Healthy snacks only. YES
    3. Massage. YES
    4. Training rest day but go for a fast walk at some point. YES but haven't logged it.
    5. Get close to calorie goal and if I go over then by no more than 200. Had a massive deficit today. YES

    Kathy I don't really know any apps on windows phones. Have you tried surfing in the app store if they have one? Maybe have a peek on some of the message boards. Sorry I'm no help at all. I use the MFP app on my phone to log all my food. I couldn't tell you the last time I used the computer to do that. And I'm with you on the TGIF!!!

    Kim I loved reading your post!! Even though we haven't met in person I could just imagine you doing/saying those things!! Hehe! I'm pretty much the same too! And yay for change in appearance even when the scales aren't moving. It's seems to be common that when you start running properly as you are, you body does change shape. Yay for progress!!!

    Just had my sports massage. Seriously good but serious pain!! IN a good way I think! I basically have a lot of knots in my legs, tight hamstrings, outer quad (don't know the technical name), and upper back!

    Right. Saturday goals:
    1. Water. Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean water is not required.
    2. Circuits in the morning.
    3. Healthy food all day.
    4. Have fun.

    Hope you're all having a nice evening! I'm off for a soak and then to bed.
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Hey everyone!

    I really hope you're all doing very well these days. I'm sorry I've been MIA so much recently.... I've been having a lot of financial trouble, which is causing me to rely on charity (which at this point is mostly coming in the form of dinners with my boyfriend's family) A LOT. That basically means that to log dinner practically every day is an estimate, and it's just such an incredible hassle (for something that is more than likely going to be off by a good bit anyway) that I've been just letting it slide.... I'm still doing my best to keep my servings small and not go crazy with sweets, but logging is just seeming to be pointless since I only know breakfast and lunch for sure.

    Hopefully, I'll get this situation under control again soon and be back around.... If nothing else, I miss all of you!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Just realized that I didn't post any goals for the 27th. The main goal was to get a lot of cleaning done so I wouldn't have to do it all weekend. So I did accomplish that.
    Here's the recap for the 26th:
    May 26's goals:
    1. complete food diary in advance. YES
    2. drink more water. YES
    3. go to the post office early. YES
    4. zumba in the evening (will be eating a late dinner as a result). YES
    5. read. YES
    6. Smile through adversity. I TRIED, ITS HARDER THAN I THOUGHT.

    May 28's goals:
    1. zumba in the morning. (have a light breakfast before).
    2. shopping after zumba.
    3. Make sure there are no leftovers in the fridge before I cook anything else.
    4. Read.
    5. Relax.
    6. Stay on the eating plan, drink plenty of water.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 27:
    1. WATER!!!!--Better
    2. Stay in my calories.--No.
    3. Finish first coat of stain on my shelves so I can get them up this weekend!--No.
    4. Portion size--DD is making pizza (homemade, so shouldn't be too bad) for dinner.--Yes
    5. Watch the evening snacking!--UGH!!!

    Nam--I think I may have found a calorie counter for my phone. It's called Diet Organizer and it is supposed to run on Windows Mobile 5 and 6 (most of them want you to have WM 7). There's a free trial and then it is only 5 dollars so I'm going to give it a try. I never have time to log from the computer but my phone is ALWAYS with me! (That's why I want one for my phone and the MFP apps don't work on it.)

    SKismet--I feel for you as I have gone through that type of situation in the past. Hang in there! Things will get better!

    Leela--I hear you on the 'no leftovers in the fridge' thing! At least once a week we have a 'buffet' where I just reheat all the leftovers--or, if they would work well together, I make them into a soup or a casserole.

    We got a whole truckload of trees, shrubs and plants yesterday! We have them literally EVERYWHERE! The choices were to scream or laugh--luckily we all chose to laugh about it. The whole situation is completely ridiculous!

    Goals for May 28:
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Finish the shelves.
    4. Get a workout in.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    midday check in:
    May 28's goals:
    1. zumba in the morning. (have a light breakfast before). YES (YES)
    2. shopping after zumba. WILL HAVE TO GO LATER.
    3. Make sure there are no leftovers in the fridge before I cook anything else. YES
    4. Read. NOT YET
    5. Relax. TRYING :(
    6. Stay on the eating plan, drink plenty of water. YES, NO
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Right. Saturday goals:
    1. Water. Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean water is not required. YES
    2. Circuits in the morning. YES
    3. Healthy food all day. YES
    4. Have fun. YES

    Success today for the first time at the weekend in a while!

    Sunday's goals:
    1. Attack and total body workout classes.
    2. Water.
    3. Healthy food.
    4. Have fun.

    Basically the same goals as today!

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi Kathy and Nam. Hope you lovely ladies are having a good weekend!

    May 28's recap:
    May 28's goals:
    1. zumba in the morning. (have a light breakfast before). YES (YES)
    2. shopping after zumba. YES, LATE IN THE AFTERNOON.
    3. Make sure there are no leftovers in the fridge before I cook anything else. YES
    4. Read. NO
    5. Relax. NOT AS MUCH AS I'D LIKE TO.
    6. Stay on the eating plan, drink plenty of water. HAD ONE SLIP UP, BUT PLENTY OF H2O

    Also things that didn't make the list: I did some laundry and filled out more job applications. Got the kitchen cleaned, so that's one less thing I have to do tomorrow.;

    May 29's goals:
    1. cook and portion out food for the first part of next week.
    2. marinate ribs.
    3. pick up 'script.
    4. zumba in the afternoon.
    5. comb my daughter's hair.
    6. finish folding clothes.
    7. log everything.

    Things on my to do list for the immediate future.
    1. schedule daughter's doctor appt, dentist appt and eye appt. (must have documents filled out for upcoming school year) (cannot schedule until Tuesday)
    2. continue filling out applications.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 28:
    1. WATER!!!!--No.
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.--Yes and Kind of.
    3. Finish the shelves.--Finished staining them.
    4. Get a workout in.--No.

    So Diet Organizer wouldn't work either but I then came across Mobile Coach 2 and it works great! It has a pretty extensive database of foods and also the ability to add your own. Exercise calories are added into your daily amount and all-in-all it seems to work a lot like MFP does--including overestimating calories burned :tongue: but I just adjust them down.
    I am getting all my usual foods into the Favorites list and am starting to use it today. I hope it helps because I just cannot be getting online every time I need to log a food!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, everyone! It's relatively nice here--that means it isn't raining!:laugh:

    Goals for May 29:
    1. WATER!!!!
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Get the shelves up.
    4. Try again to fit in a workout.
    5. Bed by 9:30 (I don't get long weekends at my job!).
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    just checking back in to see what's done and what needs to be done.
    May 29's goals:
    1. cook and portion out food for the first part of next week. NO
    2. marinate ribs. NO
    3. pick up 'script. NO
    4. zumba in the afternoon. YES
    5. comb my daughter's hair. YES
    6. finish folding clothes. YES
    7. log everything. YES

    Things on my to do list for the immediate future.
    1. schedule daughter's doctor appt, dentist appt and eye appt. (must have documents filled out for upcoming school year) (cannot schedule until Tuesday)
    2. continue filling out applications.

    I will be able to do 1 and 2 later. I will have to do 3 tomorrow. the pharmacy closed early!
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Sunday's goals:
    1. Attack and total body workout classes. YES AND NO
    2. Water. KIND OF
    3. Healthy food. YES UNTIL DINNER
    4. Have fun. YES

    Lee sounds like your on top of your weekend so far! That's great! Good luck with your job applications!

    Kathy great that you found a different app that works. I guess your work will be quite busy tomorrow with everyone off work coming to shop? Hope it's a good day for you.

    Monday's goals:
    1. Water.
    2. Extra long PT session. Try not to pass out.
    3. Healthy food.
    4. Sort out Wardrobes.
    5. Have fun!

    Happy Monday for tomorrow!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 29:
    1. WATER!!!!--No, again!
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.Mostly yes for choices and yes on tracking.
    3. Get the shelves up.--Yes, yes, yes! (Happy dance!)
    4. Try again to fit in a workout.--Yes. 30 minute walk with Leslie.
    5. Bed by 9:30 (I don't get long weekends at my job!).--Almost.

    It's not supposed to rain so, yes, Nam, it should be busy at work. At least the time will fly--Monday's are usually rather slow!

    So far I am really liking Mobile Coach--went over my calories by sbout 200 yesterday, though! :grumble:

    Goals for May 30:
    1. Water!
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.
    3. Start sorting my jewelry supplies.
    4. Bed by 9:30.
  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Monday's goals:
    1. Water. YES
    2. Extra long PT session. Try not to pass out. YES I SURVIVED BUT IT WAS INTENSE
    3. Healthy food. YES
    4. Sort out Wardrobes. NO
    5. Have fun! YES

    Kathy hope it was a good day at work today and it went by quickly.

    Goals for Tuesday:
    1. Run and Tri class.
    2. No mfp in the afternoon - too much of a distraction!!
    3. Lots of work to do so work steadily all day to get it done.
    4. No chocolate.
    5. Food shopping.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • frubjious
    frubjious Posts: 355
    Hi Ladies,

    Last post for the month! Lets finish on a bang!

    My friends wedding was really lovely, they looked so happy. I also felt fantastic in my dress and could walk in my shoes which is always a bonus.

    I've been having a bit a of a stressed few days and its defintely made its self felt in my eating. I've been trying to keep it as under control as much as possible opting for healthier food but I've still been over on my calories. Mostly though I want to hide under my duvet and hope it all to go away, which is childish I know but still seems very appealing. I need to just start at one end and work my way through everythng until everything i can fix has been sorted and everything else will have to just do what ever it is that its going to do.

    Goals for Tuesday:

    1. Under on calories
    2. Walk at lunch & run after work
    3. Hide under duvet. :wink: Just kidding, write a big list of everything that needs doing & how long they will take, then assign when I'm going to do them.
    4. Get at least 2 things on the above list done.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    may 31's goals:
    1. schedule daughter's appointments.
    2. fill out applications.
    3. get test results back from the doctor.
    4. go to physical therapy.
    5. eat the menu that's already in place.
    6. no soda this week, just tea and water.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for May 30:
    1. Water!--Much better!
    2. Healthy choices and track my foods.--Yes and yes--AND under a bit!
    3. Start sorting my jewelry supplies.--Kind of.
    4. Bed by 9:30.--No, close, though.

    Goals for May 31:
    1. Water.
    2. Track my foods and healthy choices.
    3. Sort at least one box.
    4. Bed by 9:30!

    Have a great day, everyone!
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