Cutting out Sugar and Alcohol



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    Do you have to have a reason to want to eliminate added sugar from your diet? OP is asking for advice from people who have done the same thing.. not peoples $.02 about why he doesnt need to do it.

    there is nothing wrong with a moderate consumption of sugar. If OP is doing it for a medical reason then that is one thing; however, going on a sugar detox because one believes that sugar is poison, causes weight gain, the devil, etc, etc, is a misinformed position and the reasoning behind said choice should be flushed out.

    and last time I checked it is an open forum and people are free to post, ask questions, comment as they see fit.
  • Guy04
    Guy04 Posts: 20 Member
    Maybe this will give you incentive, I stopped drinking alcohol january 15th this year,so far I've lost 26 pounds ! I have not changed anything else about my diet.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Guy04 wrote: »
    Maybe this will give you incentive, I stopped drinking alcohol january 15th this year,so far I've lost 26 pounds ! I have not changed anything else about my diet.

    Alcohol has calories. Now you are in a calorie deficit. Also when you drink alcohol your body processes those calories first. So your comment is very believeable depending on the quantity of alcohol you would usually consume in these six months.
  • jimbopolo
    jimbopolo Posts: 40 Member
    Afternoon/Morning all, thanks for all the comments and feedback :). I don't have any medical condition where I have to stop drinking or cut out my sugar but it was something i wanted to give a go to give myself the best chance of success in changing my lifestyle. I do enjoy cooking with raw ingredients so the evening meal isn't so bad, though working in the city where everything is made for convenience i am struggling to find something that doesn't have the sugar in.

    I completely agree with everything in moderation but i have found myself drinking a lot more then usual and when i start its hard to stop, and when i stay off the alcohol i eat a lot more sugary foods/sweets to compensate. If i can find another way to cut down on both and and have them in moderation then that is the end game, but until i can get control i think this is the only way.
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    Good Afternoon jimbopolo,
    I would give the credit to me losing 54 pounds to not drinking alcohol. Cutting out the booze cut out the extra calories and it helped with me making bad decisions on food after having a few drinks. Good luck cutting out the booze, it gets easier with a little bit of time.
    I also craved sweets when I stopped drinking, I now make sweets with Erythritol a natural sweetener, here is a protein bar recipe I just made and I really enjoyed.

    Healthy Nutella Fudge Protein Bars - Desserts with Benefits

    I notice no one has talked about the American Heart Association's study on Added Sugars add to your risk of heart disease.

    I too have cut out added sugar from my diet mainly to help keep my calories at a restriction but now as an added health benefit.

    Good Luck,
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    rstreuber wrote: »
    Hey OP- I'm totally the same as you and def wanted to cut out the alcohol! 9 days ago, I started a cleanse called the advocare 24 day challenge. So far, I haven't cheated at all (for the first time ever). I'm full all the time and feel amazing. You still eat three meals a day and two snacks but there are supplements that go along with it. I'm finding it enjoyable and I have lost 5 pounds already. Maybe it is something that could jumpstart your new lifestyle. I hear that a lot of people who are addicted to soda/sugar do well with this program.

    LOL, NO!!
  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    Do you have to have a reason to want to eliminate added sugar from your diet? OP is asking for advice from people who have done the same thing.. not peoples $.02 about why he doesnt need to do it.

    there is nothing wrong with a moderate consumption of sugar. If OP is doing it for a medical reason then that is one thing; however, going on a sugar detox because one believes that sugar is poison, causes weight gain, the devil, etc, etc, is a misinformed position and the reasoning behind said choice should be flushed out.

    and last time I checked it is an open forum and people are free to post, ask questions, comment as they see fit.

    He never said sugar was poison... its his body, he can decide what he doesnt want to put in it. He was asking for input from people doing the same thing... not for a bunch of people to chime in against it...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    Do you have to have a reason to want to eliminate added sugar from your diet? OP is asking for advice from people who have done the same thing.. not peoples $.02 about why he doesnt need to do it.

    there is nothing wrong with a moderate consumption of sugar. If OP is doing it for a medical reason then that is one thing; however, going on a sugar detox because one believes that sugar is poison, causes weight gain, the devil, etc, etc, is a misinformed position and the reasoning behind said choice should be flushed out.

    and last time I checked it is an open forum and people are free to post, ask questions, comment as they see fit.

    He never said sugar was poison... its his body, he can decide what he doesnt want to put in it. He was asking for input from people doing the same thing... not for a bunch of people to chime in against it...

    So what the point of saying how you did no added sugar when OP finds it hard on day 2? And it is not necessary unless OP has a medical condition.

  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    Do you have to have a reason to want to eliminate added sugar from your diet? OP is asking for advice from people who have done the same thing.. not peoples $.02 about why he doesnt need to do it.

    there is nothing wrong with a moderate consumption of sugar. If OP is doing it for a medical reason then that is one thing; however, going on a sugar detox because one believes that sugar is poison, causes weight gain, the devil, etc, etc, is a misinformed position and the reasoning behind said choice should be flushed out.

    and last time I checked it is an open forum and people are free to post, ask questions, comment as they see fit.

    He never said sugar was poison... its his body, he can decide what he doesnt want to put in it. He was asking for input from people doing the same thing... not for a bunch of people to chime in against it...

    So what the point of saying how you did no added sugar when OP finds it hard on day 2? And it is not necessary unless OP has a medical condition.

    Because i was providing SUPPORT which the OP asked for. So you're telling me that I shouldn't eliminate added sugar from my diet unless its medically necessary?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    Do you have to have a reason to want to eliminate added sugar from your diet? OP is asking for advice from people who have done the same thing.. not peoples $.02 about why he doesnt need to do it.

    there is nothing wrong with a moderate consumption of sugar. If OP is doing it for a medical reason then that is one thing; however, going on a sugar detox because one believes that sugar is poison, causes weight gain, the devil, etc, etc, is a misinformed position and the reasoning behind said choice should be flushed out.

    and last time I checked it is an open forum and people are free to post, ask questions, comment as they see fit.

    He never said sugar was poison... its his body, he can decide what he doesnt want to put in it. He was asking for input from people doing the same thing... not for a bunch of people to chime in against it...

    So what the point of saying how you did no added sugar when OP finds it hard on day 2? And it is not necessary unless OP has a medical condition.

    Because i was providing SUPPORT which the OP asked for. So you're telling me that I shouldn't eliminate added sugar from my diet unless its medically necessary?

    Well what I did was simple click on OP profile. Found out he still is not at weight goal. I took this thread as a means of cutting more calories. So when you look at this thread like I did sugar is not the devil and alcohol isn't either. Then reading and seeing OP is already having trouble on day 2.

    You know what usually happens on a very restrict diet? Binge. So what happens if you binge on added sugar and alcohol?

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    jimbopolo wrote: »
    Afternoon/Morning all, thanks for all the comments and feedback :). I don't have any medical condition where I have to stop drinking or cut out my sugar but it was something i wanted to give a go to give myself the best chance of success in changing my lifestyle. I do enjoy cooking with raw ingredients so the evening meal isn't so bad, though working in the city where everything is made for convenience i am struggling to find something that doesn't have the sugar in.

    I completely agree with everything in moderation but i have found myself drinking a lot more then usual and when i start its hard to stop, and when i stay off the alcohol i eat a lot more sugary foods/sweets to compensate. If i can find another way to cut down on both and and have them in moderation then that is the end game, but until i can get control i think this is the only way.

    What I have found to work for me is making slow changes. Sometimes, cutting too many things at once makes it more difficult and can cause people to fail. So it might be beneficial to cut one thing at a time and then try to make better choices on the other. Or if you are used to drinking daily, why not cut it back to once or a few times a week.

    Personally, I succeed much better at slower transition than cold turkey. But whatever method you like, good luck.
  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    I can completely understand where you're coming from. It definitely takes discipline and it is certainly something you have to be committed to. I started to limit my intake of sugar because I felt like I was out of control and was finding that I needed to make a change.
  • asspadtycoon
    asspadtycoon Posts: 1 Member
    All of you people ragging on Jimbo for not going with the moderation approach should just chill out. Not everybody has the discipline to go that route; in fact, most people don't. Why do you think most American's are over weight? Once they pick up that first donut, chip, beer, or whatever -- it is very difficult to stop until they've gone WAY beyond what can be called moderation.

    I have chosen to quite drinking booze until I reach my target weight for the very same reason. Once I have that first drink, it will almost always lead to one or two more -- then my discipline is really broken down; I should have chips or pizza to go with that beer, right? Wrong.

    Sweets have the same affect on most people; by creating a rush of dopamine -- once you get a taste of it, you crave more.

    Only the individual trying to lose weight or improve their diet truly knows what works best for them, so unless you know Jimbo and what makes him tick, then you should lay off the criticism; this is a support group isn't it?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ryanrieb wrote: »
    I can completely understand where you're coming from. It definitely takes discipline and it is certainly something you have to be committed to. I started to limit my intake of sugar because I felt like I was out of control and was finding that I needed to make a change.

    Now back to OP. OP day 2 man. Nothing in this world worth having comes easy. If this is what you want to do how do you think you will feel at day 5, 10, 15? better or on the verge of a binge?
  • jimbopolo
    jimbopolo Posts: 40 Member
    Cheers for all the support guys and girls, I am on Day 3 now and do feel slightly better though it is still early on in the day. I do agree with the moderation but it quickly gets out of control for me, so i feel like this may be the only way for me to regain control. Just taking each day as it comes at the moment as i have a beer festival, birthdays, stag dos and weddings coming up over the next few weekends so have a lot of temptation in my way.
  • ryanrieb
    ryanrieb Posts: 25 Member
    jimbopolo wrote: »
    Cheers for all the support guys and girls, I am on Day 3 now and do feel slightly better though it is still early on in the day. I do agree with the moderation but it quickly gets out of control for me, so i feel like this may be the only way for me to regain control. Just taking each day as it comes at the moment as i have a beer festival, birthdays, stag dos and weddings coming up over the next few weekends so have a lot of temptation in my way.

    Jim, I'm 10 days in. I have really cut down on my sugar intake... I was a HUGE soda drinker, and diet was not good enough for me. I drink water and unsweetened iced tea now. Yeah, when I go out to eat I crave a coke sometimes, and instead of fighting it just to binge later, i order a coke and a water... you'll be amazed after a few days not drinking it or having a lot of sugar that it tastes completely different... i wasnt able to drink more than 1/2 the glass...

    keep up the good work!
    HEATHERACU73 Posts: 46 Member
    Great job on getting to day 3 Jimbopolo! Sugar is a real hard addiction to overcome because it stimulates the reward part of your brain so easily. It will take a week for your body to reset itself and for the dopamine/endophines to balance out. Maybe exercise more until then and see if that helps stimulate dopamine to off-set withdrawals? Sugar inflames the body too so a week is probably what is needed to calm down the inflammation. One day at a time=D I'd be curious to know if you get feeling awesome at day 7. Keep us posted!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    leggup wrote: »
    Why? You can lose weight and still consume sugar and alcohol. Everything in moderation.


    OP - unless you have a medical condition there is no reason to avoid sugar...

    Both of these.

    I eat sugar and lose weight.
    I drink (occasionally) and lose weight. (FWIW, I have cut back on drinking, but that is purely because I enjoy eating the calories rather than using them for alcohol. If you can fit drinks and food into your calorie goal (and hit your nutrition requirements) there's nothing wrong with drinking within moderation.)
    HEATHERACU73 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh, also maybe consider drinking some dandelion tea or dandelion coffee. It's great for flushing out sugar deposits in kidneys and healing the liver from alcohol consumption. Also helps with weight loss. WTG=D
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    OP, REDUCE your added sugar. As for alcohol, personally I quit drinking back in my 20's (I partied myself out) and didn't find it hard to do. I still have a good time and pride myself on being the designated driver when my family/friends go out as a group.
    Don't trend on a fad that you won't do as a lifestyle. It's okay to have sugar, just don't exceed it to the point that you can't comp for the calories.
    My experience is with clients who have tried to do diets like this, is that weight regain is practically inevitable due to the fact that they couldn't eat that way the rest of their lives. Cake, ice cream, and other desserts have added sugar and aren't evil. It's just that people don't really TRY to eat a small portion of them. TRY to do it and learn the habit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
