Vacation rant



  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    You're honestly saying that in a city like Boston, you can't find a healthy, high quality restaurant to eat at?


    Get the yelp app. Look for nearby restaurants. And get uber while you're at it, and you can expand your search area a little since their car service will take you places for cheap.

    We're just out of Boston with kids who hate walking and my husband doesn't like making plans so I can't always spend 20 minutes looking at restaurants when everyone is getting hungry (and forget walking 10 minutes out of the way). The place we went to tonight had good reviews on Yelp... not sure why. At lunch I gave up searching after 5 minutes and the only substitution was yet another side salad.

    Believe me if we didn't have the kids I would have had everything planned.

    Kids go to bed early. Start planning tomorrow tonight.
    TripAdvisor is another good one. You can check menus ahead of time.

    You get out of here with your logic! Can't a girl just rant and make excuses in peace around here?!

    I can't plan anything. God knows when my kids will actually be hungry and when we'll be when they are. Maybe I should have titled this 'vacationing with kids when watching your diet sucks'. But everyone doesn't have a daughter who screams in the street that she's not hungry and won't eat and wants to go back to the hotel either (the main reason of my frustration really and why I'm thinking I'll stay home next year).

    But it was a rant. You were warned :p

    How old is your daughter??

    Does she wear the pants in the family??


    Dude if my kids acted like that they would get so much stink eye they would start walking just to get the hell away from me.

    Giving up on searching after 5 minutes, comes here to piss and moan about lack of choices. Right.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I feel like this is the very definition of a first world problem.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I feel like this is the very definition of a first world problem.

    Bingo. OP needs to count her blessings.

    Well, maybe not the daughter...
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    A few thoughts:
    1. Vacation is supposed to be enjoyable. It sounds like it isn't because you brought kids. You failed at vacation, but perhaps you learned that kids = poor quality vacation. (Honestly, how do you not know your own daughter well enough to know better?!)
    2. For short-term while on vacation, it is ok to go over on calories. Sometimes you have to walk for a mile, but that doesn't mean you won't finish the marathon.
    3. I'm not from Boston, but I've driven there on a weekday. My experience combined with a very wide perspective is that driving isn't an issue. In some areas, parking can be a challenge, but nowhere near what you might expect someplace like San Franscisco (I've driven in 48 of the 50 US states and in most major US cities).

    At this point, don't worry about calories. Salvage the vacation as best as you can and then get back on track for weight loss when you finish the vacation.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    But think of all those excellent family memories you are making.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    You're honestly saying that in a city like Boston, you can't find a healthy, high quality restaurant to eat at?


    Get the yelp app. Look for nearby restaurants. And get uber while you're at it, and you can expand your search area a little since their car service will take you places for cheap.

    We're just out of Boston with kids who hate walking and my husband doesn't like making plans so I can't always spend 20 minutes looking at restaurants when everyone is getting hungry (and forget walking 10 minutes out of the way). The place we went to tonight had good reviews on Yelp... not sure why. At lunch I gave up searching after 5 minutes and the only substitution was yet another side salad.

    Believe me if we didn't have the kids I would have had everything planned.

    Kids go to bed early. Start planning tomorrow tonight.
    TripAdvisor is another good one. You can check menus ahead of time.

    You get out of here with your logic! Can't a girl just rant and make excuses in peace around here?!

    I can't plan anything. God knows when my kids will actually be hungry and when we'll be when they are. Maybe I should have titled this 'vacationing with kids when watching your diet sucks'. But everyone doesn't have a daughter who screams in the street that she's not hungry and won't eat and wants to go back to the hotel either (the main reason of my frustration really and why I'm thinking I'll stay home next year).

    But it was a rant. You were warned :p

    How old is your daughter??

    Does she wear the pants in the family??


    Dude if my kids acted like that they would get so much stink eye they would start walking just to get the hell away from me.

    Giving up on searching after 5 minutes, comes here to piss and moan about lack of choices. Right.

    Right. This is a ridiculous post. I have 4 kids and if they are lucky enough to get taken on vacation then complaining is not an option. OP is complaining about Holiday Inn breakfasts in one of the great food cities (because she's a 'food snob'??!). Apparently she can't walk anywhere because her daughter is entitled and has no social niceties. Wonder where she got that from?
    Relax. Cheer up. Count your blessings.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    LoraF83 wrote: »
    You're honestly saying that in a city like Boston, you can't find a healthy, high quality restaurant to eat at?


    Get the yelp app. Look for nearby restaurants. And get uber while you're at it, and you can expand your search area a little since their car service will take you places for cheap.

    We're just out of Boston with kids who hate walking and my husband doesn't like making plans so I can't always spend 20 minutes looking at restaurants when everyone is getting hungry (and forget walking 10 minutes out of the way). The place we went to tonight had good reviews on Yelp... not sure why. At lunch I gave up searching after 5 minutes and the only substitution was yet another side salad.

    Believe me if we didn't have the kids I would have had everything planned.

    Kids go to bed early. Start planning tomorrow tonight.
    TripAdvisor is another good one. You can check menus ahead of time.

    You get out of here with your logic! Can't a girl just rant and make excuses in peace around here?!

    I can't plan anything. God knows when my kids will actually be hungry and when we'll be when they are. Maybe I should have titled this 'vacationing with kids when watching your diet sucks'. But everyone doesn't have a daughter who screams in the street that she's not hungry and won't eat and wants to go back to the hotel either (the main reason of my frustration really and why I'm thinking I'll stay home next year).

    But it was a rant. You were warned :p

    How old is your daughter??

    Does she wear the pants in the family??


    Dude if my kids acted like that they would get so much stink eye they would start walking just to get the hell away from me.

    Giving up on searching after 5 minutes, comes here to piss and moan about lack of choices. Right.

    Right. This is a ridiculous post. I have 4 kids and if they are lucky enough to get taken on vacation then complaining is not an option. OP is complaining about Holiday Inn breakfasts in one of the great food cities (because she's a 'food snob'??!). Apparently she can't walk anywhere because her daughter is entitled and has no social niceties. Wonder where she got that from?
    Relax. Cheer up. Count your blessings.

    ^so much of this. i mean as a kid my family struggle so much that when my parents took us for vacation was like winning the lottery, we didn't complaint at all, and even if would my mom hahahhahaah that lady is kind of scary (awesome) so not that just didn't happen,just to going to the cheapest motel and taking road trips vacations was simply amazing and enough for us, we need sometimes to put things in perspective and above all be grateful.
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    I feel like this is the very definition of a first world problem.

    ahhhh you just read my mind, that's what came to my mind up front, but didn't want to say afraid it came bad, as someone who grew up and live my whole life in a VERY third world country, we don't even understand the definition of food snob :o , you just eat the food you can find and buy..
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    My kids are older than yours, but I remember feeling somewhat hamstrung at mealtimes on vacation, especially when I knew there was better food around. It will pass. They will grow up, and too fast. Keep that in mind. Tomorrow's breakfast will soon be a dim memory, but your family time together when they are young is precious.

    Also, my kids seem to have good memories of family vacation meals we had that I thought of as regrettable at the time (eg. for convenience's sake we ended up eating several meals at cafeteria type place in Spain and all I could think was "I could be eating paella!" ), but they seem to remember it fondly, possibly only because we ate there more than once.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    ncfitbit wrote: »
    My kids are older than yours, but I remember feeling somewhat hamstrung at mealtimes on vacation, especially when I knew there was better food around. It will pass. They will grow up, and too fast. Keep that in mind. Tomorrow's breakfast will soon be a dim memory, but your family time together when they are young is precious.

    Also, my kids seem to have good memories of family vacation meals we had that I thought of as regrettable at the time (eg. for convenience's sake we ended up eating several meals at cafeteria type place in Spain and all I could think was "I could be eating paella!" ), but they seem to remember it fondly, possibly only because we ate there more than once.

    My kids are the same - often it's the unexpected places they remember so fondly! Also I find vacation a great time to get them to try new types of food
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    nz_deevaa wrote: »
    But think of all those excellent family memories you are making.

    something tells me this will not be going in the family album...
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