Ketogenic diet anyone?



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    The poster was trying to help the OP.

    How exactly are you helping the OP?
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    Apples and oranges. We're not trying to be nosy so much as debunking the myth that low-carb diet is a good weight loss tool. We're trying to get at the motivation for doing it because many of us have experience with it and know it's not useful or necessary in weight loss.

    OP, yes I do have experience with this. I maintained a keto diet when I was younger under the supervision of a doctor. What is your reasoning for macro control?

    Do you have any basis to say a low carb nutrition plan isn't a good strategy?

    Seems a bit of an ill informed statement.

    Do you assume a person choosing to monitor carbs does not monitor calories?

    Do you make similar assumptions of people monitoring fats?

    There is no myth debunking. You are just quite wrong to make such a wild assumption.

    Low carb has been a great weight loss tool for millions

    Why diet type hate? It is almost as silly as people that hate on eating cake when you have calories to spare it it fits your nutrition strategy.

  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    Apples and oranges. We're not trying to be nosy so much as debunking the myth that low-carb diet is a good weight loss tool. We're trying to get at the motivation for doing it because many of us have experience with it and know it's not useful or necessary in weight loss.

    OP, yes I do have experience with this. I maintained a keto diet when I was younger under the supervision of a doctor. What is your reasoning for macro control?

    Do you have any basis to say a low carb nutrition plan isn't a good strategy?

    Seems a bit of an ill informed statement.

    Do you assume a person choosing to monitor carbs does not monitor calories?

    Do you make similar assumptions of people monitoring fats?

    There is no myth debunking. You are just quite wrong to make such a wild assumption.

    Low carb has been a great weight loss tool for millions

    Why diet type hate? It is almost as silly as people that hate on eating cake when you have calories to spare it it fits your nutrition strategy.

    I retracted my statement, if you'll read above, and clarified that it should be done under the care of a doctor as all the research suggests.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited July 2015
    kkenseth wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    Apples and oranges. We're not trying to be nosy so much as debunking the myth that low-carb diet is a good weight loss tool. We're trying to get at the motivation for doing it because many of us have experience with it and know it's not useful or necessary in weight loss.

    OP, yes I do have experience with this. I maintained a keto diet when I was younger under the supervision of a doctor. What is your reasoning for macro control?

    Do you have any basis to say a low carb nutrition plan isn't a good strategy?

    Seems a bit of an ill informed statement.

    Do you assume a person choosing to monitor carbs does not monitor calories?

    Do you make similar assumptions of people monitoring fats?

    There is no myth debunking. You are just quite wrong to make such a wild assumption.

    Low carb has been a great weight loss tool for millions

    Why diet type hate? It is almost as silly as people that hate on eating cake when you have calories to spare it it fits your nutrition strategy.

    I retracted my statement, if you'll read above, and clarified that it should be done under the care of a doctor as all the research suggests.

    Which is often recommended for folks starting a new diet, or fitness regime.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    Apples and oranges. We're not trying to be nosy so much as debunking the myth that low-carb diet is a good weight loss tool. We're trying to get at the motivation for doing it because many of us have experience with it and know it's not useful or necessary in weight loss.

    OP, yes I do have experience with this. I maintained a keto diet when I was younger under the supervision of a doctor. What is your reasoning for macro control?

    Do you have any basis to say a low carb nutrition plan isn't a good strategy?

    Seems a bit of an ill informed statement.

    Do you assume a person choosing to monitor carbs does not monitor calories?

    Do you make similar assumptions of people monitoring fats?

    There is no myth debunking. You are just quite wrong to make such a wild assumption.

    Low carb has been a great weight loss tool for millions

    Why diet type hate? It is almost as silly as people that hate on eating cake when you have calories to spare it it fits your nutrition strategy.

    I retracted my statement, if you'll read above, and clarified that it should be done under the care of a doctor as all the research suggests.

    I believe that's said for most diets/dieters.

    Completely agree. Unfortunately, I worry that a majority of people don't abide by this. Never meant to be argumentative and I'm keen on learning as well.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    kkenseth wrote: »
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I just find it odd that the first thing you ask is someone's medical history when they're asking about hitting their macros....

    If the OP doesn't have a medical reason to be on a keto diet and is struggling with it, I think he is implying that it would be easier to stick to CICO. A keto diet is not necessary for weight loss. If the OP has a medical reason to be on this diet, then that's different. It's a perfectly valid question.

    Not really... it would be like someone posting that they're struggling to stay under their calorie allowance and then being questioned if a doctor told them they needed to lose weight. It's really none of your business.

    The question was "Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?".

    Apples and oranges. We're not trying to be nosy so much as debunking the myth that low-carb diet is a good weight loss tool. We're trying to get at the motivation for doing it because many of us have experience with it and know it's not useful or necessary in weight loss.

    OP, yes I do have experience with this. I maintained a keto diet when I was younger under the supervision of a doctor. What is your reasoning for macro control?

    Do you have any basis to say a low carb nutrition plan isn't a good strategy?

    Seems a bit of an ill informed statement.

    Do you assume a person choosing to monitor carbs does not monitor calories?

    Do you make similar assumptions of people monitoring fats?

    There is no myth debunking. You are just quite wrong to make such a wild assumption.

    Low carb has been a great weight loss tool for millions

    Why diet type hate? It is almost as silly as people that hate on eating cake when you have calories to spare it it fits your nutrition strategy.

    I retracted my statement, if you'll read above, and clarified that it should be done under the care of a doctor as all the research suggests.

    I believe that's said for most diets/dieters.

    Completely agree. Unfortunately, I worry that a majority of people don't abide by this. Never meant to be argumentative and I'm keen on learning as well.

  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I have started two days ago and I am failing big time lol I am constantly under goal with fat and over with my protein and little bit of carbs.
    Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?

    I have lost a smidgen over 125 lbs over 18 months

    I had an internal medicine guy for reversing type 2 diabetes and GP, added nutritionist

    Long story short

    Reduced simple sugars and ate fibrous veggies for 60-80 carbs

    Higher volume of exercise to build to 120 minutes of cardio level not fat burning level. The purpose was to burn off glycogen

    It worked

    No longer diabetic

    I do HIIT. And pretty long cardio sessions now and can eat normally

    I eat pizza on occasion. I just don't eat a huge sugar bomb. I will have a little cheese cake

    It gets back to CICO no matter how you slice it.

    Yesterday was a day to burn out glycogen

    A good hard 1500 calorie bike ride. Lots of room to eat pizza if I wanted to

    I have been working at this for a while. It does work for many people. I hope you find a healthy life strategy that works for you.


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    I have started two days ago and I am failing big time lol I am constantly under goal with fat and over with my protein and little bit of carbs.
    Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?

    yes. I've been doing it for 13 months. I've lost 92lb so far.
    I second going to the Keto group. Reddit's r/keto is great as well. There is also the Low Carber Daily group. There are keto peeps there as well. Including myself. If you like I can PM you my long list of recommended recipe sites.
    • Keep your carbs consistently under 50g.
    • Meet your protein minimum (check out a keto calc to determine the range appropriate for you-which is usually suggested to be between .8g-1.2g per kg of lean body mass depending upon how physically active you are.)
    • Fill the rest of your intake with fat.

    Sneak fat in by adding a little here and there of fat-dense foods like butter, cream, olive oil, cooking things in animal fats, cheese, and fattier cuts of meat.

    Ketogenic diets are one tool in the weightloss-toolbox. It works better for some than others as far as sustainability. Which really is the key. What you can sustain will work for you. What you can't sustain, isn't your thing.

    Poke around the keto communities. Give it a good try for a few weeks. And if you still can't stick with it, then try something else. Good luck. :)

  • jesterkazuzi
    jesterkazuzi Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you everyone. I have no medical reason. I have been bodybuilding last two years and just wanted to try keto diet to see how it affects fat loss as I have read so many mixed reviews. I am just struggling to find the right foods that would work together as I am used to having more carbs. I used to follow 30/40/30 ratio so this is really new to me. I have thanks to your recommendations found the right group on here and hopefully will get hang of it within a week or so.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    My roommate tried Keto. He used the sticks to determine he was, in fact, in ketosis most of the time, but he would falter a little and end up having to deal with "keto flu" over and over again. (This is the short-ish period of time when you feel miserable and very low in energy before your body starts adjusting.) He has given up completely. Last night he ate an entire pizza; the night before: six grilled cheese sandwiches.

    I'm not knocking Keto. I have a friend who's on it because of her seizures (medically supervised). I've also seen that it can be a way to lose weight (my roommate did lose about 10 lbs on it). However, it's so, so restrictive and can be so miserable in the beginning, that it's definitely not for me, my roommate, or anyone who would be better served by living with a moderate calorie deficit while still eating carbs.

    Sustainability is always the key to success.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I'm doing keto too. I started a few weeks ago and have settled into it well.

    My macros are: carbs 18g, fat 118g, and protein 71. I keep sugar less than 5g and fibre is less than 25g (no issues there). My calories are set at just over 1400, but I generally exceed my macros and calories.

    My macros most likely won't work for you since I am a 41 year old 5'8" woman.

    Check out the Low Carb Daily forum for more info on the diet. They've been a great help to me so far.

    My advice would be to think mostly carnivore. Meats, Dairy, eggs and some nuts will keep you on the low side of carbs and high in fat and protein. It's actually a fair bit of fun to eat this stuff once you get through the adaption phase of not feeling your best. Good luck.
  • Cheesasaur
    Cheesasaur Posts: 15 Member
    Hey OP, I've been doing keto for 18 months and it can definitely be tough to get the hang of it at first! 2 days is still early. I see you found some keto boards but if you still need help, feel free to shoot me a message :)
  • wingsandgills
    wingsandgills Posts: 48 Member
    I have started two days ago and I am failing big time lol I am constantly under goal with fat and over with my protein and little bit of carbs.
    Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?

    Thus far I've lost 89 lb on keto, in just over a year. That included cheat days like my life was ending from Thanksgiving through Christmas.

    What you need to be doing with keto is staying under your carb limit, meeting your protein minimum, and eating enough fat to not be hungry. You do NOT need to eat all the fat the macro calculator gives you. You want to stay below the protein maximum. In two days there's no way to say you're failing big time. Just keep calm and keto on!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Cheesasaur wrote: »
    Hey OP, I've been doing keto for 18 months and it can definitely be tough to get the hang of it at first! 2 days is still early. I see you found some keto boards but if you still need help, feel free to shoot me a message :)

    I have nothing to recommend to the OP, but I only came in because I'm so not surprised that "cheesasaur" is keto. Awesome screen name!
  • jesterkazuzi
    jesterkazuzi Posts: 20 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I have started two days ago and I am failing big time lol I am constantly under goal with fat and over with my protein and little bit of carbs.
    Is there anyone on here experienced on this diet?

    yes. I've been doing it for 13 months. I've lost 92lb so far.
    I second going to the Keto group. Reddit's r/keto is great as well. There is also the Low Carber Daily group. There are keto peeps there as well. Including myself. If you like I can PM you my long list of recommended recipe sites.
    • Keep your carbs consistently under 50g.
    • Meet your protein minimum (check out a keto calc to determine the range appropriate for you-which is usually suggested to be between .8g-1.2g per kg of lean body mass depending upon how physically active you are.)
    • Fill the rest of your intake with fat.

    Sneak fat in by adding a little here and there of fat-dense foods like butter, cream, olive oil, cooking things in animal fats, cheese, and fattier cuts of meat.

    Ketogenic diets are one tool in the weightloss-toolbox. It works better for some than others as far as sustainability. Which really is the key. What you can sustain will work for you. What you can't sustain, isn't your thing.

    Poke around the keto communities. Give it a good try for a few weeks. And if you still can't stick with it, then try something else. Good luck. :)

    I would love some sites ideas please. Thank you.