Hungry all the time



  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    katepace! when you are not losing weight you eat to much you wiped out your deficit. Eating more wont help you because you already eat more than you think/log (without knowing)

    So get a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING!

    And yes when you have a deficit of 500 calories a day ( that is in 7 days 3500) that is a pound loss a week. About, give or take
    Weight loss is not linear.

    Deficit of:
    1000=2 pounds
    750=1.5 pounds
    500=1 pound
    250=0.5 pound

    But not losing is a sign of eating to much calories so you eat probably more than the 1500-1600 calories a day and the error can be found most of the time in more accurate logging.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    OP, I calculated your TDEE as if you were working out twice a day. Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is 2375 calories per day to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose, you subtract 10, 15 or 20% from that number. 20% subtraction would be 1900 calories per day.

    Buy a food scale, weigh everything and eat a little more (lean proteins and healthy fats will help curb hunger). Trust the math and the process, but you have to be accurate on the math. Good luck!

    Thanks @quiksylver296 for doing the math.

    @katepace1 if you up your daily calories, you'll be less likely to have a deprivation-induced binge.

    That will also make my next point moot:

    I noticed that on Wed and Thurs, 25% and 34% of your calories came from chocolate-covered bananas. I'm not suggesting you eliminate them, but eat proportionally less of them, which will happen automatically if you increase your calorie allotment to 1900.

    I'm a half inch shorter than you and am losing weight on up to 2,500 calories per day (with exercise.)
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    katepace! when you are not losing weight you eat to much you wiped out your deficit. Eating more wont help you because you already eat more than you think/log (without knowing)

    So get a food scale and weigh EVERYTHING!

    And yes when you have a deficit of 500 calories a day ( that is in 7 days 3500) that is a pound loss a week. About, give or take
    Weight loss is not linear.

    Deficit of:
    1000=2 pounds
    750=1.5 pounds
    500=1 pound
    250=0.5 pound

    But not losing is a sign of eating to much calories so you eat probably more than the 1500-1600 calories a day and the error can be found most of the time in more accurate logging.

    Agreed on the food scale.

    But she's bingeing, which is putting her way over her deficit. If she increases her DAILY goal slightly, and doesn't binge, she will most likely be eating less calories overall than she is now.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    i dont see any binging in her diary ( but it is only 3 days or so)

    She needs to eat regular and weigh everything

    Eating more ( which she already does) is never a solution

    But up to her. I gave my advice to my best knowledge
    Wish her luck :)
  • jcow84
    jcow84 Posts: 75 Member
    edited July 2015

    Maybe your body is not healthy at 128 lb - it sounds like you are quite fit already, and if you are a size 4 or 6, that is pretty tiny. Maybe instead of losing weight you want to work on increasing your muscle mass? You won't bulk up or anything, but you'll get that leaner look you seem to want.

  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    i dont see any binging in her diary ( but it is only 3 days or so)

    She needs to eat regular and weigh everything

    Eating more ( which she already does) is never a solution

    But up to her. I gave my advice to my best knowledge
    Wish her luck :)

    She said that she doesn't track the binges, which makes it even worse! I'm with you in theory-just a different approach.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2015
    Many of the days that are not logged on here were tracked on paper.
    I would love to eat less. I want to so badly. But even now for example, i just ate 1 & 1/2 bun-less cheeseburgers, 16 oz of water, and 6 mini 3 muskateers (plz dont judge me) and my stomach is still rumbling/i feel VERY hungry. And i ate breakfast today and a healthy snack. I've had a thousand + calories and i feel the same as if I ate nothing.
    As for 130 not being a healthy weight, idk... There is a band of fat and cellulite around my waist that sometimes spills over my jeans when i don't have good posture (for as hard as i work in the gym, i shouldn't have that). Aside from it being unattractive, i think it is unhealthy. I want it gone.
    My goal for now is to just log everything i eat and be cognoscent. I can't imagine weighing it all. That seems like a big pain in the butt. But I'm going to try.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited July 2015
    If I'd had your breakfast, I would have been ravenous way before lunch :)

    You have the candy listed in a different meal from lunch - did you eat it with lunch? Or did lunch not satisfy you and you went for the candy?

    Also, your cheeseburger entry is not accurate - cheeseburgers contain protein and your entry does not.

    The problem may be that your meals don't contain the right amount of macros to satisfy you, but if they are not logged accurately, it's hard to assess this.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    I would be hungry on that too :)

    it is different for everybody
    But for sure i would add much more vegetables

    My daily intake is around 1300 to 1400 now
    And see what i get for it ( this is one day for me)


    I eat a lot of vegetables But notice that this is still about 150 calories less than you eat.

    Try maybe to change things around...add other kind of foods.

    Only thing i know that i was ( except for about 4 days when i started) really hungry.

    How do u attach pics?
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    If I'd had your breakfast, I would have been ravenous way before lunch :)

    You have the candy in a different meal from lunch - did you eat it with lunch? Or did lunch not satisfy you and you went for the candy?

    Also, your cheeseburger entry is not accurate - cheeseburgers contain protein and your entry does not.

    The problem may be that your meals don't contain the right amount of macros to satisfy you, but if they are not logged accurately, it's hard to assess this.

    Lunch wasn't satisfying so i caved when the candy dish came out at the meeting.

    Breakfast: at 230 this morning i was awoken by a loud-mouthed drunk who started snoring in my ear after his 12 incoherent half-stories. But i digress. So i was up from 230 on and succumbed to the temptation of the childrens' cereal by 530 (HNC are so delicious!!!)

    Re cheeseburger - i grabbed whatever bun-less option came up first in my search. My restaurant didn't have a bun-less version in the list. This is hard. :/
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have similar stats to yours. I'm 5'6, 38 years old (almost 39) and now down around 131. I probably have a similar exercise pattern as you. I usually eat around 2100 calories / day, and I've been consistently losing since I've been tracking. I think you've already gotten your solution, but weigh and track everything and eat more daily. You will feel so much better.

    P.S. I know you said you've avoiding carbs, but I swear the potato is the most satisfying, satiating food on the planet. A couple hundred calories of potato will satisfy for quite a while. (At least in my experience.) Good luck!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Log ground beef and cheese. If at a restaurant you have to assume the higher fat kind of ground beef (unless you know differently) and estimate the size if they don't tell you.

    The good entries look like this format and should have lots of serving size options:

    Beef - Ground, 80% lean meat / 20% fat, cooked, broiled

    Cheese, cheddar

    Not to repeat myself, but if you've been up since 2:30, of course you are hungry! Give yourself a break.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    If I'd had your breakfast, I would have been ravenous way before lunch :)

    You have the candy in a different meal from lunch - did you eat it with lunch? Or did lunch not satisfy you and you went for the candy?

    Also, your cheeseburger entry is not accurate - cheeseburgers contain protein and your entry does not.

    The problem may be that your meals don't contain the right amount of macros to satisfy you, but if they are not logged accurately, it's hard to assess this.

    Lunch wasn't satisfying so i caved when the candy dish came out at the meeting.

    Breakfast: at 230 this morning i was awoken by a loud-mouthed drunk who started snoring in my ear after his 12 incoherent half-stories. But i digress. So i was up from 230 on and succumbed to the temptation of the childrens' cereal by 530 (HNC are so delicious!!!)

    Re cheeseburger - i grabbed whatever bun-less option came up first in my search. My restaurant didn't have a bun-less version in the list. This is hard. :/

    Lol to the bolded. My two wonderful puppies have been waking me up at 3:30 every day :neutral:

    I think, for you, just logging everything will be a big help. Using a scale is ideal-but getting a grasp on how much you're eating overall can be a huge eye opener.

    Also, if you enjoy low carb-have at it. But having anything off limits is bound to cause a binge-if you're prone to that issue. Perhaps just focus on calories for now-and worry about the rest later.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    cld111 wrote: »
    I have similar stats to yours. I'm 5'6, 38 years old (almost 39) and now down around 131. I probably have a similar exercise pattern as you. I usually eat around 2100 calories / day, and I've been consistently losing since I've been tracking. I think you've already gotten your solution, but weigh and track everything and eat more daily. You will feel so much better.

    P.S. I know you said you've avoiding carbs, but I swear the potato is the most satisfying, satiating food on the planet. A couple hundred calories of potato will satisfy for quite a while. (At least in my experience.) Good luck!
    I love potatoes... Smothered in sour cream :naughty:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    If I'd had your breakfast, I would have been ravenous way before lunch :)

    You have the candy in a different meal from lunch - did you eat it with lunch? Or did lunch not satisfy you and you went for the candy?

    Also, your cheeseburger entry is not accurate - cheeseburgers contain protein and your entry does not.

    The problem may be that your meals don't contain the right amount of macros to satisfy you, but if they are not logged accurately, it's hard to assess this.

    Lunch wasn't satisfying so i caved when the candy dish came out at the meeting.

    Breakfast: at 230 this morning i was awoken by a loud-mouthed drunk who started snoring in my ear after his 12 incoherent half-stories. But i digress. So i was up from 230 on and succumbed to the temptation of the childrens' cereal by 530 (HNC are so delicious!!!)

    Re cheeseburger - i grabbed whatever bun-less option came up first in my search. My restaurant didn't have a bun-less version in the list. This is hard. :/

    I thought you might be having issues with hunger due to your meals not being balanced. Try looking at your carbs, fat, and proteins for each meals and see what types of meals sustain you the best.

  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    You get lots of proteins and you say you don't restrict fat too much. Fat's and protein keep you sated longer. Also, I find for me (3 a.m. riser, gym at 5), that the earlier in the day I eat, the hungrier I am throughout. This being the case, I try not to eat until 10-10:30 ish and it seems to make all the difference.

    funny you said this because if I eat right when I wake up vs waiting a couple hours I am like ravenous throughout the day. and 3am? sheesh thats when i go to sleep haha!
  • shoshkabob
    shoshkabob Posts: 14 Member
    As a recovering binge-eater, I hear you! In college, I used to eat vegetable sushi and drink diet sodas, and then eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's. I told myself I was making up for the calorie deficit, but I certainly wasn't losing any weight.
    I also gained about 30 pounds within the past year and a half from bingeing at night. I've tried quitting cold turkey, and that just made me miserable. I was told by a few people who studied nutrition that eating too much so late at night isn't good because your body metabolizes it a lot slower, but I'm on a stimulant during the day that decreases my appetite, so I'm always craving everything late at night.

    I found that replacing my crazy decadent binge foods with lighter, more satisfying options worked in terms of limiting bingeing at night.

    When I'm craving cake/brownies -- Fiber One Brownies (my personal favorite is the Cinnamon Coffee Cake flavor). 3 of them add up to less than 1 piece of cake; plus, you get a whole load of fiber.

    When I'm craving thick, chocolatey goodness -- I melt some dark chocolate chips for 30 seconds in the microwave, slice up a banana, and mix it together. It's ridiculously delicious.

    When I'm craving peanut butter and chocolate -- I just eat a nice spoonful of peanut butter. I end up forgetting about the chocolate.

    When I'm craving something salty -- Popcorn! (Microwave, of course; the kind with little to no butter.)

    As for during the day, on the days that I *don't* take my medicine, I find that high protein foods like eggs, yogurt, chicken, or turkey work for me. That and snacking on some cocoa roasted almonds or honey roasted peanuts.
    Also, lots and lots of diet soda. :)
  • cld111
    cld111 Posts: 300 Member
    shoshkabob wrote: »

    When I'm craving thick, chocolatey goodness -- I melt some dark chocolate chips for 30 seconds in the microwave, slice up a banana, and mix it together. It's ridiculously delicious.

    Need to try this immediately.
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    Following @TheOwlhouseDesigns' example, this is what I ate today for ~1250 calories (and I burned aboout 500 in exersize so I was hungry):

    Greek yoghurt with chia seeds, strawberries, cherries, and blueberries, toped with hemp seed (389 cal)

    Portobello mushroom boat with cheddar and spicy baked egg (154 cal)

    Chocolate chip banana pancakes with blueberries (380 cal)

    Yesterday’s cold cut chicken on salad with home made oven fries (223 cal)

    Low-fat quark with cherries and cocoa nibs (110 cal)

    I am going to bed full!
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    shoshkabob wrote: »

    When I'm craving something salty -- Popcorn! (Microwave, of course; the kind with little to no butter.)

    I like to snack on popcorn too. I heard that microwave stuff is really bad though, lots of ingredients. It's actually not hard to make on the stove, cook it in a little coconut oil and just add salt when done. Mmm i think i might have that for dinner tonight... I mean with dinner :)