Hungry all the time



  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    Following @TheOwlhouseDesigns' example, this is what I ate today for ~1250 calories (and I burned aboout 500 in exersize so I was hungry):

    Greek yoghurt with chia seeds, strawberries, cherries, and blueberries, toped with hemp seed (389 cal)

    Portobello mushroom boat with cheddar and spicy baked egg (154 cal)

    Chocolate chip banana pancakes with blueberries (380 cal)

    Yesterday’s cold cut chicken on salad with home made oven fries (223 cal)

    Low-fat quark with cherries and cocoa nibs (110 cal)

    I am going to bed full!

    I could eat twice that and and still go to bed with my tummy grumbling. Lucky!

    How did u attach those pics?
  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    I could eat twice that and and still go to bed with my tummy grumbling. Lucky!

    How did u attach those pics?

    I am on web version, there is a little camera button to the right. I don't think you can on (android) app. And what can I say, maybe I just don't need too much food? I'm 5'4 and 121 pound so...? :relaxed:
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    Following @TheOwlhouseDesigns' example, this is what I ate today for ~1250 calories (and I burned aboout 500 in exersize so I was hungry):

    Greek yoghurt with chia seeds, strawberries, cherries, and blueberries, toped with hemp seed (389 cal)

    Portobello mushroom boat with cheddar and spicy baked egg (154 cal)

    Chocolate chip banana pancakes with blueberries (380 cal)

    Yesterday’s cold cut chicken on salad with home made oven fries (223 cal)

    Low-fat quark with cherries and cocoa nibs (110 cal)

    I am going to bed full!

    I could eat twice that and and still go to bed with my tummy grumbling. Lucky!

    How did u attach those pics?

    For the desktop version, click on the icon:

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I find myself getting really hungry on lifting days but not so hungry on non-lifting days. I am trying something new this week: I am at a surplus on lifting days and a deficit on non-lifting days, but working to meet my calorie goals for the week. So far, so good- my hunger pangs seems to have diminished.
  • Kexessa
    Kexessa Posts: 346 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    I can't imagine weighing it all. That seems like a big pain in the butt. But I'm going to try.

    I thought the same thing too at first. I figured eyeballing portions or using measuring cups was sufficient. I finally bought a food scale and wow was I wrong! What I thought was 100g of avocado was more like 300g. That's a lot of calories.

    You put your bowl or whatever you want on the scale, hit the tare button and the scale goes to zero. Add the food you are measuring, say avocado, to the gram weight you want, hit tare again and the scale goes back to zero, add whatever else to the gram weight you want, tare, add, tare add......

    It's actually very, very easy. Especially salads, beans and rice, anything really, just tare and add and tare and add and log. Done. Good luck! I'm generally hungry too, but only about an hour before it's time to eat and it starts slowly and then ramps up and if I'm lucky food is ready or in reach by feeding time.

  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    Typically, I've found that coffee helps curb the hunger and the caffeine amps up my workouts. But maybe i need to reevaluate...
    Anyway, 2000+ calories today. I've not purchased a scale yet, but i logged everything i ate best guess estimate. I'm very hungry. My stomach is audibly growling. :/
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    This may have been asked already and I missed it. Are you on any medications that could increase hunger? Antidepressants, steroids, hormones? My husband was on some meds several years ago and described the same thing. Crazy hunger all the time. He went off the meds after a year or so and his appetite returned to normal.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    brendak76 wrote: »
    This may have been asked already and I missed it. Are you on any medications that could increase hunger? Antidepressants, steroids, hormones? My husband was on some meds several years ago and described the same thing. Crazy hunger all the time. He went off the meds after a year or so and his appetite returned to normal.

    Nope. No meds.
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    This is my own experience: coffee drinking generates a lot of stomach acid, which creates false hunger. Reduce your coffee or substitute it with milk or hot chocolate or some juice in the morning.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    katepace1 wrote: »
    Many of the days that are not logged on here were tracked on paper.
    I would love to eat less. I want to so badly. But even now for example, i just ate 1 & 1/2 bun-less cheeseburgers, 16 oz of water, and 6 mini 3 muskateers (plz dont judge me) and my stomach is still rumbling/i feel VERY hungry. And i ate breakfast today and a healthy snack. I've had a thousand + calories and i feel the same as if I ate nothing.
    As for 130 not being a healthy weight, idk... There is a band of fat and cellulite around my waist that sometimes spills over my jeans when i don't have good posture (for as hard as i work in the gym, i shouldn't have that). Aside from it being unattractive, i think it is unhealthy. I want it gone.
    My goal for now is to just log everything i eat and be cognoscent. I can't imagine weighing it all. That seems like a big pain in the butt. But I'm going to try.

    It really sounds like you're judging you. Pretty harshly. Your profile pic looks terrific! Maybe give yourself a little grace, eat closer to maintenance and ease off and figure out how to feed your body. Focus on the food combos that give you the most satiety. You'll find them. Maybe it's also a factor of meal/snack timing. I got rid of the meal/snack designation and went to six meals in MFP. If I ate a "meal" where a snack would be, I'd feel like I did something wrong. Now I just eat.

    Any extra weight goes straight to my waist. And then my waist goes away! :neutral: I can relate. But those fluctuations do go away.

    Read this today, thought you might like it! :smiley:
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I wanna know how that stack of pancakes above only have 380 calories. They look amazing :heart:
  • SuseAndo26
    SuseAndo26 Posts: 54 Member
    Let's say you burn at least 400-500 per day in exercise, so net your calories are 1000-1100, so no wonder you're hungry! I tend to lose on 1800 a day if I'm exercising a lot, and I'm less likely to binge. On 1800 with a lot of exercise, I feel a little hungry now and then, but it's a big difference from 1400-1500.

    When you say you exercise a lot and still lose on 1800 a day, what sort of calories are you burning when you excercise?

  • Faithful_Chosen
    Faithful_Chosen Posts: 401 Member
    I wanna know how that stack of pancakes above only have 380 calories. They look amazing :heart:

    One finely mashed banana (100 gram/93 cal), two eggs (110 gram/163 cal), whisk together with a sprinkling of chocolate flakes (10 gram/43 cal). Use a bit of butter in the pan (10 gram/70 cal) and use two tablespoons of batter per pancake. Medium heat. Add blueberries after (20 gram/11 cal) and voila! 380 calorie pancake stack!
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    LLNN122 wrote: »

    Do you have any stomach pain while feeling hungry that goes away after eating something? I believe ulcers make people feel hungry and cause small pain until eating something and then soon the sensation returns. You should go to a Dr and explain the hunger feeling and just get a general blood test and see what they say.
    Sometimes minor things like vitamin deficiencies cause all kinds of symptoms.

    Hmmm... Yes. It is pain. Unless i eat a cheeseburger, large fry, a coke and a chocolate shake (or similar) it is always there. I just ate (healthy) lunch. The pain (hunger, whatever it is) was there while eating and is still there now.
  • kgeiger141
    kgeiger141 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm having the same issue right now, but I just started my weight loss journey, so I anticipated it. Right now I'm focusing on just staying within my calorie limit the best I can, trying to eat more low-calorie foods and drinking more water before and after I eat or when I do get hungry.
  • katepace1
    katepace1 Posts: 36 Member
    kgeiger141 wrote: »
    I'm having the same issue right now, but I just started my weight loss journey, so I anticipated it. Right now I'm focusing on just staying within my calorie limit the best I can, trying to eat more low-calorie foods and drinking more water before and after I eat or when I do get hungry.
    Best of luck to you. :smile:
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Unfortunately, as I posted in another thread, if I'm losing weight, I'm hungry. It's just the way it is. I don't think there is any way around it and I think it's why most people fail at weight loss - they can't tolerate the pain long term.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm convinced that in the end, what you eat doesn't matter that much for hunger, though proteins can help stave it off a little bit. Hunger is a natural response to loss of Leptin, which is a result of lowered body fat stores. It's your body's defense mechanism to try and restore fat levels.