avoiding carbs makes you lose weight



  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    I think everyone is an individual and should find what works for them best...however I have recently started a new low carb way of eating that I am absolutely loving, and i'm seeing pounds moving that haven't moved in years! It's a book called "eat fat, get thin" by Barry Groves (I think his 'natural eating' book is meant to be the better one), and it's probably quite controversial on MFP but you do no count calories, nor do you overeat protein - the majority of calories come from fat. Fat in all it's glorious forms; butter, meat fat, olive oil, coconut oil, full fat dairy. On Atkins I felt light headed but I feel great on this plan, and i'm not missing carbs one bit. The fat makes you feel totally satisfied and cravings disappear - and as the author says, people do not overeat fat, or protein; they naturally reach a satiated level and then stop. Unlike carbohydrates, which we all know is very easy to overeat (I regularly watch my boyfriend hoover up an entire tube of pringles in about 5 minutes flat and then still want his dinner!).

    My carbs come from green veggies, dairy, and things like that. I do 65% fat, 20% protein and 15% carbs, no more than 60g of carbs a day. I don't consciously aim for these amounts, I just naturally seem to end up with them, I just keep check that they're not going way out of whack (like today I had too much protein because I needed a big fry up after a rare night out last night!), but as long as my carbs are under i'm happy.

    People can judge me and say it's unhealthy but at the end of the day I don't eat processed food any more, no sugar whatsoever, no grain or wheat or starchy veggies, and I feel great. I've read lots of accounts from people following these sorts of low carb/full fat diets for years and having healthy cholesterol, triglyceride etc levels. I don't intend to ever go back to my old ways, my body is telling me what it wants :)

    I have lost weight in the past on traditional diets but it was a battle, this feels so easy and natural, i'm thinking of it as a way of life. I would never tell anyone what to eat/what not to eat, just letting you know what i've found :D
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Im allowed 165 carbs a day. Iv lost 29 lbs. Since february. I don't no how many carbs I was eating before I started this change of like.. ( I no oo many)???? I couldnt not go without any. You would be deprived. Or I would. There's only two things that I actually gave up and don't miss that's butter and cheese. Not worth the calories for me too eat. Everything else I work it in my calories and carbs. If I have a taste for something like a donut I eat half. If I want it I eat it!
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243
    Im allowed 165 carbs a day. Iv lost 29 lbs. Since february. I don't no how many carbs I was eating before I started this change of like.. ( I no oo many)???? I couldnt not go without any. You would be deprived. Or I would. There's only two things that I actually gave up and don't miss that's butter and cheese. Not worth the calories for me too eat. Everything else I work it in my calories and carbs. If I have a taste for something like a donut I eat half. If I want it I eat it!

    That's funny because now I freely eat butter and cheese, I don't miss the carbs! Much rather have the cheese than the bread, yum :)
  • staceycoha22
    There are also those that bunk the whole Adkins (sp) diet. Extremes are never good...that's all I've got.
  • staceycoha22
    It's not necessary to cut all out carbs to be a fat burning machine. This is not sustainable for most people. Simply eat no carbs until the evening and then eat 100-150gms. You will see the benefits of increased fat loss but have greater energy than not eating carbs.
  • staceycoha22
    I have to quote a phrase that you used that IS so right on, "low carb doesn't equal no carb" - woot woot! Everyone talking about cutting carbs completely (which is chemically impossible by the way) is an extreme that can really get you into trouble medically.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I am shooting for 100 g of carb a day, some days I do less and today I did more. I've lost 3 pounds in 5 days.

    To do this, I eat cereal for breakfast (watch portion size), a piece of fruit during the day, lots of veggies (have some carbs in them), a whole wheat slice (as in 1) of bread a day, and almond milk. I love almond milk. I love it 500% better then cow's milk. Almond milk tastes great - but I get the regular (not the super flavored...sugars). I sometimes have a greek yogurt (oinkos), it's low in carbs. I have to avoid dairy, becaues it KILLS my digestive tract.

    I am able to work out with no problem. I am not crashing. If I crash, then more carbs.
  • dwardca
    dwardca Posts: 22
    My wife and I have been doing low carb with great results.

    When we eat Carbs .. we get heartburn .. phlem ..bloatedness .. lethargy .. depressive states ..

    Within two days of going back onto low carbs - all symptoms disappear.
    Within five days we are actually feeling great.

    Low Carb diets require a lifestyle change .. and rightfully so ... you can eat great tasting foods with great variety .. you just have discover them. Some of the best tasting foods I've discovered - I've discovered doing low carb.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hubby and I are doing Atkins... I am on Induction he is on OWL. I eat 20 gr a day...12-15 are from Veggies......I have lost 12.6 lbs since May 11th......a couple stalls when not eating enough.....LOVE LOVE Low Carb eating, feel spectacular!
  • sandt604
    sandt604 Posts: 4 Member
    So I am very new to eating healthy and I have heard so much what to eat what not to eat I joined this site and got my food count and have been under every day I stil not sure what I am supose to do with the limits it gives you to eat like carbs do I eat less and protien more what if I go over on the protien is that ok. I see people say eggs are good but it takes my cholestoral over, so I eat egg whites I use milk every morning in cereal, bread with sandwhiches.I haven't lost any thing yet and I have been walking for about a week 1/2 now SO basicly carbs are bread, pasta and milk???
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Bump> I wanna read all this later. :)
  • tsomo
    tsomo Posts: 44
    I don't think I agree with that weight loss guru, since I eat rice and bread everyday and still losing weight smoothly. I think portion size and calories intake is the point. If you eat carbs in a reasonable amount, you can eat anything you like and stil losing weight.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    There is no animal on earth that naturally drinks milk from another species. So, why do we?

    I think she's right about milk for sure... however, I love a good carb now and then! Seriously, limiting carbs really helps me lose weight.

    Peace! : )
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I get annoyed by articles like this and by people who are so "evangelical" about their way being the ONLY way to lose weight.

    She states that if you eat carbs or diary you will not lose weight. Clearly this is not correct, as there are lots of people here (including me) who continue to eat carbs and continue to lose weight. Also people who eat/drink dairy products. Humans have been using dairy products for thousands of years, and for some it's great, others don't like to, or find it doesn't suit them.

    But that's OK. Do what works for you, just don't tell me I HAVE to do what you are doing or I will fail.
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Sorry if I sound really dense here...

    How many grams a day would be considered low carb? If your eating low carb what do you eat all day? Lots of protein?

    As a vegetarian I don't see how I could do a low carb diet. So I guess I've never really considered it or know really anything about it.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    So I am very new to eating healthy and I have heard so much what to eat what not to eat I joined this site and got my food count and have been under every day I stil not sure what I am supose to do with the limits it gives you to eat like carbs do I eat less and protien more what if I go over on the protien is that ok. I see people say eggs are good but it takes my cholestoral over, so I eat egg whites I use milk every morning in cereal, bread with sandwhiches.I haven't lost any thing yet and I have been walking for about a week 1/2 now SO basicly carbs are bread, pasta and milk???

    Read labels. Look at the carb counts and start educating yourself. You will start to see that one portion of pasta, at 35g of carb is way too expensive!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Sorry if I sound really dense here...

    How many grams a day would be considered low carb? If your eating low carb what do you eat all day? Lots of protein?

    As a vegetarian I don't see how I could do a low carb diet. So I guess I've never really considered it or know really anything about it.

    Most low carb plans are under 100 grams a day. Atkins starts out at 20 or less for the first couple of weeks to force your body into ketosis (fat burning mode) and then you can start to add back the carbs you can tolerate until you reach your critical carb limit to continue to lose your extra weight. Once you reach your goal you add enough carbs to stop weight loss and continue on maintenance.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member

    She states that if you eat carbs or diary you will not lose weight. Clearly this is not correct, as there are lots of people here (including me) who continue to eat carbs and continue to lose weight. Also people who eat/drink dairy products.

    If she said that her credibility went right out the window. What an idiot.
  • mapexdrummer69
    Did not read thread....BUT

    Avoiding CHO is in NO way more effective in weight loss, other than eliminating them will in turn lower daily caloric intake in the event that protein and fat intake are not increased. However, simply lowering caloric intake on an isocaloric diet will yield the exact same effects. It all comes down to energy balance.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    Did not read thread....BUT

    Avoiding CHO is in NO way more effective in weight loss, other than eliminating them will in turn lower daily caloric intake in the event that protein and fat intake are not increased. However, simply lowering caloric intake on an isocaloric diet will yield the exact same effects. It all comes down to energy balance.

    The difference is ketosis. When a person is in ketosis they are burning ketones (calories) for energy. But that is not all....they are sneaking out ketones in their breathe and in their urine, unburned! So you are actually getting more calories out without expending the same energy that you would on a low calorie (calories in=calories out) regime. So a person can eat a daily diet of 2000+ calories and lose weight regularly compared to having to keep calories at a deficit.