What's Your Most Recent NSV



  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    yay everyone!
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    Well, I had to go to a funeral a couple of weeks ago and the two black dressy skirts I always used in the past, hung off my hips. It was kind of a last-minute deal as it was completely unexpected. So, now I am on the prowl for a special-occasion dress and/or skirt that I know will fit as I obviously have nothing right now. I ended up wearing black pants (I'm sure nobody really cared, but I really like to wear skirts for situations like that and always have). Another was my 'smaller' bras are now too large in the band - thankfully, I was and am able to accommodate that issue more easily!
  • acoustophoresis
    acoustophoresis Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2015
    My boss told me I looked like I have lost weight today :blush:

    When I lift my thigh up, the fat is squishy and falls away, and the contour of a skinny leg is super apparent! :smile:
  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
    Yesterday I jogged 8 laps around my daughter's school track. She was able to keep up merely by walking quickly, but by golly- I jogged that two miles! (Queue Rocky's Eye of the Tiger)
  • 7Tamara7
    7Tamara7 Posts: 9 Member
    dayrae02 wrote: »
    Seems to be a common victory over the past day or so on here...but...I also managed to not only survive C25K week 5/day 3, but I ROCKED it and finished strong! I was so nervous...but once I found my groove it was all good! I wont say it was easy, but I am proud of how well I did!

    Awesome job! We can do this! :smile:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I celebrated my one year of maintenance this week. :smile:

    That is amazing!!!!!
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    So over the past few years I've slowly become a runner. At first I was wheezing like crazy, but just trying to run through it - except people kept stopping me, concerned I guess by the wheeze. These were strangers, lol, so I mentioned it to my doc, who prescribed me an inhaler. That really helped, and last summer I completed c25k, enjoying my runs more and more all the time, always starting with my inhaler and no longer scaring passers by into being ready to call 911 ;)
    Here's my NSV: I thought I'd run a quarter mile in the middle of a walk the other day, just as a spur of the moment interval, no inhaler used. It was so easy I ended up running 2 miles! No inhaler, no wheeze!!
    So amazing how we truly can train and change our bodies, with patience and dedication :) Congrats pals! Keep'em coming!
  • AngeBee18
    AngeBee18 Posts: 180 Member
    I celebrated my one year of maintenance this week. :smile:

    *fist bump* Awesome work. As someone just starting on maintenance, that's so motivating to hear :)
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    My mother actually noticed I've lost weight. That may not seem monumental, but if you knew my mother you would understand!
  • AngeBee18
    AngeBee18 Posts: 180 Member
    KarlaH9801 wrote: »
    Yesterday I jogged 8 laps around my daughter's school track. She was able to keep up merely by walking quickly, but by golly- I jogged that two miles! (Queue Rocky's Eye of the Tiger)

    Great work! You definitely deserve a montage and theme song for that effort :)
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    I just ran 3.75 miles on the treadmill. My longest run to date. I feel I'm going to break that four mile target soon!
  • fearnsey71
    fearnsey71 Posts: 65 Member
    edited July 2015
    brandyosu wrote: »
    My mother actually noticed I've lost weight. That may not seem monumental, but if you knew my mother you would understand!

    I get this, I remember this quote though "if it's not one thing it's your mother."

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Only 15 pounds away from being "healthy weight" instead of "overweight"...lets go 15lbs!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Kirstie155 wrote: »
    Only 15 pounds away from being "healthy weight" instead of "overweight"...lets go 15lbs!

    Hm, I guess this one is kinda a scale victory-or soon to be one. So heres another: my daily jog/fast walk with my dog was trimmed down my 2 minutes over the weekend, then ANOTHER 2 minutes yesterday...4 minutes faster than last week! And I ran with my shirt off at one point-without feeling like everyone was staring at me.
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    my most recent NSV was 2 full arm pullups in the gym after a sub 25 min 5k. So very happy with being able to do a pull up!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    Last week, someone said "You've lost a LOT of weight huh? How much?" and I was happy to answer. I've been a bit stuck and unmotivated the last couple of weeks so that made me feel like all was not lost.
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    7Tamara7 wrote: »
    What an epic post. Awesome and congrats!!!
  • bob108819
    bob108819 Posts: 267 Member
    7Tamara7 wrote: »
    So, it has take me weeks (I'm not kidding) to read this entire thread. It has been so inspiring and motivating! Many of you have been posting on here for a while, and seeing how you've progressed and made multiple non-scale victories has helped me to see them in myself. Thank you, and congrats to all of you! I so wish I could just "Like" all your posts.

    I have been losing weight steadily since the start of the year but had to start off with mostly just walking in terms of exercise. Five weeks ago I started the C25K program and strength training at home.

    Since it took me so long to reach the end of this thread, I do have a few NSVs:
    --Stomach pain went away within weeks of watching my food intake. (I was eating too much!)
    --The pain in my knees has disappeared.
    --I have more energy. I'm becoming one of those people that can't sit at the desk for long periods of time! I even went for a very short run yesterday just because! Me run just because?! Crazy.
    --Kind of related to the previous point - because of the increased energy, time with the husband is even more awesome. I will leave it at that. :blush:
    --I went from a size 14 (in January) to a size 10 now (US sizes). I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, because for some reason I don't see myself as getting smaller, even though I'm back into my old stuff.
    --The little "voice in my head" has become more encouraging. What started out as "You can't do this" over and over again has become "You CAN do this!" over and over again.
    --Compliments. I saw family that I hadn't seen in months (and some family I hadn't seen in years!) last weekend, and while I had hoped that they might see a difference, I was stunned at how many compliments I got. I have such an encouraging husband and family, and they were not shy in congratulating me on my progress so far. I was totally grinning from ear to ear most of that weekend. :blush:
    --I feel good about myself. I actually feel pretty.
    --I have said "no" to food, on multiple occasions now. After years of emotional eating, I actually have willpower! I will never forget my husband offering me a spoon with some leftover peanut butter on it, and I just didn't want it. So I said "No thanks." And then I stared at him, and he stared at me, because I never do that.
    --I completed C25K Week 5 Day 3 today. I have been dreading this day since I started the program, and I did it! I totally cried.

    Sorry for the long post! I had just been collecting them for a while. :smile:

    Awesome post, makes me want to go back and read this entire thread too!

    My NSV is that I recently started swimming 2-3 times a week, and in a fairly short time I've gone from barely making it 50 meters without stopping and catching my breath to doing 100 meters at a time with flip turns (ugly, completely wrong flip turns, but still) and improving my form, breathing, and kicking drastically. Swam for an hour this morning and am really starting to feel the benefits of it.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm drinking close to 2L of water a day (big thing for me, I really struggle with drinking enough), I've logged consistently and been under TDEE for 2 weeks, and my cravings are gone! :) Long way to go but it's finally getting easier!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I started doing hill sprints a few weeks ago. I've been doing 10 sprint/rest intervals. This past Sunday, I got through the fifth sprint before starting to feel tired AND my rests were a bit shorter AND I added two more sprint/rest intervals for a total of 12. My legs are beginning to feel pretty damn strong. I also moved up in weight for my kettlebell. I'm now swinging 25 pounds!
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