5'6 women what is your goal weight/measurements



  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    edited July 2015
    5'6" here. Currently at 69.2kg, started at 70.5kg. Hourglass leaning towards a pear.

    Aiming for 61.5kg/135.5 lbs. Really though I want to get my 24" waist back and my flat belly, so I'm flexible on the scale number as long as i get there.
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I have always had large hips and even at my smallest (135lbs) I was around a size 9/10. My upper half looked TINY! I was 150 for quite awhile wearing 11/12. My goal is 150 again but I've always wanted to get to a single digit jean size. Not sure that would be attainable due to my build and large bone structure. Interested in hear what you all are aiming for jean size wise.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    skeetpea wrote: »
    I have always had large hips and even at my smallest (135lbs) I was around a size 9/10. My upper half looked TINY! I was 150 for quite awhile wearing 11/12. My goal is 150 again but I've always wanted to get to a single digit jean size. Not sure that would be attainable due to my build and large bone structure. Interested in hear what you all are aiming for jean size wise.

    I hear you! I've never been lower than a size 10, not even when I was my smallest (118 lbs). Others who looked something similar to my size would tell me that they wear size 2 or something, but I just couldn't do it. I have these hip bones that simply do not reduce in size on any diet.

    That said, I do have one pair of size 8 pants ... I got them when I was wearing size 14 pants from everywhere else, so I have to assume that the sizing was incorrect or adjusted to make women feel better.

  • Emmasian2014
    Emmasian2014 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5'5 currently at 130lbs after losing three stone over a few years. My goal would be around 118lbs. So 12lbs to go!
  • supersocks117
    supersocks117 Posts: 169 Member
    wow at first I thought my goal weight might be too high compared to everyone! My goal is 150 lbs from there I will see how I feel. When I got married I weighed 120 lbs but when I look back at pictures I think I look way too thin.

    I think our weight is just a number...it's how we feel that is important. So while I realize a goal weight is helpful my true goal is to feel and look healthy.

    I agree with knowing it when you see it - my goal is about 140-150 (so I don't think yours is particularly high). I was 135 for a while before I got done with college and got a full-time job (or two jobs!) and before I had a baby. It was hard for me to maintain then and my mom always says how I looked too skinny then (funny, because she's 125-130 and 5'6" also xP)

    I'm 195 now, so I just want something reasonable for me to maintain just by taking on healthy habits (tracking my food, 30 minutes or so of exercise per day, less processed food, more water, etc) that I get to pretty slowly (so as not to tank my milk supply). I want to be healthy and model being healthy for my daughter - but I don't feel any need to be "skinny"
  • cresyluna
    cresyluna Posts: 48 Member
    5'6", when I hit 165lb. after a vacation last September I started on here as I'd discovered my "eat everything and never exercise" plan wasn't working too well, ha! My goal weight is set to 135lb, I've been around 142lb. for the last month and haven't been focusing on weight loss much.
    For measurements I'm 34" 30" 39" which for most clothing puts me at bust= size 4, waist and hips= size 10, which makes dress fitting an interesting experience to say the least.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    cresyluna wrote: »
    For measurements I'm 34" 30" 39" which for most clothing puts me at bust= size 4, waist and hips= size 10, which makes dress fitting an interesting experience to say the least.

    I feel you so hard on the dress fitting, ugh. I've been shopping for a dress to wear to a formal event for 2+ weeks because my measurements are similar to yours (35-29-41).
  • shawnaes91
    shawnaes91 Posts: 60 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 5'6 my goal weight is 130. I'm currently 138 but I started at 182. For me personally I feel I look my best at 130.
  • ticiaelizabeth
    ticiaelizabeth Posts: 139 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently 179. I'm hoping to get to 145. I don't want to get too low as I'd like to maintain a fair amount of muscle.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    skeetpea wrote: »
    I have always had large hips and even at my smallest (135lbs) I was around a size 9/10. My upper half looked TINY! I was 150 for quite awhile wearing 11/12. My goal is 150 again but I've always wanted to get to a single digit jean size. Not sure that would be attainable due to my build and large bone structure. Interested in hear what you all are aiming for jean size wise.
    I could have wrote this exactly!!
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Technically I'm 5'5.5" (I usually just say 5'5" to make my life easier)

    I'm 180 and shooting for healthy weight range on BMI, which for 5'5" is 111-149. Where I ultimately land will very likely be determined by my curves and the point at which I can keep them vs. lose them, as well as my bodyfat % and the point where my thighs are more sleek/slender and not thunderous.

    For measurements, I have a 12 inch difference now between my hips and waist (44 hips, 32 waist), and I'd like it to stay that way as my measurements go down. I have only an 8 inch difference between my bust and my waist (40 bust), so I'd love for my bust to not reduce anymore for a while, hoping for a 10 inch difference between waist and bust.
    When I began losing weight over 100 lbs ago, I was very pear-shaped (only 3" difference between waist and bust, vs 13" difference between waist and hips), but as I've lost weight my shape has become more hourglass, wanting that trend to continue.
  • LisaTcan
    LisaTcan Posts: 410 Member
    I'm a hair under 5'6'' - current weight is 137 35-28-38 Would love to get down to 128 and 34-36-36
  • SquatNSparkle
    SquatNSparkle Posts: 477 Member
    My goal was 140. I hit it but at the point of being sick. I now weigh around 150. I want to get back to 145 but know what? I am lifting and lifting heavy. If I stay at 150 and recompose myself, more muscle and less fat, I'm SOOO GOOD with that. Muscle is more compact and less jiggly than fat. So 145-155, depending on my body fat composition which I would like to get at 20%. I am now at about 24 to 25 percent.
  • SharonBrobst
    SharonBrobst Posts: 62 Member
    wow at first I thought my goal weight might be too high compared to everyone! My goal is 150 lbs from there I will see how I feel. When I got married I weighed 120 lbs but when I look back at pictures I think I look way too thin.

    I think our weight is just a number...it's how we feel that is important. So while I realize a goal weight is helpful my true goal is to feel and look healthy.

    I agree with knowing it when you see it - my goal is about 140-150 (so I don't think yours is particularly high). I was 135 for a while before I got done with college and got a full-time job (or two jobs!) and before I had a baby. It was hard for me to maintain then and my mom always says how I looked too skinny then (funny, because she's 125-130 and 5'6" also xP)

    I'm 195 now, so I just want something reasonable for me to maintain just by taking on healthy habits (tracking my food, 30 minutes or so of exercise per day, less processed food, more water, etc) that I get to pretty slowly (so as not to tank my milk supply). I want to be healthy and model being healthy for my daughter - but I don't feel any need to be "skinny"

    So agree! Healthy not "skinny". Sounds like you have a good plan. I am doing much of the same! Keep going!

  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'7" and pear shaped. My goal weight is 145 and measurements 36-30-45, which is about where they were when I was that weight (I'm currently 210).
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 674 Member
    Like the title of the thread, I'm 5'6". Currently 131lbs and 36-25-38.5. And I've lost a lot of muscle mass the past year from being sick and depressed. My measurements are going to effing awesome when I heal up enough to work on my strength again. My happy weight was between 115 and 120 before the big gain, and I was much more energetic in that range, too.
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm 5'6 and currently 182lbs. My goal is 170, and under goal is 160. I'd love to stay my current size and tone up, but i'd like to lose about 10 more lbs of fat. I don't find a thinner body (on myself) that flattering. I prefer curves. My current measurements are 40-32-42, and I'd like to get to 36-28-37.
  • sunstargirl
    sunstargirl Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently 198 aiming for 140ish but my first target is 168 by my birthday in October then 154 by Christmas. A wee break over the festive period then down to 140 by Easter 2016. Hoping to have toned curves and maintain after that x
  • vdepan
    vdepan Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my goal is 140 ☺️. I just had a baby two weeks ago. I ballooned up to 227 prior to giving birth. 140 is good for me because i need to be able to have upper and lower body strength. Anything below 140 is too thin for my built.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I'm just under 5'6 and I've been maintaining between 138-143 for almost two years. I toyed around with dropping to 130ish, and then I got sick last winter and actually went down to 127. Way, WAY too thin for me...it was actually skinny, which I have never been before. I looked horrible and it took me almost three months to get the weight back on. (But being able to eat over maintenance was fun for a while! lol)