July 2015 Running Challenge



  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    mitch16 wrote: »
    I'm in (a few days late!)... Training for another half marathon this fall and running some shorter races in the meantime. I ran ~90 miles in June, so I'm aiming to top that this month--let's say 100 miles. I've done ~23.5 so far in July!

    4 miles yesterday and 6.25 today, and I'm up to 33.75! It's been so hot and humid here in Boston--my pace is really suffering.
    A week slipped by somehow... I did get some runs in though:
    7/9 4.2 miles
    7/10 rest
    7/11 lacrosse tournament with my son--no running, but 15000 steps!
    7/12 same as 7/11
    7/13 7.1 miles
    7/14 4.1 miles
    7/15 5.1 miles
    7/16 4.1 miles

    for a grand total of 58.35 miles.

  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    @7lenny7 That sounds like a blast!! Don't blame you know the costume, I would want to be careful to make sure it was something that wouldn't interfere with my running, too.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    I must be addicted..
    I kept telling myself I wasn't going join in for July...

    BUT I MUST!!! :D
    I'm lowballing this time since I spent a week on vacation

    Count me in for 30mi
    Jul 04 - 5.2mi
    Jul 10 - 3.8mi
    Jul 12 - 5.5mi

    spoils of vacation, running new roads: Interlaken, Switzerland
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    My training plan calls for 159...
    7/02/15 - 3 miles
    7/04/15 - 7 miles
    7/05/15 - 6.32
    7/06/15 - 7 miles
    7/08/15 - 7 miles
    7/10/15 - 8.06 miles
    7/11/15 - 3 miles
    7/12/15 - 11.03 miles
    7/13/15 - 5 miles
    7/14/15 - 5.5 miles
    7/15/15 - 5.58 miles
    7/16/15 - 6 miles


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited July 2015
    7/1: 6.5 miles
    7/2: 6.5 miles with the Thursday running crew
    7/3: Rest
    7/4: 3.1 miles (New 5k PR of 23:42!)
    7/5: 12 miles
    7/6: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/7: 5 miles of easy "I'm drowning in humidity" pace
    7/8: 4 miles
    7/9: 5 miles -- quick, fun ones with the Thursday running group!
    7/10: Rest
    7/11: 3.1 miles
    7/12: 14.3 miles
    7/13: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/14: 5 miles
    7/15: 8 miles
    7/16: 6.3 miles -- A bit harder than expected with the Thursday running crew, but it was perfect evening weather! Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow though. Left heel felt fine. Taped my right ankle and it also felt fine. One day I'll be ache-free! Plus my cadence is back to about 162-165 now (up from 160s in the beginning of July), so things are on the up & up.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber Maybe more like "what hill?". Lol!uf77csqc3ajs.jpg

    Omg! That looks just like my park run! The long half mile to mile inclines are harder than the shorter steeper hills.

    Here's the park 20150716_182253_zpswic6fxpv.jpg
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2015
    1- rest
    2-lunch swim, 12.15 bike
    3-0.52 GI upset. Decided to lay on couch and eat popsicles instead.
    4-5.18 hot. HI 99, temp 89 humidity 60%
    5- 4.80 run, cold spring dip, run
    7- 3.27 80° 90% precip.
    9- 3.65 86° 62% humidity
    10- no run, SI pain
    11-5.47 improved pace!
    12- migraine
    13- 6.06 Evening run with hubby 91° 68% humidity. Feels like 98°.
    14- 2.82 93° 63% humidity.  Good run.
    15- rest
    16-  5.89

  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    Goal 40 miles
    Completed 24 miles
    Tortuous leg day WO Tuesday and too sore for cardio then+yesterday. Still sore today but running actually helped . I did 2.5 miles after my workout this morning and 2.5 this evening so 5 for today.
    New total 29 with 11 to go
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @shanaber Maybe more like "what hill?". Lol!uf77csqc3ajs.jpg

    Nice Shoes, Are They new?
    Looks like you lean a little to far forward on hill climbs.

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    July goal 70 miles

    7/1 Snorkel 3 hours
    7/2 6.25
    7/3 horribly ill
    7/4 moderately ill
    7/5 well enough to do 2.55
    7/6 3.15
    7/7 2.86
    7/8 helped build a chicken coop
    7/9 built more of a chicken coop (my anniversary gift)
    7/10 rested from building a chicken coop
    7/11 6.26
    7/12 rest
    7/13 3.19
    7/14 3.59
    7/15 rest
    7/16 4.41

    Total 32.43

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Running yesterday's 22km at MAF pace left me feeling great today so went off in search of new trails. Today's ... was only kinda runnable. 10ish km with 4km up 800 meters, 4km down. Really rough. Still fun... but won't be a regular route.

    Month to date:		151.23 km 
    Goal:			200.00 km / 124 miles (75% completed)
    Stretch Goal:		242.00 km / 150 miles (62% completed)
    Thu Jul 15 09.73 km Mountain trail "run"
    Wed Jul 15 21.89 km City + river path run
    Tue Jul 14 ---- Beer, er, Rest Day
    Mon Jul 13 ---- Rest Day
    Sun Jul 12 21.29 km Lake trail x2 (61.37 km weekly total, 1,173 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 11 06.20 km City streets
    Fri Jul 10 11.11 km Mountain trail run
    Thu Jul 09 10.79 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 08 ----- Rest day
    Tue Jul 07 11.98 km Mountain trail run
    Mon Jul 06 ----- Rest day
    Sun Jul 05 07.66 km Trail run (86.10 km weekly total, 2,209 meters climbing)
    Sat Jul 04 18.90 km Mountain trail run
    Fri Jul 03 09.84 km Stanley Park
    Thu Jul 02 11.93 km Mountain trail run
    Wed Jul 01 09.99 km River trail run
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    You really don't need sports beans or gels or gummy bears or the sorts for any race that lasts under 90 minutes. Water yes, but not carbs. If you are running aerobically (keeping your pace below your lactate threshold) your body should learn to burn fat for fuel and you should have plenty of glycogen stores as long as you are eating right during training and leading up into your race.

    That's my experience too. Under 90 min I usually take zero water unless heading deep into the back country, for safety's sake. Even for a HM distance I only fill my bottle 1/2 full - maybe 250ml - mostly to control thirst. Only ever water.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,399 Member
    @7lenny7 - I will weigh in on the mid run/race fueling... I need something during a half or longer otherwise I just get terribly hungry and cranky (blood sugar dropping??). I have tried GUs and ShotBloks and Gummies... I can't stand GUs, they are a sticky mess and leave me SO thirsty. I like the ShotBloks especially the ones with a bit of caffeine. Gummies are ok and I really like them just in general but I find I need to keep munching on them. I only drink water - no Gatoraide, no Poweraide - I don't like what is in them and they tend to upset my stomach. I will use a Nuun after my run to replenish my electrolytes but not during. Most important thing as @Stoshew71 pointed out, is to find what works best for you.
    @JimCrackinDandy - Good luck with your race! I hope it isn't too hot or humid! My dad's family was from Erie!
    @melaniefave41 - that is SO definitely me!! HA!!
    @Elise4270 - I am pretty sure the picture was taken in that same place! That isn't you is it in Melanie's picture? :)
    @juliet3455 - HA!
    @RunTimer - That is so gorgeous! Please tell me that you ran there around that beautiful lake?!

    I ran the Disney Star Wars Half here in January and there were so many people in costume! Lots of Princess Leahs as well as Imperial Storm Troopers, C3PO, etc. At least 2 people completed the entire race in full Wookie costumes - they had to be dieing! Even though it was January, by the end of the race it was so hot!

    Had a wonderful run today! It was hot but ok with the breeze and they are saying rain (yes measurable rain!) for the weekend - YAY! I intended to run 5 but the gate at the far end where I would loop back onto my trail and head home was closed for construction so I had to go back the way I came. Even though it is Thursday tonight became leg night at training after the last couple of weeks off because of my knee, lots of squats and lunges! Good news is my knee was fine with the run and workout but tomorrow's run will be interesting - slow and easy I expect!

    07/01.....0.00.......0.00 - Rest
    07/02.....7.20.......7.20 - +Strength training
    07/03.....6.28.....13.48 - Easy
    07/05.....0.00.....25.66 - +4 mile dog walk
    07/06.....5.54.....31.20 - +Agility
    07/07.....0.00.....31.20 - +Strength training
    07/09.....0.00.....31.20 - +Strength training
    07/11.....0.00.....31.20 - Gym workout (30 mins bike)
    07/12.....0.00.....31.20 - Gym workout (55 mins bike, 45 mins weights)
    07/13.....3.87.....35.07 - +Agility
    07/14.....5.63.....40.70 - +Strength training
    07/16.....6.65.....47.35 - +Strength training

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @shanaber Maybe more like "what hill?". Lol!uf77csqc3ajs.jpg

    LOL that's so me
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    7/1 - 2 miles
    7/2 - 3 miles
    7/4 - 4 miles
    7/5 - 6 miles
    7/8 - 4.7 miles
    7/9 - 2.3 miles
    7/12 - 3 miles
    7/13 - 3 miles
    7/15 - 4 miles
    7/16 - 3 miles

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/1 - 1.75mi Today was going to be a rest day because my quads are tight and sore but I did it. It was slow and I went on a sandy path instead of pavement to see if it helped and I do feel a little better.
    7/3 - 3.1mi Did my usual hilly path thru the park. Waited until evening to go but it was nice. Completed the first of 2 virtual 5k's. Now I have the rest of the month to improve my time LOL.
    7/6. - 1.6mi Went for a birthday run with my son, which, While I love spending time with him I hate running with him because i am to much slower than him and he always wants to walk LOL.
    7/7. - 3.1 mi Got up at 4:30am to get a run in before work and make up for yesterday. Think I will skip yoga today, I am sure I will pay for it later this week.
    7/10 - 1.85mi Couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and I paid for it. Very humid, slow run on a hilly trail. I knew I couldn't do the 3 miles I had planned so I worked on powering uphill and maintaining the faster pace after the downhills on the hilly trail I picked.
    7/15- 3 miles Started off badly by forgetting my watch and decided not to turn around and get it. Was also still stiff and sore for my fitness test on Monday. All the strength stuff was "to failure ". But I am glad I went, I saw a doe and fawn and another doe farther down the path. It started out cool and drizzly but stopped halfway thru and ended with nice temperature
    7/17 - 1.6mi Started off in the rain which was nice but after a half mile I started getting a headache which kept getting worse. I threw in a few walk breaks to see if it would help but gave up early. I will try again Sunday.

    14.4 done and 15.6 to go

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/1 - 1.75mi Today was going to be a rest day because my quads are tight and sore but I did it. It was slow and I went on a sandy path instead of pavement to see if it helped and I do feel a little better.
    7/3 - 3.1mi Did my usual hilly path thru the park. Waited until evening to go but it was nice. Completed the first of 2 virtual 5k's. Now I have the rest of the month to improve my time LOL.
    7/6. - 1.6mi Went for a birthday run with my son, which, While I love spending time with him I hate running with him because i am to much slower than him and he always wants to walk LOL.
    7/7. - 3.1 mi Got up at 4:30am to get a run in before work and make up for yesterday. Think I will skip yoga today, I am sure I will pay for it later this week.
    7/10 - 1.85mi Couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and I paid for it. Very humid, slow run on a hilly trail. I knew I couldn't do the 3 miles I had planned so I worked on powering uphill and maintaining the faster pace after the downhills on the hilly trail I picked.
    7/15- 3 miles Started off badly by forgetting my watch and decided not to turn around and get it. Was also still stiff and sore for my fitness test on Monday. All the strength stuff was "to failure ". But I am glad I went, I saw a doe and fawn and another doe farther down the path. It started out cool and drizzly but stopped halfway thru and ended with nice temperature
    7/17 - 1.6mi Started off in the rain which was nice but after a half mile I started getting a headache which kept getting worse. I threw in a few walk breaks to see if it would help but gave up early. I will try again Sunday.

    16 done and 14 to go

    Forgot to update totals.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    July 1 - rest
    July 2 - 3.75 run/walk combo
    July 3 - 5 miles
    July 4 - 5.76 miles
    July 5 - walked 5 miles in morning to scout out a place to do long run. Then walked another 6 all around the city.
    July 6 - rest
    July 7 - 8.6 - fun run to Roosevelt Island and then around the island. Weather is great for me!
    July 8 - 4.1 miles
    July 9 - 3.51 miles - last run with daughter until HM in October. :(
    July 10 - 5.2 miles in the hills of Virginia.
    July 11 - 3.5
    July 12 - 4.3 very slow miles
    July 13 - rest
    July 14 - 9.26 miles
    July 15- rest day - driving back to FL day.
    July 16 - strength training
    July 17 - 5.62 - back in the Florida heat. Wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be.


    @elise4270 - that has to be the same place! Even the trees are the same. Crazy!
    @runtimer - beautiful picture!!! I was there in 2003 but it was an extremely hot summer. It was a summer when a lot of people died from heat because no one had AC and it was just super hot. To us Floridians, it was nothing. We are going next summer for our 30 year anniversary and I will definitely be running ... down the hills... not so sure about up.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1 - took the 0-fer today after taking my wife to the ER at midnight, I slept in :/
    7/2 - 5 miles on a perfect morning for a run in DSM...you all should be jealous!
    7/3 - 4 miles
    7/4 - 7 miles, visiting in-laws, partial "trail run" through road construction
    7/5 - rest day
    7/6 - 3.1 miles; planned for 5 but got completely washed out by huge rain
    7/7 - seem to have got a summer cold...slept in, no run
    7/8 - getting worse...ugh! May be a sinus infection. Nothing worse than being sick in the summer!
    7/9 - still sick...blah.
    7/10 - heading out of town for a baseball tournament...still have a cold.
    7/11 - FINALLY! 3.5 miles on hotel treadmill (22.6 for month)
    7/12 - more baseball...son's team won 9 year-old state championship! Woo hoo!
    7/13 - 4 miles at 5:00 a.m., 81° and humid...air you can wear (26.6 for the month so far). Will catch up with everyone's weekend later today.
    7/14 - 5 miles, still pretty hot, but not as humid as yesterday. Because of all the missed days from illness, adjusting my goal down to 100.
    7/15 - 4.1 miles
    7/16 - rest day; had to take oldest son in for his well child check.
    7/17 - 4.1 miles. STICKY! How can it be 81° at 5:30 a.m.?
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for July
    7/1 REST DAY
    7/2 7.5 miles - 7.5
    7/3 REST DAY
    7/4 13.2 miles - 20.7
    7/5 REST DAY
    7/6 7.3 miles - 28
    7/7 7 miles - 35
    7/8 REST DAY
    7/9 5.25 miles - 40.25
    7/10 REST DAY
    7/11 13.4 miles - 53.65
    7/12 REST DAY
    7/13 8.1 miles - 61.75
    7/14 9 miles - 70.75
    7/15 3.6 miles - 74.35
    7/16 8 miles - 82.35
    7/17 REST DAY


    REST DAY today. This week was my first 4 in a row in a long time and I have my long run tommorow morning. So rest day today it is.