July 2015 Running Challenge



  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    JULY goal 40 miles
    completed 29
    ran 1 mile after my workout Friday and 2.5 this beautiful morning.
    new total 32.5
    7.5 to go, on target to beat my goal :)
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I have to finish packing us all up for a trip to Omaha today so I just don't have time to catch up. I may be quiet until about Thursday when I get back.

    I hope to get my Tuesday and Wednesday mileage in while I am out. I've even checked around the area and scoped out a couple interesting looking routes. I just hope I have the time to fit that in.

    A depleted legs 12 miler today. I could not seem to push myself into my target HR most of the run, but I felt good. I think I was just depleted...which I guess was the plan!:smile:

    7/1 - 12 miles
    7/2 - 6 miles (18 miles total)
    7/4 - 16 miles (34 miles total)
    7/5 - 12 miles (46 miles total)
    7/7 - 6 miles (52 total)
    7/8 - 12 miles (64 total)
    7/9 - 6 miles (70 total)
    7/11 - 16 miles (86 total)
    7/14 - 6 miles (92 total)
    7/15 - 12 miles (104 total)
    7/16 - 6 miles (110 total)
    7/18 - 16 miles (126 total)
    7/19 - 12 miles (138 total)

    Goal 200 miles


  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    July 2 - 2.2
    July 4 - 2.1 - c25k/w5d3
    July 13 - 2.8 - c25k/w6d1
    July 17 - 3 - c25k/w6d2
    July 19 - 3.8 - c25k/w6d3

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    7/1 - 3.3 miles - usually my rest day, but keeping my streak alive (3 more days!)
    7/2 - 4.6 miles while eating lots of breakfast gnats yuck!
    7/3 - 2.3 miles - short run today - took a new running partner who hasn't run in a while. She did great! It was cooler and raining.
    7/4 - 6.2 miles - last day of my Memorial Day to 4th of July 41 Days of Awesome running challenge.
    7/5 - rest day and travel to El Paso ugh what a trip
    7/6 - 2.5 horrible dreadmill miles
    7/7 - 4.2 miles and 2.25 - went and ran where my boss told me. It was beautiful. It was like 90 and no shade during the run and my breathing is taking a beating, but it was worth to 30 min drive to get there.
    7/8 - 5.5 miles
    7/9 - 3.7 miles
    7/10 rest day
    7/11 - 3.1 miles Strong Girls 5K run today.
    7/12 - 5.6 miles - HOT HOT HOT
    7/13 - 3.5 quick miles - working with the big boss today so I had to be in when he got in.
    7/14 - rest day
    7/15 - 4.3 miles
    7/16 - 5 miles
    7/17 - 3.4 miles
    7/18 - 1.6 miles just to move - 2 miles after walking with Macy.
    7/19 - 7.3 miles - low 80s and humid today. Should have stayed in the shade - I started the greenway on the sunny 2 miles then came back to it after the "shady" side, should have stayed in the shade. Ran into the cutest little boy around 3. He was running in front of his parents and grandparents who were walking. I stopped when he came up to me and said "do you have a high 5 for me?" He gave me a high five and I said "keep running" he said "you run" ha ha loved it!

    68.3 of 100 miles


    @kristinegift I love pineapple I'll have to try that
    @pandora_and_her_box great job on the distance PB!!
    @kimlight2 great job getting the run in with the heat. Be safe and like I tell my Skip "take that inhaler!!"
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    July 01 - 6.3 miles
    July 02 - 3.3 miles
    July 03 - REST
    July 04 - 6.4 miles (10K + 0.2 warmup)
    July 05 - 4.3 miles (3.0 + 1.3)
    July 06 - REST
    July 07 - 5.2 miles
    July 08 - 4.9 miles
    July 09 - Core work
    July 10 - 6.0 miles (4.7 + 1.3)
    July 11 - Sailing!
    July 12 - 7.1 miles <-- Distance PR
    July 13 - 4.6 miles
    July 14 - 3.1 miles
    July 15 - 3.2 miles
    July 16 - REST
    July 17 - REST
    July 18 - 6.2 miles
    July 19 - 9.3 miles <-- Distance PR

    July Goal: 90 miles
    Miles so far: 69.9
    Miles left: 20.1

    What a difference a day (and 15 degrees) makes! Even though I had a 10K PR yesterday, the run left me disappointed. It just didn't feel right.

    Today I saw it was going to be a cool morning and I decided to take advantage of it, even though I got out an hour later than I wanted. It was even cool enough (64F) to take Kody with me. My training plan had me running 4 miles today. I decided with the cooler weather I was going to run 6. Then I felt so great on the run I just kept going and ended up with 9.3miles, a new distance PR by over 2 miles. I took this one slow and steady. My average HR was just 130.

    This was a new trail I had found it's my favorite paved trail so far. It is nearly all shaded, goes by the river, farms, swamps, streams, parks, an abandoned campground, and even the ruins of an old brewery built in 1891. We did take a couple of short breaks for water and general romping in the streams to cool Kody off. The trail is over 8 miles end to end, so I think I'll be using it quite often for my long run. I just hated to leave.

    At this rate I going to kill my goal again this month. I may consider doing a half sooner than Halloween if I can get more runs like this in.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2015
    1- rest
    2-lunch swim, 12.15 bike
    3-0.52 GI upset. Decided to lay on couch and eat popsicles instead.
    4-5.18 hot. HI 99, temp 89 humidity 60%
    5- 4.80 run, cold spring dip, run
    7- 3.27 80° 90% precip.
    9- 3.65 86° 62% humidity
    10- no run, SI pain
    11-5.47 improved pace!
    12- migraine
    13- 6.06 Evening run with hubby 91° 68% humidity. Feels like 98°.
    14- 2.82 93° 63% humidity.  Good run.
    15-  5.89
    16- rest after super hot run attempt
    18- 3.58 hot run turned into a hot walk
    19- 5.53 same as yesterday

    I set my alarm for 730, no hurry. Laid there, dozed of, woke up at 9, argh! So much for getting a cooler run in. Heat index was already in the mid 90's. 101° by time my "run" was over. This heat is kicking my rear.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @mwyvr, happy anniversary! Sounds like a great way to spend it, particularly with the win. Thanks for the explanation of MAF. I try to run by HR and will have to look into that. I'm an engineer and I love getting data, analyzing, and knowing the why's and how's of how things work and HR based training appeals to me quite a bit. I had your MAF HR in mind when I kept my HR on this mornings run down to 130 (I'm 48).
    @5BeautifulDays, welcome!!
    @aresende90, it's hard to beat running partners like that. They're ALWAYS willing to go with you and it makes it that much more fun.
    @Pandora_and_her_box, congrats on the distance PR!
  • 419er
    419er Posts: 53 Member
    Today was day 1 of week 4 on my "crush your PR" training program, and I'm still 100% on plan. I'm amazed (although I shouldn't be) at how well my body is responding to doing the plan as written, rather than assuming I know better than Alberto Salazar - who wrote the plan - which is what I usually seem to do...(oh - I shouldn't run that far the day after a long run, I'll do X and then Y and then Z and that will be better...)

    Although today was 5 miles on the treadmill at a Hampton Inn in Spokane, it was pretty nice. They had the temp set in the workout room to 64. It's rare to find a hotel that is willing to set the temp so low in there (which is why I keep a screwdriver, among other things, in my 'travel workout kit', to pry open the plastic covers on thermostats and turn the temp down the night before I run).

    Another note for travelers who run - the "hours of operation" are typically a suggestion, not hard and fast rules. Checking in at the front desk can usually get you access any hour of the day.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 @mwyvr I have a hard time finding that any formula for a target heart rate will work for me. Am I that out of shape? Or am I an exception? My resting heart rate is 50. Today just walking on flat ground was 150, 160 uphill. Running its not uncommon to see 186+. When the temps are cooler I can run at about 160-175. I'm 45. There's no way I'd be able to run and keep my HR at 130.
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    8.5 done on new trail through Maumee State Forest. Loved it. More technical than what I have been running, great experience. 55.4/80215q5kurs081.jpg
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    July 1 - rest
    July 2 - 3.75 run/walk combo
    July 3 - 5 miles
    July 4 - 5.76 miles
    July 5 - walked 5 miles in morning to scout out a place to do long run. Then walked another 6 all around the city.
    July 6 - rest
    July 7 - 8.6 - fun run to Roosevelt Island and then around the island. Weather is great for me!
    July 8 - 4.1 miles plus 12 miles of biking through Central park.
    July 9 - 3.51 miles - last run with daughter until HM in October. :(
    July 10 - 5.2 miles in the hills of Virginia.
    July 11 - 3.5
    July 12 - 4.3 very slow miles
    July 13 - rest
    July 14 - 9.26 miles
    July 15- rest day - driving back to FL day.
    July 16 - strength training
    July 17 - 5.62 - back in the Florida heat! Wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be.
    July 18 - 34 mile bike ride
    July 19 - 41 mile bike ride - calves are sore after all this biking.


    @melaniefave41 - beautiful trail!
    @7lenny7 - awesome that you just kept going! Kody will sleep well tonight! :)
    @skippygirlsmom - I always go on the shady side, if there is one!
    @5BeautifulDays - welcome!
    Ran the farthest I've ever gone today - 15.44 miles :) now exhauseted but a little bit proud of myself!
    Way to go!
    @kristinegift - I'm going to have to read about the KT tape. I've had a nagging achilles for a few weeks. Not terrible, but annoying.
    @ohhim - glad your knee was okay today! This FL heat is kicking my butt. Of course, when running it feels like there is absolutely NO breeze/wind. When biking, there is always a head wind!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    My training plan calls for 159...
    7/02/15 - 3 miles
    7/04/15 - 7 miles
    7/05/15 - 6.32
    7/06/15 - 7 miles
    7/08/15 - 7 miles
    7/10/15 - 8.06 miles
    7/11/15 - 3 miles
    7/12/15 - 11.03 miles
    7/13/15 - 5 miles
    7/14/15 - 5.5 miles
    7/15/15 - 5.58 miles
    7/16/15 - 6 miles
    7/18/15 - 6 miles
    7/19/15 - 7 miles


  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 @mwyvr I have a hard time finding that any formula for a target heart rate will work for me. Am I that out of shape? Or am I an exception? My resting heart rate is 50. Today just walking on flat ground was 150, 160 uphill. Running its not uncommon to see 186+. When the temps are cooler I can run at about 160-175. I'm 45. There's no way I'd be able to run and keep my HR at 130.

    Let me preface this by saying that I've only been running for less than 3 months so I have a LOT to learn but I do have an inquisitive nature and I have done a lot of reading on the subject. By no means am I an expert on the subject. I'm sure much of this you know.

    I'm going to defer to anything @mwyvr offers, but I will say that I'm skeptical of calculations to determine your max heart rate (MHR) or your lactic threshold (if that's the right term...I've seen it called a few different things). The classic calc for HR of 220-age would put me at a MHR of 172, yet I can maintain 166 to 168 in a 5K or 10K, which is 95% of that calculated "reserve" (max - resting (RHR)). Another calculation I've seen is 205-1/2 your age. This puts me at 181, which is more believable. I've seen my HR up to 184 on my Garmin, but I don't know how accurate that is.

    I believe the only way you can find out your true max heart rate is to go out and push yourself with some HIIT or hill repeats with a HR monitor and see what you measure. That will be close to your Max HR. Since I have limited miles under my shoes and don't want to invite injury, I'm not going to try this until fall For now I'll use 184.

    For easy run HR, I like the tried and true "conversational pace". For me, that's up to 142. Finding that rate doesn't depend on your MHR or RHR, you just have to talk or sing.

    For your lactic threshold, I did see one test that I think may have some merit. I can't find it now but I believe it was something along the lines of increasing your pace (and therefore your HR) from an easy pace to the point where you can only get out 2 to 4 words before taking another breath. In practice, it's the pace you can maintain in a race until the end. Between that test and my experience in races, I find my LT to be 166 to 168. I hope through more miles, this number will increase.

    As you're experiencing heat can drastically affect your HR. As it gets hot your body directs more blood to your skin to try to cool it down. This, on top of the demands our muscles are placing on it in order to get oxygen, makes the heart beat faster (more work to do). If you run strictly based on heart rate, you have to run slower at higher temperatures and your pace suffers. If it's hot enough, walking may be enough to get our heart rate where you want it to be. As I understand it, as long as you get to your target heart, even if it's only walking, you're reaping all the benefits no matter the pace.

    I invite any corrections to anything I've said above. When I got my Forerunner, I started running to a heart rate. Now that I have more experience, I run to a certain effort, and use my Forerunner as a check. Late in a race, my judgement of effort can be off. My mind gets to wandering and I forget to pay attention to it.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @kristinegift - I'm going to have to read about the KT tape. I've had a nagging achilles for a few weeks. Not terrible, but annoying.

    @ddmom0811 I reapplied the tape and it's feeling much pull-ier and more helpful since I did it right this time. Try it out! I found a package of 14 pre-cut strips for $7.99 at the super market. The nagging achilles is very annoying; I've been having issues since late April/early May but it's never painful and doesn't interrupt my runs, so I'm just hyperaware of it and monitoring it all the time in case it suddenly worsens. I'd love for it to just go away!
  • pauladner
    pauladner Posts: 59 Member
    I'll make my goal 100 miles running on the treadmill this month. I just started jogging, so I am not sure if it is a realistic goal for me.
    Great to find you guys!

    7/1 = 5 miles
    7/2 = 3 miles
    7/3 = 8.1 miles
    7/4 = 7 miles
    7/5 = 2.6 miles
    7/6 = 6.17 miles
    7/7 = 3.81 miles
    8/7 = 2.8 miles
    9/7 = 2.28 miles
    10/7 = 5.1 miles
    11/7 = 3.5 miles
    12/7 = 4.62 miles
    13/7 = 2.61 miles
    14/7 = 4.60 miles
    15/7 = 3 miles
    16/7 = 7.05 miles
    17/7 = 3 miles
    18/7 = 2.33 miles

    Total = 74.2 miles
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Should have looked in here at some point yesterday, then there wouldn't have been so much to catch up with today! ;)

    @419er -uck, that sounds really bad. Nobody wants a lung full of sewage smell on a run.
    @skippygirlsmom I can totally understand your dog - sommer and sun outside, and "lay under a tree" or "jump into the pool" are the best ways to pass the time I can imagine :-)
    @ddmom0811 34 bike miles in Florida heat, that's impressive!
    @Daisy471 - Well done for crushing your goal pace in the humidity.
    @WhatMeRunning - 16 miles in that humidity is impressive, regardless of the pace, I think. I'm even more impressed by the fact that you got out the door at 4:30 - I'd be a complete zombie at time ungodly hour. @RunTimer That bridge looks really impressive, great photo!
    @7lenny7 Congratulations on the new PRs, both the 10k and the distance today! Your new trail sounds too god to be true, all shaded with nice scenery. I want one of those too :-)
    @5BeautifulDays Welcome to this challenge! @Pandora_and_her_box That's really a distance to be proud of, congratulations on going that far!
    @kimlight2 Sorry to read your lungs were troubling you. Hope the next run will be better.
    @melaniefave41: This looks like a beautiful trail, thanks for sharing the pictures.

    @Elise4270 - I totally know how those "get up early to run when it's cool" plans can be really hard to follow. Whenever it's hot, I have the same good intentions, and the end result is usually "hit the snooze button in the morning, hope for a thunderstorm in the afternoon or wait until late after dark to run".
    And on the heart rate I'm also on the same page - even a slow run at cool temperatures is at least 160 for me, and on hills or in the 5Ks I did so far I got really close to 200, although my resting heart rate is just fine. Everywhere I've read that heart rate goes down with training, but ~18 month after I started, that still hasn't happened for me.
    On more that one run, I've carried on up to 15 minute of phone conversation without the other person noticing that I was running, so I guess my slow run is a true "conversational pace". For getting my HR anywhere below 150 I would have to walk, and then it quickly drops much lower than that. If I alternate between running and walking, I could probably average out at one of the calculated "target heart rates", but only by means of "5 minutes at 100, 5 minutes at 180, so on average I did 10 minutes at 140."
    I read tons of articles on the topic. In the end I gave up and decided just to go by feel what is a "easy recovery run" and what is "tempo training". My lungs and legs can tell the difference, even if my HR wont.
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    July Goal 40 miles
    32.5 so far including 2.5 this morning. ran another 2.5 this evening for new total of 35.
    only 5 to go :)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    Catching up on all the posts I have missed!
    tdbernrd wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    @tdbernrd - I have never tried going backwards on the elliptical sounds tough!
    It was tough, but it definitely targeted my glutes. They burned afterwards.
    @tdbernrd - I am going to have to give it a try the next time I am at the gym!
    @Elise4270 - I hope you are safe at work! We just had a bunch of people quit including my boss and another person who supports the same services that I do. So we went from 3 people sharing the load to just me... I went from have a handful of deals to support to over a dozen so I am busy busy busy -busy is good and I definitely have a modicum of job security now.
    @karllundy and @7lenny7 - I get the rolled eyes from my husband when I buy new running gear. I don't have a lot of regular shoes and don't buy them without a need/reason so he has no room for complaint there... But my running shoes are taking over the closet so I have moved some pairs into another closet to 'hide' the evidence :) I do like the response about medical bills. May have to use that with him next time!
    @JimCrackinDandy - Hope the half was awesome and not too hot!!
    @419er - I love Hayden Lake! We used to hike and camp all around that area in the summers when my dad had work up that way! Absolutely beautiful country! I was trying to convince my daughter that we should do the Priest Lake half in September!
    @baldielove13 - you are killin' it this month! Great job!
    @RunTimer - love the bridge shot! Was it bouncy from the cars and trucks?
    @7lenny7 - Congrats on the PR. Depending on the race if it is certified the course has to be measured to the correct distance so I would take it as a good PR!
    @mwyvr - sounds like a perfect anniversary celebration in a perfect place!
    @5BeautifulDays - welcome to the group!
    @Aresende90 - I love my hands free leash! I can't imagine running with my dog any other way
    @Pandora_and_her_box - 15 miles is an awesome accomplishment! Great job!!
    @melaniefave41 - love your new trail. I would want to run there every day too!
    @skippygirlsmom - love little kids that are excited about running!

    Sorry this is so long everyone - too much to catch up on after being absent a few days. I am so impressed with everyone getting out and running in the heat and humidity! Wow - you all are rock star runners!
    Today is a rest day for me and then start my taper to the half next Sunday. I have been anticipating this one for so long I can hardly believe it is almost here.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    edited July 2015
    Today was my longest run so far. Usually "more that 15km" is the magic number for me, but today I decided to go for "more that 16.1km" in honour of all you mile-running folks out there B)

    Most of that was in the rain - it's been a while ago that I got this soaking wet... It started drizzling by the 3km mark, turned into a downpour at 5km, by 7km I gave up an trying to wipe the raindrops from my glasses and just carried them in my hand. When I was at 11km it finally returned to a lighter rain, so for the rest of the way I could actually see again where I was going.
    When I got home, I ditched the streching and went straight for the hot tub to warm up again.

    Still, I take 15°C (59°F) and straight rain over heat and humid air any time!


    18.07.2015 - 4.1 km
    19.07.2015 - 16.5 km
    July total: 53.9 km
  • CurvesCreations22
    CurvesCreations22 Posts: 1,076 Member
    My goal is 30 miles. My first week in and I did 10 miles. :) 20 left