What is your goal weight? How many more pounds before you get there?



  • elkhunter7x6
    elkhunter7x6 Posts: 88 Member
    SW 226.8
    CW 214.4
    GW 170
    I am currently doing 6+ hrs. of cardio and lifting heavy 3 times a week. Hopefully I will be satisfied with my body when I reach my goal weight and not have to devote a bunch time to recomp.
  • Watch_Me_Rise
    Watch_Me_Rise Posts: 301 Member
    SW: 209.5
    CW: 208.3
    GW: 145

    My motivation is to have an active life.
  • Keith3481
    Keith3481 Posts: 91 Member
    SW 208 January 7, 2015
    CW 174
    GW 164, will reconsider final goal based on waist measurement

    Tips and motivation:

    I prelog my meals. I set up a one week plan and then stick to that plan. I have the same basic meals each week for lunch on specific days, e.g. Japanese on Tuesdays, gyros on Wednesdays. Some people would find that boring but I like consistency and predictability so it's all good. It's what works for me.

    I track my weight progress by weighing daily in the morning first thing when I get up and I use a spreadsheet to track the 7 day moving average. Then, I compare my current 7 day MA to my 7 day MA from 30 days ago and figure out how much progress I've made over that 30 day span. Since my progress seems to match my logged deficits within +/- 50 calories/day, I'm satisfied I'm doing the logging correctly. Using the 7 day MA takes out all that day to day water weight fluctuation that can drive you crazy.

    For fitness, I have a desk job so I don't take a lot of steps through the day. Instead, I ride 30 minutes a day, five days a week on a road bike hooked up to an indoor trainer. On the sixth day I ride 45 minutes, and on the seventh day I rest. I ride in the evenings 30 minutes after dinner and watch TV shows on Netflix. My heart rate usually runs about 125-140 bpm. I do eat back all my exercise calories, but I know a lot of people only eat back 25%-50%. You've got to figure out what works for you. As I stated before, my logged deficits match my actual progress within 50 calories a day, so I'm satisfied that for my purposes, this is the right approach. If there was a consistent discrepancy I'd either cut back on my exercise credit or invest in a food scale but I haven't seen the need yet. I've been at this about six and a half months and I've lost 34 pounds.

    As far as motivation goes, my phrase is "win the war one battle at a time." Every day, every meal, and every decision is a battle and I choose whether or not I want to win that battle as I'm faced with it. Since all those battles add up over the course of this process, every battle is critical. Do I lose battles? Of course, but I pick myself back up and get back in the fight. I don't keep snacks around the house, or anything else that would normally tempt me except I have a box of Girl Scout cookies I still haven't touched yet :smiley: .

    Feel free to look at my diary, it is open.
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    5'7 and currently 178 pounds. I had my baby 2 and a half years ago and was 150 pre-pregnancy, 197 the day I gave birth. A year ago I was ONE POUND away from hitting pre-pregnancy again and I never got to it because I started gaining weight. Before I was pregnant I was toned and lean and flexible, working out 2 hours a day 3-4 days a week. I felt my best then. Not so much now with all this weight hanging off me.

    SW 180
    CW 178
    GW 145-150
  • WeddedBliss1992
    WeddedBliss1992 Posts: 414 Member
    edited July 2015
    5' 6"
    SW 174
    CW 169
    GW 124

    45 lbs to go!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    60 yo
    SW 301
    CW 206
    GW 150
    13 months in
  • melachey
    melachey Posts: 14 Member
    qtchick1 wrote: »
    I am 5"1 and I started at 74 kgs and now I am 59 kg. I still feel I need to lose 10 kgs more but I am stuck at this weight now. I must confess all this weight I lost was because of diet and walking... Now big of them are not workin . So ideally I need to change both.

    Yes! This is me!

    I am also 5'1". Started at 166lbs. Currently at 137lbs. I've been fluctuating between 137-139 for about six weeks.

    All my weight loss was done primarily through diet (Nutrisystem) and walking. Summer has made things more challenging as I'm not as strict with the diet. I'm at this plateau and need to break through.

    My goal weight is 126lbs (40lbs lost).
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I started out at 254 lbs. I am currently at 216 lbs. I would like to get to 129 lbs. So that's 87 pounds to go before I can say I'm below 130. :) But to be honest I'll probably all ready be super happy when I get to 150 pounds. I don't plan on stopping though. Even when I get down to 129 pounds I'm going to be working on sculpting and toning. So I plan on being on MFP most likely for the rest of my life. :) I also want to get back into long distance running and start training for 5K and then a 10K when I drop a few more pounds. I just want to keep setting new goals for myself and that way I'll never ever have the possibility of regaining the weight. I'm very goal driven so planning events around health and fitness is what drives my motivation. All I can say is it's going to make for a very interesting before and after picture.
  • Jmgkamp
    Jmgkamp Posts: 278 Member
    5'2" (probably 5'1.5" but I'm NOT getting measured anytime soon)
    SW: 219
    CW: 165.9
    GW: 119

    54 pounds down, 46 pounds to go.
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    SW - 241lbs
    CW - 180 lbs
    GW - 145-150lbs
    About 30 pounds to go, roughly..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    I hit my goal weight mid-June.

    And then, because that wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be ... I decided to go lower. Right now, I'm thinking ... 4 kg would be nice. When I get there, I'll reassess.
  • chasingthesun85
    chasingthesun85 Posts: 22 Member
    June 1st: 129 lbs.
    Today 7/21: 124 lbs.
    Goal: 110 lbs.
    I'm only 5'1.
    Determined to get to my goal by October for the big 3-0 birthday, not that it's a huge deal...but I still wanna be smokin as I roll into my 30's since my 20's were definitely slacking in the fitness area!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member

    Start weight: 260.6 lbs ( 23th of October 2014)
    Current weight: 160.2 lbs (15th of July 2015)
    Goal weight: maybe around 140-145 ish

    About 20 to go.

  • alibuggy
    alibuggy Posts: 1 Member
    SW 195
    CW 184
    GW 140-145
    Around 40 lbs to go!
    Start weight - 195.9
    Current weight - 186.2
    Goal weight - 132.9
    Lbs to go - 53.3

    OMG writing that down for people to see (including myself) has just given me a kick up the *kitten*. I really have to cop on and start moving that scale downwards or ill be big forever :(

  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    SW: 287
    CW: 183
    GW: 160
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    qtchick1 wrote: »
    I am 5"1 and I started at 74 kgs and now I am 59 kg. I still feel I need to lose 10 kgs more but I am stuck at this weight now. I must confess all this weight I lost was because of diet and walking... Now big of them are not workin . So ideally I need to change both.
    I am in exactly the same place as you....its all come to a standstill! ! If you come up with a solution please let me know :smiley:
  • Blubberboss
    Blubberboss Posts: 26 Member
    I'm down 13 lbs from my starting weight of 168. I had my little girl 9 months ago and only lost 7-8 lbs off of my highest pregnancy weight in the week after. :( I always gain instead of lose when I'm breastfeeding so that did NOT help me out. I would like to get down to 135 and then reevaluate. 20 lbs to go! I'm at a standstill the last week or so though.:( I'm determined not to give up. I've hung on to this weight tooooo long. I've been on the chubby side since 5th grade.
  • stephaniepinta
    stephaniepinta Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015
    June 1st: 129 lbs.
    Today 7/21: 124 lbs.
    Goal: 110 lbs.
    I'm only 5'1.
    Determined to get to my goal by October for the big 3-0 birthday, not that it's a huge deal...but I still wanna be smokin as I roll into my 30's since my 20's were definitely slacking in the fitness area!

    I'm in a very similar boat! I just started my journey though :)
    I'm 5'1
    SW and CW: 123
    GW: somewhere below 115 for now

    I feel like being a smaller person it isn't as easy to drop weight. do you do a lot muscle toning work or just cardio?
  • captivatedlife
    captivatedlife Posts: 60 Member
    Great thread. I'm 5' 3.5" (gotta get that last half inch in!)
    SW 168
    CW 143
    GW 135

    After I hit my goal weight I plan to do a slight recomp - I don't know yet what that is going to look like exactly. I still have decent muscle tone (yoga and weights) so I might take it easy for a while. '

    At the end of the day, I am looking to maintain between 130 and 140. I cannot wait to not be losing anymore!
  • FullofTrixie
    FullofTrixie Posts: 41 Member
    I am 5'8 and my goal weight is 135
    My current weight is 179.
    Start weight was 208