so, I feel like I'm totally addicted to sugar.
Desserts, ice cream, cookies, etc.
Any tips on how to wean yourself off sugar (not cut out entitle but majorly cut back!)


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    As my standard answer for newbies ( 6 Posts ) It is time for @haileycram to do some reading. At the top of most of the Main Forums there is a Post named MOST HELPFUL POSTS. These are tried and true and a great source of information about what works.

    Some of my Favorite / Most helpful for me; ( as mentioned above )

    Like learning a new Computer program or App for your smart phone there is a learning curve in using MFP.
    My recommendation is to spend the first 2/3 weeks logging your Every Bite without changing your diet - Be Brutally Honest.
    Then look at that data to see where the Low Nutritional Value Calories are sneaking in and work on reducing there impact on your diet.
    You need to be willing to make small Changes in your Habits for success.

    This Link will take you to a good 4 part Blog about the Hidden Power of our Habits.

    Buy a Kitchen/Food Scale and weigh everything.
    You will be surprised by how small some portion sizes actually are.
    Re-calibrate your mind as to what a portion actually is.

    Visit the Hello Healthy Blog and browse through the articles there ( 131 and counting )
    One that might be of interest to you right now is
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Try doing a search. This topic comes up at least once a day.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Try doing a search. This topic comes up at least once a day.

    But is there any concise useful advice on how to do what the OP wishes to do, or just walls of text that make the American Constitution look like a text message ?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Probably the most straightforward approach would be to contact an addiction treatment facility and see what resources they can offer.
  • gffggggmfp
    gffggggmfp Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem as you so I still have my sweets occasionaly but to fix my constant sugar tooth try fruits I personally love cherries strawberries grapes pineapple mango cantalope
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Try doing a search. This topic comes up at least once a day.

    But is there any concise useful advice on how to do what the OP wishes to do, or just walls of text that make the American Constitution look like a text message ?

    Haha correct!

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    If I cut back on traditional carbs, I am okay with fruit.
    For example,
    I eat two or three servings of fruit a day but I do not have any bread, rice, pasta, or cereal because I get plenty of carbs in chic peas, lentils, yogurt, and fruit.
    For a treat I might purchase a peppermint patty. Some people like their peppermint patties in the freezer frozen for 15 mins because the cold intensifies the peppermint.
    I like room temperature in order to fully appreciate the chocolate. Any, you can try freezing one of those -- only 140 calories.
  • bkscott5
    bkscott5 Posts: 53 Member
    I have to have my junk food. I have failed on every other diet besides WW & MFP cuz if I'm denied the chance to eat junk I will end up over eating on other foods to try & satisfy my craving until I end up eating what I craved or something very close to it. So as long as I know I can eat anything I want I just need to adjust my day to allow it then I'm ok. But for awhile now I've gone overboard on how much junk I'm having so I too need help with suggestions for things that have worked for other people. The 1st reply looks like a good helping tool. Good luck :smiley:
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited July 2015
    haileycram wrote: »
    so, I feel like I'm totally addicted to sugar.
    Desserts, ice cream, cookies, etc.
    Any tips on how to wean yourself off sugar (not cut out entitle but majorly cut back!)

    Yes Honey?

    Oh I though you were talking to me!

    I get it completely

    I eat 8 cookies not 1

  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    haileycram wrote: »
    so, I feel like I'm totally addicted to sugar.
    Desserts, ice cream, cookies, etc.
    Any tips on how to wean yourself off sugar (not cut out entitle but majorly cut back!)

    Start learning about nutrition, specifically all the metabolic issues caused by too many calories or poor diet composition. It gets harder to put high calorie, low nutrition foods in your mouth when you know what the result of eating that way for twenty years looks like.

    Start searching for nutritionally great foods to provide the core of your diet, then allow the crap on the fringes of a sound core diet- it will help keep the crap in proper quantities.

  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    edited July 2015
    Experiment, and find what works best for you.
    For me, never having sweets again is a formula for failure, so incorporate them into my diet. Instead of eating the entire bag of candy, I limit myself to 1 piece (usually a Dove promise dark chocolate with caramel). It has been working for me for over 3 years now.

    This is an individual journey. We all need to find what works for us and is sustainable for us in the long term. In order to do this, it may take trial and error and seeing results that will encourage us that we are making progress, in order to keep moving forward. We need to want to lose the weight, and ultimately keep it off, more than we want the fleeting gratification of eating too much of anything. Calories are calories.
  • GeeWillickers
    GeeWillickers Posts: 85 Member
    Is there a Sugar Addicts Anonymous group yet? As someone posted above if you believe you have an addiction than I advise you to seek out a counselor or therapist or even better seek out a psychiatrist to get a formal diagnosis and pointed in the direction of proper treatment.

    If you believe you have any form of addiction always seek a professional's advice.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    All, please make sure you stay on topic. We don't need to turn this sugar thread into another pedantic fight over sugar addiction. Further hijacking will result in warnings.

    2. No Hi-Jacking, Trolling, or Flame-baiting

    Please stay on-topic in an existing thread, and post new threads in the appropriate forum. Taking a thread off-topic is considered hi-jacking. Please either contribute politely and constructively to a topic, or move on without posting. This includes posts that encourage the drama in a topic to escalate, or posts intended to incite an uproar from the community.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    OP, if you are having issues with certain foods, I would eliminate them from your diet until you can learn how to eat them in moderation. Also, try to concentrate on getting more fruits, veggies, proteins (meats) and dairy (full fat especially).
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    edited July 2015
    haileycram wrote: »
    so, I feel like I'm totally addicted to sugar.
    Desserts, ice cream, cookies, etc.
    Any tips on how to wean yourself off sugar (not cut out entitle but majorly cut back!)
    Reduce these items and replace with other foods(as others have mentioned) vegetables, fruits, protein based foods, etc. Best of luck.

  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Oh pumpkin! Been there, still am. You are in good company. Have your heard that sugar is more addictive than Cocaine? I'm not really sure if it's true but I don't care.... sugar addiction is tough!

    My advice is to start small. Eat normally for a few days or a week and record everything you eat in myfitnesspal. Then look at home many carbs you average in a day. Then reduce it by 20% (or some other arbitrary number). When I did this I started at 300 carbs/day. Now I'm down to about 100.

    If you want to try something more hardcore, this book was pretty good:

    I managed the full 21 days once and was really proud of myself. The problem was I went back to my old ways once it was done.

    Anyway, keep posting here and keep logging your food.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Experiment, and find what works best for you.
    For me, never having sweets again is a formula for failure, so incorporate them into my diet. Instead of eating the entire bag of candy, I limit myself to 1 piece (usually a Dove promise dark chocolate with caramel). It has been working for me for over 3 years now.

    This is an individual journey. We all need to find what works for us and is sustainable for us in the long term. In order to do this, it may take trial and error and seeing results that will encourage us that we are making progress, in order to keep moving forward. We need to want to lose the weight, and ultimately keep it off, more than we want the fleeting gratification of eating too much of anything. Calories are calories.

    This. And for things I had no control with, I didn't keep in the house. Ice cream was a huge one for me. I'd eat a bowl full, which was more like 4 servings (if I didn't eat the entire container). I couldn't stop with just one serving; even if I went with the skinny cow sandwiches which were already portioned; I'd still eat multiple. So, I stopped keeping it in the house. I'd occasionally go out for gelato with friends. It's a local place that weighs out 3oz exactly for product control. And they have a lot of very rich and exotic flavors. I found that a small portion of something really tasty was very satisfying. And now I have several containers of ice cream in my house because I've learned to enjoy a single serving.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Oh pumpkin! Been there, still am. You are in good company. Have your heard that sugar is more addictive than Cocaine? I'm not really sure if it's true but I don't care.... sugar addiction is tough!

    My advice is to start small. Eat normally for a few days or a week and record everything you eat in myfitnesspal. Then look at home many carbs you average in a day. Then reduce it by 20% (or some other arbitrary number). When I did this I started at 300 carbs/day. Now I'm down to about 100.

    If you want to try something more hardcore, this book was pretty good:

    I managed the full 21 days once and was really proud of myself. The problem was I went back to my old ways once it was done.

    Anyway, keep posting here and keep logging your food.

    Sugar isn't more addictive than cocaine. And the body will naturally detoxify itself (its one of the functions of the kidneys/liver. But either way, it doesn't really matter. If the OP focuses on whole foods and eliminates or reduces the amount of junk food, it will probably help her.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    When experts talk about limiting sugar, they're talking about added sugars, not the sugar in fruits. Fruits and veggies give us nutrients and bring fiber along for the ride, so skipping them just because they provide sugar to an otherwise healthy body is not necessary. Our bodies need sugar and fruits and veggies are a great place to get it.

    I don't know about the "addicted" feeling. Some people purposefully eat small amounts so that they won't binge. Some cut the things they feel addicted to out of their diets. I cut junk food out and really don't miss it. Sometimes I daydream about donuts, but when I gave myself the option to indulge I found out I didn't really want to, lol. I like the daydreams, on occasion, but I'm totally cool with skipping donuts and candy. Just don't want them anymore. :)

    You'll need time to adjust to any new eating pattern so don't beat yourself up about setbacks.
  • reallyregina
    reallyregina Posts: 62 Member
    Good luck! I crave the same treats as you. I've been trying to curb the cravings for just over three weeks. The first two were easy (I think because I was so motivated). The third week was very hard but I stayed strong. I'm starting to feel like it's easier again. I can easily resist most things but now instead of craving ice cream I'm craving sugary cereal. Some things that helped me. Know my weaknesses. I allow flavored coffee creamer because I know that if I don't have it I'll find myself at Starbucks getting a frappacino or mocha. I don't go for the low sugar version of things like sugar free cookies or ice cream. The reason is that I will still be in the habit of eating those things and still crave them. I make sure I have a lot of alternative snacks handy. Things like nuts, trail mix, cheese, diced peaches (works great after dinner when I would normally want dessert), etc. I'm allergic to raw fruits but if I wasn't I would definitely eat them as an alternative. I also suggest reading labels. Things you think might be a good alternative sometimes aren't (like ice cream vs. yogurt). In your case since you said you just want to cut back a little I'm thinking maybe tackle one treat at a time. Maybe first work on just not having cookies while still allowing the other things until you no longer want cookies then you could work on a second item.