Lose 5lbs+ in May!! YES WE CAN!!



  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    Name/Real Name: Cusegirl1992/Martha

    Goal Weight on May 31st: 140
    05/01: 149
    05/09: 147.4
    05/16: 146.8
    05/23: 146.2
    05/31: 149

    Yikes! Back to my starting weight! Holidays and weekends just seem to get in the way...lol! No one to blame but myself. Thank you Nikki for all of the hard work and doing the chart!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Name/ real name: getfitdiva/Tamara

    Goal weight on May 31st: 132 lbs

    05/01: 137 lbs
    05/09: 137.2 lbs
    05/16: 136.6 lbs
    05/23: 134.6 lbs
    05/31: 133.8 lbs

    Not to my goal but very close! I'll take it :happy:
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Name/ real name: kamk/Kami

    Goal weight on May 31st: 136

    05/01: 141.0lbs So frustrated that I haven't seen the 130's yet
    05/09: 141.0lbs Well haven't changed but that's ok I did see a peek of the 130's yesterday so hopefully next week I will have a loss. Yesterday was not a real good eating day splurged for Mother's day and my birthday.
    05/16: 139.0lbs down 2lbs I am a happy woman:)
    05/23: 138.8lbs not a great loss this week but it was a bad week I have been eating lots of junk and missed fitness center about 4 days in a row my daughter graduated this weekend from high school and we had a party and I ate cake and cookies and didn't find time for the fitness center hopefully back at it this week and will see bigger loss next week I also haven't been getting very much sleep lately:(
    05/31: 137.2lbs Not my goal but happy with the results non the less:smile:
  • RenaeMG
    RenaeMG Posts: 19
    Name/ real name: RenaeMg/Renae
    Goal weight on May 31st: 193lbs
    05/01: 200
    05/09: 197.5
    05/16: 197
    05/24: 197
    05/31: 195

    well i didn't meet my goal of 7lbs but 5 lbs is pretty still pretty good. :) although on the weekend i was at 193. i'm not sure what happened btwn then and now.

    i want to send a big thanks to Nikki for doing this. she rocks!
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member

    Goal Weight 179

    05/01: Start Weight 186.2
    05/09: 180.2
    05/16: 176
    05/23: 173.8
    05/31: 171.2

    Definitely very pleased with my results this month.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Name/ real name: kcthatsme

    Goal weight on May 31st: 164

    05/01: 169.4 (starting weight)
    05/09: 168.6
    05/16: 167.4
    05/23: 165.8
    05/31: 165.0

    Didn't quite make my goal. I have a harder time with the one month goals than the longer term goals. But 4.4 pounds was still not bad. :-)
  • trimformecmb
    trimformecmb Posts: 257 Member
    thanks for letting me join in this...
    05/08= 179lbs.....
    05/15= 178
    05/22= 181.2====yuck!!!! no excuses!!!!!
    05/29= 178.6
    good luck to everyone for next week

    Small loss, but still a loss......

    It just feels like i have to fight so hard for every pound........
    but the fighter isn' t done yet.........
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Hi everyone! I am officially taking this over for June so we can carry on. I will be posting the June challenge shortly for everyone to follow.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    05/01: 150.6
    05/09: 154
    05/16: 151.6
    05/23: 151.6
    05/31: 151.4

    Oh well.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am in need of a break, and I am having a hard time keeping up. If someone is willing to take over the group for me so those who wish to carry on and keep together can, I will send them the excel file that i use.
    inbox msg me if you are interested. Thanks!

    Thanks for doing it the last 2 months Nikki!!:drinker: :heart: Keep up the good work on your journey!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Thanks you for picking it up!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Stayed the same this week at 196.0
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Name/ real name: Bri293

    Goal weight on May 31st: 136 (down 5 pounds)

    05/01: 141.0
    05/09: 140.5
    05/16: 140.2
    05/23: 139.9
    05/31: 140.2

    Uggh... I'm so disappointed that it went back up at the end. I'm frustrated that my progress has been so slow the past few months, I don't really know what to do to make the scale continue to go down more than a tiny bit every month. Congrats to all of you with your losses, you all did amazing!
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Name/ real name: Picky_nikki/Nikki

    Goal weight on May 31st: 165

    05/01: 175
    05/09: 173
    05/16: 174.5
    05/20: 173
    05/31: 174
    Wasn't a great month, but it is over, and June is a new month. bmfrazzie is taking over the group for me, I hope you guys are all as kind to her as you were to me! It was a great couple of months! Nikki
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Well here is the chart for the month... Good luck to you all next month!

  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    sorry, i couldnt access a computer the last few days..heres my final weigh in
    Maher2006/ Tammy
    Goal weight for 5/31 = 135
    05/01: 140 (starting weight)
    05/09: 138.8 <--soo happy to FINALLY be in the 130s again!! Now I feel really motivated to keep it going since im seeing positive changes!!
    05/16: 139..still happy to be in the 130s..i know i need to work out more. only got to the gym 1 time this week, but didn't eat terrible.
    05/23: 137.2 <--woohoo :)
    05/31: 137.0
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    Name/Real Name: jk29/Judy
    Goal Weight on May 31st: 188
    05/02 * : 194
    05/09 : 196
    05/16: 196
    05/23: 191 WOOOHOOOO 20 pounds total since November.

    I don't have a final, for a few reasons.
    1) I was out of town until Tuesday. Actually, I went home to Texas, where all I have is a broken bathroom scale. One time, I'll be down 20 pounds, and step off and back on, and be up 20 pounds.
    2) Work has been crazy this week, so haven't gone to the gym, which is where I weigh. (I'm "camping out" in an apartment 1000 miles from where I live. No scale at all.)
    3) When I do get back to my apartment (around 10:00 at night), my BRAND NEW HP Pavilion bluescreens...over and over. Tonight is the first I've been able to get on the website for a week.

    So, didn't get to finish. I did lose 3 pounds, though, which is good for me. And I'd like to add my thanks to you, Picky_nikki, for all your hard work. Would love to continue to be included for July, bmfrazzie--not June, as I'll be on vacation, away from all but my Android ap, and won't be able to weigh or check in for 10 days.