What are your eating triggers?



  • redperphexion
    redperphexion Posts: 193 Member
    Poutine. <3 And bloody ceasars made with gin.

    (Yes anyone who is not Canadian may need to do some googling....)
  • spearmintskies
    spearmintskies Posts: 31 Member
    -Boredom is a big one. Especially when I'm alone in the house with nothing to do. I'll habitually look for something to eat.
    -Being bored at work (I'm a bartender at a taproom) is also a big one, because I want the time to go by faster.
    -Alcohol is big. I like having a social life and because of my job, I have a lot of friends who get together and drink beer, which is of course one of the worst things for you.
    -I've dealt with disordered eating for about 9 years and my own mind can be the trigger. A negative self-image, bad self-esteem, or slipping up and eating something I know wasn't good for me are all things. I'll get out of mental control and think of myself as a failure, and end up eating much more or much worse until I learn to forgive myself and recognize that it's not the end of the world and that it's okay to occasionally mess up.
    Also for me, when I don't want to do what I should be doing, I use eating as a delay or transition. Not drinking enough water makes me want to eat more. And I take out my emotional frustration with food.
    ^^^^ THIS. All of that.
  • abrooks54
    abrooks54 Posts: 45 Member
    Being home and sitting around. Workdays are easy to stay on plan, even with coworkers eating whatever and all the time. Active weekend days are no problem. But that day where u sit around and only do laundry and watch alot of tube, etc, you are just constantly going to the kitchen and back for no good reason. So dumb.
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm not a boredom or a stress eater but I have a huge appetite. I find if I go too long between meals without a snack it will trigger a high calorie out of control binge. I need my 3 meals and 2 snacks. The other trigger for me is eating at restaurants. I have good intentions and always plan on ordering something healthy but when I actually sit down and smell all the wonderful food my appetite becomes stronger than my willpower and I don't make the best choices. I try to limit eating out to 1or 2 meals a week.
  • ClauSanchez93
    ClauSanchez93 Posts: 3 Member
    For me , its forgetting to drink enough water and instead snacking.. Dumb I know. Another one is beer I never realized how many calories it packs in
  • xsunshine02x
    xsunshine02x Posts: 34 Member
    Uhhhh, food it's self is a trigger for me. If it looks and/or smells good, consider it eaten. Even if I'm full. Even if I'm so full I feel like puking. Yup. And that right there is why I'm fat. I eat when I'm happy. I eat when I'm sad. I eat when I'm bored. I eat to celebrate. I eat when I need to vent. You name an emotion or an event, you can bet I'm eating. Lol!
  • cam_fat2fit
    cam_fat2fit Posts: 2 Member
    Ice-cream cones are my trigger foods. I have to keep it out of the house or I will eat the whole box easily. I mainly binge at night.
  • AhDinnaeKen
    AhDinnaeKen Posts: 5 Member
    When people bring in food to the office, which happens all of the time. I can only walk by a tray of frosted brownies so many times before one goes missing.
  • _The_Lone_Wolf_
    _The_Lone_Wolf_ Posts: 160 Member
    I dont have eat triggers, i have alcohol triggers which im controlling now
  • MondayJune22nd2015
    MondayJune22nd2015 Posts: 876 Member
    edited July 2015
    Typically just having the food, in the house. Since I lost more weight, than I expected to; I decided to try bringing in 1 of those items. Usually I'd eat the whole box of 6 Little Debbie Boston Cream Rolls, in 1 or 2 sittings (2 hours total time) but this time, I only ate 1 at a time; over a course of approximately 12 hours. My goal was to have only 1, a day. So obviously I'll have to wait, to try again until I lose more weight, than I expect to.
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Regular soda. Just one can will trigger me into a huge sugar binge. Luckily, I haven't had one in three weeks. And, I'm doing very good.

  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Too many things - being overtired, being bored, getting too hungry, stress, social occasions, wine.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Working long hours in front of a computer screen. Packaged products in large quantities. I don't keep them in the house and that works for me. If I want it, I have to go buy it, which I usually do, but I can control the portion that way.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    Mine is also the weekends. I work a third shift job so Sunday thru Thursday I do fine. I eat before work, on my break at work and than after work. I'm good and don't snack. The weekends when I don't have a consistent schedule because of my horrible work schedule, my intake is always high on Friday and Saturdays. It seems like no matter how much I try. Good thing I stay low during the week so I have more room to work on the weekends.