Anyone have/like piercings?



  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    I love piercings! I've only got 4 in each ear at the mo, used to have my nosed pierced but took that out.

    I'm hoping to have two micro dermals on my temple this weekend actually, but i'm a little scared of the pain (im a wimp) so would love to hear peoples stories if they've had facial micro dermals before!

    Update I've now had the two micro dermals done and absolutely love them, also started stretching 1 of my ear piercings too! it's only at a tiny 2.4mm so far though :oD
  • I have my lip pierced and I'm planning on repiercing the other side and my libre. I'm possibly going to get my septum and left eyebrow pierced.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I had industrial and my nips :)
  • GLJezebel
    GLJezebel Posts: 312 Member
    7 in my left ear, 6 in my right ear, and my nose. I'm not brave enough for anything else and my mom flipped when I did my nose (I was 37 at the time!).
  • kelceyjean12011
    kelceyjean12011 Posts: 185 Member
    2 in my lip one in my tongue and my septum. used to have my monroe and eyebrow and labret. and have one tattoo, whitechapel lyrics across my chest :) oh yeah, with stars on my shoulders
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Ah! I used to have so many! But I've had to take them all out for one reason or another. I miss them terribly.

    EX: Monroe, snakebites, vertical labret, 10mm tunnels, numerous ear-rim, left conch, right rook/tragus, venoms, tongue, eyebrow, surface chest.

    CURRENT: Septum, nipple.

    I have 'MONSTER' tattooed inside my bottom lip and Charles Bukowski poetry excerpts on each foot. I am planning more.
  • hovex031
    hovex031 Posts: 8 Member
    I love piercings, I have my nose and my ears pierced. I also have a monroe. I am planning on getting even more. I am also gauging my first holes. I am at a size 7/16th!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member

    Eyebrow looks cool. I thought about my nose, but I'm concerned about it getting infected up there with the boogies -- lol ;)

    I love my nostril piercing and have had it for 8 years :) Never got infected though. As long as you keep it clean and blow your nose regularly there should never be a problem. The funniest part of having it was dipping my nose in a shot glass full of sea salt to clean it when I first had it...many disasters! lol

    hahaha! I just have my ears and nose, Nose was done probably about 15 years ago now and this post just reminded me of having to sit at the kitchen table with my nose in a glass of sea salt water lol! I wish I had thought of a shot glass, I used a coffee cup!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have a bit of an addiction... :'D
    Lip x3, tounge, ears x5, microdermal, nose and navel >___>
    I used to have an anti-eyebrow and bridge piercing but they died...

    Ah, I forgot I wanted an anti-eyebrow.

    I have an addiction too...It's been so long I can't remember the names of them all...but I have an industrial (use to have 2 but the second one was eaten by my ear), conch, one through the hump just below the lobe (lol), 0 gauge plugs, nose, had my lip pierced, both nipples but one rejected so now I only have one, my "hood" and I have a microdermal through my the numerous hours of tattooing that's been done to me :)
  • board_riider
    board_riider Posts: 8 Member
    I love piercings..(and tattoos even more so..)
    As of right now, the piercings I have are a monroe, both my lobes 2x, one in each ear is stretched out to a 2ga....and a cartlige piercing in one ear as well.
    My former retired piercings are:my eyebrow, labret and nape... :(...miss them all, especially my nape..oh and my bellybutton....
    Tattoo wise, I have matching nautican stars on my forearms, a half sleeve on my left arm and stars behind my left ear...have an appt in July to get my feet done:) So excited.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I used to have 00gauge in both ears, but took them out a while ago.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Tatoo and piercings ears+ belly button
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I have 4 lobe piercings in each ear, a tragus and helix piercing, a tongue ring, a lip ring, a nose ring and two retired navel rings. :(

    Maybe when I get to my goal weight, I will get another belly button ring. :)
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I used to have my belly button pieced too. Just have ears now... double in each lobe and the cartridge on top. And surprise I have 5 tat's.
    I would love to have more, but I am "a grown up" now... I don't believe it either. I want one more...decisions decisions ...
  • ladymoonlite
    ladymoonlite Posts: 273 Member
    Love both piercings and tattoos

    I was wondering for those who have nose piercings...does it hurt? On a scale from 1-10.
    Im kinda afraid of needles haha And how long does it take to heal?

    I'm gonna get it soon but I need some advice..bout how to take care of it while it heals.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I have a Madison. It's pretty visible in my current avatar pic.

    I've taken the rest out.

    pretty heavily tattooed as well.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    Oh boy..

    Right now I have both conchs at 14g, septum at 14g , tongue at 14g, and lobes at 13/16.'

    in the old high school days I have 2 eyebrow rings in one brow, one in the other, wrist, both tragus(tragi? lol) and the above mentioned. I want more. I just don't have the patience for healing them anymore. Tattoos are so much easier to heal hahaha.
  • ScratchMj
    ScratchMj Posts: 76 Member
    I have my ears and tongue pierced....I have had it done since I was 17 and love it still! :)
  • Cheeve
    Cheeve Posts: 28
    The only thing i ever had pierced was my eyebrow which i took out about 6 years ago. No tattoos.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    i have ears, belly, nips and *kitten* hd piercings and 2 tattoos
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