Supposed to start today..but I'm actually embarrassed



  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    Since you are starting I understand it is awkward, but I think as you make it a routine, it will not bother you as much. Think of all of us walking with you. I am still quite a long ways from my goal but feel more confident already. I look in the mirror some days and feel so good looking at a thinner me! Success can be so motivating, but you have to start to achieve some success!

    Also, I used to walk at a high school track when the school was closed and there was no one around. Maybe you can check and see if a local school has a track without a fence around it where you can start walking. It can be boring though, so do take music with you if you choose that option.

    You've taken the first step to decide today is the day to begin. You realize your feelings are holding you back and have taken the time to tell others about it. Many of us have felt that way and taken the plunge. So do start today. Don't procrastinate any longer. You will be glad you started when you start making progress. I guarantee it!

    Will you post here after your first walk? Please let us know you did it.


  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Might try exercising in the privacy of your home. Youtube is full of free workouts. Walk Away the Pounds is one example.
  • MsIndependent316
    MsIndependent316 Posts: 16 Member
    aylajane wrote: »
    I used to feel that way as well. I am super-selfconscious, and have little to no self-esteem - I really feel like I shouldnt exist sometimes, I am invisible, etc.

    When I mentioned almost this same thing to someone - I dont want to exercise because I will be embarassed for people to see me, she explained it to me in a way that made sense... She said it was incredibly ARROGANT of me to think that anyone at all would be looking at me, much less give me a second thought. She asked what was so important about me that anyone would take the energy to actually look over at me and think anything at all? She asked why, if I all the time complained about how I was invisible to the world, would I think that suddenly I would become visible to everyone and they would all take the time out of their day to look my way and think anything bad (or good ) about it?

    Basically, you are being arrogant thinking this way - you are not that important in any of those people's lives that they would care one way or another what you are doing at any given moment in time. THe only people who would take the time out of their day to notice you, are people who care about you. Those people want to see you healthy anyway.

    So you really have no excuse. Every moment you put it off because you think strangers are looking at you, is another moment you let your huge self-inflated, self-important ego get in the way of your health.

    Seems kind of cruel, but if you are the person who thinks this way anyway (I call it "martyr mode"), this actually makes sense and is the only thing that would have motivated me at the time.

    THANK YOU!! I didn't even think about it like that. I feel better knowing that.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I saw a very obese woman riding a bicycle on the trails near my home last week while I was out for my walk. Our eyes met and I could tell by the look in hers that she expected to see judgement in mine.

    I gave her a big smile and her entire demeanor changed. I added a heartfelt, "You go, girl!" as she passed me.

    I was her not that long ago. Except I wouldn't have had the courage to try riding a bike. I could barely even walk around the block...

    So to the OP: Weight loss begins in the kitchen. There's a valid saying that you can't outrun a bad diet. It's very true. Having said that, exercise of any kind is extremely beneficial as well. So even if you just start out by walking laps in your home, you're already miles ahead of the on-the-couch you.

    And as to people potentially judging you? If they are that low to put you down for trying to better yourself, then they aren't the sort whose opinion matters, anyway.

    One of my favourite sayings at times like these:

    I think you might have be confused with someone who values your opinion. ;)
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Go for your walk with your head held high. You're trying to change your life.
  • gemdiver
    gemdiver Posts: 25 Member
    If you really hate being seen exercising in public (I'm the same way), focus on planning your meals first. At least for me, it was a lot easier swapping out soda and alcohol at meals for water compared to getting the courage and motivation to go out and walk around the neighborhood.
  • purplejellies
    purplejellies Posts: 6 Member
    i can relate because i too am overweight. i continually feel like i am being judged by others. but when you yourself see people working out. do you remember them? do you remember what they look like? most chances are you dont and chances are if you are out and about and trying the best you can for yourself and get fit and healthy for yourself, they arent going to pay no mind to you. i too am struggling to take my own advice. i walk into my gym and i think to myself "i cant run on that tredmill, did you just see that 120 something petite woman knock out 5 miles in like an hour? i can barely run a mile with out stopping, not getting on there" i look at machines and wish i knew how to work them and of course me im thinking i dont wanna try because knowing my luck im gonna look a fool trying to do this. but i think i need to swallow my pride as do you and just do it or as for help, as far as motivation, thats what this site kinda helps with. but we can only help so much the other half is totally up to you.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    If you don't feel comfortable yet walking in public, there are some GREAT walking videos on YouTube by Leslie Sansone for instance you can do in the privacy of your living room. Of course you miss out on the sunshine, fresh air, birds singing and squirrels playing in the trees, but the important thing is to start moving :) I had to develop the attitude "who cares what anyone else thinks" when I put on a swimsuit for the first time in many many years this spring and started swimming to reclaim my health and lose weight. You can do it <3
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Earbuds in, shades and hat on, go for it.

    this is what I do

    That is what I do as well. :)
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    edited August 2015
    Don't mind me; just testing to see if I've fixed the problem with my ticker not showing.

    Bah! What am I doing wrong?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Don't mind me; just testing to see if I've fixed the problem with my ticker not showing.

    Nope not working :(
  • 1linde
    1linde Posts: 34 Member
    Welcome, I didn't read all the posts. I hate exercising at the gym for a variety of reasons - once in a class I had to just shout out to an instructor that I was much older than she thought I was as I didn't get to say a word to her beforehand as usually I just ask them not to say anything if I take a break and march around as I know what my heart rate should be, so have everything I need at home. Treadmill, weight bench, weights, mats, dvd's , etc. I do love to walk outdoors though. If you truly are uncomfortable buy a Leslie Samson walk away the pounds dvd - they even have them at walmart for less than $10 and walk in front of your tv until you feel more comfortable. Heck I even put on music and dance around the house but if your windows are open your neighbors will think you insane lol. That will get your heart rate up.

    Also no matter what your weight or shape you can watch or record and follow Miranda Esmonde White Classical Stretch on PBS (Public Television) she purposely does not have an official warmup - just jump in where you are at - it is like 20 -25 minutes, not really repetitive and changes daily. I have a dvd so record it daily and actually bought a season of it, Iove it and can do stand alone or after another workout activity. The older I get and the more I study I don't think you need to do a lot of physical activity but consistency is key, I was huge runner and now I have horrible knees, etc. and now try to work smarter and not harder - I know most here would disagree but I now focus on eliminating toxins, nutrition, flexibility etc
  • ShayLaLee6
    ShayLaLee6 Posts: 6 Member
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Don't mind me; just testing to see if I've fixed the problem with my ticker not showing.

    Bah! What am I doing wrong?

    @2snakeswoman I think I saw somewhere that when they switched servers or something last fall it stopped working and they haven't bothered fixing it yet. It will show up on your home page but not as a signature to your posts.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    If you knew how little other people thought, if wouldn't bother you. Besides, they see you getting your mail, going to work, everyday, anyway. What difference does it make if they see your CARING for yourself?! They would probably even encourage you. I wave to all the exercisers! Get out there and do this for you!
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    P.S. I'm too busy for the gym so I work out at home. Calastenics and high intensity interval training. Sprint for 30 seconds. rest for 60 times 10.
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    You can start with your diet first, than move on to exercise, can you find a walking buddy? I was 155 lbs overweight when I started my journey, felt the same you do. I started with just dance for the Wii and than found The Beach Body Mom on YouTube, she is fantastic I highly recommend her to beginners. I work out either in my bedroom, living room or the toy room. I also did not want people watching me. Feel free to add me I am a very active member and very supportive and not judgmental.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    I can certainly relate to how you are feeling. When I began to move more, I just walked around our yard at first. We have a gym at work (which very few people use) so very quickly, I began using the gym at work every work day before work. I joined a gym (Anytime Fitness) in January 2015, and tomorrow, 8/2, I will have been at the gym everyday since. That is every day in the past 6 months. At my gym, there are little notes that you give to people in the gym that you think are doing great. I have gotten one 4 times for which I am extremely flattered.

    Do not worry too much. Most people are so busy doing their own thing that they hardly notice anyone else. Do this and be proud of your hard work, you are giving yourself an awesome gift! Good luck!
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I have only recently started to exercise outside (evening walks with the husband). People typically make eye-contact and wave/nod (might be a southern thing). But, they are mind their own business otherwise. It is most likely that others will NOT be "looking at/judging" you.
    I usually exercise at home. I have an elliptical, streaming devices for youtube (you can find videos on anything even walking), a couple DVDs (jillian michaels), and a xbox 360 kinect (zumba, just dance, etc).
  • IrishMiner76
    IrishMiner76 Posts: 38 Member
    edited August 2015
    YOU GOT THIS !! In the immortal words of Roddy Piper.. I came here to chew bubblegum and kick *kitten* and i'm all out of bubble gum...