Anybody Else Starting Today?



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Starting again, every day.

  • bb1lopez
    bb1lopez Posts: 81 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm starting again today for the..... oh I've lost count...
    I said to myself "new day, new month, new plan"
    I've really had enough of starting and stopping, starting and stopping because each time I end up worse off than the time before.
    Looking for new friends who are determined and motivated so that some of their energy can rub off on me. :)
  • Plump2FitPanaQT
    Plump2FitPanaQT Posts: 121 Member
    I've started today too for the umpteenth time. I have +100lbs to lose and I'm fed up with the fact that I keep quitting. :s I'm ready this time for sure & can use some motivation & support!! Feel free to add me! :smiley:
  • alco1966
    alco1966 Posts: 56 Member
    Good luck everyone xx it really is easy to log foods etc ONCE you get used to it... drove me mad for the first couple of weeks then it all seemed to click into place... now lohhing / scanning food into the diary is just a normal easy procedure.... one tip for you though, if possible plan you meals for the day and add them first thing in the morning, you can always go back and change it if you go off track or change your mind xx
  • wiggawaggle
    wiggawaggle Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in the same position... tried it using mfp so many times before and gave up. Recent seeing my reflection and pictures makes me need to do something about it as i'm bigger than all the previous attempts now this time...
  • AVT78
    AVT78 Posts: 39 Member
    How's everybody doing?

    I'm doing ok. Not on target but not too far off either.
  • 50andhappy8464
    50andhappy8464 Posts: 10 Member

    AVT78 wrote: »
    Just wondering if anybody else is starting their journey today? If so I would like to start a check in or something?

    I've struggled with being consistent on MFP in the past, but seeing recent photo's has lit a fire under my but to start losing weight. Any else?

    Hi! I'm starting again today. It's been 8 months, and I have put the 30 I lost back on. Good news I know I can do, I did it before. If I can believe me you can too. Not to brag, it was pretty easy that time. The changing eating habits that is, I really didn't struggle. As far as the weight went it took about seven months, without working out. Problem is my eating habits have gotten ridiculously un-healthy and out of control. Portions, and foods of no value. Everyday for months as I watched my weight piling back on I would say, tomorrow, beginning next week....repeatedly. I so need to be healthy and fit. I'm thinking this time I must need an accountability buddy, or a group to report in to.
    I'm 50yrs old 148lbs, working as a florist in a grocery store (hence the bad foods, retail hours, two for one Orio's, or fill in the two for one blank,excellent bakery.... So on). I would like to get down to around 115 - 120. So around 30 lbs again. Not much of an exerciser, but put a goal of 3 30 min body weight exercises with 2 days 30 min walks as my goal. I too had a picture taken, which totally scared me.
    Any suggestions for help with accountability and motivation.
    Also, would like to say to those new for the first time, MFP is an excellent tool for weight loss - especially when you faithfully use your food diary daily. And even more so when using your diary and planning your meals ahead....
    Best of luck to all! It can be done!
  • 50andhappy8464
    50andhappy8464 Posts: 10 Member
    AVT78 wrote: »
    Just wondering if anybody else is starting their journey today? If so I would like to start a check in or something?

    I've struggled with being consistent on MFP in the past, but seeing recent photo's has lit a fire under my but to start losing weight. Any else?

    Hi! I'm starting again today. It's been 8 months, and I have put the 30 I lost back on. Good news I know I can do, I did it before. If I can believe me you can too. Not to brag, it was pretty easy that time. The changing eating habits that is, I really didn't struggle. As far as the weight went it took about seven months, without working out. Problem is my eating habits have gotten ridiculously un-healthy and out of control. Portions, and foods of no value. Everyday for months as I watched my weight piling back on I would say, tomorrow, beginning next week....repeatedly. I so need to be healthy and fit. I'm thinking this time I must need an accountability buddy, or a group to report in to.
    I'm 50yrs old 148lbs, working as a florist in a grocery store (hence the bad foods, retail hours, two for one Orio's, or fill in the two for one blank,excellent bakery.... So on). I would like to get down to around 115 - 120. So around 30 lbs again. Not much of an exerciser, but put a goal of 3 30 min body weight exercises with 2 days 30 min walks as my goal. I too had a picture taken, which totally scared me.
    Any suggestions for help with accountability and motivation.
    Also, would like to say to those new for the first time, MFP is an excellent tool for weight loss - especially when you faithfully use your food diary daily. And even more so when using your diary and planning your meals ahead....
    Best of luck to all! It can be done!

  • 100lb
    100lb Posts: 75 Member
    Starting again this week, like 50andhappy8464 I lost weight easily before. The problem is you think its easy so don't stress about putting it back on.
    I'm 6ft, and 4 years ago I went from 289lb to 216lb in a year (5st in 5 months, rest in remaining 7). Since stopping my weight has increased through things like indulging in our work's tuck-shop at break times.
    So I'm starting by simply cutting out sweets etc, and not overindulging at meal times. Lets see how easy it is second time round!!
  • kyubeans
    kyubeans Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, I'm starting today. I haven't really paid attention to my health in the past year and have gotten so into the habit of eating whatever I feel like, no matter how terrible. I never tried calorie counting before but it seems simple enough.

    I just want to start out slow and get into the habit of paying attention to what I eat and making better choices. My first goal will just be to lose 5 pounds, just to see that I can. My weight has ballooned up in the past year so much because all I eat is crap, and lots of it.

  • DKattan
    DKattan Posts: 8 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Starting again, every day.


    Maybe that's the way to go
    Starting every day

  • tofoody
    tofoody Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi! I'm not new either. I've struggled for years. This is the first time it really feels like I'm forming healthy habits and changing my life style. I'd love a few buddies to be accountable to. My husband is very supportive and it really helps. For the past 3 weeks I've been mostly walking, but have tried the Couch to 5K app on my phone. I've gone vegan, gluten free, caffeine free and sweetener free. I steer clear of "diet" anything and drink about a gallon of water a day. I've never been so hydrated. I dare say I didn't even know how being hydrated felt. My goal this time is to change my lifestyle to support long term health. I recently read "Fully Charged" by Joe Cross and two statements really stuck with me: 1) Losing the weight is the easy part and keeping it off is the real challenge, and 2) Joe says that the distance from your hand to your mouth is the last two feet of freedom. I'm taking this one decision at a time.