In Need of advice.

i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//


  • sw777y
    sw777y Posts: 10 Member
    Have you tried eating every two to three hours. It dramatically boosts your metabolism. So have breakfast, then couple hours later snack, couple hours later lunch, then snack, then dinner. Hope it helps.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Do not eat all your exercise calories, stay in a deficit. Also do NOT look at scale daily, measure your inches around stomach, arms, chest etc. you will see changes there. And I started at 270 so I understand your frustration but please hang in there, get a different exercise besides just the walking, yoga ball, weights, Dancing!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    sw777y wrote: »
    Have you tried eating every two to three hours. It dramatically boosts your metabolism. So have breakfast, then couple hours later snack, couple hours later lunch, then snack, then dinner. Hope it helps.

    Time and how many meals doesnt matter at all

    But @torchita give it a bit more time.
    If you weigh all your food on a food scale ( so dont use cups and spoons or serving sizes) that is very good
    But you also started to exercise and your body can hold on some water for repair

    It also will help to open your diary to members here to see if your entrees are right ( there is a lot of wrong food data in the database)

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited August 2015
    It's still very early days. Sometimes it takes weeks to see a loss on the sales, especially if you've just started a new exercise regime, which usually equals water retention, which can hide any losses on the scales.

    Could you open your diary, you'll get more detailed help.

    Also meal timing makes no difference...
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Are you getting enough water? Sleep? Maybe you need to up your calories? Are you eating back exercise calories? Some don't, others do, other people eat about half.

    "A week" not showing it enough time.

    Are you taking progress photos? Taking measurements? Sometimes seeing nothing on the scale can be annoying but still loosing inches etc

    What do you mean by "discontinued all the diet"? Are you just eating healthier instead of a diet? Needs to be a lifestyle change.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Do not eat all your exercise calories, stay in a deficit. Also do NOT look at scale daily, measure your inches around stomach, arms, chest etc. you will see changes there. And I started at 270 so I understand your frustration but please hang in there, get a different exercise besides just the walking, yoga ball, weights, Dancing!

    not necessarily...i lost it all (101 pounds) with eating in a deficit and walking to start off with.
    I weigh every morning and every Monday i measure too.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    sw777y wrote: »
    Have you tried eating every two to three hours. It dramatically boosts your metabolism. So have breakfast, then couple hours later snack, couple hours later lunch, then snack, then dinner. Hope it helps.

    The reason the last 10 pounds melted off me was because I found out this is not true.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    lseed87 wrote: »
    Are you getting enough water? Sleep? Maybe you need to up your calories? Are you eating back exercise calories? Some don't, others do, other people eat about half.

    "A week" not showing it enough time.

    Are you taking progress photos? Taking measurements? Sometimes seeing nothing on the scale can be annoying but still loosing inches etc

    What do you mean by "discontinued all the diet"? Are you just eating healthier instead of a diet? Needs to be a lifestyle change.

    Upping your calories if you are not losing weight is NEVER the solution

  • piheart
    piheart Posts: 122 Member
    edited August 2015
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    You're going to be doing this for years. Many weeks will show no loss. Get used to that!

    Any time I start new exercise, I pick up a couple pounds. It's normal. It's just muscles being all, "Hey, guys! Whoa! We are being used!" and getting themselves in shape.

    Follow the MFP recommendations. If you don't lose anything in three weeks, try eating only half the additional exercise calories it gives you and then wait a couple more weeks.

    It's a long process and much tweaking and adjusting will be done along the way.

    Don't let a week without a loss throw you! Sometimes you may go three weeks without a loss and then drop five pounds in four days.

    Don't let the waiting discourage you and never quit!!!
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    sw777y wrote: »
    Have you tried eating every two to three hours. It dramatically boosts your metabolism. So have breakfast, then couple hours later snack, couple hours later lunch, then snack, then dinner. Hope it helps.

    This is NOT true. You cannot dramatically boost your metabolism.

    OP- two things!

    (1) a week is a very short period in the weight loss scheme and I find it's not usually consistent. Frustrating but true. Be patient and you will see results.

    (2) try eating back 50% of your calories from walking rather than 100%. MFPS over inflates the burn a LOT.

    I'm adding a third: Water. Drink lots!

    Good luck!
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//

    You are not burning as much as MFP says you are burning (one of the downfalls of MFP is their calculations of calories burned is over exaggerated) Are you eating all your exercise calories? If you are you should cut that number in half.

    Side advice: Start some sort of heavy weight training... It has been extremely beneficial to me in my weight loss and I wish I started in the beginning.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//

    I'm going to take a guess here and say that you just started exercising this week as well. So some information for you:
    • New Exercise or Increased Intensity in Exercise can cause water retention. This can mask weight loss and will sometimes even cause the scale to show a slight gain. This is because your muscles are holding water for repairs. Once they are done repairing, it comes right off and usually takes a bit of it's fat buddies with it as well.
    • TOM is another very common cause of water retention in women. It can also mask weight loss/show a gain. Comes off on it's own.
    • High sodium also can result in water retention.
    ^These are just some of the reasons why 1 week isn't enough time to determine if something is working or not. Give it another few weeks and see what happens. My guess is you are experiencing water retention due to the new exercise.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//
    I'd suggest two things.
    Rest one day a week from exercise, and drink more water.
    Be patient. Your results will come.
  • ThomasWright1997
    ThomasWright1997 Posts: 155 Member
    torchita wrote: »
    i weight 271 lbs. MFP has me on a 1600 cal dail food plan and i walk 2 hours a day at a fast speed on my treadmill w it inclined also. MFP estimates im losing 800 calies aday from my walking. and i measure every bite of food by grams. I also discontinued all the diet and salt. but i am not losing weight.. the 2 hours of walking are so hard ut i do them every day 7 days a week. and the My diet is unposcessed food. its been a week now and i havent lost 1 lbs yet. What am i doing wrong//

    Walk outside, a treadmill moves for you so you use less energy, and thus burn fewer calories.

    Make sure you weigh food before you cook it?

    Drop calories more.

    Weight yourself naked, on an empty stomach, after a bowel movement and emptying of the bladder at the same time each morning. How much do you think a turd weighs? What about a full bladder?

    Try swimming or something or ATLEAST take a day off from walking - it can be quite hard on the knees and ankles if you are overweight - and they need time to recover.

    Your diet should probably consist of low carbs, high fat and high protein. Say:
    15-25% C,
    40-50% F,
    20-30% P.
    (I am not a nutritionist)

    What do you mean by "unprocessed food"?

    That's all I can suggest.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.
    When choosing entries to log exercise in MFP, I use distance more than effort to measure. If I walk 5 miles in two hours that's a leisurely pace even If I feel I am walking fast, sweating like a pig and have an elevated heart rate, I still am only burning calories at the rate of a leisurely pace entry.
  • ThomasWright1997
    ThomasWright1997 Posts: 155 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Exercise is such a small part of weight loss.

    "Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated" A touch contradictory - don't you think? (PS not having a pop at your its just that you suggest investing in a machine, and then say not to trust it.)
  • torchita
    torchita Posts: 32 Member
    I Never eat back my calories that i burned off. i only allow myself to eat the daily amount mfp states. And I divide my 1600 calories into three 300 calories meals, and have two protein shakes that are each 150 calories each.. the last 400 calories left i have are for nacks like a banana, an apple, Most everything i consume in my diet is organic and has 2 cups of kale. that is also included in my protein shakes. I began using diluted amino acid insead of table salt, and walking 2 hours a day at the fastes pace posible , which is a spead of 3 with an incline of 3 also. i never been physically fit so do not have much muscle.. i feel exsuasted and only able to do my 2 hours 40 minutes at a time.. I also stay away from bread and tortillas. and the only carbs i do have come from my fruit or beans. Thank You All for your advice.. I read your comments and will take everyones advice into consideration.. Thank you ..
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Also, if you want to get a more accurate measure on your exercise calories, maybe invest in an activity tracker like a fitbit.
    Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated.

    FitBits don't really work, you could sit there masturbating all day and it would say you've burnt 1000+ calories.

    Exercise is such a small part of weight loss.

    "Do NOT believe what machines are giving you, as they are most always inflated" A touch contradictory - don't you think? (PS not having a pop at your its just that you suggest investing in a machine, and then say not to trust it.)

    My fitbit has worked perfectly for me. I have the basic zip, so no HR monitor.
    My dreadmill will give me over double the calories my fitbit does.