Why am I not losing weight when I seem to be doing everything right??

Hello, I'm a 19 year old female. I have been trying to lose weight because in recent years I have put back on two stone that I originally lost. I used to be 10 stone 5lbs and I'm now 12 stone 1lb (169lbs) :'( I'm also 5'1 so as you can imagine, I'm overweight. My weight range needs to be between 105lbs - 132lbs so between 7 stone 5lbs - 9 stone 4lbs which i think is really low personally because I've never been that small. But I'm aiming for the 9 stone range.

What my issue is, I'm struggling to loose weight. I've been doing everything right, doing exercise, having healthy food, and minimal food. I have to eat only 1200 calories a day. And each time i've gone the gym I've burnt off between 634 calories - 711 calories. I'm working extremely hard and yet, my weight still isn't budging and it's getting me down. So what exactly am I meant to do? I feel like I'm at a loose end, I'm fed up and ready to give up with it all.


  • Rebeckistan
    Rebeckistan Posts: 12 Member
    Are you weighing all of the food you eat and logging it exactly? Or are you eating back the calories you burn from exercise?
  • thetrickstergib
    thetrickstergib Posts: 5 Member
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
    No, not this.

    Chances are you are eating more than you think and burning fewer calories than you think.

  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    if you are only eating 1200 and then burning off 634-711 that is giving you a net of only like 600-700 calories... you need to eat more than that...
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    Are you weighing all of the food you eat and logging it exactly? Or are you eating back the calories you burn from exercise?

    Yes I'm logging the food in exactly, and I do some days, but it's not like it's bad food, it's my dinner that I eat back because I go to the gym from about 2:45 until 4:45 so when i get home I have to eat because I feel sick if i don't eat
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    mousie1973 wrote: »
    if you are only eating 1200 and then burning off 634-711 that is giving you a net of only like 600-700 calories... you need to eat more than that...
    I do eat more than that... I eat once I get home from the gym, so it ups my calories more.

  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    How are you measuring your calories eaten? Do you eat back your exercise calories? How long have you been trying to lose weight?
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
    No, not this.

    Chances are you are eating more than you think and burning fewer calories than you think.

    Well, I'm logging everything I'm eating, so I don't think that's the case. :)
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    rushfive wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories eaten? Do you eat back your exercise calories? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    I'm just following it on here, and eating the right things. Also, sometimes, not everyday, and about 3 weeks, but I've only started to use this app again for the last week.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    rushfive wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories eaten? Do you eat back your exercise calories? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    I'm just following it on here, and eating the right things. Also, sometimes, not everyday, and about 3 weeks, but I've only started to use this app again for the last week.

    Log everything for a few weeks, everything, without cheat meals, cheat days etc. If you eat it, you log it..
    Eat back half your exercise calories.
    Once you have done this for 2-3 weeks, then check where you are. If not losing, then there is something wrong with your logging.
  • kirstens1984
    kirstens1984 Posts: 96 Member
    You're not eating enough for the amount of exercise you are doing. Eat back your exercise calories so that your "net" calories are at least 1200 - therefore you need at least 1800 with your activity level.

    Also cut out the processed food in your diet and replace with whole foods. When I switched from processed to unprocessed food without changing anything else, I lost another stone and I eat loads. Eat lots of the right foods, combine with regular exercise and you will lose weight.

    Don't be put off if it takes a couple of weeks for the weight to start coming off - let your body adjust to the changes you are making to your lifestyle :) aim to lose 1-2lb per week, no more than this as it will be far easier to maintain and it is much healthier than crash dieting (which will only lead to weight gain once you eat normally again).

    I agree with previous post - weigh your food and log it exactly - you can save your meals on here so its only a pain the first time you make a meal.

    Finally, what has helped me is to eat a HUGE breakfast - make it your biggest meal of the day as it is your fuel for the day ahead. Then a good sized lunch and more moderate sized dinner. Don't eat too late in the evening. Eat plenty of protein rich foods if you're doing a lot of exercise. And healthy fats (unsaturated) such as nuts, avocados, oily fish etc help when trying to lose weight and also keep hormones regulated.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    How long have you been doing this without losing anything?
  • Rebeckistan
    Rebeckistan Posts: 12 Member
    Hope you don't mind, but I took a look at your diary. I think if you made some changes to your eating habits, you may find that you feel less sick after working out. For example, cut out all sugary drinks (pop, juice, squash, etc), drink only water, tea and coffee, and up your protein intake. Your body needs protein to repair your muscles but it also makes you feel fuller for longer. Try to limit the amount of sugar you eat (especially refined sugar too) because it will make you want to eat more food and junk food. Doing some of these will help you regulate your blood sugar better and help you feel less desperate for food or sick after working out. Also, the numbers on here and on your gym equipment which tell you how many calories you burn are estimates only and usually over-estimated. Try to limit the number of calories you eat back from after a workout so that you aren't just eating back what you've burned off.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,563 Member
    I'm sorry, but you still have not answered the questions correctly:
    1. Are you using a food scale and weighing everything you eat in grams?
    2. how are you determining your workout calories, and how many of those are you eating additionally to your 1200kcal?

    Thanks :)
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
    No, not this.

    Chances are you are eating more than you think and burning fewer calories than you think.

    Well, I'm logging everything I'm eating, so I don't think that's the case. :)
    If it were as simple as logging, people wouldn't have issues. Logging accurately is the goal.

    But, if you aren't losing weight over time, it is absolutely the case that you aren't burning more than you're eating.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
    No, not this.

    Chances are you are eating more than you think and burning fewer calories than you think.

    Well, I'm logging everything I'm eating, so I don't think that's the case. :)

    Errr, from the looks of your diary you seem to have only been logging for a couple of days.

    How quickly did you expect to see a loss?
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Have you looked at getting some body fat scales, instead of just basic weight ones - perhaps all that gym work, you are slowly gaining muscle without realising it, so your weight is staying steady, but actually you are toning and your body fat % is getting lower.
    No, not this.

    Chances are you are eating more than you think and burning fewer calories than you think.

    Well, I'm logging everything I'm eating, so I don't think that's the case. :)

    Errr, from the looks of your diary you seem to have only been logging for a couple of days.

    How quickly did you expect to see a loss?

    I've already put, i've been logging on here for about a week. the other two weeks I have been using another app thanks.

  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    rushfive wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calories eaten? Do you eat back your exercise calories? How long have you been trying to lose weight?

    I'm just following it on here, and eating the right things. Also, sometimes, not everyday, and about 3 weeks, but I've only started to use this app again for the last week.

    I mean how do you measure your food before you eat it? Do you weight it, use measuring cups, just kinda guess?
    Good on the eating exercise calories.
    3 weeks isn''t long, but you should of lost a pound.

    Try tightening up your logging on your food, probably eating more than you think.
    Many people only eat back 50% -75% of exercise calories burnt.
    A couple more weeks paying close attention to logging food amount and you should see the scale move.

    Just eating right wont cause you to lose weight.... you need to weight it and log it to know for sure.
    Weight loss is 80% food 20% exercise.

  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but you still have not answered the questions correctly:
    1. Are you using a food scale and weighing everything you eat in grams?
    2. how are you determining your workout calories, and how many of those are you eating additionally to your 1200kcal?

    Thanks :)

    A food scale, no,

    I'm not determining anything, I'm working to my best, and trying to burn off a good amount, and I eat back most of what I've worked off :)
  • bratterz_xoxo
    bratterz_xoxo Posts: 46 Member
    You're not eating enough for the amount of exercise you are doing. Eat back your exercise calories so that your "net" calories are at least 1200 - therefore you need at least 1800 with your activity level.

    Also cut out the processed food in your diet and replace with whole foods. When I switched from processed to unprocessed food without changing anything else, I lost another stone and I eat loads. Eat lots of the right foods, combine with regular exercise and you will lose weight.

    Don't be put off if it takes a couple of weeks for the weight to start coming off - let your body adjust to the changes you are making to your lifestyle :) aim to lose 1-2lb per week, no more than this as it will be far easier to maintain and it is much healthier than crash dieting (which will only lead to weight gain once you eat normally again).

    I agree with previous post - weigh your food and log it exactly - you can save your meals on here so its only a pain the first time you make a meal.

    Finally, what has helped me is to eat a HUGE breakfast - make it your biggest meal of the day as it is your fuel for the day ahead. Then a good sized lunch and more moderate sized dinner. Don't eat too late in the evening. Eat plenty of protein rich foods if you're doing a lot of exercise. And healthy fats (unsaturated) such as nuts, avocados, oily fish etc help when trying to lose weight and also keep hormones regulated.

    Thank you for this post, this has helped me a lot, and made me feel a bit better about everything, i'll try and follow your advice, thanks again! :D
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