

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym - 12min, 2.9mi = 85c
    spin- 36min, 80ar, 107aw, 10-16g, 14.3mi = 286c
    ride gym 2 wk, 51.26min, 13.5amph, 11.3mi = 481c
    ride dome 2 hm - 17.41min, 9.1amph, 2.6mi = 185c
    total cal 1037
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
    bwcetc - Pip ... Are you comfortable with your doctors' assessments of your shoulder? As active as you are, you really want that to heal without future limitations. Second opinion?

    i am comfortable with his assessment of my shoulder. he gave me the options, i made the decision. you would be surprised on how much motion i have now, it's basically as good as the other shoulder as far as range of motion. if i wasn't satisfied with his assessment, then i would get a 2nd opinion. make sense? you're not the first person to bring up the 2nd opinion thing. :0)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So my pitty party is done. I am recognizing that throughout my life I have let others (husband, family) make many major decisions. My husband has always made the decision on this apartment or that apartment. Most of the time he has downpayments on it before I ever saw it. Major purchases like autos were always his decision. I wasn't a driver, so I wasn't the process. I have always played the part of "military dependant" quite well. Even going as far as to walk behind my husband in Japan. So lately my husband has been doing alot of nice things for me. Buying this or that, whether I stated I would like it or not. It makes me feel like I am just going thru the motions of my life. The other day, he did the shopping early Sunday morning when he bought the Sunday paper. I know silly stuff, but it brought back all the bigger stuff, and I felt panicked. I want to have control in what comes into the kitchen. That is my battleground. It makes me feel powerful when I have organized the pantry, or frig, and don't have "junk food". He only bought what I had asked, so that was good. He didn't do anything wrong, but I was upset at the situation none the less. I want to be part of the process is all. Maybe I am really OCD about my weightloss journey. Maybe I have a "scale addiction". Maybe I need therapy on all this, I don't really know.
    Becca feeling bonkers on the NW tip of Oregon....
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just a pop in good evening post. It's been a long day--not bad, just long. :smile:

    Antidepressants - I take Prozac and Wellbutrin. The Wellbutrin was added after 10+ years of Prozac alone. (Wellbutrin alone was a disaster.) Together, they are my best friends!

    Time to find a snack before bed. Not hungry enough for dinner tonight.

    Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited August 2015
    A higher power decided to help me not over-eat by having some rainbow sherbet. It's name might be Freon, it might be Payne (left the door ajar). But either way, I need to replace a LOT of uncooked frozen meat. Sad and frustrated. At least the turkey was still frozen enough that we can cook it tomorrow. And I assume the packs of frozen vegetables and shredded cheese should be okay.

    Too bad I didn't have my phone in my pocket to record my steps and flights of stairs (up and down 8 times).

    Time for bed. I'll try again to catch up tomorrow.
  • dreid225
    dreid225 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here and I'm 50 and fat but think like I'm skinny. If that makes any sense.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    On antidepressants...I tried them all over the years. I had a very serious problem with suicidal depression most of my life. Even as a small child. Mostly they didn't work and I hated the side effects. In the past six or so years I've been on Trazodone, which seems to work better than any, at least for me. It helps me sleep and keeps migraines at bay too, which are good side bonuses. It doesn't seem to have the spaced out medicine head thing that most of the others did. Or if it does, I sleep through it. The down side is that I don't really have the happy times either. It sort of flattens out my mood. But if it keeps my head out of the oven, it's ok with me. Another plus is its REALLY cheap. My last refill cost me 30 cents. Of course that's after insurance.
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Thoughts and prayers to everyone dealing with illnesses and hard times, whether personal or those of loved ones. It is good to share concerns within this supportive and caring group of ladies.

    Barbie - Thanks for keeping the thread going into August!

    DJ - Happy Anniversary!

    Cheri - Thanks for posting your activity progress for July earlier today. I saw it before lunch time, and it kept me out of the Mickey D's drive-thru and away from the French fries calling my name. Very inspirational!

    Lillian - Would love to see pictures of your garden. It sounds fabulous! I have many happy memories of making black and red currant jelly with my grandmother during my summer visits to New Mexico.

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy week!

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    What a day but nothing too bad . Sylvia, my heart goes out to you n your family. Many prayers for you!!! Went to Emily group this eve, talked about fullness , eating after full n not being able to throw food out.the question is what else are you throwing out??? What emotions going on ??? The discussion was tense lots of tears. If you don't know what Emily is they have a site. Gayle Minneapolis
  • xclntmgr
    xclntmgr Posts: 13 Member
    On antidepressants...I tried them all over the years. I had a very serious problem with suicidal depression most of my life. Even as a small child. Mostly they didn't work and I hated the side effects. In the past six or so years I've been on Trazodone, which seems to work better than any, at least for me. It helps me sleep and keeps migraines at bay too, which are good side bonuses. It doesn't seem to have the spaced out medicine head thing that most of the others did. Or if it does, I sleep through it. The down side is that I don't really have the happy times either. It sort of flattens out my mood. But if it keeps my head out of the oven, it's ok with me. Another plus is its REALLY cheap. My last refill cost me 30 cents. Of course that's after insurance.

    I know the feeling I didn't like most meds but trazsdone was ok now I am on a cocktail and mostly happy. Lots of experiments to get here
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,639 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 1 segment (maybe 10 minutes) of a butt baster DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds, off to extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm going to try something different with the spinning bike. Don't know how this will turn out. I have this workout which basically is a constant change in intensity. I'm not sure if going so fast will mean that I'll have to be seated the whole time. I sure hope not. I know that when the intensity gets really amped up, I'll need to be seated for that (like a sprint), but not sure if it's going to be too fast when I do the recovery and if I'll still need to be seated. Guess we'll find out!

    Chris - fantastic! You'll do well on maintenance. Just don't get discouraged. I'll tell you right now that there will be times when your weight will go up (and sometimes for no apparent reason). Just don't resort to those M&M's. It'll come back down. I've found that no matter what I have to log or else I'll overeat on healthy food

    DJ - I've had the doc freeze the wart and then dig it out, I've even used laser therapy. This was the first time he cut it out. I really don't care...as long as it's gone.

    Lenora - congrats on being seizure-free. Ouch on the fall

    Becca - it's just one pound. That'll come off. And a marriage is about each other helping each other.

    Kim - just keep telling yourself that even Ringo Starr started on the drums one time. His neighbor probably felt the same way you are right now. Good thoughts being sent your way.

    janetr - so sorry to hear that about your BIL

    Joyce - I did have a light housecoat on. I'm not where Becca is just yet. I agree with Heather, your contributions to this thread are wonderful

    Mary from MN - safe travels home

    Vince saw the orthopaedist about his MRI. The rotator cuff isn't torn but there is wear and tear. They've TENTATIVELY scheduled for his EP to be Sept. 10 (the MD only does them on Tues and Thurs and because of the time, they only schedule one/day) After that, they'll think about surgery

    Lily - adorable dog!

    Cheri - you SHOULD be impressed. Great job.

    Went to exercise, came home and in the pool, then senior bowling, have ceramics tonight and then mahjongg

    Sylvia - so glad your son called back. <Passsing you a tissue>

    Heather - why would you want to see Paris sewers?

    pip - what a good way to look at things "everything happens for a reason". I know it took me about 30 years to understand why God took my mother when I was so young

    katla - I seem to recall that you shouldn't have a big meal before doing yoga. Maybe a piece of fruit, that's all. Hope you're feeling better. Good luck at your tests

    Today is one of my busy days so I'm just skimming some posts. I realy like when other respond individually because that sometimes gives me an indication of what it is I missed.

    I'll probably be done with the ladybudg Wednesday, then the gal needs to paint the eyes and probably next Monday I'll put the clear glaze on it. I bought a duck tonight. I'm sorry now that I didn't take a picture of the bisque so I could ask you for suggestions as to colors. Well, I'll take the pic Wed. I'm thinking right now that the body will be blue, the beak orange, maybe the wings yellow, but I don't know what color to do the back.

    csturtle - I'm sure a rehab facility or an assisted living home would greatly appreciate your musical talents

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sylvia, my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine knowing that your child will die in your lifetime. What will happen to the children? I hope that has all been decided and arranged. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as soon as he expects, but it has to be hard on all concerned. (((((((Hugs))))))

    Heather, glad it sounds like you and DH will go to Paris even though it didn’t work out to go when your friend is going. Your dentist doesn’t recommend a night guard or anything?

    Ina, wow have you got your challenges. Good for you on joining MFP and taking care of yourself. You will be amazed at how your body responds to carrying around less weight. This really works. Come often and use sarcasm as much as you need to here and know you are supported. I see in your August resolutions that you have listed cleaning and organizing different rooms. Do you know about the 15 minute a day method? It has been great for a number of us here. Good luck on all fronts.

    Shirley, welcome. I’m your age and I don’t even think I am the senior resident here. LOL This is a wonderful group of ladies that are full of support and information. Please come often and post whenever you feel like it.

    Cheri, you just keep impressing yourself and us. What a great way to live. I like your quote. Thanks.

    Jane, how wonderful for Nathan!!!! Glad you and Violet had fun. ((Hugs))

    Katla, that will teach you to ask the yoga teacher a question. Lol And especially on a full stomach. Hope “The Big Squeeze” goes off without a hitch. I know the bone density will.

    Linda IA, good for your DD to get ya goin’ on Pilates. Anything that can get us moving is what we need.

    Carol, whatever it takes to keep those brain cells working, is good enough for me.

    Teri, I know you are worn out because you gave out so many hugs, but I felt like giving you one too. (((Hugs)))

    Beth, congrats to younger son on his music. Hope the cpap gets worked out. Wow on your visit to see parents. All I can say is, “You drove 4 hours for that?”. JK, but I know it’s not easy at any age to discuss funerals. Thank goodness DH and I are both of the same mind about ours so no big deal there.

    Connie, welcome. My DD lives not far from Medford. You have done great so far and I would expect it to slow down. This is a very supportive place so come often and join right in. What a beautiful tree or er ah I guess the flowers are what are beautiful.

    Becca, you began with “So my pitty party is done” and then went into a rant. I hope you feel better? I’ll be honest, I have my DH do all the shopping because I don’t like to shop. He buys what I tell him so I feel very in control and powerful. If he puts something away in the wrong spot, I just move it to the spot I want it in. Sometime I break down and put away all the groceries he buys for me. Depends on my mood. This is all just to say, maybe you could look at it another way. Not so much as losing control but more as taking control. Just a thought. If something that easy does continue to bother you that much then you might want to talk to someone about it?

    Terri, so sorry about losing all that food. I hope it wasn’t a ton of meat as that can really get expensive.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Thanks to all for the Anniversary wishes. We had a good day and will go out to dinner tomorrow night. I don’t have any better picture to show you but this one you can see what a great haircut I give myself. lol I had it taken at the Moose meeting tonight so I still have on my name tag.

    I care so much for each of you and wish for all of you the best things in life. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    You asked for a picture so here it is:

  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    edited August 2015
    I just came upon this thread and I'm in. I'm 51 years old. I had gastric bypass in 2006 and lost 176 pounds. I gained 60 pounds back but have now lost about 28 pounds. I'm two pounds away from onederland.

    Here are my goals for August.

    1. Achieve onederland!
    2. Walk 30 minutes every single day.
    3. Eat at least 80-100 grams of protein a day.
    4. Weight train at least three days a week with body weight work outs or resistant bands.
    5. Drink 107 fluid ounces of water per day.
    6. Continue with a steady weight loss. No specific pound per week goal just loose something every week!

    Looking forward to connecting with other women to walk this journey together with support and suggestions for getting healthier!

    I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!!! B)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gayle Minneapolis - I may go look up the group. This really hit me just now when I read it. I have always had a horrible time throwing food out. Now when my husband says I'm going to throw this out, I've eaten all I want and you won't be eating it (I probably would sneak it when he was gone or whatever) I just say okay now and walk away. I can't watch. He even takes it clear outside to the trash receptacle. It was a gut wrenching experience at first. I'm getting better with it now, like you said what am I throwing away? It's me throwing away my health, my weight loss, my life time commitment to keep the weight off, just to name a few. Thanks for sharing that.

    Janetr OKC
  • MarciBkonTrk
    MarciBkonTrk Posts: 310 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sylvia, my heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine knowing that your child will die in your lifetime. What will happen to the children? I hope that has all been decided and arranged. Hopefully it won’t be nearly as soon as he expects, but it has to be hard on all concerned. (((((((Hugs))))))

    Heather, glad it sounds like you and DH will go to Paris even though it didn’t work out to go when your friend is going. Your dentist doesn’t recommend a night guard or anything?

    Ina, wow have you got your challenges. Good for you on joining MFP and taking care of yourself. You will be amazed at how your body responds to carrying around less weight. This really works. Come often and use sarcasm as much as you need to here and know you are supported. I see in your August resolutions that you have listed cleaning and organizing different rooms. Do you know about the 15 minute a day method? It has been great for a number of us here. Good luck on all fronts.

    Shirley, welcome. I’m your age and I don’t even think I am the senior resident here. LOL This is a wonderful group of ladies that are full of support and information. Please come often and post whenever you feel like it.

    Cheri, you just keep impressing yourself and us. What a great way to live. I like your quote. Thanks.

    Jane, how wonderful for Nathan!!!! Glad you and Violet had fun. ((Hugs))

    Katla, that will teach you to ask the yoga teacher a question. Lol And especially on a full stomach. Hope “The Big Squeeze” goes off without a hitch. I know the bone density will.

    Linda IA, good for your DD to get ya goin’ on Pilates. Anything that can get us moving is what we need.

    Carol, whatever it takes to keep those brain cells working, is good enough for me.

    Teri, I know you are worn out because you gave out so many hugs, but I felt like giving you one too. (((Hugs)))

    Beth, congrats to younger son on his music. Hope the cpap gets worked out. Wow on your visit to see parents. All I can say is, “You drove 4 hours for that?”. JK, but I know it’s not easy at any age to discuss funerals. Thank goodness DH and I are both of the same mind about ours so no big deal there.

    Connie, welcome. My DD lives not far from Medford. You have done great so far and I would expect it to slow down. This is a very supportive place so come often and join right in. What a beautiful tree or er ah I guess the flowers are what are beautiful.

    Becca, you began with “So my pitty party is done” and then went into a rant. I hope you feel better? I’ll be honest, I have my DH do all the shopping because I don’t like to shop. He buys what I tell him so I feel very in control and powerful. If he puts something away in the wrong spot, I just move it to the spot I want it in. Sometime I break down and put away all the groceries he buys for me. Depends on my mood. This is all just to say, maybe you could look at it another way. Not so much as losing control but more as taking control. Just a thought. If something that easy does continue to bother you that much then you might want to talk to someone about it?

    Terri, so sorry about losing all that food. I hope it wasn’t a ton of meat as that can really get expensive.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Thanks to all for the Anniversary wishes. We had a good day and will go out to dinner tomorrow night. I don’t have any better picture to show you but this one you can see what a great haircut I give myself. lol I had it taken at the Moose meeting tonight so I still have on my name tag.

    I care so much for each of you and wish for all of you the best things in life. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    You asked for a picture so here it is:


    Hot Mama!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - I can hardly wait to see your ladybug! Hopefully this one will not chip apart. That is what happened to the last one isn't it?

    DJ - you look great! I love the hair cut and your outfit! Have a great dinner with your DH. I'm glad you enjoyed your Anniversary!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ- Beautiful picture, I love, love the haircut gorgeous blue outfit too. You look absolutely terrific. Thanks for sharing :)

    Michele NC - thanks for the good thots for my BIL. I have not heard a thing today. It upsets me that one of their kids (all grown) can't take two seconds to let us know what's going on. Even just to say not much change, or whatever. A bit on pins and needles here.

    Janetr OKC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    DJ, very nice picture. Love the color of your hair and the vibrant colors in the outfit. Very flattering!

    Not a fan of the white bean salad. I might give it one more try but use onion and skip the garlic and basil.

    Otherwise today has been a very successful day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebamae: Good luck with your goals. I did not have luck with goals that said lose X number of pounds per month. I found that there were too many variables for me to control. I did much better with behavioral goals. You see them at the bottom of my post. The weight did come off, but not as fast as I would have hoped. I stuck with it anyway and have had more success than I ever dreamed. I wish you every success, too. :flowerforyou:

    csturtle: My mom was in an assisted living place for several months before she passed away. Musicians came regularly and played music from her era. She and the other residents got so much pleasure from it. Your music can make a big difference to people. It is a wonderful gift to others. :flowerforyou:

    Cheri: I like the www.livelifehappy.com quotation. Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I'm sorry for the loss of your sister. I grieve the loss of people who have been important to me, especially those who died too young. I lost my dad when he was 73. He so much wanted to live, and I still miss him. :heart:

    Ina: My DH is also diabetic. He does a good job managing his diabetes but his health issues have grown more complicated. Over time, he has developed additional diseases including MS and degenerative arthritis. He soldiers on and does his best. You & your DH have my sympathy. :flowerforyou:

    Jane: I'm sending prayers for baby Nathan and your whole family. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Hugs. Your son and his family are in my prayers, and so are you. :heart:

    Becca: DH buys large amounts of meat. We package it into meal-sized portions, put it in foodsaver bags and freeze it. Other supplies are also "economy size." and we have too much of everything. :grumble: I think I know a bit of how you feel. :flowerforyou:

    NC Carol: Mom took Wellbutrin. She didn't like to take anything to enhance her mood and complained that, "It makes me too damned happy." The assisted living place where she lived the last few months of her life brought her medicine to her, and she didn't know which pill it was so she took it regularly. It made a big difference. :bigsmile: I've been taking something since she passed away. I currently take buproprion (generic nexium) and recently changed to a different version that I like very much. :heart:

    DJ: I love the photo of you. Great colors and a lovely smile! :flowerforyou:

    MarciBkonTrk: Welcome to a wonderful group of women. :flowerforyou:

    My poor boobs have been thoroughly smashed and the information is on its way to my doctor. The bone density scan was not at all uncomfortable. The tech showed me what my bones look like. Most of the photos were of my pelvis and leg bones. It is off to the specialist to be interpreted. My bones looked good to me. I hope the Doctor agrees.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
