

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    edited August 2015
    apologies to all for missed messages. Working Sundays puts one behind, since others are free. Ah, well. It's a job I like. Walked 12K+ steps, including my lunch 30 minutes (I strode two buildings over, bought a baked chicken breast, baked sweet potato and smothered cabbage, saving half the sweet and the bulk of the chicken for tomorrow's lunch, and on the return trip walked up 10 of the 15 flights between the 6th floor (doors out of the stairwell are locked for the first 5 flights, which I think are all garage). Walked after work to the ferry landing, stopping for a sitdown in the Sheraton lobby after hitting 10K. They don't have a water fountain, so I refilled my water bottle from a sink in the lav.

    Wore a new blouse to work. Nobody noticed. On t'other hand, I'd probably have to wear something really outre for anyone to comment.

    Interesting bmi calculator here.
    Doesn't tell you healthy/overweight/obese; just draws a little sketch.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi Friends. Happy start of August.
    Michele: I’m probably more excited than you about meeting up with you and Carol!! I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been provided a home cooked meal while on business travel. Looking forward!!!

    Carol: You deserve a break, big time. For now, just take it a day at a time and know that I am sending you energy, peace and a big (((hug))).

    Sylvia: Thanks for sharing your experience with the pressure cooker. I’ve been wanting a slow cooker that could also brown. Will have to seriously consider this product. I have no words for what you must be feeling hearing your DS talk about his death. You are a strong and loving woman. He is so very lucky to have you so present in his and the kids’ lives.

    Janettr: Love the pants. How terribly sad to hear about your DS and DBIL. Sending up prayers.

    Dr. Katie: Hope you get lucky with the search for living quarters for DS.

    Alison: Re DH, bless and release to your and his higher power. Take care of yourself. Hugs.

    DJ: Sorry the anniversary beach outing got rained out. Congratulations to you and DH. Love your photo. You have a radiant smile.

    Joyce: I clearly remember how much you used to enjoy using the recumbent bike at the gym while watching HGTV. What would it take to get you back there?

    Lisa: You have a beautiful family. I’m about half way through “This Little Pig” and thoroughly enjoying it.

    Heather: Can never get enough pics of your DGC. You can add me to the list of volunteers willing to go to Paris with you. Et, je parle francais.

    Chris: What wonderful focus and concentration. You’ll be at a normal BMI soon, I’m sure.

    Kim: Hoping Jonathan will channel his inner Ringo and expand his repertoire.

    Mary: Happy you and DH had a fun trip, especially after the arduous move.

    Mame: Tessa is a beauty.

    Lillian: That is one handsome lab.

    Cheri: Nice stat sheet. Keep it up.

    Katla: Bravo to you for enduring the mammo and bone density scans.

    Pip: Yogi’s face makes me smile. No wonder you’re so full of humor and fun.

    Ina: You’ve come to the right forum. Many of us can relate to aches, pains and DHs with ailments. We are here for you. Keep coming back. Hope you aren’t near any of the fires.

    Simquilts: Welcome to our community. Kudos for writing down and sharing your Aug goals.

    MNMargaret: You and I are the same age. So sorry you lost your sister so young. My sister is recovering from colon cancer. We just never know how many tomorrows we have left in us. Thanks for the reminder.

    Jane: Those grandbabies are really cute.

    Yannie: What an awesome trip. Safe travels home.

    Beth: WoW! Impressive son with the musical and composition talents. Where does he get them from?

    Gotta sign off now. I’m way past my usual bedtime and four legged alarm will be coming to get me up for my workout at 4:40 AM.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
    August Goals
    • Burn 2300 calories per week
    • Eat mindfully
    • Meditate 3x per week
    • Call someone once a week just to check in.
    • Finish reading “Clean Gut”
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member

    For all my fellow cat lovers.
  • jonicalifornia
    jonicalifornia Posts: 16 Member
    Megblair1 Thank you for the welcome. I live in Southern California/Orange County.
  • simquilts2
    simquilts2 Posts: 34 Member
    Wow, thank you to those who welcomed me to your group. Your weight loss support, advice and mottos are really positive. DJ, you are lovely! I will hold all you who are struggling with life's challenges in my prayers; it's wonderful to find such support here.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Poerava14 wrote: »

    For all my fellow cat lovers.

    So true we have 2 plus a dog .. Queen size bed, sometimes I have to move!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I am also a cat lover... We have Six... Because we're nuts. I am married... 2kids...a 16 y/o dd who is now driving.... And a 14 y/o ds with down syndrome and autism who is a handful... Especially when my lupus and RA act up.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well ladies this might be short tonight. Have to get to bed earlier.

    Allison, I feel for you honey. I also sometimes wonder if Tom is still manipulating you some or if he is seriously reaching out to you.

    Sylvia, WOW. ((((((Hugs)))))) So many emotions for all of you. Does he go to any of the Alpha support groups either in person or online? And you and your husband need to go to them also not only for the comraderie but these people are also going through the exact same things you are going through and can give you insight, coping mechanisms. They might even have some fun time for kids so that your DGC can establish relationships with kids whose parents are also dying. Right now he needs to savor every moment he has with those children. He also needs to have a clear defined purpose. I think we have all read the stories of a parent who is dying and makes all sorts of videos that the children can 'open' on those special days like graduation, weddings, thinking about college. Or just videos to say how much he loves them. His son needs a video with his DAd telling him about how to shave, how to change the oil, maintenence on the car, etc. His little girl needs a video on how to deal with boy friends the birds and the bees. This would give him a purpose to get up every day and look forward to talking to his kids about all these things that will happen in their future but not his. In my early days of nursing I was taking care of this lady that was suicidal and had drank quite a bit of bleach that kind of made a lot of scar tissue in her esophagus. While she was in the hospital, a doctor would have to come to her room every day and put a tube down her throat to stretch the esophagus. But she eventually would have to do it herself at home. Since i was her primary nurse, yep that was back in the days you had a primary nurse from admission to discharge, he taught me how to do it. Well I was so dreading the day that I was going to have to go in her room the first part of my shift and put that tube down. So I walk in her room and there she was with that tube in! She had done it herself and was from that day on the happiest person around. She had a purpose to get up every day! Is it time that you, your husband and him to sit down and have a serious discussion about sharing legal power of attorney of health care so that you can make those appointments when needed. Not sure how the Mom would feel about it but it will eventually need to be done. It might also be nice in the courts for a judge to see that you and DH have already been doing these things when judge is trying to decide if Mom has legal rights to have full custody or you. You would have already established a pattern of responsibiliy of care.

    Rori, thank you for rembering that about HGTV. It sure would be a lot easier to get my steps in than rying to walk them in the house.

    Charlies IV went well today. It took a total of 3 hours and I was hoping that once they see he tolerates it with no immediate reaction they wouldn't have to slowly increase the dose flow of the IV. But they have to do it every time. I got about 5000 steps in at the hospital and finished the rest here at home.

    A dear friend of the family from years ago died of cancer last Friday. I will go to the funeral home tomorrow and funeral the next day. When my Dad was pastor of the church in the town where I then lest the home to go to college, they were a big part of the leadership. they had 5 kids just like Mom and Dad. When my oldest sister would be so sick and in the hospital and not home for the night, my brothers would go to their house and my sis and I would go to another families home. It was odd because the family my brothers went to had 3 girls which both my brothers had a crush on one of them. The family my sis and I went to had two hunks of sons and they lived on a big dairy farm so we got a lot of neat experiences.

    That's all folks! Joyce, Indiana
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi, All. Welcome Newbies. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Haven't been on here in a few weeks. Very hectic work project.

    Am dealing with extreme STRESS and FRUSTRATION!!! >:)

    1) New front load washer quit last Tues. night. Only had it 2-1/2 months. Door has been locked with WET clothes in there for 1 week. GE repair guy could get here until this morning. Had to wait for GE certified repair person because it's covered under the original warranty.

    He REFUSED to take off the front panel and do an emergency door unlock. Said he has to order a part and return with a 2nd guy NEXT Monday to unstack the dryer that sits on top. So, my WET clothes will be locked in there for 2 full weeks! I do not know how to remove the front panel and don't want to pay someone else to do it. If it gets damaged when I or a non-GE person removes it, the warranty will be void. So parts and labor would no longer be covered and included for free. Ugh!

    Unfortunately, I do not feel confident with his assessment. I feel so helpless because there is not a damn thing I can do. I've been extremely MAD, upset and frustrated for an entire week about this. Feel like I could scream and cry at the same time. Huge Aggravation!

    2) Recliner chair broke. Also last Tues. night--after dealing with the washing machine quitting. Just wanted to sit down and watch TV, but the seat frame came apart. It has fallen down and slid forward. So you feel like you're squatting low on a short seat on the floor, but at a forward angle which really hurts your back. Tried using the chair anyway for a few days, but it just got worse. Now it's totally UNUSABLE.

    Ran to the new, huge furniture mart Friday night. But the recliner I liked online was not on the floor. So I could not try it to see if it felt comfortable. Has to be special ordered. Would not be here until the END of October! Can you say, 'More Aggravation". I knew you could!

    Looked at La z Boy online and they're having a sale (yay). Their store is only 3 miles away. Will go there this week.

    Meanwhile, have had to sit on the floor which gets very hard. Also using a very uncomfortable, inexpensive office type chair for now. My back hurts, so I cant relax and am NOT a happy camper.

    3) Right rear blinker on my truck stopped working, also last week. Additional Aggravation. Had to drive it that way for a couple of days because I could not take off work to get it fixed. I was extra careful while driving, but really scared because it's a safety issue. Also, I don't want or need an expensive traffic ticket. Fortunately, I was able to force the time to do it after a doctor's appt. so there wasn't a problem with being off work for an entire afternoon and I made up the time later. Took it to the dealer and waited 1-1/2 hrs. while they changed the oil, rotated tires and replaced the turn signal bulb. Glad that I didn't have an accident or ticket when it didn't work. Thankful that it's repaired.

    4) Female medical issue has not been resolved during the past 5 months. So had to go back to the Specialist. He's trying to force aggressive surgery, which I refuse to have. As much as I like him, he's unfortunately quite old and totally outdated. There is a scope technique that's replaced the old-fashioned crap he's pushing. Even More Aggravation. I'll eventually get a 2nd opinion from the younger, up-to-date female Gyn that I've seen previously for bio-identical hormone rebalancing.

    I know there are much worse issues that others are having to deal with. Am sorry to have read about them here.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I feel less aggravated now. - Nancy in FW, TX

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    part way through Pg 8. I haven't caught up yet so don't know if comments will still make sense.

    Terri- Nothing wrong with a 3 lb weight loss. Keep up the good work. Your Dad looks quite young and handsome.

    Janet MMcC - Sucks ditchwater through a soda straw. Perfect description. My friend is one of my angels.

    Sylvia - I hope you are enjoying your multi cook.
    I don't have words for your situation. So very difficult. How does one ever know what to do?

    Janetr - Praying for your BIL and sis.

    Alison - My heart is with you.

    Chris - You give me hope.

    Katla - We are so happy that you stuck around

    Becca - There will be another day and it will be better.

    Lillian - MMMM - Saskatoons!

    Mame -Tessa is beautiful and I bet she knows it.

    Lisa - Great before and after photos. It shows the rest of us that it can be done.

    It's been busy around here and this old girl apparently can't keep up with everything. Every day has been some kind of activity with the grand sons. Today we went to Heritage Day but it was so hot that I had to be in the shade (or melt). Everyone stood up and since the dancers were down in the amphitheatre we couldn't really see. I enjoyed the music. DGS really enjoyed his African wrap, butter chicken and cabbage roll. Quite a combination. He would have loved to sample from every booth but he would have been sick and I would have been broke.
    We went out to Park Lake, I played in the lake with the kids and enjoyed our picnic (except for the wasps)
    Took DGS to the other Grandma. He has asked that this be his last sleepover there. I was dismayed but not surprised when she was slightly glassy eyed. She opened the door with a glass of wine in her hand, cigarette in her mouth and the smell of pot greeted our noses. I checked to make sure he was okay with everything. He's a smart kid who has our phone number programmed in.
    DH is once again threatening not to go to counselling. Apparently I am not pulling my weight around here. I told him we could go into that there but I was listening to it today. I got very annoyed last night when he told me what questions I should ask his friend's wife. He wants me to like her. Does he realize that by doing this he makes me hold her at arm's length. Honestly, I think I am capable of having a conversation without his coaching.
    Still having a difficult time just being at work. Not looking forward to being there tomorrow.
    Missed watching my brother bronc ride. DH doesn't understand why I wanted to be there. Yes, it is hot at Writing-on-Stone. Yes, there are probably bugs. It's also a very interesting, historical park. The kids could have tubed from the rodeo grounds down to the campground. Most important of all that's my brother.
    Good night all
    -Sharon in Lethbridge where the temperature is soaring

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    morning ladies~
    Sylvia~ my heart aches for you... such a sad situation know that I love you as we all do and take Joyce's advice and maybe find a support group for your son and yourself..
    Tom told me this morning he angry about some stuff but wouldnt go into it.. but at least he didnt yell and said we will talk later. who knows what it is about,,but at least he is verbalizing and not blowing up...
    I am up and dressed and having a quick cup of tea.. then off to the gym.. I am not trying to jump into some crazy routine as I dont want to get a flare of the heel spur..
    have an appt with personal trainer at 11 on thursday.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning!

    Bonjour Rori! <3
    Michele - the Paris sewers are a museum of the long history of the sewers and include a 500 metre stretch for tourists. It's on the opposite side of the Seine from the spot where Princess Diana was killed across the bridge. It costs around $4 . It's shut on Thurs and Fri which is one reason why I've never got there. Apart from DH not fancying it! ! ! ! It's all hygenic now! You can Google it.
    The other place I have never visited is the Money museum, though I've walked past it loads of times. What a boring trip you would have with me! :laugh:

    DJ - I can't tell you how happy it makes me to have a photo of you. And you look fabulous! Loving the hair and glam outfit!

    Welcome again to the new folks. :flowerforyou: Lots of challenges with health and loved ones amongst us.
    My approach doesn't suit everyone, but when I have a problem my first reaction is

    1. Find out everything I can about it. Google like crazy.
    2. Buy a book about it. Sometimes many books! :laugh:
    3. Ask for help. This could be a voluntary organization, a professional, a managing director etc.

    I am good at complaining and also at getting people to give me the help I need. Feeling helpless is not an option. There is so much help out there, whatever your problem is, whether it's practical, financial, commercial, psychological, medical, legal, marital or whatever. The first step is investigate and then ask for help and advice from the appropriate people.
    That's my approach anyway. :flowerforyou:

    DH has a one day cricket match today. I have the dentist. I will drop him off early so he can pick up something for his dinner from the supermarket. Haven't decided what to have myself. :ohwell: If I don't have a proper meal then I start picking and end up on a mini binge so I had better think of something! I know! Thai fish curry! Yeah! ! ! ! I have lots of hake in the freezer. :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Heather in breezy Hampshire UK.

    PS Having said all that above I have just emailed my son to tell him I want to talk to him about something in my memoir before I publish. Don't know why I didn't think of that before! ! ! ! I have given him the choice as to whether he is happy to discuss it at the dinner table or wants to chat privately.
    At least I have taken the first step!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, ladies...

    Quick like a bunny:

    Sylvia - I am so sorry that you and your son and your amazing grandkids are going through this--and can only offer words of support whenever you need them. No one should have to watch their child die. We aren't equipped to cope with the thought, much less the reality. Losing a parent, as devastating as it is, is at least in the natural order of things.

    Pip - Won't be untucking my shirt because I'm proud of this 29-inch waist and those size 12 jeans. I know the jeans look a little slanty in that picture--I MISS high-waisted jeans, and these are meant to sit below my waist, can't find high-waisted except in the thrift stores! I also know my lower belly pokes out--that's actually extra skin from losing the weight after the bypass. But here's the dealio - when I'm wearing a belt, it means I like the way I look. When I'm wearing a draped shirt, it means I'm feeling fat - much like the left-hand picture. Not smacking at you--just giving you the why... :)

    DJ - Your picture looks amazing.

    The saga continues at the restaurant - my head cook at night is a passive aggressive, no-account, gossip-mongering, sorry son-of-a-biscuit-eating pain in my tuckus. He hates having a manager who's a woman, hates having a manager who's present at all, because I'm making him actually work to keep that god-awful kitchen clean. He was promised a raise by the last manager, which was all lies, but never given it. Possibly because he spreads so much crap around so many people that I'm surprised they can't smell it in the dining room. So far it's the only thing I've seen the last manager do that was right. If this bugger quits, I'm going to end up cooking and I'd just as soon not. Unfortunately, he knows that. I'm searching for a replacement, even part-time, and when I get one in that I can trust, will start changing things up. Just need enough time to fix it.

    For the newbies (and thank you JanetMMc for reminding me), you can find my two books that I've published this summer on Amazon.com, just search for Lisa C Hannon--make sure you include the initial! :) One's a murder mystery set in East Texas (titled "This Little Pig, A Flak Anders Mystery") and one's a collection of my newspaper columns ("She's Thinking Out Loud"). Working on the sequel to both, to publish next year. I had hoped to do it sooner, but this consulting job got in the way!

    OK, that was neither quick, nor bunnylike... :blush:

    Off to today's drama. Oh, did I mention that the new manager from the local steakhouse is paying more than I can and poaching all my people? He's already hired one cook off me and has called my others asking them to come work for him. May the fleas from a thousand camels infest his armpits!

    Love y'all!
    Lisa from West Texas
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce - sorry for the loss of your friend (((hugs)))

    Rori- glad to hear from you!

    Lisa-great job on your weight-loss journey! Your pictures look great.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DJ, you look lovely

    Heather, that is precisely my approach too! At least number 1 and 2. I tend to not ask for help. I was a neglected baby, toddler, and child, so I never learned that others can help me. Always had to do for myself. So I still do. It is really hard to let others do for me.

    I am amazed at the strength I see in all the women here. We all have huge burdens that we are carrying.

    Yesterday, after discovering the nearest available storage unit was 100+ miles away I emptied out my garden shed and we unloaded the U-Haul of my son's possessions in to it. I think commercialism is going too far. People are buying more than they can use and keeping storage units permanently for the overflow! There are waiting lists for storage units! Today is returning the truck, and then a down day for my son. He was born with club feet and they hurt when he stands or walks very long. Packing up an apartment, loading a truck, driving 15 hours, unloading a truck and he can barely walk. So he needs to just stay off them.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    miriam~ hope your son rests easy..
    well as of right now I have 52 active minutes and almost 6,000 steps and with 2 drs and a full schedule I am guessing will get at least over 12,000 steps today..
    didnt go see DFIL this am as I have to work at 9...
    will go see him in the morning..
    Doggies walked it is already 77 and muggy out. when I got to the gym this morning I got out of the care and saw lightening... the crack right over my head.. scared the daylights out of me ..
    I am trying to get back into the routine of going to the gym daily, and eating correctly ,I spend 300.00 on the gym and I want to get the most out of my money that I can..
    Lisa ~ good luck today as someone who has waitressed on and off for 25 yrs I know what your saying.. sometimes the cooks think they are all that..
    well going to stop at the dump and drop off trash and then to work.. take care of yourselves, and will fill you in tonight on what Tom is angry about this time..
    I told him yesterday.. instead of stewing on something until you blow a gasket , talk about it good or bad.. and also told him stress is a killer.. so talk it out.. dont stuff feelings..
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janet (DJ) ~ Your photo looks just like I imagined you to be....a fiesty beautiful lady.

    Lisa ~ Luck today taking on the restaurant chef...you wear many hats and are so talented.

    Miriam and Dr. Katie ~ Hope your sons find a decent and affordable place to live.

    Charm ~ So sorry about the washing machine and chair. Sometimes it seems like everything breaks down at the same time.

    Teri ~ I love rainbow sherbet.

    The two grands loved their first day of school! I think this was taken Sunday at church.


    Carol ~ Peach
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited August 2015
    Carol darling picture.

    DJ WOW!

    Rori good to see you post.

    Went to see the movie about Sherlock Homes. Overall thought it was well done.

    Watering today. We are having a top ten weather day today. It has been dry and we have sandy soil, so watering as I type.
    Going to take a load to Goodwill today.

    Hoping to get together with Toni and Gayle tomorrow.

    Today clearing out some of my things to make more space for tomorrow.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    Day two on this thread. I don't know people well enough to comment. I'm still trying to recognize the names. Have managed to lose a little this weekend. It's more about bringing structure and accountability to myself this month. Setting up schedules, monitoring activity and calories. Of course the goal is to lose weight, but right now I'm just trying to get the proper tools in place.
    I hope everyone has a great day and I'm sorry some of you have burdens other than weight to carry. You seem like such a warm caring group of individuals. Hugs to all.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    What am I doing wrong? To get to the "August" postings I have to go back somewhere to find the link to get me here; otherwise I am stuck in "July".

    Boy, I did not realize how much I missed my own bed! So happy to get back to it. I don't like my temporary replacement C-pap. Can't pour water into the chamber without spilling it all over the place and the 'fill line' is so light it can barely be seen. The thing has a strange sound that keeps me awake longer before getting to sleep. Sounds like a ball bearing being rolled around in a metal dish. It is noisy and my husband keeps commenting about it. Oh well, maybe it won't be long before I get my own one back. If this is a 'new' version of the one I haven now - I don't want to turn my own one in next year for a 'new' one.

    Today is weigh-in day. I'm just hoping that I have not gained any from our 4-day vacation. The next hurdle will be 'not to gain any weight' when we go to Louisiana to visit DYS and his family. I'm taking some books to read. I'm sure my DH and he will go 'fishing'. I'm only into 'fishing' when I am 'catching' fish.

    Having lunch with friend and then back to MD to check lump in my upper arm (about 2" above the crook in my elbow). It has gotten bigger in the last 4 - 5 months. Also feels like a bruise when it is acting up.

    DDnL's birthday today . . . hope she got the card and check. Card was so cute. It read: "To the woman who knows our son better than anybody else. (open) ... no you can't give him back! Happy Birthday!" Need to find a 'cuter' card for my oldest DDnL whose birthday is the 9th. I painted her grandmother for her birthday; all I need to do is rub a little black into the frame so it won't be 'lavender' (or mostly lavender). Decided to not give my DYS and his bride the picture of the church they married in . . . not happy with the way it turned out - so I am going to paint it again - much smaller. I have an oval canvas and frame somewhere in my studio; but, DH has been out there and moved everything over to one side so he can use it for 'drying cabinet doors'. UGH! Maybe that is the area I need to get my DGD to clean when she comes over this week to work off some of the $$$ we have loaned her to tide her over for some of her college/rent expenses. She hopes that she gets the job 'on campus' that she has applied for. Don't know if she has called back since her interview. It's hard to get a job in a college town. She has been doing some volunteer work at a local vet; and, hopes that maybe it will turn into something permanent. She is planning on trying to get into UGA's vet school after she gets her BS from another college that is a part of the UGA system. She took Calculus and Chemistry over the summer - it was hard on her and she did not make very well on either of them; but, it did not affect her GPA very much. Last week and this week she did some babysitting for a man she worked all summer for last year. His mother has been keeping them this summer since she was in summer school.

    Well, TTFN - leaving for town.
