40 year old working mom with 40lbs to lose... anyone else?



  • callaslily1
    callaslily1 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm a 37yo mom with a lot to lose. I work full-time plus some. I go to the gym every weekday and rarely miss. I go after work in the evening. (I find if I go in the morning I am starving all day long haha.) If I didn't go every day I would never go. I work out for stress release not necessarily for weight loss however I'm at the point I know I have some decent muscles built up I just can't see them! Plus I have the exercise piece well-established in my routine and maybe it's time to add the food piece.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    How old are your kids...in started leaving mine alone in the house for an hour to 90 mins when they were 13 and 10
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Good for you bubaluboo! I wish I had been smart enough to catch myself and get back on track before too much damage was done but I didn't. After my kids were born, I lost about 34 lbs and kept it off for a few years. Then, I started struggling with some digestive issues and the weight started to creep back on. I let my lapse turn into a collapse and now I'm even further away from my goal than I was the first time around with about 40lbs to lose. I know I can do it, I just have to let go of that feeling of failure from last time and believe I can do it again.
  • Suewpg
    Suewpg Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Christie,
    My name is Sue. i am 41 and busy single mom of 14years old twins. I have gained 50 pounds in 3 years and i have tried many diets and fitness programs this last year but nothing really fits me or my crazy schedule.
    i would like to join the group and be able to work together to achieve our health goals.
    this morning i opened a blank excel page and wrote:
    - commitments to myself
    - my plan to achieve my goals
    - i am going to take a picture of me in bikini (not looking forward to it but i have to face the reality!!)
    - i am starting to put list of food i like to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and favorite snacks with calories/protein/carb/fat content to try to build up menus around 1600 calories daily.

    working on it
    talk soon
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    What a great way to begin Sue! You're brave! I'm afraid seeing a photo of myself in a bikini would send me spiralling into depression instead of motivate me to exercise.
  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So... For those of you with busy working lives also juggling families, how do you do it? When are you exercising? Are you pre-planning and preparing foods in advance to keep on track? I'd love to share some secrets as to what you are finding works for you.


    I am 40 and have two kids, but one is already in college and not living with us, so technically only one left... My husband travels a lot, often gone for weeks. I work full-time (actually typically more than 40 hours per week), typically 8-5:30. I was 175 lbs in February and needed to lose about 40 lbs, so I am pretty much your twin - feel free to friend me :)
    I was 138 lbs as of yesterday, still need to lose 3-6 lbs, which, I think, will take me about two months.

    I like cooking and usually prepare meals on the weekend. Here is an interesting link with some useful tips:

    As far as exercising goes, I run three times a week, preparing for half-marathon in September. Back in February I could not run at all, so started a c25k program, and did a 5k run in May. Continued running and did my 10k in June. Now I am addicted, do short runs (3-4 miles, which is 30-45 min) on the weekdays before work (usually at 5:30), and a long run on the weekend. This takes 1-1.5 hours, and I usually do it in the morning before it gets too hot, and the rest of the family is still asleep. I also swim once a week after work - take my son with me and we spend an hour or so. Finally, I signed up for some abs/core/barre classes and do them after work twice a week.
  • Suewpg
    Suewpg Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good for you!
    i have always loved running but since i have put on weight its hard on my joints. i am planning to get back to it slowly .
    enjoy your sunday!
  • Spunkkygirl
    Spunkkygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. I'm 41. Need to lose about 35-40 lbs of fat. I work high stress job more than 50 hrs a week, I was in pretty good shape when in started this job 3 years ago but since then the weight has just attached itself to my belly and not moved. My husband does a version of shift work and our second kid just moved out of the home... so childless, I guess??

    I came to the boards today for the first time looking for ideas. I can do ok on the food it's the exercise I can't seem to get into my schedule. I'm NOT a morning person and by the end of the day I have no energy or motivation to do anything at all. I would love some friends in this area. Of course I'll take advice and tips in all areas, one more potluck at work i may scream!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    You're singing my song Spunkkygirl! I do ok with eating and it not that I don't want to exercise, it's finding a groove where I can be consistent enough to be effective that has been the challenge. Sometimes my days are too crazy to squeeze it in at night and sometimes my mornings are already so early that it's not realistic to get up earlier for exercise. It's the inconsistency that makes it easy to fall off the wagon... That's where I'm hoping the support from this board will help keep me accountable.
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! You'll love MFP! Add me as a friend if you want. I'm a mom of 4 and down 45lbs!
  • Spunkkygirl
    Spunkkygirl Posts: 14 Member
    I think we have the same challenges. Please add me. I need to acquaint myself a bit more with how the app works but I'm in!!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    4 kids here. 12,9,2, and 1. Work, school, sports, husband works 80 hours a week. I work out in the AM before kids get up. Set my alarm and do it. Sundays I prep lunches and a few dinners. I've been in maintenance for several years, except for during the last two pregnancies.
  • BrikcRunner
    BrikcRunner Posts: 18 Member
    If you're open to dads (not just moms) with 40lbs to lose you can add me. Just getting re-started and looking to take it off and keep it off for good and to friend folks along the way in the same boat as far as # of pounds to lose. If we start now and stick with it, we should be at our goals anywhere between January to March 2016.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited August 2015
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So... For those of you with busy working lives also juggling families, how do you do it? When are you exercising? Are you pre-planning and preparing foods in advance to keep on track? I'd love to share some secrets as to what you are finding works for you.


    I am 40 and have two kids, but one is already in college and not living with us, so technically only one left... My husband travels a lot, often gone for weeks. I work full-time (actually typically more than 40 hours per week), typically 8-5:30. I was 175 lbs in February and needed to lose about 40 lbs, so I am pretty much your twin - feel free to friend me :)
    I was 138 lbs as of yesterday, still need to lose 3-6 lbs, which, I think, will take me about two months.

    I like cooking and usually prepare meals on the weekend. Here is an interesting link with some useful tips:

    As far as exercising goes, I run three times a week, preparing for half-marathon in September. Back in February I could not run at all, so started a c25k program, and did a 5k run in May. Continued running and did my 10k in June. Now I am addicted, do short runs (3-4 miles, which is 30-45 min) on the weekdays before work (usually at 5:30), and a long run on the weekend. This takes 1-1.5 hours, and I usually do it in the morning before it gets too hot, and the rest of the family is still asleep. I also swim once a week after work - take my son with me and we spend an hour or so. Finally, I signed up for some abs/core/barre classes and do them after work twice a week.

    Wow! We do sound like long lost twins!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    FYI, I created a Community Group for those moms interested in connecting and supporting each other. I sent out an invite so please check your alerts and accept. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all as we work toward our goals.
  • MarilynTC
    MarilynTC Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I am a 41 year old working mom (with a SAHD husband). We have two boys, ages 2 and 4. My goal is to lose between 35 and 40 lbs - not sure yet on exactly how much b/c I my weight hasn't been that low since law school.

    So far, I have found that I do well when I have the bulk of my calories at dinner, because my husband usually prepares it and if I eat bigger breakfasts and lunches, I go way over after eating his cooking.

    I make a bunch of hard boiled eggs to take for breakfast at work, and a veggie-heavy lunch (this week, gazpacho b/c the cucumbers are really coming in in my garden). I drink two big 24 oz bottles of water during the day at work, too, and occasionally suck a few Altoids if I think I want to snack (so far, this has working in quelling the occasional hunger pang).

    I am focusing more on eating now, but also take my dogs for a walk, with the 2 year old son in the jogging stroller, a few times a week. Usually a 1.5 - 2 mile walk at a rapid pace. I'll add in strength training at some point, but for now I want to get my eating under control first.

    One thing that is hard is having snacks for the kids in the house, or even foods like peanut butter. I put the peanut butter in the fridge b/c I don't really like it cold. So far, I haven't touched it in a couple of weeks.

    I also keep a few 100 calorie and 200 calorie granola bars in the cupboard for the days when I am a bit under calories and need something to get me to 1250 or so.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi 4031.. just wanted to say welcome to MFP... and just to let you know there are a fair number of groups on here for women of the same age (also 50s 60's menopausal etc LOL).. I honestly believe having the support of other women my age ( who could relate to the same stage of life i'm at lol) AND seeing THEM succeed and learning from them and the loads of MFP people willing to share their knowledge, was the key for me to actually finally lose the weight...

    I know groups aren't for everyone, but just wanted to let you know a few exist here - or perhaps you might want to start your own.. anyway just passing on the info and wishing you best of success in your goals!

    Cheers :)
  • Survival_is_Insufficient
    Mother of four here...full-time job, going back to school for a professional certification next week and seperated from my husband of 20 years. I have 37 pounds to lose after losing 10 already. MFP has been a godsend for me but I really need some more buddies to keep motivated. I would love to be a part of your motivational team!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    hi there,

    Im almost 40, have two children (8 and 6) and have a husband who travels for work and is gone 16-20 days a month. So for week long streches at a time its just me and my boys.

    I work fulltime as well. I have already lost 70 pounds and am 25 from my first goal of 160pounds. I go to the gym directly after work and after picking up my boys from daycare. We go to the local YMCA because of the family atmosphere. It allows me to workout while my boys are kept busy with taekwondo and swimming lessons. we are there 5 days a week for about a hour to a hour and a half (depending on thier taekwondo schedule) On the weekends when the hubby is gone we do lots of day trips that keep us moving and on our feet exploring the world. we love to geocache and have logged numerous miles just treasure hunting in our city and others nearby.

    I am a firm believer in "NO EXCUSES" and to just make time for whats important. for me getting in shape was important. you can always make the time and just have to be flexible. I even trained for and completed a marathon while living this crazy schedule!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Group invite sent