do you wear make up on days you have gym?

Ive been wondering if other people are having the same question concerning this, not sure where to post this but i´m just curious.
In my case i just started using the gym for 3 days now and honestly i kinda find it pointless wearing makeup now that i´ll be doing gym and judo and school soon enough... because i always wash it off anyway so ive started skipping it, on the days i don't have work.
What do you guys do? : ) sorry for the silly question.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    The only makeup I really wear is lip gloss so I'm probably not the best to answer. But, if I am going to the gym in the morning, no, I do not put any on until afterward when I am showered and heading to work. If I am going to the gym after work, I wear the lip stuff as normal.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I only wear make-up on rare super special occasions...
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I go to the gym before work, so not showered/no make up, etc. I bring my make up with me to apply either in the locker room or at work if I'm running late. Fairly often I will only put on mascara, but that's just because I'm effing lazy and dgaf.
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    I feel naked without eyeshadow and mascara so I do wear those to the gym every morning lol after that I swim laps and whatever doesn't come off I scrub off in the shower and then reapply fresh makeup for the day, it might seem strange but it makes me feel more comfortable and that's worth it to me!
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    I only have make up on if I go after work, on those days I make sure not to wear liner and a lot of mascara.
    On non-work days, nope, I don't wear any except maybe a little mascara.
  • tkphotogirl
    tkphotogirl Posts: 245 Member
    Most days I forget to wear makeup, and when I do remember it's only bb cream and mascara. More than that and it's like a child has drawn on me with crayons :)
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I wear makeup about 70% of the time, and most of my gym visits occur on weekdays after work, so yes, I frequently, but not always, wear makeup to the gym. Only once afterwards I noticed some black fuzziness under my eyes due to my mascara. Maybe that's a bad sign that I'm not sweating enough lol
  • GuddaB
    GuddaB Posts: 30 Member
    Ah it seems most of you go in the morning, since i have just started , i usually go around 8 pm , not sure if that matter concerning calorie burn though but anyway, i see that most don´t wear it much :P
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    I used to before I added cardio to my workout. Now I just put a bit of lipstick.
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I don't have a gym membership so I workout at home... That being said though, I exercise after I get home from work, makeup and all! If I did go to a gym it would be the same story, after work. I do sweat a lot of it off but not to the point that I have raccoon eyes. If I was off from work and went to a gym that day, I wouldn't apply any.
  • Vickilick
    Vickilick Posts: 81 Member
    I wear make-up daily and I only workout after work, so I do go to the gym with all my make-up on, foundation, bronzer, eye-shadow, eye-liner, mascara, eyebrow pencil...the works!. I draw the line at working out with fake eyelashes on. I've seen some girls do that and I don't really get it.
    I also wash my face with a exfoliating wash if i've had a sweaty workout or swam.
  • CrosbyMcDowell
    CrosbyMcDowell Posts: 113 Member
    I usually don't. I always found it annoying to do my hair and make up then just shower afterward. Then I never find it worth it to reapply for just the last few hours if the day. I usuly work out in mid to late afternoon.
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    Only if I go at lunch or afterwork. If I go in the morning, I put it on after my workout. I sweat - A LOT - so putting it on right before a workout would be silly as I'd sweat/wipe off most of it.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    GuddaB wrote: »
    Ah it seems most of you go in the morning, since i have just started , i usually go around 8 pm , not sure if that matter concerning calorie burn though but anyway, i see that most don´t wear it much :P

    If you're working out late in the day, wouldn't you be close to the point where you're taking it off for the day anyway? By that I mean, does it matter if it gets messed up at 8 p.m.? (Of course, I go to bed fairly early so maybe 8 p.m. isn't as close to "take it off for the day" time as it would be for me :))
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    LLNN122 wrote: »
    momoharuno wrote: »
    I feel naked without eyeshadow and mascara so I do wear those to the gym every morning lol after that I swim laps and whatever doesn't come off I scrub off in the shower and then reapply fresh makeup for the day, it might seem strange but it makes me feel more comfortable and that's worth it to me!

    I used to feel like this without makeup as well. If I had to step outside for a second I would put on makeup or even when tanning at the beach/pool. I am over it now, I rather take care of my skin. Maybe others are able to do it but I think my skin is somewhat sensitive. At first without it I just didn't feel like myself but over time I got used to it. Big sunglasses make me feel better when tanning or getting to and from the gym :)

    It's just 2-second eyeshadow and mascara for working out lol I only do foundation, powder, concealer, etc. if I'm going to dinner with my husband! I can't imagine trying to work out with all of that on! XD
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    edited August 2015
    LLNN122 wrote: »
    If I would be going to the gym towards the end of the day I would probably bring face wipes to remove makeup. Those are really convenient. I don't even care so much about the makeup coming off I just care about my skin and breaking out. I sometimes break out just from the sweating so for me it's not worth the risk. If you don't have sensitive skin or pimple issues then I guess there is no worries with wearing makeup to the gym.

    That must be really tough having such sensitive skin, I've never dealt with anything like that, but it's really awesome that you find ways to deal with it and keep working out! :)
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I wear makup everyday to work, i work out after work, so yes.