5'3 and shorter that need to or have lost 30+ lbs



  • tvzfitness
    tvzfitness Posts: 3 Member
    I'm just under 5 foot and am 232 lbs. I've tried to lose weight before but while I'm great at starting, I'm terrible with following through. I'm working with a nutritionist right now and my husband is incredibly supportive, but it is a little daunting knowing I need to lose half of me to be healthy (over 100 lbs). Does anyone feel the same way or have any advice on keeping it up even though I feel my goal (even just losing 20lbs) feels unattainable?
    Hi I am 4'10" and I started at 168 pounds. I have been that weight forever but recently I lost 10 pounds and I am still going strong. I won't say it's easy but my husband has supported me a lot. I have lighter meals, go for long walks with him,, even walk in office if necessary. I try to stay under 1200 calories. I don't hit the gym a lot, but walking and playing tennis has helped me. I need to lose 40 more pounds to be heathy. It's not going to be an easy journey with vacations and holidays and date nights... But leave it at that. Enjoy those days and get back on track the very next day. You ll be surprised to know how you can lose those pounds if you get back on track instead of waiting for the next week or month to start again. Also maintain a diary of ur feeling. You'll know what mood makes you go off track...
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm 5"1" too. My starting weight was 191lbs, so we're very similar. I've lost 27 lbs so far and still have 44 to go.
    My goal weight is flexible though because once I hit normal BMI I'm going to buy Insanity. Until then I'm doing a combination of 20,000 steps a day, running up to 5k three times a week and nerd Fitnesses body weight exercises.
  • deannaxsmithx
    deannaxsmithx Posts: 27 Member

    4'9" and 20 years old. Left was 138lbs. Right is 98lbs.
    I eat high protein stuff: egg whites, grilled chicken, greek yogurt.
    I snack on low-calorie stuff throughout the day to prevent hunger:100 calorie pack almonds, boxed raisins, apple with some peanut butter. I indulge a couple times a week but I keep it within my calorie goal
    I run almost every morning because I ENJOY it, NOT because of weight loss. Although it is beneficial for weight loss lol
    Remember to eat foods that you enjoy as long as they stay within your calorie goal. And remember to perform exercises that you enjoy doing.
  • Julia10morgan33
    Julia10morgan33 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. I'm 5'1 and need to lose 50lbs. My starting weight was 192 after having my second child. In the last month I have lost 11lbs and am still going strong. Eating a very healthy diet, lots of water, and workout 5-6 times a week. I was just curious how your journey is going. Any advice or struggles you have, and extra motivation and support for all us shorties :-). Add me if you'd like so we can help each other through our journey to a happier healthier life :-)

    I am 5'0 just had a baby so I started here at 160, prepregnancy weight was 125. Since I've started I've lost 3 lbs, yay! I am just trying to maintain a healthy diet and exercise when I have the chance. My goal is to lose 30lbs in the long run, but right now my short term goal is to get to 150, taking it one step at a time :)
  • CartooonChris
    CartooonChris Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss so far. I like to change up my workouts and keep the body guessing. Always making sure my intensity levels are to the max
  • 515GetFit
    515GetFit Posts: 8 Member
    Joining in! I am 5 ft nothing (on a good day) and currently have been hovering around 167-169 for almost 2 years. I do work out, probably 3-4 times a week average, strength training and walking usually, but just have had trouble sticking to the nutrition which in know is the 95%. End goal is in the range of 125-130, but short term currently is to get into the 150s by my vacation at the end of October.
  • 515GetFit
    515GetFit Posts: 8 Member
    Also looking for fitbit friends! My user info:
    goal right now is 12,000 steps but would like to get that up in the 15-20,000 range.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    5'1" here and it's all about my stomach. I started at 138 years ago. I am now 113. Want to be 105. Why are the last few lbs so hard? Friend me if you like.
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm 5'1", down 20 pounds so far with 40+ more to go. If you don't already have a food scale I would suggest you get one, it's really eye opening.
  • Mommyzone
    Mommyzone Posts: 1 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm 5 ft 2 in and currently 156 pounds. Would like to get down to 125 which is a healthy bmi weight for me. I started at 165 pounds. Looking for more motivation.
  • MotivatingOthers
    MotivatingOthers Posts: 139 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal is to lose 40-50lbs by the end of the year! I've already lost 10lbs in 3 weeks of doing 21 Day Fix!! I love the workouts, always something different, and the containers help me portion my food since I don't weigh. Will be starting round 2 on Monday :)
  • Hilary1487
    Hilary1487 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'2" and I've lost 51 lbs since last Sept. Add me :)
  • Sydmayn
    Sydmayn Posts: 20 Member
    Nearly 5'1" lost 36lbs since Feb 2015. Need to lose another 30-40. Feel free to add me. Need more active friends on MFP
  • jdeanuk
    jdeanuk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5"3 and started 3 weeks ago. Lost 3lb in the first week but nothing since. I would like to lose at least 50lb (I'm just over 250lb) to start with but have set my first goal at 15lb. I initially stuck to the 1880 calories suggested then took it down to 15. Although I've been on holiday, I've been swimming everyday and keeping within my limits. On return I have put my 3lb back on plus 2 more. Feeling defeated. How many calories are you all on daily? Really want to carry on and didn't have ice creams etc while away, so disappointed as I tried really hard. Should I reduce my calories?
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    ejb06070 wrote: »

    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 220.8 (22 years old). I started out at 270 in March. I have been walking (jogging until I can't handle it, then walking until I can jog again) about 3 miles a day every day (usually takes me about an hour) except Saturday, where I go for a 6 mile walk (which is very leisurely, though also mostly uphill, and takes closer to three hours). I have cut out soda and have greatly cut down on my crap food intake. I had been drinking 2 SlimFasts per day, but recently ran out and don't have the money to re-up my current supply right now, so have been making do without.

    Protein powders can get pretty spendy. I like to drink almond milk shakes. My favs are almond milk with cocao powder, banana, and tbsp or peanut butter. Also almond milk with kale, banana, and mixed berries. Super tasty. Low calorie and keeps you full :-). And great job on your weight loss :-). I can't wait to lose 50lbs

    Thanks! I love coconut milk, so I might have to do a swap for coconut milk with the almond milk, but that actually sounds pretty good. You'll be able to lose the weight before you know it, then going "hey that wasn't hard...!"
  • ejb06070
    ejb06070 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm just under 5 foot and am 232 lbs. I've tried to lose weight before but while I'm great at starting, I'm terrible with following through. I'm working with a nutritionist right now and my husband is incredibly supportive, but it is a little daunting knowing I need to lose half of me to be healthy (over 100 lbs). Does anyone feel the same way or have any advice on keeping it up even though I feel my goal (even just losing 20lbs) feels unattainable?

    I know it can seem like a world away. I started at 270 and the top of the normal BMI range for me is 135. This means that I have to find my better half. I've lost 51.6 so far and I'll be half way when I reach 202.5. I only have 16.9 pounds until then. I like to get excited over every pound I lose, but I have a paint by number that I'm doing in paint to track every 5 pounds. For every pound lost, I can fill in a square, but I can't start filling in until I reach 5 pounds down. So when I get to 215, I can fill in squares for 219, 218, 217, 216, and 215, but not until the scale shows 215.0 or below. Keeps me motivated because I hate when things go incomplete.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    ejb06070 wrote: »
    ejb06070 wrote: »

    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 220.8 (22 years old). I started out at 270 in March. I have been walking (jogging until I can't handle it, then walking until I can jog again) about 3 miles a day every day (usually takes me about an hour) except Saturday, where I go for a 6 mile walk (which is very leisurely, though also mostly uphill, and takes closer to three hours). I have cut out soda and have greatly cut down on my crap food intake. I had been drinking 2 SlimFasts per day, but recently ran out and don't have the money to re-up my current supply right now, so have been making do without.

    Protein powders can get pretty spendy. I like to drink almond milk shakes. My favs are almond milk with cocao powder, banana, and tbsp or peanut butter. Also almond milk with kale, banana, and mixed berries. Super tasty. Low calorie and keeps you full :-). And great job on your weight loss :-). I can't wait to lose 50lbs

    Thanks! I love coconut milk, so I might have to do a swap for coconut milk with the almond milk, but that actually sounds pretty good. You'll be able to lose the weight before you know it, then going "hey that wasn't hard...!"

    The best bang for your calorie-to-protein buck, hands down, is unsweetened soymilk: 80 calories, 7 g of protein per one cup. I like Silk brand the best. I don't drink it straight, but I add it to smoothies and cereal and such.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm five three and lost 30 lb. The most helpful thing I did to make this work was to see a nutritionist. I highly recommend it if you have any way to pay for it. It costs like $150; I saw her every couple months.
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    5'2 lost over 40 lbs so far and got another 50-60 to go, not been easy but I am getting there one pound at a time. My goal is a healthy bmi and to make friends with what I see in the mirror. I already can feel some of the benefits, apart from loosing 4 clothes sizes, moving about is so much easier now, so I have even joined a gym! Who would have thought!
  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    jdeanuk wrote: »
    I'm 5"3 and started 3 weeks ago. Lost 3lb in the first week but nothing since. I would like to lose at least 50lb (I'm just over 250lb) to start with but have set my first goal at 15lb. I initially stuck to the 1880 calories suggested then took it down to 15. Although I've been on holiday, I've been swimming everyday and keeping within my limits. On return I have put my 3lb back on plus 2 more. Feeling defeated. How many calories are you all on daily? Really want to carry on and didn't have ice creams etc while away, so disappointed as I tried really hard. Should I reduce my calories?

    Yeah its hard being away and having temptation. But don't give up. I was always told it takes 21 days to set a habit. Once you get your eating down and workouts it becomes a routine in your every day life. I am currently at 1200 calories a day. I also do not eat back my workout calories. I have heard that eating them back is good though. I'm on week 5 and now down 13lbs and 10 in. I think the hardest part is not giving up. Results can come slowly but just remember with time you will get your results. And by doing it slowly you will be able to maintain your weight once you get there :-). Motivation and determination. I tell myself this all the time. I'm so tired of being unhappy with my weight. It's time for a change. Let's do it!