Mommy Challenge (Closed Group)



  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    woot woot!!! Happy June and Hump Day!!!!!!!! I'm so ready to get this month started and kick some butt :) LETS GET IT DONE LADIES!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hope everyone had as great of a day as I did yesterday!! Lets do this ladies!! I am here if anyone needs me :flowerforyou:

    omg..yesterday sucked for me lol!!! i have a salt/sugar thing that has been getting the best of me...its june 1st which means the perfect day for a new beginning...I WILL BEAT SUGAR AND LOSE!!!

    focus on today and move on!! you are only in chanrge of now and the future, nothing in the past can be changed!!! Moving on:) sugar is yuck losing is good:) we will beat this together!!!

    your right!! sugar is yuck...repeating 5x, lol! thanks for the pep talk!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    HEading to the grocery store tonight and loading up on veggies!!
    all I had at home were fruits, I am WAY OVER on my sugars :(

    Had a great day in cardio yesterday! worked out 3 times yesterday, prob about 700 cals total burned, didn't eat most of the cals back :(
    Been told I need to eat more to lose more....


    sounds like yesterday was good!! im battling sugar too..gonna limit my junk to 250 calories a day...i eat back some of my exercise calories only if i burn a large amount...i never eat them all back though...i have heard different things.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    I posted in the other thread but I'm not listed :( my CW is 168 and I'm doing ripped in 30

    i will post it with the monday update..
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Good Morning Mommies!
    I did Day 1 of my JM 30 day shred dvd last night - whew! Today is the first day i wasnt able to get to the gym in the morning but i look forward to my lunch time workout and day 2 of JM tonight. I wish all of you great sucess this month.....we can do it!!!

    what do you think of jillian? it was tough for me to get through but it def gave results.
  • quiarga
    quiarga Posts: 408 Member
    I've heard lots of good things about JM 30 day shred, but I haven't picked it up yet. It's crazy cheap but I still just haven't done it. We bought p90x a long time ago and I'm trying to do one dvd a day, not really in the order of the program or anything. Feeling like I need more motivation this week, I've gained a few ounces since Saturday instead of losing some pounds! I'm hoping to see some better results by Monday!
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Did 30DS in April with a group of gals and loved it, Love Ripped better because it being in weeks rather than 10 days on one level like Shred...
    I lost 11 inches overall! but think it needs to be added with more cardio :)
  • sgarner2005
    sgarner2005 Posts: 52 Member
    I am a little more than half way done with the 30DS. I think I'm on day 7 or 8 of level two. I need to check and see! I'm nervous to go to level 3. I'm loving it though. It goes by quick. On day 10 I had lost an inch from my upper waist and an inch from my lower waist. I'm anxious to see what my waist measurement it after day 30 (which will be during our Mommy Challenge so I will let you know). I like level 2 better than level 1. It's a great at-home workout, I think.

    I am also doing the couch to 5K program with it. Speaking of which, I need to get on the treadmill!! :)

    Here's to the next 10 pounds!!! :)
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    I used to do 30 day Shred but never finished it. (oops). I'm currently on week 3 of ripped in 30 and LOVING it. However, I do feel that I need more than just 30 minutes in the day. The issue is FINDING more than 30 minutes to do something. ;)
  • grnoliv
    grnoliv Posts: 4 Member
    Woops! I didn't make it for the Monday Check in. 150 lbs at 5"1'. How do you guys include your goal weights that show in green? I also have been doing JM ripped in 30. Love it because it goes by really fast and I'm definitely sore the next day!
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Woops! I didn't make it for the Monday Check in. 150 lbs at 5"1'. How do you guys include your goal weights that show in green? I also have been doing JM ripped in 30. Love it because it goes by really fast and I'm definitely sore the next day!

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  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Skipped last night since my legs were screaming at me basically after I did the warm up. Tonight its on again though!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    im not doing well...i keep faltering from 3 o clock life is chaos right now and all i know is to eat through it...i fear i wont lose weight this trying to fix this asap so i at least lose a pound...
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    im not doing well...i keep faltering from 3 o clock life is chaos right now and all i know is to eat through it...i fear i wont lose weight this trying to fix this asap so i at least lose a pound...

    Latoya - when you get the urge to eat out of stress try to replace the behavior with something else. During the week I find being at work really helps me stay on track but on weekends it get s a little rough. To avoid the feeling to eat I try cleaning, running errands and even exercising. If you're genuinely hungry I don't see what's wrong with eating especially if you're making the right choices. If you're craving something sweet have you tried fruit. It seems to work for me. I've noticed you've been having a rough week - hope it gets better :flowerforyou:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey everybody!!!
    So I'll start at the beginning: I'm 5'2' and am currently at 136lbs. My highest maintaining weight was after my daughter was born at 160lbs. My lowest was in my early 20's at 115lbs. I have been trying to get pregnant, pregnant, or breastfeeding for almost 5 years at this point. My son (Jacob) just turned 3 in May and my daughter (Ava) is 14 months- yes that's 2 babies in 2 years. I work during the day full time teaching 6th grade in an urban middle school. My husband works nights (4-12) as a police officer- its busy around my house to say the least. Sometimes I feel like "tag you're it" in the afternoons.

    Enough background information from me!

    Latoya- I am a stressed eater too (also a bored eater). I agree that doing something helps- or at least having something healthy to shove in my mouth (carrots and grapes seem to be my go to).

    Exercise- I try to get up early in the am (5:30) to work out before the rest of the house wakes up- its the only time I can find 25 minutes to myself! I also go for a walk with the kids every night after dinner (for the longest time I was wearing one and the other was in the stroller, but Jacob got a bike for his birthday and now he wants to ride instead). I've had a rough week though as Ava has been up ALL NIGHT for awhile (since Saturday)- I'm talking waking every hour on the hour. When she does that its just impossible for me to get motivated in the morning. But last night was better (only 2 wake ups) so I did work out this morning.

    I REALLY REALLY REALLY want the Jillian Micheals 30 DAY shred- but as always $ is an issue.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    I love Jillian and am considering 30DS. It seems pretty popular and that people get their butts handed to them. I need to keep with high intensity and I only have about 20 credits left at the gym I go to for my classes. So I may be looking into Jillian very soon. Please keep me up to date on how you like it and how it is working for you. Best of luck ladies! Happy Thursday!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    im not doing well...i keep faltering from 3 o clock life is chaos right now and all i know is to eat through it...i fear i wont lose weight this trying to fix this asap so i at least lose a pound...

    Latoya - when you get the urge to eat out of stress try to replace the behavior with something else. During the week I find being at work really helps me stay on track but on weekends it get s a little rough. To avoid the feeling to eat I try cleaning, running errands and even exercising. If you're genuinely hungry I don't see what's wrong with eating especially if you're making the right choices. If you're craving something sweet have you tried fruit. It seems to work for me. I've noticed you've been having a rough week - hope it gets better :flowerforyou:

    your awesome! thanks for the advice....its one of those things where i know i need a change, but i just reach for the not going to buy chips and cookies anymore..its just too convenient...i really feel crappy mentally everyday that i fall off the wagon.
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    im not doing well...i keep faltering from 3 o clock life is chaos right now and all i know is to eat through it...i fear i wont lose weight this trying to fix this asap so i at least lose a pound...

    Latoya - when you get the urge to eat out of stress try to replace the behavior with something else. During the week I find being at work really helps me stay on track but on weekends it get s a little rough. To avoid the feeling to eat I try cleaning, running errands and even exercising. If you're genuinely hungry I don't see what's wrong with eating especially if you're making the right choices. If you're craving something sweet have you tried fruit. It seems to work for me. I've noticed you've been having a rough week - hope it gets better :flowerforyou:

    your awesome! thanks for the advice....its one of those things where i know i need a change, but i just reach for the not going to buy chips and cookies anymore..its just too convenient...i really feel crappy mentally everyday that i fall off the wagon.

    You're welcome! The mind shift is the hardest part. I love cookies and have no control over them so I don't by them or keep them in my house. Unless its TOM and we all deserve a pass at that time. But if you don't buy it it can't be a temptation. Once I got over the hump and made the mind shift I slowly started letting the junk food back in my house - all with in moderation. And don't beat yourself up - if you have something you enjoy that's not good for you - if you take back the power you can enjoy it not over indulge and move on. I think once guilt sets in that's where things go wrong. It's like, well I already ate that so I might as well eat this and it doesn't have to be that way.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    It's almost the weekend, so I'm excited. I did overindulge a tiny bit last (long) weekend. I will definitely be eating a LOT less this weekend if I wanna lose some weight for our mommy challenge.:wink:

    Latoya, I agree with Quierstina. I don't keep junk food in my house and I never bring loose change with me to work (snack machines). I can't be in the same room with donuts or pizza without caving into temptation ;-) I would definitely get rid of the junk food completely if I were you. Then, add it back slowly in moderation later when you feel ready. For me, I don't think I'll ever be at that point - I don't have very much willpower :tongue: Try distracting yourself with something else when you feel tempted to snack on unhealthy things - go for a walk, chew some gum, etc.

    momofJandA, I completely understand the sleepless nights.. it makes it super hard to find the motivation/ energy to do the workouts the next day. I just get myself in the mindset of "I'm working out no matter what..." I think of my daily workout as a non-negotiable thing like feeding the kids or changing their diapers. It's important for us moms to take time for ourselves.

    Keeping making smart choices everyone!!! We CAN do this!
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