Heavier girls trying to loose weight



  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 177 Member
    I would absolutely LOVE to be part of this too! I have tried and failed too many times before and I just refuse to quit or give up this time. This time around I am feeling so encouraged, like I CAN and will beat this. Weight has been a struggle my entire life! I'm currently 241lbs (9lbs lost so far) with an ultimate goal so 160. My first goal is to be 200lbs by my 10th wedding anniversary which is in December!
  • nik91917
    nik91917 Posts: 1
    i just joined yesterday... and i am so in for this topic! any suggestions would be welcomed! This time though i have my husband eating healthy with me, so i am hoping that is going to help me stay on track... and seeing how people here are losing the weight would be a great help too!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I am one week in and down 6 lbs. Go me! Yet when I share that good news with people, I always qualify it with "I know it's water weight" or "at least it's a start". Even sharing my workout successes (I reached my first goal of a 20 min. mile) I add "but only by a second" or something like that.

    I sort of feel like I did this (get fat) to myself. I do not deserve to be congratulated on doing something that I should have been doing in the first place. Why can I not just be proud of my hard work now? Does anyone else struggle with this kind of self-depreciation? How do you deal with it?
  • ciwi04
    ciwi04 Posts: 1
    Im in :)
  • TheOnlyMe
    TheOnlyMe Posts: 23

    I completely understand where you are coming from. I remember last year when I first started to get control of my weight and in the 1st 5-6 weeks I had managed to lose 17lbs and when i told people proudly that I had lost my first stone plus a few lbs I got the reply 'A few more to go though eh?' or 'Really? My god you must have been bigger than I thought!' Kind of hurt my feelings so now when I say things like I've lost over 2 stone now I then go on to say only another 5 to go!!
    I always remember making a point of making a joke of my weight before anyone else got the chance to but when someone else does actually say something its like a kick in the teeth.
    You should feel proud of losing 6lbs in a week!! And who cares if it is only water weight you have still managed to get into the right mindset of starting on this journey to lose weight and should be proud of that!! And 20minute mile!! I don't even think i could run a mile lol so i say well done to you and I bet so do a lot of the people on here too!!

    Good Luck on the rest of your journey!! And be proud of your successes big or small!!!!

  • Nomoreplus_sizes
    Nomoreplus_sizes Posts: 97 Member
    Hey ladies im new to this group i have over 70lbs to lose. what are some of your best eating habits that you can share with me? thats where i think i go wrong.

    I'm currently live by myself, for the first time in my life really. But here's what I found helpful

    1. I try to find healthier alternatives for foods I love. For instance, ice cream you have no idea how much I love ice cream. I had WLS so I can't eat a whole lot at one time and in college many was the time I ate ice cream before cooking dinner which meant I didn't get my veggies like I should. Fage Greek yogurt is my new favourite. It's rich, creamy, low in fat and packed with protein.

    2. I don't keep junk food in the house. When I do want something I only buy the smallest amount. A pint of ice cream or 1 candy bar, etc.

    3 I keep a lot of fruit in the house

    4. I found a lot of different exercises I like. I can't just do one thing I get bored.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm in! I have over 100 pounds left to lose, even after the 30 pounds I have already lost! Would love some more MFP encouraging friends! It's hard to find friends that are just as encouraging as you are!
  • diamondsnthesky
    diamondsnthesky Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in!
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    So am i allowed to post about bad days, because i just had one. I walked for 7 miles today, as part of my 100 mile June challenge, but from there it went down hill. I didn't do my 30 day shred dvd because my son didn't go for his nap (and I was lazy) didn't want to neglect him. I met my friend for a 3 course cheap dinner. Had a nodle soup for starter but then had loads of prawn crackers, ice cream and a whole botle of wine. I enjoyed it at the time but now. Well now I'm ashamed of what I ate. I suppose tomorrow is another day. Onwards and upwards.
  • RockSock
    RockSock Posts: 1 Member
    Hey - I'm just figuring out how this all works but I'm all for this group. I have 52kg to lose (114 lbs). Am on my 20th day of a new life, only weigh my self once a month.

    So, is this the group, that is, posting in this Topic, or is there an actual group?
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member

    I completely understand where you are coming from. I remember last year when I first started to get control of my weight and in the 1st 5-6 weeks I had managed to lose 17lbs and when i told people proudly that I had lost my first stone plus a few lbs I got the reply 'A few more to go though eh?' or 'Really? My god you must have been bigger than I thought!' Kind of hurt my feelings so now when I say things like I've lost over 2 stone now I then go on to say only another 5 to go!!
    I always remember making a point of making a joke of my weight before anyone else got the chance to but when someone else does actually say something its like a kick in the teeth.
    You should feel proud of losing 6lbs in a week!! And who cares if it is only water weight you have still managed to get into the right mindset of starting on this journey to lose weight and should be proud of that!! And 20minute mile!! I don't even think i could run a mile lol so i say well done to you and I bet so do a lot of the people on here too!!

    Good Luck on the rest of your journey!! And be proud of your successes big or small!!!!


    Thanks for your support!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hope you all have a wonderfully fantastic day!

    As for myself? I slept horrible last night and woke up with a headache. Hoping drinking lots of water will help with that issue. I will admit this here and now I used to take sleeping pills but I'm working on not having to use them and so have to re-adjust my body to not being on them is hard. I'm grumpy today because I didn't sleep well and I'm sure it'll reflect somehow and someway in something I do today. However, I plan to make good food choices or as good I can since I'm running out of food. Grocery day tomorrow and will drink my water and get some exercise in if the head isn't absoultely going to explode at the end of the day.

    Anyway, enough about me.

    Let's all make this a great day!

    If any of you wanna friend me go ahead and do so. I've no problems with more friends. I work at home for my company so I'm always around the computer or a text message away.

    Okay, off to figure breakfast for now.

    I'll check back in later!


    I wish we could create a group page. Maybe we could make that a suggestion for the MFP tech gods.

  • I would love to join you ladies too! I have been on MFP since the end of January and have lost 25 pounds so far. I have about 50 pounds to go. But I have found since I started my journey is that it's not about the number on the scale. It's more about how you feel, how your clothes fit, the types of foods you put into your body compared to what you were doing and so many other non-scale victories. Believe me I want to be 160 again but if I am happy with how I feel and look then I will be happy with whatever number I end up at!!

    I am 38 years old and the mother to a wonderful little girl who is 3.5. I work full time so it leaves little time for much. But I found that I have to prioritize and I have finally moved myself up the list a little bit! I take the time to exercise everyday. I go to the gym and do an hour of cardio and then some weights. My daughter LOVES to go to the daycare at the gym, she spends all day at home with Daddy so she is ready for some kid interaction.

    Thank you so much for starting this thread, I hope we all succeed!! And one tip for some of you, open up your food diaries so everyone can see them. It will make you SO much more accountable on what you eat when others can see!! And it also help others to see what you are eating if you are losing weight.

    Feel free to friend me if you would like, I am in this for the long haul!
  • smbugi
    smbugi Posts: 35
    I'm definitely with you! I have to lose over 100 lbs. and sometimes it seems absolutely DAUNTING to think about. I just started the HCG homeopathic drops. I'm on round one and hoping this helps. I start a very low calorie diet tomorrow (day 1 and 2 are "LOADING" days where you stuff yourself!) and I'm a little scared. I've tried and failed so many times before that I'm really hoping this time I can stick to it. Finding this online community of other people in the same boat as me is so helpful! :)
  • smbugi
    smbugi Posts: 35
    I agree! It's nice to see POSITIVE people on here!
  • I also do the C25K and I am on week 5. I have started this program multiple times and have NEVER made it past week 4 so I am proud of myself. It's hard but I can tell a huge difference in my stamina. I get my podcasts from www.runningintoshape.com

    I am just now reading thru the thread so I will come back and visit more when I get that done.
  • Good morning guys!!!

    so i have had a rough 3 past days... havent been able to sleep well .. and im sure its due to the diet change as i never had this issue... i feel quite sluggish and extremely exhausted today:( its sooo bad i woke up at 1:30am... stayed up till 5am had to eat something as my stomach was eating itself .. what a horrible experience i tell u ! omg!!! :(
  • Vanessa, it sounds like you might have a bit of a stomach bug? I would just drink as much water as you can and eat little things if you can. And you are right, it could be from your diet, you are getting rid of all of the bad stuff that your body was used to. It will help you in the long run but I know it's tough, hang in there and get some rest if you can!
  • YA I WILL DEFINETLY TRY AGAIN TONIGHT... might be toxins i dont know or just a dramatic shock... but im eating normally just less!! humm thinking of buying multivitamins maybe dunno
  • So today i will do a bit of cardio, but the last day that i will be doing my cardio at night as i find it plays A HUGE TOLL on my sleeping pattens... how is everyone doing sooo far with cardio and loosing weight>