5'3 and shorter that need to or have lost 30+ lbs



  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    TamLam99 wrote: »
    I'm 5'1", down 20 pounds so far with 40+ more to go. If you don't already have a food scale I would suggest you get one, it's really eye opening.

    I definitely will start using it :-)
  • k8es
    k8es Posts: 271 Member
    edited August 2015

    I know it can seem like a world away. I started at 270 and the top of the normal BMI range for me is 135. This means that I have to find my better half. I've lost 51.6 so far and I'll be half way when I reach 202.5. I only have 16.9 pounds until then. I like to get excited over every pound I lose, but I have a paint by number that I'm doing in paint to track every 5 pounds. For every pound lost, I can fill in a square, but I can't start filling in until I reach 5 pounds down. So when I get to 215, I can fill in squares for 219, 218, 217, 216, and 215, but not until the scale shows 215.0 or below. Keeps me motivated because I hate when things go incomplete.[/quote]


    I love this! Congratulations on your 51.6 lbs! Your perspective is awesome! I find it's super important to celebrate the victories along the way (scale related or not) to the ultimate goal. Your paint by number is going to be beautiful for so many reason!
  • Natalierae886
    Natalierae886 Posts: 286 Member
    Im 5"3, started at 172lb now im down to 161lb got 21lb to go
  • tagenemma
    tagenemma Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2.5" and need to lose 40kgs. Only really at the start of this - it's all a bit daunting! You are all really inspirational thank you!
  • tvzfitness
    tvzfitness Posts: 3 Member
    515GetFit wrote: »
    Joining in! I am 5 ft nothing (on a good day) and currently have been hovering around 167-169 for almost 2 years. I do work out, probably 3-4 times a week average, strength training and walking usually, but just have had trouble sticking to the nutrition which in know is the 95%. End goal is in the range of 125-130, but short term currently is to get into the 150s by my vacation at the end of October.
    Hi I think we are very similar, I am 4' 10" and started at 168. Currently I am hovering around 159-160 and I am also looking to be at the 150 mark for my November vacation. I would love to add you as my motivation friend...
  • Tofuli
    Tofuli Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2015
    4ft 11 and have always been a little in the overweight range. I've managed in the past to get down to 8 stone but always put the weight back on because my diets have never been very healthy (just not very much food but unhealthy food still). Recently have restarted my diet and aiming to get down to around 8 stone again, that's only about 15 pounds but if I manage to reach that then I think i'd preferably like to lose enough 15. I've never been obese but when you're short unfortunately weight does show more :disappointed:

    I'm terrible at keeping at exercise so just walking lots at the moment. I don't drive so it's not too difficult to do. I have also been vegan for the past few years but have mostly lived off vegan junk food, so now I've decided to go on a healthy whole food plant based diet and the pounds are literally dropping off!!! I drink lots and lots of water, black sugarless coffee and green tea, and just snack on fruit.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend that'd be great. Always great to connect with other shorties haha. I am the shortest person I know :P
  • MorbidCutie575
    MorbidCutie575 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'2 and need to lose about 50lbs. I did it before a couple years back and went from 182lbs to 138lbs using this site. Well, I quit logging on here and then become pregnant. So, I gained all the weight back, plus a few extra pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • blb85
    blb85 Posts: 187 Member
    5'0" here at hovering around 154-152 lbs. I've been struggling big time. I have been keeping up with being more active by working-out but the food/nutrition part is what kills me. I like to be social on the weekends with friends/boyfriend which means lots of drinking/eating out/etc. I try to be as good as possible during the weekdays, but sometimes have a slip-up here and there. I'm more frustrated, because when I was 24/25 years old, I was 148 and went down to 120 and did it in the matter of 5 months. It was beyond easy. Except I let myself go quickly after that and shot back to 135-140 where I stayed until 2 years ago when somehow it escalated to 160 (the highest ever for me) and I have been trying to lose it for almost 1 1/2 years now.... I keep losing pounds and putting them back on and getting nowhere. Its really been the most frustrating process.
  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    blb85 wrote: »
    5'0" here at hovering around 154-152 lbs. I've been struggling big time. I have been keeping up with being more active by working-out but the food/nutrition part is what kills me. I like to be social on the weekends with friends/boyfriend which means lots of drinking/eating out/etc. I try to be as good as possible during the weekdays, but sometimes have a slip-up here and there. I'm more frustrated, because when I was 24/25 years old, I was 148 and went down to 120 and did it in the matter of 5 months. It was beyond easy. Except I let myself go quickly after that and shot back to 135-140 where I stayed until 2 years ago when somehow it escalated to 160 (the highest ever for me) and I have been trying to lose it for almost 1 1/2 years now.... I keep losing pounds and putting them back on and getting nowhere. Its really been the most frustrating process.

    The beginning is always the hardest. Eating right and not over eating. It took me about 2 weeks before it became a habit. Now I just naturally choose healthier choices. I always think is this worth it? After working out is this worth regaining calories? Everything that I feel like I can't live without like pizza, pastas, sweets I'm always in search for a healthier version. I love pinterest because it helps me have more of a variety. Instead of pasta try spaghetti squash, or zuchinni noodles. With pizza substitute the crust with 100% whole wheat flour, there's also recipes for zuchinni or cauliflower crust. Small changes and substitutions will have a greater effect in the long run :-). Don't give up and know that you deserve to be happy and healthy :-). Good luck :-)
  • WantBestME
    WantBestME Posts: 128 Member
    Hi... I am 5.3, I have lost 50 lbs so far .. in my last mile now - 10 more to lose to reach my dream weight!! Feel free to add me...
  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    I am 5'2" and am also looking for my better half :). This is not a diet but a life style change for me. I need to be much more aware of what I am putting into my mouth. The most startling fact using this site and logging my food is that I am significantly low on protein. I am a vegetarian (for about two years now) and I understood that I might have to be more mindful of what I ate, but logging the food really showed me my protein deficit.
    I bought some protein powder and am going to embrace breakfast smoothies. Which aren't as bad as I thought they would be. :) Feel free to add me, I welcome the company.
  • MimiMadrone43
    MimiMadrone43 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently 138. I've lost 45 pounds over three years although I've lost and gained during that time. When I get to 132 I plan on eating at maintenance level and work on toning and strength. If I'm not satisfied at that point I'll set a new goal. Feel free to add me; I'm looking for relatable friends for mutual motivation and support.
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I am too! I'm 5'0". So far I have lost almost 10 lbs. ALMOST!!! OK probably about 8. I'd like to lose 50 in total. I started beginning of July. I'm eating a calorie deficit so 1200 cals/day. I do that most days. Some days I will end up at like 1400 cals but that's still a calorie deficit for sure.
    I should exercise more but I do not have the time or energy most days. During the week, I walk for about an hour each day and I hoop for 15-20 minutes in the morning. As well as a few strength exercises. On the weekends, I walk, and I usually go out dancing one night, so that's good for burning calories.
    I don't really understand why I'm not losing weight quicker. With what I've been eating and my low-ish exercise, I should still be losing 2lbs/week. But it's been over 6 weeks and I've only lost about 8 lbs. :(
    I have always had weight in my thighs, they have been big ever since I was young. Recently though I have noticed extra weight on my stomach which bothers me a lot and my arms. I want to get rid of those (situps and weights are helping with that).
    Well I'll keep on working. I've seen a bit of progress but not as much as I have been hoping.
  • lcyama
    lcyama Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 4'11" and from my highest non-pregnant weight I am down 28 pounds. I was down 32 pounds at my goal weight, but I am currently flopping around in a 5-10 pound window (which at my height is a lot) depending on my activity level and my metabolic state (I'm hypothyroid and menopausal). It took nearly a decade because I'd lose the weight slowly, and then go back to the poor habits and gain some of the weight back.

    I found a physical activity I enjoyed (yoga) and started doing that regularly; 3 years later I changed to a vegan diet; 3 years later I started running and joined MFP. I pretty much have to stay active if I want to eat anything over 1200 calories without gaining weight. What I learned is that I must remain mindful; if I fall off the wagon I merely have to climb aboard again; and maybe most important is to find an activity that I enjoy and can stick with.
  • jdeanuk
    jdeanuk Posts: 3 Member
    Ok so it's been three weeks now. Something is definitely working. I used to skip breakfast and often lunch then eat all afternoon. I'm now regularly eating three meals a day and miss breakfast if I haven't had it. I've given up fizzy drinks and coffee and manage 1.5-2l of water a day. I didn't see much change at first even though I had a weigh in day once a week but weigh in this morning and now I have lost 5lb. I'm happy with that in 3 weeks. I'm thinking more about portions and choices- if I fancy something I choose a healthier option- Quavers are fab if I want a savoury naughty snack and a Timeout or Kitkat feed a chocolate fix if I need one but I am eating more fruit- apricots are a favourite snack! I've also noticed that I'm not eating enough iron so I am trying to improve that too! I'm hopeful that this will be a life change so thank you to those that have said that approx 21 days helps to break the habit. My sugar cravings are getting less and I opted for a ham sandwich this evening when everyone else was having fish and chips!
    Keep posting the positive updates, it's a great motivator.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    Hello. I'm 5'1 and need to lose 50lbs. My starting weight was 192 after having my second child. In the last month I have lost 11lbs and am still going strong. Eating a very healthy diet, lots of water, and workout 5-6 times a week. I was just curious how your journey is going. Any advice or struggles you have, and extra motivation and support for all us shorties :-). Add me if you'd like so we can help each other through our journey to a happier healthier life :-)

    Hi, 5'2.5" and dropped 48/49lbs. Working out 4 times per week. Short and old but time and patience worked for me. Made it a lifestyle change and refocused how I felt about food; continue to log and count calories every day.
  • RV_08
    RV_08 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey, i'm 5"0 and i've just lost 42lbs! :smile:
  • sweetcherae
    sweetcherae Posts: 66 Member
    pointkoala wrote: »
    I am too! I'm 5'0". So far I have lost almost 10 lbs. ALMOST!!! OK probably about 8. I'd like to lose 50 in total. I started beginning of July. I'm eating a calorie deficit so 1200 cals/day. I do that most days. Some days I will end up at like 1400 cals but that's still a calorie deficit for sure.
    I should exercise more but I do not have the time or energy most days. During the week, I walk for about an hour each day and I hoop for 15-20 minutes in the morning. As well as a few strength exercises. On the weekends, I walk, and I usually go out dancing one night, so that's good for burning calories.
    I don't really understand why I'm not losing weight quicker. With what I've been eating and my low-ish exercise, I should still be losing 2lbs/week. But it's been over 6 weeks and I've only lost about 8 lbs. :(
    I have always had weight in my thighs, they have been big ever since I was young. Recently though I have noticed extra weight on my stomach which bothers me a lot and my arms. I want to get rid of those (situps and weights are helping with that).
    Well I'll keep on working. I've seen a bit of progress but not as much as I have been hoping.

    I totally know what you mean about not having time. That's why I was extastic when I found T25 :-). I just exercise 25min 5 times a week. Sometimes I'll do a dbl workout. You should def give it a try. I get bummed at times because I'm on week 6 and only down 13lbs. But I've lost a lot of inches. We just have to keep telling ourselves that losing weight slowly will benefit us in the long run and will come much easier to keeping it off. Keep up the good work :-)

  • chgn4me
    chgn4me Posts: 28 Member
    I am 5'3 210 looking to lose 50lbs. Add me anyone. I cold always use the motivation
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Over here!!! I am 5'3, was 192 when I had my daughter (8 months) and now im in the 160s :( need to lose about 35lbs!!!