What do you like to eat for breakfast



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited August 2015
    egg/bread/cheese-sometimes meat
    fruit of some sort

    today I had twinkies and a cinnamon roll
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member
    Frosted Mini Wheats (still my favorite cereal), scrambled eggs, bacon, English muffin, Quest bars, Kashi bars.

    Once in a while, I'll have a kiddie cereal like Cocoa Pebbles.

    Usually some combination of the above totaling 350 calories or so.
  • JoeyMollica
    JoeyMollica Posts: 1 Member
    Banana bread overnight oats with some extra cinnamon! Mmmm mmm delicious! :smiley:
  • aplhabetacheesecake
    aplhabetacheesecake Posts: 181 Member
    my most favourite breakfast, i eat it every day unless i dont have the items in my house. Weight watcher everything bagel- its lower in carb and just the right size, I do not need 58g of carb in a dempster bagel! I toast this extra dark and top with 2TBS of light her and garlic cream cheese, along side a banana and my GIANT coffee 16oz travel mug with 2 & 1/2 splenda and a dask of 2% milk!
    I never get tired of this, I love a bagel with cream cheese (its like pizza to me, you just cant mess it up!) I have an ultra looong commute and busy hectic morning with absolutely no break until lunch, and this breakfast holds me from 630am until 12noon!
  • xSJBx
    xSJBx Posts: 24 Member
    Frittatas - make once, eat all week 6tx05lws4g7y.jpg

    Queenmunchy that looks amazing! Would you be able to share a recipe or two!
    As for my breakfasts, I have either low sugar cereal or
    oats with almond milk, nuts, seeds, a tiny amount of honey and whatever fruit I fancy that day :smile:
  • Pinnacle_IAO
    Pinnacle_IAO Posts: 608 Member
    ewai05 wrote: »
    what do you like to eat for breakfast every morning
    I like variety, but today I had a broiled 8 oz sirloin, oat meal with blueberries and 3 eggs with a 16 oz freshly juiced drink from various veggies and some fruit.

  • hollbert90
    hollbert90 Posts: 8 Member
    My absolute fave is overnight oats! I'm not a morning person so having something I can just grab out of the fridge is great. I love mocha oats, or just super chocolatey. Waiting for me tomorrow is just vanilla flavoured and I will add some berries to it yum.
    If I have the time/can be bothered I'll have avocado on a slice of toast with two eggs scrambled.
    If I'm splurging it's pancakes usually made with oats added so they're satisfying for longer.
  • Becca_250
    Becca_250 Posts: 188 Member
    During the week - overnight oats, I like being able to prepare it the night before and just grab and go in the morning. If I don't feel like those or forget to prepare then usually Weetabix or some kind of bar.

    Weekends - porridge, turkey bacon, eggs, banana pancakes (not all at once, much to my disappointment!) yumyumyum
  • Melmo1988
    Melmo1988 Posts: 293 Member
    This morning I had 2 fried eggs and 3 slices of turkey bacon.ill be eating it for the next few days til I run out of bacon and eggs lol
  • amandajocampbell
    amandajocampbell Posts: 3 Member
    I like to eat Cream Eggs. I bake them in a muffin tin. Pour 1 tablespoon of cream then crack a egg. Salt and pepper then a table spoon or parm cheese. Bake 350 for 17-20 min YUMMM
  • Ponkeen
    Ponkeen Posts: 147 Member
    MamaFunky wrote: »
    This is my favorite go-to breakfast, probably have it 5 days out of the week.
    2 poached eggs / or egg whites
    2 tablespoons ghost pepper salsa
    30 grams avocado
    2 slices of bacon / or 2 oz of smoked sausage

    I make enough bacon or sausage for about 3 days, so all I have to do is heat it up in the microwave.

    We could be twins! Protein, avocado, hot sauce=best breakfast ever!
    JKFOILZ Posts: 3 Member
    Oats soaked in low fat yogurt over night With fruit or nuts with cinnamon and 3 eggs scrambled, pouched or omelette
  • tomscudero
    tomscudero Posts: 29 Member
    I usually have a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with sliced almonds & vanilla protein powder
  • jamieedwards725
    jamieedwards725 Posts: 18 Member
    Chocolate protein banana overnight oats.

    30g chocolate whey
    50g natural muslei
    1 banana
    150g vanilla yoghurt.

  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    Nothing. I prefer eating my calories for lunch/dinner and a snack. Even when I was gaining weight I rarely ate breakfast.

    If I'm feeling like eating breakfast it is typically either cereal, a bagel with cream cheese, or scrambled eggs. I also like to go to Panera once a month or so for breakfast on the weekend.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I have a smoothie at some point most mornings. Sometimes with just fruit/spinach, sometimes with yogurt or protein powder. Often I'll make a cheese, mushroom and spinach omelet at about 11. Today I'm hungry for toast and an egg!
  • Saebriel1323
    Saebriel1323 Posts: 1 Member
    I vary my breakfasts a little, but generally:
    -Yogurt and fresh fruit of some kind
    -Oatmeal (instant packs with 160 calories)
    -Yogurt and dry kashi cereal
    -Fresh fruit and dry whole wheat toast
    It's super boring I know, but it's filling and generally high fiber. It also leaves me calories for a bigger lunch,which is when I'm the most hungry. :)
  • Leighjr
    Leighjr Posts: 26 Member
    ewai05 wrote: »
    what do you like to eat for breakfast every morning

    Usually a coffee
    Sometimes bran flakes or shreddies
  • Havasufalls
    Havasufalls Posts: 53 Member
    Steel cut Oats with one sliced banana mixed in and one teaspoon of half and half to make it creamy - sprinkle cinnamon and a Splenda to sweeten it plus my coffee keeps me full for hours...
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I always liked to start the day with oats and protein, whether it's cooked oatmeal at home or a shake at work.