200 Sit-ups challenge!



  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    I've got to do mine tonight. I was just thinking it would be handy if I could do them at lunchtime, but I'm scared someone would walk into my office when I'm in the middle of it all!!! :laugh:

    Mikeast - I'm still trying the full pushups. They really are hard work but I'm going to stick at it for now and not do the 'lady ones'! I'm thinking even if I can do one more each time then that's an improvement and I may get to 100 one day!!
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    Lol that would be funny, i used to try and have a sleep at work but i think thats easier to talk yourself out of then why your on the floor!
    I did mine today, a day early... sounds weird but i couldn't wait till tomorrow! the sit ups and squat seemed easy but the push ups were as hard as ever!
    Went for full body ones MK like you said even 1 more is an improvement and did 15 in one set which is 3 more than last time.
    so i'm onto my next week now which looks scary!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    HAHA yes I've also considered doing the squats at the office but decided against it because it really would be embarrassing if someone walks in...I would turn bright red lol.

    MK & Mikeast - keep it up with the "real" push ups! I didn't even bother attempting to do real ones because I have NEVER been able to do them haha. I can barely crank out one more each time just doing the "lady" push ups! So good for you guys, that's pretty impressive :)
  • olo567
    olo567 Posts: 50 Member
    I finished this last week, was definitely worth it! I started being able to do about 20 consecutive sit-ups, and after finishing week 6 in the first column I got to 111. I did column 3, and decided I wanted to hit 120 in the exhaustion test and re-do the week from there, but once I passed 100 I just kept going! Ended up doing 202 and then got bored! (haha!) Still working on the pushups and just starting the squats.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Great job on finishing the sit ups Olo! Let us know how you're doing on the squats and push ups :)
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    Olo thats great to hear that the program works! yeah i think my press ups will be a work in progress for a while yet!
    i can't even imagine doing 100! in my mind i picture myself having to have massive arm muscles to do this! hehe!

    Justbreathe you should keep trying just one a day and along with your other press ups i bet you will be able to do full ones!
    a few years ago i wouldn't have even tried doing full ones, but i started using weights to do reps and noticed my arm muscles looking bigger then on new years eve we were messing around (probably a little tipsy!) and i found i could do 10!
    I find focusing on the breathing out on the effort really helps.
    I think picking up a 3 year old all day helps my strength too :smile:

    Mk how did you next lot go?

  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Hey Guys!

    Everyone's doing great. Mine got delayed from yesterday until today due to travelling yesterday taking it out of me!

    I decided to start the squats too, so here's the results:
    Sit ups: max - 25; total - 106
    Press ups: max - 12; total - 48
    Squats: max - 36; total - 108

    All improving slowly! And still aiming for at least one extra push up each time - it hurts though!!

    Keep it up everyone!!!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Haha Mikeast I feel the same way! 100 push ups seems like sooooooooooo faaaaaaarrr awaaaaaaay.

    MK great job on your numbers! I feel ya on the push ups...I am trying to add one extra each time too and even that seems hard!

    I did my next set today and here are the numbers:

    65 sit ups consecutively, 22 "lady" push ups consecutively, and 150 squats consecutively

    I only added 3 sit ups and 1 push up from my last workout but the squats have been going swimmingly! Haha. I think the running and cardio workouts I do probably help with my thigh strength because the squats seem so much easier than the other two!

    Keep up the fantastic work everyone!
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Hey all,

    This is my first post on this forum,
    Just seeing how everyone is going with their pushup and situp challenges?
    I recently started the 100 Pushup and 200 Situp Programs and am up to W2 D3

    Good to see all the hard work going into them

    Keep it up!
  • SweetAsHoneyy
    I going to try this.. I need some form of exercise since my gym membership has been temp cut off.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome Airyale and SweetAsHoneyy!

    SweetAsHoneyy - Yea this is definitely a great way to get some strength training in without the gym...I do these in my living room :)
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    W1D2L3 Max set of 27 for a total of 90.
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16
    Hi all,
    Seems everyone is doing really well! keep it up!
    I did my mine yesterday, sit ups and squats are fine, did 182 sit ups and 164 squats but i think when i come to my exhaustion test at the end of the week i will be able to do 200 in both. There both something i have done almost everyday for years!
    Where as the press up and dips are the opposite! lol i can only do 14 press ups and i was ment to do 15! how am i going to cope with 20 at the end of the week!!!??? did 60 in total.
    and the tri dips i did 123 with the longest set being 32 and that was soooo hard! :smile:
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    Good job @RubyRed1999 & @mikeast (you're killing the situp/ squats/ dips)

    Was only doing column 2 for pushups in W1 & W2 but got my new test tonight so hopefully can jump into the higher sets
    As for situps they're feeling easier each day

    Keep up the great work everyone
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36

    I did mine yesterday, but can't remember all the numbers! I did manage 20 press-ups though so I was quite happy with that!!! :smile:

    Well done - you're all doing great!!!
  • airyale15
    airyale15 Posts: 46 Member
    nice job @mk2984

    just did W3D1 yesterday and its starting to kill!!
  • mk2984
    mk2984 Posts: 36
    Hi All!

    Did my next sets and got:

    Situps: 175 - 55 max
    Pressups: 67 - 22 max
    Squats: 132 - 40 max

    :smile: How's everyone else doing??
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    W1D3L3 Max set = 20. Total 87.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I've never heard of that, but i do a 10,000 Challenge every other month (10,000 situps, squats or lunges, pushups, and pullups in one month) it balances to 325/day of each move. After 6 months of it, it's become second nature and i get it taken care of before i even eat breakfast these days.
  • mikeast
    mikeast Posts: 16

    Wow mk thats amazing about the press ups!!! im still trying, will do my next day today... maybe tomorrow aint decieded yet!
    Ruby thats really great too, keep going your doing soooo well!
    think i might have to leave mine until tomorrow my arms are killing from the gym yesterday and i think i could probably manage 1 press up! lol

    keep up the good work everyone!:smile: