Life after Death



  • meblu3u
    meblu3u Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you TNoire
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    My wife died in 2006. I would love to offer you love and support. I certainly believe that when we leave this world we go to our true home. I patiently await my home with hope! :)
  • JeanMBK
    JeanMBK Posts: 728 Member
    My condolences to you and your family. You will find motivation and friends here on MFP. Best of luck in your journey!
  • odickerson
    odickerson Posts: 3 Member
    I truly understand were you are coming from. I loss my husband April 2012. He was the love of my life. I also used food as a comfort, went into depression and gained an enormous amount of weight. December of last year I decided it was time to take charge of my life again. I joined MFP and have loss 76 lbs. so far. I still have another 70 lbs. to go. It's still a struggle to keep moving forward, but I am determined to do so. If you need someone to talk to and share recipes with please feel free to add me. The more support you have the easier it is. Stay strong and continue to move forward 1 step at a time.
  • JohnK580
    JohnK580 Posts: 55 Member
    I join others in their heartfelt expressions of condolences. Feel free to add me as well and I will do my best to encourage.
  • meblu3u
    meblu3u Posts: 11 Member
    Odickerson First and foremost I am sorry for your loss. Congrats on the weight loss and thank you for the support. Yesterday was a rough day for me I was with my family for a birthday party and all the temptation was a struggle for me knowing we were at a restaurant. There isn't a day that goes by that I think of my late husband the emotions are intense sometimes especially at night. That's when I tend to want to eat more. I know I'm my heart he is wishing me luck and I am doing this not only for myself but for my children. I want to thank you
  • meblu3u
    meblu3u Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you JohnK
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    meblu3u wrote: »
    Hello Everyone my name is Rose after being married for 17 years my husband passed away. I started to eat more and some depression. I have always been a bigger woman and my son said to me Mom I don't want you to Die and that's when I asked what do you mean my son is 7 I also have a 8 and 11 year old. Needless to say my 7 year old continues to say mom with you being fat you can die. Is my son trying to tell me something or was he scared after losing his father so I decided to do this Journey on my own my friends tell me your fine. I have a health condition called POTS it's a heart condition that I need to maintain take in 3300 mg of salt to keep everything working properly. I started working hard at making changes to my diet as well as walking exercises and such. Feel like the struggles are so overwhelming the moral support from friends aren't there so I hope that others on a mission to help themselves like I am can understand the struggles we feel and give advice how to deal with them. So that's my life.

    I'm so sorry for your loss! Your son is likely just parroting something he's picked up in the news about obesity and his anxiety is causing him to speak up. Seeing you making positive strides should hopefully calm him.

    Your friends telling you "you're fine" when you have 120 pounds to lose--I would stop discussing the issue with them, to be honest. They're not going to have anything positive to say. I didn't discuss my weight loss with anyone offline because they kept telling me I should stop losing when I was still overweight. There are some people who are jealous or who view your weight loss as a personal attack, in my experience.

    Good luck. You got this.

    ps You don't have to respond to every single post if you don't want.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I am sorry for your loss and cannot imagine how I would react. It's pretty much my one and only fear.

    Congratulations on your decision and welcome! You'll find a multitude of people here with amazing stories of what they have overcome to get to better health.

    I highly recommend you include your children into your exercise and reinforce each other's positive habits. This will also help them get over any fear and you'll grow stronger together.

    Well met and best regards to you and yours.
  • apollinav
    apollinav Posts: 22 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you have experienced.

    You have a strong motivation and drive for making changes. You've come to a supportive place. I wish you all the success, health, and healing you're looking for.
  • christabelle66
    christabelle66 Posts: 83 Member
    I can only imagine what a difficult and stressful time this must be for you-- I was a single parent and know that even when you are a single parent by choice, it can be exhausting and overwhelming. My nearly 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with POTS a year and a half ago and I have an idea of the extra challenge this adds to your journey. I have found that logging your food daily and being really honest with yourself works, but that what sustains many of us over the log haul is this community, which is full of people who understand the struggle, are full of information and strategies, and never get tired of supporting you to become the healthiest you.
  • mikestobbs1
    mikestobbs1 Posts: 294 Member
    Life can be *kitten*. You have to make the best of it.