Battle from hell



  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Hi mate, Any chance you can try those Mass Gainer shakes (1000 calories or so in a drink) or food like peanut butter which will pack on the calories but shouldn't fill you up to much?

    Yes, and adding 2 to 3 servings of coconut oil, giving me 1300 to 1600 calorie shakes.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?
    Nice progress.
    Keep doing exactly what you are doing.

    It's not a race.

    Thank you for the encouragement!
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    Damn that is tough.
    That thing with your doctor is just weird though.

    Anyway, congrats on all your progress, and good luck with sticking with it. Eating that many calories is really a challenge.
    I do hope you do get your disease under control.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    AsISmile wrote: »
    Damn that is tough.
    That thing with your doctor is just weird though.

    Anyway, congrats on all your progress, and good luck with sticking with it. Eating that many calories is really a challenge.
    I do hope you do get your disease under control.

    Thx a lot:)
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    How accurate are scales that measure body weight? Mine measured me at 4% body fat. I'm 6'2 140 pounds. Skinny as a rail.
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    edited August 2015
    Their measurements of fat aren't all that accurate since it depends a lot on how hydrated you are. It has to do with the resistance of fat, muscle and water within your body.
    (However, for me personally, I always weigh second thing in the morning, after visiting the toilet, and it does give me the same bf% consistently.)

    but 4% already sounds more likely than 2%

    Body fat scales use a technique called Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis... or BIA for short. Very simply...
    A small and completely harmless electrical current is passed through your body. The electrical current passes more quickly through fat free tissue like muscle than it does through fat or bone tissue. So...
    The amount of resistance to the electrical current relates to how much fat-free mass a person has and their body density. Here's the first challenge...
    Like all body fat tests, body fat scales don't actually measure your body fat percentage. They determine your body density. The examiner (or the scales) then uses a formula to calculate body fat percentage based on body density. Here's the key...
    These formulas just predict your body fat. Unfortunately there is no one formula that accurately predicts body fat for the whole population. Differences in age, gender, ethnicity, body size, and fitness level all have a significant affect on the results.
    Most scales can account for some of the basic differences such as age and gender, but take the actual body fat percentage they give you with a pinch of salt. What does this all mean for you?
    Well, whether body fat scales measure your "true" body fat percentage or not doesn't matter! As long as they can accurately monitor changes in your body composition over time, that's all you need.
    Your body position, the amount of water in your body, your food intake, skin temperature and recent physical activity can all adversely affect the results of body fat scales. So...

    also, the current chooses the path of the least resistance, so that's one leg up, down the other, only measuring your lower body.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    Haha then it's probably accurate oh my lower body LOL
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    have some patience perhaps? that's good takes time.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    have some patience perhaps? that's good takes time.

    Thank you will do.

  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,531 Member
    Just moral support here... A long time 62y/o guy friend of mine has always been rail thin. 6'2, 135. All his siblings and parents same. It's not easy...he's not dedicated like you are. Another guy friend dropped down to skeletal weight from Graves & it took eating full meals even at 1am, 4am to get it to stabilize while his body had time to adjust to the medication. He recovered but is still very thin.
    Take care of yourself. :)
  • BethAnnRichmond
    BethAnnRichmond Posts: 20 Member
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    Are you incorporating any form of exercise along with your increased calories?

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    AH HA- see my slices of cheesecake blended into shakes comes in handy now doesn't it!!!!


    And nuts and butters!! Esp with all that food- the highest calorie food with the lowest filling volume is going to be where you want to live- (for better or worse) I'd be drinking at least my body weight in calories.

    That's a rough spot- people sometimes really really just do not grasp the work it takes to get some weight on- can't imagine fighting a disease to do it!!! You can do it- you're on the right path- keep eating away!
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    AH HA- see my slices of cheesecake blended into shakes comes in handy now doesn't it!!!!


    And nuts and butters!! Esp with all that food- the highest calorie food with the lowest filling volume is going to be where you want to live- (for better or worse) I'd be drinking at least my body weight in calories.

    That's a rough spot- people sometimes really really just do not grasp the work it takes to get some weight on- can't imagine fighting a disease to do it!!! You can do it- you're on the right path- keep eating away!

    Thank you so much for your support.
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    Are you incorporating any form of exercise along with your increased calories?

    Yes, my 50 hour plus job is extremely active. I'm a grocery manager at PUBLIX. I lift weights 3 to 4 days a week.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    Are you incorporating any form of exercise along with your increased calories?

    Yes, my 50 hour plus job is extremely active. I'm a grocery manager at PUBLIX. I lift weights 3 to 4 days a week.

    Do you at least get a discount on all the food you have to eat? :grin:
  • devildogheath
    devildogheath Posts: 40 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    For 2 weeks now I've been consuming 6 to 8k calories a day, have only gained 2 pounds. What else more can I do?

    Are you incorporating any form of exercise along with your increased calories?

    Yes, my 50 hour plus job is extremely active. I'm a grocery manager at PUBLIX. I lift weights 3 to 4 days a week.

    Do you at least get a discount on all the food you have to eat? :grin:

    Haha no, but thousands of Dollars in free stock.
  • dizzler1
    dizzler1 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi mate , 2lbs is good as people say it's not a race . You obviously need to bulk up but the right way for your condition . Check out the web and look at special diets got your condition but also look into body types , you are probably an Ectomorph so follow some examples of bulking for that body type . Weights would be good but don't go crazy and stay away from any cardio until you put some weight on . All the best and good look you can do this