oops... I only have 620 calories left



  • I think at my height that 140lbs could be a bit less.
    MFP said i should have 1200 a day.
    Maybe i should higher this?
  • DjBliss05
    DjBliss05 Posts: 682
    I think at my height that 140lbs could be a bit less.
    MFP said i should have 1200 a day.
    Maybe i should higher this?

    A bit less is ok, but 40lbs is too much. I would try for 5 lbs and get to the gym. You'll feel good with the exercise and maybe you'll realize you don't need to lose much. :flowerforyou:

    1200 is probably ok for you, because you don't have much to lose. Set it for one pound a week and see what you get.
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    I always avoided counting my cals cos been worried i get obessed and starve myself.
    But i thinking this going well apart from yesterday i ate 37 too many calories....ooops.
    Skipping breakfast today was a good move.
    Skipping breakfast is NEVER a good move!!:noway: :sad: Each day is a brand new day... don't worry about what happened yesterday.. Always good to start out your day with healthy food to fuel your body. Breakfast is one of the most important meals...it sets your day out for you:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday is over....brand new start today:drinker: :wink:

    I agree....and 37 calories over.....that is nothing.....really don't stress over 37....now, if there were a couple of 0's after that 37....then stress. :laugh:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Trust me 1200 calories a day really isnt that scary when you get into.
    I am on 1200 calories cos i am trying to loose 40lbs so i be 100 pounds.
    100 pounds is still not my ideal weight.
    I am finding 1200 hard but i am in a routine and its getting a lot easier.

    Whoa....100 lbs is not your ideal weight at 5ft 9??? I"m sorry but that seems dangerously low considering your height.
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    Yep, I think that is extremely low. I have a sister that is 5'2" and she is 105 lbs. and you can see every rib and vertebre.
  • harleydall76
    harleydall76 Posts: 586 Member
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I have about almost 100 pounds to lose and they set me to 1200 calories a day, it was fine for the first week or so but then i stopped losing and I changed my calories to 1350 and I seem to be losing right about 2 pounds per week. So I woud say you might change up your calories to a little more than 1200 because you don't get much in the way of eating.

    breakfast-oatmeal, hot tea, 3 pieces of bacon around 300-350 calories
    snack-jell-o sugar free pudding or jell-o, or yogurt, or string cheese
    Lunch-2 pieces of turkey lunch meat, soup, with yogurt
    dinner is usually close to what my family eats,

    it is hard but i usually get things ready for the next day the night before. I drink alot of water. I have been told to drink half my body weight which is about over 100 oz of water. Yeah that is alot but i try to get as much as I can in.
  • I got 1200 as well, but the funny part is my foods barely hit 1000. As of now I have 388 left and that is after eating my snack!!

    Then again I eat little portions these days.

    Stacie, 1900??? That is a whole bar night :)
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    I want some of stacie's calories. LOL
  • Trust me 1200 calories a day really isnt that scary when you get into.
    I am on 1200 calories cos i am trying to loose 40lbs so i be 100 pounds.
    100 pounds is still not my ideal weight.
    I am finding 1200 hard but i am in a routine and its getting a lot easier.

    Whoa....100 lbs is not your ideal weight at 5ft 9??? I"m sorry but that seems dangerously low considering your height.

    Ditto... I am 5'2" and 100 lbs would be underweight at my height. Your body will fight the weight loss because it's just not healthy. If you do lose that much weight, you will look and feel like crap - your hair will fall out and your heart will be weak. Please reconsider. If 100 lbs is really your goal you should seek professional help - and I mean a therapist, not a trainer.:ohwell:
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    They gave me 1200 cals and i have 75 lbs to lose. 1200 cals is like starving..I am a little scared.

    Stacie, how did you manage to get 1900 cals a day!


    1200 is the minimum amount they will give you ..anything less is considered unhealthy.
    Exercising will increase your calories.. what you burn you eat back ...I have been on 1200 for 9 months, days of nonexercise are hard, days I do something are easier!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Your size matters, I am small frame and older anyway so don't really need loads of cals to begin with ..you will have to experiment and up them maybe. Don't literally "starve " yourself. There are plenty on here in the same boat, believe me, I'm sure someone will come to your rescue!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Okies.......1200
    At 5ft9in
    To get fromn 140lbs...
    to 100lbs.
    I am not happy at 140lbs.
    Maybe 110lbs is a better idea?
    Or 105lbs is better?
    Write back please :)
  • Okies.......1200
    At 5ft9in
    To get fromn 140lbs...
    to 100lbs.
    I am not happy at 140lbs.
    Maybe 110lbs is a better idea?
    Or 105lbs is better?
    Write back please :)

    Wait?? You're 5'9", 140lbs and you want to get down to 100-105lbs? Isn't that dangerously thin?
  • Katton
    Katton Posts: 17
    I can't believe you get 1900 calories Stacie!!! I may need to borrow some from you from time to time. :laugh:

    They gave me 1435 a day/ 1 pound per week and I'm 5'4"
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 5'3" and need to lose 15 lbs. I have 1200 calories per day, plus I earn 300-500 with exercise. It isn't hard to do if you eat vegetables and real food instead of junk food.

    Is the 5'9' person the same one who wants to weigh 100? I think some quotes got interchanged back there somewhere.
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    Jackson347, I take it you are British? Are you doing the stones to pounds conversion correctly? 100 pounds is just over 7 stones. Do you really want to weigh that little at 5'9"???
  • I am British.....Yeh??
    I dont want to be 100lbs...
    I am 140lbs...
    I wanna be like 8 stone...
    Is that not......100lbs?
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    8 stone is 112 pounds.
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    That is still very thin for your height. I am 5' 3" and this is what I look like at 115 pounds.

  • I am 5.5 and weight 109 pounds .......I am a size 4-6 (2-4 in American sizes) so I don't think you want to be that thin.
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