What did you accomplish in the month of May?



  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    * Lost 12 more pounds, and am now under 240 (was 305 in January)

    * completed my first 5k in < 35 minutes.

    * had to buy new belts.

    * Finished construction on new house, closed the loan, and got moved in. That's not the accomplishment so much as the fact that I did not deviate much at all from my diet in the process, which was shocking to me. I actually lost an extra few pounds rather than gained (which was what I expected to do...)
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I lost 4.5 lbs in May, did 100 sit-ups per day 26 out of 31 days, and tried on my bridesmaid dress and found out it has to get altered down 2 sizes since I bought it in January!! woo hoo!!

    Congrats everyone on your accomplishments!!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    * I lost 6 lbs on the scale (BF assessment coming next week to determine if fat loss was greater).
    * I dropped another pants size.
    * I had 5 first dates.
  • 06mach1
    06mach1 Posts: 6
    Continued positive weight loss and I actually wore a set of clothes I haven't worn in over a year! That was a huge motivator because I miss my old lifestyle!
  • anume08
    anume08 Posts: 27 Member
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    My victories for May!

    Lost 10 pounds!
    Hit the 40 pound lost mark!
    Jogged/walked 5km in 41 minutes (working towards my actual first race on Saturday, would like to be under 40 minutes)
    Actually lost weight on my vacation (HUGE accomplishment for me...usually vacations are free for alls!)
    started weight training

    if every month could be like this I would be happy!
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    I started running on May 2nd and completed a 5K on 5/30!!:happy:
  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    I came back to MFP after being away for nearly a year.
    I've not had crisps or chocolate in two weeks

    It's not much but I'm back on MFP and feeling really positive so that's definitely my biggest accomplishment in may. :smile:
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    Lost 9lbs
    Stopped eating (mostly) a bunch of crap. I did go to BK once, but really. Cold turkey wasn't happening lol.
    Found the courage to break off an engagement that had become an increasingly unhealthy relationship in the last several years
    Started to remember who I am/was/ and will be again.

    Bring it on JUNE!
  • ealbers
    ealbers Posts: 16 Member
    I lost 8 lbs, 2 pants sizes, ran a 5K in under 32 minutes & finished my first 5 miler. Life is good :)

    Goal for June - continued weight loss & finishing the Warrior Dash!
  • AllisonWBaker
    I joined MFP on May 19th and, in the last two weeks:

    - Lost 12 pounds
    - Lost 2 inches in my waist, 1 in my bust, 1.5 in my hips
    - Didn't measure my arms before I started, but they are clearly smaller and more defined
    - Completed Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred, and am 2 days into Level 2
    - Added 30-60 minutes of Eliptical Training to the 30DS 8 times
    - Stayed under my calorie goals every day
    - Enjoyed the holiday weekend without going overboard
    - Fit into a Size 10 dress I haven't been able to wear in years & got lots of compliments

    My cousin is getting married on June 18th and I am the oldest person in the wedding by 8 years (and the only one with any kids - I have 3!), so my goal is to lose another 5-6 pounds before then, to keep doing 30DS EVERY DAY and to add the eliptical for 30-60 minutes at least 10 of the next 16 days. WISH ME LUCK!!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    May Accomplishments....
    1. Lost 10 pounds
    2. Completed C25K
    3. Ran 45 miles (not continuously..:wink: ..)
    4. Hit my 1/2 way mark to my goal weight
    4. At the beginning of May bought size 14 slacks
    5. At the end of May started thinking my size 14 slacks are getting too baggy

    June Goals
    1. Lose 8 pounds
    2. Run 50 miles
    3. Purchase size 12 slacks
  • cabsrr
    cabsrr Posts: 1
    In May, I lost an additional 7 lbs, and ran my first 5K race finishing at 32:44!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    In May, I ran more than 76 miles, bought new shorts in a size 6, and a new bikini from the Juniors Department in a Medium! I went to an 80s prom party wearing a prom gown I got about 23 years ago. It fit perfectly. And I finished a 5 mile race just 7 seconds behind my 25 year old niece.

    But the best feeling was making that niece, and her father (my brother) tear up when I gave her a portrait I painted of her, her hubby and their dog for a wedding present. :smile:

  • Plumpqt
    Plumpqt Posts: 156
    I lost 15lbs and 4 inches over all, I started C25K and love it! have stuck to my calorie plan and feel fantastic! I only hope June is as awesome as May was :)
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I completed my first round of P90X on May 9, 2011, lost 8 lbs, and 14.5 inches throughout my body!!!!!

    My endurance has increased so much that I can run on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes straight now

    I'm currently in my 3rd week of Insanity!

  • Uncle_Dim
    Uncle_Dim Posts: 8 Member
    Ran a training 10k and finished my first official 5k in 28:20.
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    In May I went to the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (apart from one when I had a migraine, but that doesn't count because I wasn't slacking!!!)

    I started using MFP on 28th May.
  • nurka33
    nurka33 Posts: 5
    -Realised that there is no more room for excuses in my life and I will take control and responsibility for everything that I'm doing from now on.
    - Gone from 200 lbs to 194.
    -Spent 18 hours swimming.
    -Stayed under my daily calorie limit 95% of the time
    -Been told that my cheekbones can be seen now.)

    In June:
    -Another 8-10 lbs must go forever!
    -Rollerblades skating 5-7 times a week. I should stick to the fun part of the exercising
    -Quit smoking
    -No alcohol except red wine on special occasions.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Thanks for reminding me to look at my successes...it's helping me to set new goals for the month of June!

    What I accomplished in May:
    1) I ran a mile without stopping around mid May...now, two weeks later, I can run for about 1.5 miles, or 20 minutes, without stopping! That is HUGE for me.
    2) increased the weight amounts on all the machines I'm using for strength training.
    3) lost 10 pounds between mid-April and mid-May, and 2% body fat!
    4) looked in the mirror and admired my muscles ;)

    My greatest NSV: I've been told by several people that I am inspiring them. Not just to lose weight, but to get fit and healthy. That felt even better than all the compliments I've received on my weight loss ;)
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