After only 3 weeks, I've dropped an entire pound!!! Woo Hoo!!



  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    This was not directed at you flatlndr.

    I emailed my VA doctor and requested the additional test. My normal INR test is on September 1 and it takes about 3 days for it to show up in my on-line medical account. I'll take a screen shot and share it here. However, assuming it's low, I really don't know where to go from there.

    You ask for a referral to the VA weight loss program who will be able to take that into account as well as your other health issues and develop an appropriate program designed for your circumstances.
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Boy. My best friend's fiance is a veteran and he completely gave up trying to get anything through the VA because they continuously screwed him over. I'm glad you have gotten somewhere with them.

    I see you've defied the bureaucracy. But you still don't defy physics. CO may be lower for whatever reason. Learn to fix it and then do it.

    Or continue on as you are.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member

    Here is the link to the VA weight management program. One of my MFP friends was floundering and incredibly frustrated as well, but now is doing really great with their assistance. He went through a12 week program and continues to get support. He also continues to use MFP to log his calories and exercise. We really are pulling for you :)
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    This was not directed at you flatlndr.

    I emailed my VA doctor and requested the additional test. My normal INR test is on September 1 and it takes about 3 days for it to show up in my on-line medical account. I'll take a screen shot and share it here. However, assuming it's low, I really don't know where to go from there.

    If it's low, you look to your doctor for guidance, and the VA nutritionist for intake advice.

    If it's not low, I think a few of us here have some ideas for you. ;)

  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Able to schedule/procure testosterone testing but not a food scale?

    Yeah, I think we're being trolled here.

    No you're not. Some people here are by far the most vile, negative people I have ever met. Because I'm a Vietnam veteran, I go to the VA for free medical. I'm on Coumadin for life because I have Peripheral Vascular Disease and have my blood tested every month. I asked my VA doctor to include a test for testosterone and he agreed.

    Don't you mean people you have never met?

    Anyway, for me I just meant that if you would put the same amount of effort you've expended finding all these outlandish reasons you mustn't be losing weight into getting a food scale, you could obtain one, free or not. There's no point pretending the reason you don't have one isn't because you're resisting the idea tooth and nail. There just isn't.
  • purelyprimitives
    purelyprimitives Posts: 58 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Anyway, for me I just meant that if you would put the same amount of effort you've expended finding all these outlandish reasons you mustn't be losing weight into getting a food scale, you could obtain one, free or not. There's no point pretending the reason you don't have one isn't because you're resisting the idea tooth and nail. There just isn't.

    Whether they are "outlandish" or not remains to be seen. It is fairly well established that older men suffer from several hormonal deficiencies and all have adverse effects on causing a loss of lean muscle mass and adding adipose fat. Restricting calories and increasing exercise can slow the process but not stop it entirely.

    I had 2 cups of coffee for breakfast @ 35 calories. This afternoon for lunch my wife made tuna salad sandwiches. The entire can of tuna was 120 calories, 2 tablespoons of mayo at 180 calories, sliced tomato and lettuce on a roll that was supposedly 180 calories. So, the total tuna salad which we split was 300 calories divided in half was 150 calories a piece, 180 for the roll and about 35 for the tomato and lettuce equals around 365 calories for lunch. This is a typical lunch for me. Let's assume my dinner will have twice the calories at 730. This equals 1130 calories eaten by evening. My TDEE is 2150. So, I have 1000 calories to go after dinner.

    If I had a scale I could weigh the roll or the tuna but what would that tell me that the package didn't already tell me? I suppose the mayo could be off but it would have to REALLY be off.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Anyway, for me I just meant that if you would put the same amount of effort you've expended finding all these outlandish reasons you mustn't be losing weight into getting a food scale, you could obtain one, free or not. There's no point pretending the reason you don't have one isn't because you're resisting the idea tooth and nail. There just isn't.

    Whether they are "outlandish" or not remains to be seen. It is fairly well established that older men suffer from several hormonal deficiencies and all have adverse effects on causing a loss of lean muscle mass and adding adipose fat. Restricting calories and increasing exercise can slow the process but not stop it entirely.

    I had 2 cups of coffee for breakfast @ 35 calories. This afternoon for lunch my wife made tuna salad sandwiches. The entire can of tuna was 120 calories, 2 tablespoons of mayo at 180 calories, sliced tomato and lettuce on a roll that was supposedly 180 calories. So, the total tuna salad which we split was 300 calories divided in half was 150 calories a piece, 180 for the roll and about 35 for the tomato and lettuce equals around 365 calories for lunch. This is a typical lunch for me. Let's assume my dinner will have twice the calories at 730. This equals 1130 calories eaten by evening. My TDEE is 2150. So, I have 1000 calories to go after dinner.

    If I had a scale I could weigh the roll or the tuna but what would that tell me that the package didn't already tell me? I suppose the mayo could be off but it would have to REALLY be off.

    Let's assume your dinner is 1730 calories... how would you know? Because you're eyeballing it? Have you checked out the link I sent you to the ADA? Their exchange diet has helped lots of people lose weight without scales.
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    I was watching "Secret Eaters" last night on YouTube. I think it could be relevant, the people were underestimating their calories by almost a third! Big difference between 1300 and 3300. It's in the oils, the mayo, the bread roll that's slightly bigger, the orange juice you have or anything like that. It's there.

    Even if you find that medically there is an explanation, it still won't explain you not losing anything at all on a supposed 1000 calorie deficit. The explanation is always in the food.
  • purelyprimitives
    purelyprimitives Posts: 58 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Let's assume your dinner is 1730 calories... how would you know? Because you're eyeballing it? Have you checked out the link I sent you to the ADA? Their exchange diet has helped lots of people lose weight without scales.

    I did check it out and will use it. A 1730 calorie dinner would be some dinner!

    The scale question was a actually a serious one. I just looked at our bread package. Each slice is 43 grams for 120 calories. From here, I suppose you would divide the grams into the total calories to get a 'cals per gram' unit of measure which, in this case, would be 2.8 cals per gram. So if 1 slice of bread actually measured 45 grams instead of 43 are people actually adding an additional 5 calories??? Seriously?
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Let's assume your dinner is 1730 calories... how would you know? Because you're eyeballing it? Have you checked out the link I sent you to the ADA? Their exchange diet has helped lots of people lose weight without scales.

    I did check it out and will use it. A 1730 calorie dinner would be some dinner!

    The scale question was a actually a serious one. I just looked at our bread package. Each slice is 43 grams for 120 calories. From here, I suppose you would divide the grams into the total calories to get a 'cals per gram' unit of measure which, in this case, would be 2.8 cals per gram. So if 1 slice of bread actually measured 45 grams instead of 43 are people actually adding an additional 5 calories??? Seriously?

    Listen to us, trust us, and get to a healthy weight, or stay stubborn, cross your fingers, and stay obese. Your choice.

    Here's the link again to the ADA diet if you prefer to not weigh food. It's similar to the Richard Simmon's "Dial-a-Meal" program that helped thousands of obese people lose weight and improve their health.

    Here's a link to a book with exchange lists. If you PM me your address, I'll mail you mine. Or if you have a kindle, I will send you a gift card (if you give me your kindle/amazon info).

    STFU. Stop making excuses. Stop whining. Open your eyes.

    Edit for: mixed up my Simmons...
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I made fish pie the other night, one not very large portion came out to nearly 900 calories versus the mostly sub 500 calorie entries in the database. A slightly larger portion with some veggies on the side and that could be a 1000 plus calorie meal! You have no idea what you're eating if you don't know exactly what is in the meal and what a reasonable serving actually looks like.

    Aside from that, men of your age lose weight all the time so all these metabolic slowing excuses you're coming up with don't really hold much water. It's about your logging. End of story. Because science. But you defy science don't you, little special snowflake.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    If you really don't want to weigh your food, try this experiment. For one week eat only packaged or frozen meals. The calorie counts will be off by 10% and you will have more sodium than usual, but your calories will be pretty accurate. Eat a frozen meal for lunch and dinner. Eat two eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast. No added condiments. Nothing that needs to be weighed or measured. See if you lose weight after a week. If you do lose weight, then you will know you have been inaccurate in your tracking by enough to make a difference. Buy a scale and stop with the excuses. One week of truly eating 1200 calories and you should lose some weight, even with the added sodium. If you haven't lost any weight on a week of 1200 calories per day of premeasured food, then something is definitely wrong.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    dmt4641 wrote: »
    If you really don't want to weigh your food, try this experiment. For one week eat only packaged or frozen meals. The calorie counts will be off by 10% and you will have more sodium than usual, but your calories will be pretty accurate. Eat a frozen meal for lunch and dinner. Eat two eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast. No added condiments. Nothing that needs to be weighed or measured. See if you lose weight after a week. If you do lose weight, then you will know you have been inaccurate in your tracking by enough to make a difference. Buy a scale and stop with the excuses. One week of truly eating 1200 calories and you should lose some weight, even with the added sodium. If you haven't lost any weight on a week of 1200 calories per day of premeasured food, then something is definitely wrong.

  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Let's assume your dinner is 1730 calories... how would you know? Because you're eyeballing it? Have you checked out the link I sent you to the ADA? Their exchange diet has helped lots of people lose weight without scales.

    I did check it out and will use it. A 1730 calorie dinner would be some dinner!

    The scale question was a actually a serious one. I just looked at our bread package. Each slice is 43 grams for 120 calories. From here, I suppose you would divide the grams into the total calories to get a 'cals per gram' unit of measure which, in this case, would be 2.8 cals per gram. So if 1 slice of bread actually measured 45 grams instead of 43 are people actually adding an additional 5 calories??? Seriously?

    Listen to us, trust us, and get to a healthy weight, or stay stubborn, cross your fingers, and stay obese. Your choice.

    Here's the link again to the ADA diet if you prefer to not weigh food. It's similar to the Richard Simmon's "Dial-a-Meal" program that helped thousands of obese people lose weight and improve their health.

    Here's a link to a book with exchange lists. If you PM me your address, I'll mail you mine. Or if you have a kindle, I will send you a gift card (if you give me your kindle/amazon info).

    STFU. Stop making excuses. Stop whining. Open your eyes.

    Edit for: mixed up my Simmons...

    YOU are awesome!
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    A lot of people under estimate their calorie intake.

    if you move more, you can eat more. :P
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    TnTWalter wrote: »
    dmt4641 wrote: »
    If you really don't want to weigh your food, try this experiment. For one week eat only packaged or frozen meals. The calorie counts will be off by 10% and you will have more sodium than usual, but your calories will be pretty accurate. Eat a frozen meal for lunch and dinner. Eat two eggs and a piece of toast for breakfast. No added condiments. Nothing that needs to be weighed or measured. See if you lose weight after a week. If you do lose weight, then you will know you have been inaccurate in your tracking by enough to make a difference. Buy a scale and stop with the excuses. One week of truly eating 1200 calories and you should lose some weight, even with the added sodium. If you haven't lost any weight on a week of 1200 calories per day of premeasured food, then something is definitely wrong.


    Pretty genius, actually!
  • mgoddard1527
    mgoddard1527 Posts: 20 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    Let's assume your dinner is 1730 calories... how would you know? Because you're eyeballing it? Have you checked out the link I sent you to the ADA? Their exchange diet has helped lots of people lose weight without scales.

    I did check it out and will use it. A 1730 calorie dinner would be some dinner!

    Actually it's not really. Case in point....I used to routinely go to one of my favorite local places for a chopped salad. It came with some really yummy house dressing and a lemon poppy seed muffin. Sounds pretty healthy, huh? Well, when I stated counting calories, here's what I found: the salad is 400 calories, one dressing packet, 250 and they gave two. And the kicker? The little yummy muffin had 495! That right there is 1400 calories. Never mind the slice of chocolate cake I would get for 350 calories (less than the muffin, mind you but still) no, doing that many calories for a meal is not out of scope. If you don't know that and won't log, well then.....good luck to you!
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »

    STFU. Stop making excuses. Stop whining. Open your eyes.

    Edit for: mixed up my Simmons...

    QFT lol i am SHOCKED that this thread is going on. and on. and on. and i am also SHOCKED that i keep replying.

    lazers loading!


  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    edited August 2015
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Anyway, for me I just meant that if you would put the same amount of effort you've expended finding all these outlandish reasons you mustn't be losing weight into getting a food scale, you could obtain one, free or not. There's no point pretending the reason you don't have one isn't because you're resisting the idea tooth and nail. There just isn't.

    Whether they are "outlandish" or not remains to be seen. It is fairly well established that older men suffer from several hormonal deficiencies and all have adverse effects on causing a loss of lean muscle mass and adding adipose fat. Restricting calories and increasing exercise can slow the process but not stop it entirely.

    I had 2 cups of coffee for breakfast @ 35 calories. This afternoon for lunch my wife made tuna salad sandwiches. The entire can of tuna was 120 calories, 2 tablespoons of mayo at 180 calories, sliced tomato and lettuce on a roll that was supposedly 180 calories. So, the total tuna salad which we split was 300 calories divided in half was 150 calories a piece, 180 for the roll and about 35 for the tomato and lettuce equals around 365 calories for lunch. This is a typical lunch for me. Let's assume my dinner will have twice the calories at 730. This equals 1130 calories eaten by evening. My TDEE is 2150. So, I have 1000 calories to go after dinner.

    If I had a scale I could weigh the roll or the tuna but what would that tell me that the package didn't already tell me? I suppose the mayo could be off but it would have to REALLY be off.

    OK, let's break this down a bit.

    - coffee: itself has virtually no calories, so what exactly did you add to it to come to the 35 calories figure? sugar, milk, cream? in what quantities? if you had two cups, and you added any of the above, this number feels low.

    - lunch: were the two tablespoons done with measuring table spoon, with the mayo flattened off? If yes, then your 180 cals figure is reasonable. If however, it was with a regular tablespoon, and done in the more "rounded" or "heaping" manner, than you can probably triple those calories.
    - Did you share the tuna exactly evenly, or like in my house, did you eat 60%, and your wife at 40%? If so, that's another 20% calorie increase for you.
    - The roll could easily be 300 cals, rather than 180.
    - NET: your 365 cals could have been 650 cals

    - dinner: Using your own scaling assumption, if your dinner was twice the caloric content of your lunch, or 1300 cals, your total for the day has exceeded 2000 cals.

    This is why we've been emphasising the importance of accurate weighing and measuring when determining intake.
    We've all been there. Until we started weighing and measuring, we had no clue by how much we had been previously overeating. This, along with your weight hovering in the 230s, is why we are convinced you are taking in more calories than you believe you are.

    Edited to add - you've previous noted having a snack or two each day. You didn't list those. What were they? There could be several hundred more calories here as well.