August 2015 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 - hope the ankle is okay
    @kristinegift - it's more humid in the morning usually that is why it feels hotter or so Al Roker said the other day
    @pandora_and_her_box 9.3 miles on the TM you are a beast I couldn't do it
    @shanaber - sorry you aren't feeling well :-( I don't understand why you can't run 40 mpg with Hobbs. ha ha Same with you @honunui I can see Lily looking at you like come on!
    @mwyvr "up the face of the Grouse Mountain" what was enough for me to read. First it looks so beautiful, second holy crap!

    Anyone have a race this weekend??
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    shanaber wrote: »

    'Running is just a form of exercise until you love it. It’s exercise until your training takes you beyond the emphasis on effort and into the realm of ease. It’s exercise until the physical becomes spiritual. It’s exercise until “have to” or “should” becomes “I get to,” “I can’t wait to,” or “I can’t imagine not.” It’s exercise until the daily try becomes more interesting and important than the outcome. It’s exercise until the energy becomes essential. It’s exercise until you forget to care what you look like doing it, or what you look like because of it.'

    This is beautiful!

    Sadly, I had an unplanned rest day. Woke up late AND my right ankle was very sore and puffy.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @shanaber - Ha! VJ the greyhound is a horrible running partner! He smokes me for the first 1/4 to 1/2 mile and then wants to go home for a nap! No endurance, that one.

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles
    8/21 - 3.5 miles - overslept a bit so I knew I couldn't do the 4.5 I wanted ended up with a 10:15 pace, felt great.

    87.4 miles of 120


    Wow. Amazing runs and amazing schedule. By the way, since I am kind of newbie, can you tell me how you plan "rest days"--what do you factor into that?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @snha thank you I'm probably about mid range on mileage in this group. I usually just plan to rest on Wednesdays if life doesn't get in the way. I try to do a long run on the weekend (when I have more time) so by Wednesday my legs are usually pretty tired. Some in the group use a more defined training schedule, some don't run after a long cycling day or leg day at the gym. Rest days are important though, you body needs a chance to regroup. I did a 41 day running streak challenge and it definitely wasn't to my benefit, my legs were just tired all the time.

    Rest days don't necessarily mean laying on the couch, you can do yoga, walk, weight train something besides the running motion.

  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member

    So I'm done with the run and I'm walking my dog and this guy who I see from time to time runs by and says "are you done for the day?" "yes I am" "how many did you do" "alittle over 3 got my long run tomorrow" "oh I don't do that long running I'm in it for the long haul you'll just get hurt and not be able to run as you get older 3 is all you need (blah blah blah)" I just look at him and I'm thinking "hey fellow runner thanks for the support!!". Geesh!

    well isnt he all sunshine and lollipops lol

    i was reading earlier about a woman in her 80's who runs marathons, someone should really warn her about how shes not going to be able to run when shes old :)
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited August 2015
    So I'm done with the run and I'm walking my dog and this guy who I see from time to time runs by and says "are you done for the day?" "yes I am" "how many did you do" "alittle over 3 got my long run tomorrow" "oh I don't do that long running I'm in it for the long haul you'll just get hurt and not be able to run as you get older 3 is all you need (blah blah blah)" I just look at him and I'm thinking "hey fellow runner thanks for the support!!". Geesh!

    @skippygirlsmom man, it's enough getting bad "advice" from non-runners but from runners... yikes.

    @shanaber Sure, those dogs are fast. For the first part of the run. :smile: Talk to them after 10 or 15 miles!
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @honunui - Hobbes the Vizsla agrees we don't run fast enough for them!

    Love it! Hope you feel better soon!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Question for the runners out there who are (or have in the past) done two-a-day runs regularly...

    I am finding my schedule a bit difficult lately to hit my weekly miles based on the focus on lots of long, slow miles. Mainly, the biggest issue is that my shortest run in my normal schedule right now is 8 miles, which for me can take 1:45 to 2 hours even! My weekend long runs I am not so concerned with, but I also have a mid-week long run on Wednesdays of 12 miles currently, which can take from 2:45 to 3 hours (more if I have to make rest stops).

    Getting a 2-3 hour block of contiguous time is what is wrong. Mornings used to be when I would fit these in, but with this mileage and times it is difficult to do that when I have to wake the first kid up for school at 5:45am, meaning I would have to be up around 3am, or even 2am on a long run day in order to be dressed, ready, all that and out the door in time. Not practical at all.

    Evenings are a nice backup when possible, but many times not realistic either. The only thing dependable is getting them out of the way in the morning. After that, maybe I can run later...maybe not.

    So I am giving a lot of thought to running twice a day. Say a 4 or 6 miler in the morning. I could wake up for that much easier. And then later in the day fit in another one.

    So my main question is, if my goal was 8 miles on a given day, would two 4 milers give me the same benefit? Same with higher mileage?

    I am not doing speedwork, just focusing on lots of miles and trying to continue building my strength, endurance, form and pace.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    So I'm done with the run and I'm walking my dog and this guy who I see from time to time runs by and says "are you done for the day?" "yes I am" "how many did you do" "alittle over 3 got my long run tomorrow" "oh I don't do that long running I'm in it for the long haul you'll just get hurt and not be able to run as you get older 3 is all you need (blah blah blah)" I just look at him and I'm thinking "hey fellow runner thanks for the support!!". Geesh!

    well isnt he all sunshine and lollipops lol

    i was reading earlier about a woman in her 80's who runs marathons, someone should really warn her about how shes not going to be able to run when shes old :)

    LOL I should have told him that!

    mwyvr wrote: »

    @skippygirlsmom man, it's enough getting bad "advice" from non-runners but from runners... yikes.

    I thought the same thing. I was too shocked to even respond.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Question for the runners out there who are (or have in the past) done two-a-day runs regularly...

    I am finding my schedule a bit difficult lately to hit my weekly miles based on the focus on lots of long, slow miles. Mainly, the biggest issue is that my shortest run in my normal schedule right now is 8 miles, which for me can take 1:45 to 2 hours even! My weekend long runs I am not so concerned with, but I also have a mid-week long run on Wednesdays of 12 miles currently, which can take from 2:45 to 3 hours (more if I have to make rest stops).

    Getting a 2-3 hour block of contiguous time is what is wrong. Mornings used to be when I would fit these in, but with this mileage and times it is difficult to do that when I have to wake the first kid up for school at 5:45am, meaning I would have to be up around 3am, or even 2am on a long run day in order to be dressed, ready, all that and out the door in time. Not practical at all.

    Same problem I am having! I just sort of gave up my long runs once I had to go back to work 2 weeks ago (teacher), which makes me nervous due to my HM in October. I don't have any kids at home anymore, but I can't get up any earlier than 4am and then after work it's too hot to run for me. Once it cools down (late Nov/Dec in Florida), then I can maybe run after work. By then the HM is over ... and I seem to be a morning runner. If the weather people could actually predict what the temps/humidity would be in the evening I could try to run then, but the rain/temps are just not predictable apparently.

    @skippygirlsmom - wow, what a nerve to say that to you! Is he some running expert or what! Hey! I didn't know that my weight training days or cycling days counted as "rest days". That's good news for me! I thought rest day was not doing any of my 3 exercises. So I'm doing good then! :wink:

    @ruqayyahsmum -- lol, sunshine and lollipops :smiley:

    @shanaber - Love that picture! All you dog runners are really making me think about getting a running partner!

    @karllundy - hope ankle is better quickly!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 you need a don't move rest day LOL

    With all the hot weather I thought I'd remind everyone of winter running is...

    Here are some reminders why winter running sucks:

    — Running below a certain temperature is not safe: When weather gets well below freezing, not only is a workout outside downright miserable, it can be dangerous. That type of road leads to the treadmill, which nearly all runners dread. To be fair, the summer also brings temperatures that are unsafe to run in — helloooo what feels like one million degrees — but if you can be flexible with getting a run in during the early morning hours or late evening hours, you can typically beat the dangerous heat.

    — You wear layers and are cold two minutes after your run ends: You’ve bundled up and finished your run feeling strong and, most importantly, warm. Two minutes later, you’re absolutely freezing. It’s insane how quickly sweat makes you feel cold in the winter months. In the summer, on the other hand, you finish a run and can hang out in your shorts and tank for a while before hitting the showers. (Granted, you do stink more.)

    — Fingers feel frozen even when you wear gloves: You found some gloves, eh? Think that’ll keep the tips of your fingers warm? Not so much. In the coldest days of winter and especially when the wind is blowing, it can feel like nothing will keep your fingers toasty. Even worse are the days you start out with gloves, then overheat and have to take them off after a couple miles with nowhere to stow them. - so me!

    — Frozen eyelashes or beards and icicles in your hair: You think you’re doing OK until you take a selfie mid-run or look in the mirror afterward. Then you’re shocked to see your eyelashes frozen together or a nice icicle hanging from your beard. Run in the snow or sleet and your hair will be completely covered in little ice bits. Fun!

    — It is dark for what feels like all the time: The sun doesn’t rise until after 7 in the morning and sets around 5 in the evening. Basically, it feels like it’s dark 24/7, and you’re always running before the sun rises (it's starting already) or after it sets. In the summer, on the other hand, you have nearly 15 hours of glorious daylight.

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I am going to miss my already sad goal for this month. I had a grad school group project due this week that kind of just took over everything I had planned for the week. I was finally able to get out for three miles this morning though and it was nice to relieve some stress. I guess my biggest goal for the month was to run outside without pain in my leg and I met that goal.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    So I am giving a lot of thought to running twice a day. Say a 4 or 6 miler in the morning. I could wake up for that much easier. And then later in the day fit in another one.

    So my main question is, if my goal was 8 miles on a given day, would two 4 milers give me the same benefit? Same with higher mileage?

    I am not doing speedwork, just focusing on lots of miles and trying to continue building my strength, endurance, form and pace.

    OK. My 2 pennies for what it is worth.

    First off, if you have a weekend long run in your schedule already, you don't have to worry about a long run during the week. I would think that the overall weekly volume to support your weekend long run is what really counts.

    With that said, in general speaking terms relating to the long run, 2x 4 milers would not equal 1x 8 miler. Again, since you already have a weekend long run in your schedule, this may not apply to you.

    The long run which lasts 90-150 minutes has great benefits to a runner. You are basically exhausting your supply of glycogen slowly (assuming you are running your LR below your LT) forcing you to rely more on fatty acids for fuel as the LR goes on. You are stressing your body to make adaptions by producing more enzymes to burn fat and use it as fuel (over time). Stressing the body to build more capillaries, and strengthening all your muscles, joints, bones, ligiments, ect. Also, as the LR goes on, your slower twitch muscle fibers begin to exhaust, forcing you to engage your medium twitch, then faster twitch muscles fibers. Breaking the run up by resting in between doesn't give you all these benefits. The LR also builds mental fitness and makes use of your endorphins and other neutransmitters (which give you that runner's high). Benefits that don't come with breaking the LR up.

    What it sounds like is that you could benefit from a more holistic training plan.

    Since you already have a long run planned (probably on a Saturday or Sunday), you will do fine with splitting up longer weekday workouts into 2. I personally like to declare 2 days of the week (Tue and Thurs) as my "hard" days, in addition to my Saturday LR. Tue and Thurs I will fit in 4 miles worth steady pace run at or near "tempo" pace, followed up with a couple recovery miles, then followed up with strides. or some other variation relating to this.

    In your case, you may benefit from something similar where in the morning (twice a week) you may run a bit faster than normal then take it easier pace at night for those 2 miles. Or maybe run hills in that morning and run flats at night.

    Again, my 2 pennies.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2015

    — You wear layers and are cold two minutes after your run ends: You’ve bundled up and finished your run feeling strong and, most importantly, warm. Two minutes later, you’re absolutely freezing. It’s insane how quickly sweat makes you feel cold in the winter months. In the summer, on the other hand, you finish a run and can hang out in your shorts and tank for a while before hitting the showers. (Granted, you do stink more.)

    — Fingers feel frozen even when you wear gloves: You found some gloves, eh? Think that’ll keep the tips of your fingers warm? Not so much. In the coldest days of winter and especially when the wind is blowing, it can feel like nothing will keep your fingers toasty. Even worse are the days you start out with gloves, then overheat and have to take them off after a couple miles with nowhere to stow them. - so me!

    — It is dark for what feels like all the time: The sun doesn’t rise until after 7 in the morning and sets around 5 in the evening. Basically, it feels like it’s dark 24/7, and you’re always running before the sun rises (it's starting already) or after it sets. In the summer, on the other hand, you have nearly 15 hours of glorious daylight.

    In addition, running in the dark in layers of clothing get's you mistaken for a crew that is ready to break into the Regions Bank and commit the crime of the century.

    You heard of Ocean's 11? Meet Panera's 15.
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    checking in.
    8.1 0
    8.2 Sunday off
    8.3 3 mi
    8.4 3 mi
    8.5 3 mi
    8.6 skipped
    8.7 2-3 mi [sprint intervals]
    8.8 2.5 mi
    8.9 Sunday off
    8.10 3 mi
    8.11 3 mi
    8.12 3 mi
    8.13 2.5 mi
    8.14 3 mi
    8.15 4 mi
    8.16 Sunday Off
    8.17 3 mi
    8.18 3 mi
    8.19 4 mi
    8.20 3 mi
    8.21 4 mi
    so far = 49 miles
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    MFP August Running Challenge:
    I got 1 mile on the treadmill this morning in warm ups. Then this afternoon took the kids to the Lake. My teenager fished while me and the little ones hit the trail to the Dam. With my "personal trainers" on their bikes and me running in tow we did 3 miles in under 36 mins.

    August Goal: 45 miles
    Completed: 37
    >>>>>>>>>>>> 8 to go <<<<<<<<<<<
  • Dichotomy1976
    Dichotomy1976 Posts: 93 Member
    2/8: 8.1 Miles
    4/8: 3.8 Miles
    6/8: 3.8 Miles
    11/8: 9.1 Miles
    14/8: 5.0 Miles
    19/8: 3.1 Miles
    21/8: 11.2 Miles


  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Back to Date Run Fridays, an easy flat 8km with Sue and Kady, glad to take it easy today, saving it up for the challenging "run" up Grouse tomorrow.

    Month to date:		140.61 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (43% completed)
    Aug 21 08.10 km Date Run Friday. Low HR.
    Aug 20 14.60 km Taking it easy along the river 
    Aug 19 14.10 km Mountain trail run
    Aug 18 10.08 km Lake trail run
    Aug 17 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 16 16.87 km HR up 20bpm over normal for pace, drugs?
    Aug 15 -----    Off for health
    Aug 14 -----    Off for health
    Aug 13 14.75 km Urine colour: Amber Ale bordering on Stout. Call 911.
    Aug 12 13.70 km Up at 0530H to beat the heat
    Aug 11 -----    Life Day
    Aug 10 -----    Life Day
    Aug 09 08.09 km Gentle welcome home date-run with Sue
    Aug 08 12.27 km Great cool run along Lake Sammamish near Seattle
    Aug 07 06.04 km Short run before really loooong driving day, bye bye Montana
    Aug 06 -----    Rest Day / 10km hiking in Swan Range, Montana
    Aug 05 08.09 km Easy trail in Bigfork Montana
    Aug 04 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 03 03.35 km Quick jaunt before long driving day, bye bye Alberta
    Aug 02 -----    Cycling while visiting family
    Aug 01 10.60 km Trails both wide + single track