Join me on a NO EATING after 7:30 pm challenge



  • coco_ajax
    coco_ajax Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join in!
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Ill join
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    What's the motivation for not eating after 7:30pm?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    but why?
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I am not sure I understand the point. What is the purpose?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    bummer...most nights I'm not even home until around 7 - 7:30....guess I'm out.
  • LPlovescake
    LPlovescake Posts: 18 Member
    This would make me feel sad
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    I lost all my weight eating at night but if it helps you control your calorie intake, good luck.

    Just FYI, meal timing doesn't matter for weight loss.
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    Made it two days so far eating a bit earlier and it gave me time for a post dinner walk!
  • kikiwomack7
    kikiwomack7 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm down
  • ConniMartin
    ConniMartin Posts: 48 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    What's the motivation for not eating after 7:30pm?
    I am not sure I understand the point. What is the purpose?
    Most binge eaters do it at night
  • ConniMartin
    ConniMartin Posts: 48 Member
    Some people have a bing problem not a healthy way to eat, and they mostly do this at night in front of a tv, so my challenge is to stop that.
  • makemybodysing
    makemybodysing Posts: 30 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    but why?

    I'm sure you've heard of the various fasting diets around. Some of the research indicates that fasting for a whole day isn't necessary, and that if you just make your overnight fast longer (i.e stop eating earlier and have breakfast a bit later), that can also enhance weight loss. There are only a couple of research studies on it so far but it doesn't hurt to try, IMO.
  • soinbnsng
    soinbnsng Posts: 65 Member
    I want to try this!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Some people have a bing problem not a healthy way to eat, and they mostly do this at night in front of a tv, so my challenge is to stop that.

    Then maybe you should call it a no bingeing after 7:30pm challenge.

    I don't have BED, but I have friends on my FL who do, and I'm pretty sure they would tell you that a true binge has nothing to do with mindlessly eating in front of the television. It is a compulsion that takes over, and the last thing they are thinking about is watching a tv show while they are doing it.

    If you are talking about controlling late night snacking to help stay within your calorie deficit for the day, then that is something different than a binge. Additionally, there is no research that indicates that meal timing has anything to do with weight loss.

  • ConniMartin
    ConniMartin Posts: 48 Member
    What ever motivates people I will try, you sound like you want to diminish people and simple goals
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    What ever motivates people I will try, you sound like you want to diminish people and simple goals

    Not at all. I'm in favor of whatever works for an individual to help meet his or her own goals. I was just curious about the motivation for why you believed this challenge was necessary or beneficial.

    I'm not a fan of blanket statements like, "most people binge at night so we should all make a pact to not eat after a certain arbitrary time" because while that may be helpful for some people to have a challenge like that, for others, it may end up having the opposite effect. If they slip and have some ice cream after dinner one evening, they may think, "aw to heck with it, I already blew it so I might as well eat the entire pint".

    Also, as stated earlier, meal timing has no direct link to weight loss, it is simply a matter of personal preference. If having a challenge like this helps people stay within their calorie deficit for the day and meet their goals, I think that's fantastic, but it's not better or going to have different results than people who maintain their calorie deficit and eat all hours of the day and night.

    (Written as I pace in my basement because I'm behind on my steps for the FitBit challenge this week).
  • strongjess1980
    strongjess1980 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in, if it's not too late!
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    I am so far on track. This challenge works for me--I tend to snack after dinner without something reminding me that I don't need to have ice cream to go to sleep!