

  • eotrg
    eotrg Posts: 20 Member
    Hello to everyone, I feel as if I've been away forever, but it's really only been a couple of weeks. My DH has been ill, and it has really kept me occupied. (We have been married for nearly 36 years. (I was 18, when we married, and I will be 54 in about 8 hours. He's 9 years older than I am, though and he has some rather serious ongoing medical issues. However, we are coping, and SO happy to be travelling this life's road together!)

    I have been popping in to read occasionally, and am always a bit intimidated by how busy everyone seems to be! Sometimes, it seems I am barely keeping up with hubby and sometimes getting to love on my baby great-grandson JJ, who will be 4 weeks old on Sunday!

    (BTW, if anyone is curious as to how I'm a great-grandmother at 54, my hubby was married before. He married at 19 had 2 children and they divorced 5 years later. We met each other a year after his divorce, and were married only 7 months after we met.) We were never blessed with children of our own, but his daughter did have a daughter, and we recently became great grandparents, when she and her hubby had their first child on Mother's Day.)

    Anyway, thank you to Mary for posting the update from me, and for keeping me in mind while I've been away. Thank you to all of your good wishes.

    HUGS to you Dee. I was sad to hear of Katy's passing, and pray that you and her family and loved ones are comforted by your faith and the loving gift of organ donation that will allow others to be blessed by her life as well.

    Well, hopefully, my hubby will have a good day tomorrow, and we can enjoy the wonderful weather we are having here in North Central Ohio.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Birthday tomorrow, Deborah!

    Welcome to newcomers! No need to ask to join us, just jump in! We love new company!

    Whoever had the lemon basil dressing, yes, recipe please.

    I just got home from playing my first summer band concert, and need to do some chores before bed. Goodnight, all!
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hello all you beautiful ladies!!
    I got my exercise today taking little two inch tiles off my countertop. I actually got one counter done, even though the crowbar came down on my finger and smashed it. It wasn't bad enough to stop me but I sure did walk around the house yelping for awhile. No bad words mind you but the dog wandered what in the world happened? I burned lots of calories so I'm sure it was all worth it. I know it will be when I have granite on my counters!! I've thought about what I was doing when I first joined MFP and lost the 20 pounds this Fall. I was drinking my 10 gl. of water, eating between 1200 and1300 cal. , exercising an hour a day, and I'm back to doing just that again. It feels good to have rededicated myself to this. Spring I didn't gain or lose, stayed the same but Summer it's going to be a different story!! Rose
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I had enough energy to read all the posts......welcome to all the new members----I hope you'll keep coming back and sharing with us:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: but no brain or energy to reply :laugh: filled my day with dancing, walking with poodles, doing errands, starting to make chicken soup for a dinner party tomorrow, and watching the finals of the big spelling bee (there was only one word that I'd ever heard before n the six rounds I watched) I thought I was a good speller until I watched that. :laugh:
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Wow, Birdie, that was quite a shocker. It's one thing to live in a bedroom community but to have it happen right next door?!

    Dee - condolences.

    Mimi - I know about Food Inc but am not sure I have the stomach to watch it. Fortunately, Forks Over Knives doesn't show the horrors of the food industry. It just focuses on the correlation of our food choices to our health issues. Very well done.

    Re: some of the discussions on potlucks, I echo what some of you have already said. I eat before I go or I take something that I like to eat. Tonight, my son and dtr in law had a birthday party for my grandson - pizza, birthday cake and caesar salad. I ate the salad but had something to eat before I went there so I wasn't that hungry, therefore not tempted.

    Regarding my quest to be sugar free -- today one of my clients brought me a tray of 15 delicious looking pastries from an Armenian Bakery. Believe it or not, I did not have one bite. Not even the chocolate ones. Nor did I have any birthday cake.
    That's huge for me...especially the chocolate ones.

    Michelle - the Tofutti better than cream cheese is in the refrigerated section, with other tofu products. I found mine at Trader Joes. I imagine health food stores have it too. Mind you I have only been sugar free for 4 days now.

    Deborah - Happy Birthday and thinking positive thoughts for your DH

    TGIF Joy
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Deborah, happy birthday (a couple of hours early). I hope your DH is well enough to enjoy the day with you. The two of you sound like a loving couple. I'm happy for you. :heart:

    I was excited to record my first progress on the walking challenge. I put myself down for 600 minutes of walking for the month. That's not a tremendous amount ... should be doable ... but is exciting nevertheless. I never, in a million years, would have thought I'd enjoy walking much less join a walking challenge.

    Got home late this evening so had just a light dinner. I miss having veggies but am not going to eat them just to say I did!

    My little dog is being a total pesky pest tonight. :laugh: She gets wound up in the evening anyway but, after being cooped up in the car for a good long while, she's twice as naughty. She could play tug-of-war (her favorite game) for hours longer than I want to and gives me a hard time when I want to stop. :noway: These are the times when I wish I had a second little dog for her to play with. I'm not up for the additional challenges when I'm visiting family though.

    Time for bed and our last game of the night. I throw the covers over Izzy and she races around underneath trying to get out while I laugh my head off. She never gets tired of this game but, eventually, I do. She doesn't settle down until I turn the lights out.

    I've heard laughing is good for you. She certainly adds a lot of laughter to my life. :happy:

    Good night.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    For those who missed my previous post: www.forksoverknives.com

    For the article on sugar, google NY Times - sugar

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    These past few weeks I haven't been on the forum as much as I'd have liked, but it's been a rough couple of weeks and I really didn't have a whole lot to share. I told you about Katy.....I've spent these weeks with Katy's mom so there hasn't been much happiness. Katy's parents had to make the decision to take Katy off life support which happened this morning, so Katy has gone home to the Lord. Her kidneys, however, will live on and save the lives of two people.....a beautiful thing. Katy impacted the lives of many people, so there will be lots of smiles and good stories as we celebrate her life. You are the first I have shared this with and it felt good because I am ready to move on. I'm going to move on by going out for my walk!


    How very difficult for you and Katy's family!:brokenheart: I'm sorry for your loss....but I'm sure Katy's in a better place. Stay strong! We ARE all here for you!!:flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to agree with Birdie, we are here for you :heart:
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Hi all!
    I would like to be a part of your fine group. I am 52 years old. I am an ultra marathoner. You would think I'm in great shape, well I am except when I went through menopause I gained some weight that I haven't been able to shed despite everything I have tried. Well, I discovered this site about three weeks or so ago and have already dropped 8.5 pounds. Even though I was very active, I never really knew how many calories I really needed and didn't really know how to track them. This site has literally changed my life!

    I run with a group on Thursday nights called the "Crooked River Trail Runners". A lot of us drop off during the winter and I hadn't seen this one girl since last year. Last night she took one look at me and said "look at you, you've lost weight"!! I was ecstatic as she is the first one who has noticed! Now I know it must be working!!

    My June goal is to continue to lose weight, eat healthy, and hopefully make my running easier and lighter! I want to continue to do different cross-training and keep it all different and fun! I'd love to be under 135 pounds by the end of June. :drinker:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Mimi - Congrats on your first walking log! 600 minutes! That IS exciting! Your lovely wee dog sounds like she will like the new challenge too? I hope so! I'm out for a long walk tomorrow so taking it easy today. The sun is shining and I intend to make the most of it - once round the park then sit and read my book with a coffee in the sun.

    Joy- Forks and Knives looks interesting - I watched the trailer. It's not out yet in UK, maybe it won't be as it seems to be aimed at
    US, though the problem is the same for us here too. I'll look out for it and maybe get the dvd later. I'm not vegan or vegetarian but
    I am trying to focus more on fruit and veg with smaller portions of meat - or none at all.

    Gale - Congrats on your loss of 8.5 pounds! You seem ultra fit and I'm sure you'll meet your goal quite easily! Good luck in that!

    Now I'm off to time my walk round the park - I may do it twice if I have the energy... Let's see! Have a great day, everyone!
  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    Good morning all. I have been with MFP since the end of February, have lost 38 lbs so far and am committed to reaching my goal. I'm 51. This thread is just what I have been looking for! Happy June! My June goal is to make it through my vacation without gaining weight and to beat this plateau that I have hit. Have a happy day.:flowerforyou:
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning Ladies: Hope everyone is having a lovely day.

    Dee, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Deborah - Happy Birthday. I hope you have a glorious day.

    To the newbies - welcome. I have only been on this site a little while myself but it is most enjoyable and anyone who would like, please send me a friend request.

    I will try and post more later on but I have to run. Work has been terrible lately; I am getting here at 7 a.m. and leaving at 6 .m. - and my commute is over an hour each way so my days are too long right now. Unfortunately I am not exercising the way I would like too but this weekend I will try and get some more exercise in. I am just too beat when I get home.

    Anyway, Ladies. Have a wonderful day and I will try and catch up later in the day if I can get some spare time. I just wanted to check in before the thread "got away from me".

    Talk to you soon.

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing O.K.

    It's good to see our group is growing. Welcome everybody. I see some of those that have been on this thread awhile are rethinking their goals and that's a good thing.

    Friday is my weighin day and I was pleasantly surprised to find I lost another lb. That's 2 for this week! For me that's good, I only lost 5.5 lbs all of May. I'm a happy girl.:flowerforyou:

    Since I've been swimming and walking more my DH tells me I have "hot" legs. I told him I was thrilled to hear that but at 60 yrs old I think I lost any chance of hot legs years ago. He is a goof, he's sweet and supportive but goofy.

    Everybody have a wonderful day. It's supposed to be hot and humid today, let's hope all of us can get through a day without severe weather.

    God Bless everyone.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi All!

    Just stopped in to say hi! It is an absolutely gorgeous day here.....cool, low humidity....the kind that gives you lots of energy. Carpe Diem! I am ready to take it on. :smile: Actually, I am waiting for the washer repairman.:ohwell: My washer stopped working full of water and clothes on Monday. I will be soooooooooooooooooo glad to have it back. I did necessaries at the neighbor's and DD's, but still laundry has piled up. How can two people use so much stuff! Heavenly days!

    Does anyone know if there's a way to "wipe out" all the food lists that have accumulated in my diary? I'd like to start over from scratch. It bothers me that there's so much stuff in there that I ate once and never again. :grumble: I wish there was a way to delete from the 'recent' pages.

    Gotta go. Talk to you later.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Happy Birthday Deborah. Enjoy your day. Got my walking again. Was asleep on the first block but then I woke up. LOL. Going to spend the day with some friends to celebrate my birthday late. We always celebrate each others and we were all busy a few weeks ago. so I get to celebrate again. Going to OLive Garden so I will have the salad again. will ty to post later. Have a good day.
    Vicki M
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Work has been terrible lately...here at 7 a.m. and leaving at 6 p.m....days are too long ...just too beat when I get home.
    Cathy, been there too! Please try a 20-30 minute lunchwalk. I struggle taking a break when I'm working long hours just to cover the basics, but am blessed with a co-worker who urges/leads me out for a lunchwalk almost daily. Helps not just weight, but attitude! Always feel like I can't spare the time when she asks/insists... then always feel better and like I am more effective/productive when I get back. She's a blessing!
    Jackie, at bottom right of food list is a Delete button. Check all the ones you want to disappear, and delete them away!
    Thanks to everyone's pot luck suggestions, I've re-thought what I'll take to Saturday's Line Dance workshop. It was going to be (high sodium, high fat, high carb) Lutheran Grief Casserole (chicken, cream o' soups, swiss cheese, Stovetop stuffing). It IS yummy, best reheated the second day, and easy to swallow when you've been crying... but NOT HEALTHY. Soooo instead I'll grill some asparagus (Thanks SMVQ!) and pineapple spears and wrap them in (low sodium if I can get it) deli ham and turkey. Will finish 'em off on the Foreman so they don't unwrap before lunch. Thank you all for inspiring the second thought!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    For ALL our June birthdays'!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies! Good Morning!

    This thread goes So fast, I can't keep up with the pages. BUT I TRY And Read it all :blushing:

    Mary........ Happy belated Anniversary :flowerforyou:
    Rose.......I MISS YOU!!!!! WELCOME.... Please Add me If you want me back :blushing:
    JOY.......... Thank You for the SUGAR link. Thats a big one for me. I appreciate it ! More then you know :happy:
    I am definitely trying to watch the sugar content in my foods as of today. How is it going for you?
    For ALL Birthdays In JUNE........ :heart: :flowerforyou: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    My goals last month ( MAY) went out the window. I did poorly which shows on the scale. Gained 5 pounds :sad:

    This Months goals are ........ Staying away from Sugary foods, eating 2 veggies a day and sticking with my weight lifting and exercising at least 30 minutes a day and No Night time gorging. ( IT HAS TO STOP!!!!!!! )

  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    I am So so sorry to hear about Kate's Passing :brokenheart: My heart goes out to you all, her family & you!

    How Is Bandit Doing ?

    I tried wiping out some food from the food diary, But It only seem's to work on the first page for me.
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    ...so Katy has gone home to the Lord. Her kidneys, however, will live on and save the lives of two people.....a beautiful thing. Katy impacted the lives of many people, so there will be lots of smiles and good stories as we celebrate her life.

    Hugs to you and all the rest who Katy knew...