Innocent things your spouse or SO do that ANNOY you to no en



  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I don't like the way he loads the dishwasher. I put all the forks together, all the knives together, etc. and line up the bowls and plates in an orderly fashion. He just sticks it all in willy-nilly. But I appreciate him loading it too much to really complain about it.

    LOL. Oh yeah. This. This too. I wind up going in right after him and rearranging them in a more orderly (i.e., leaves more room) fashion. I'm actually just glad when he remembers to put something *IN* the dishwasher. It usually just winds up on the side of the sink.
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    HELLO, my dear numbnuts?! Thanks for making me re-fold when I want to hang it on the towel rail.

    BAAAHAHAHA! I just completely wasted my last sip of coffee for the day on this one.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    He throws his dirty clothes everywhere but the hamper. On the floor beside the hamper, on the floor in the living room, on the floor in the laundry room.

    Takes out the trash but never puts a new bag in. I guess I should be thankful he's taking out the trash at all, but omg this bugs me.
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm a neat freak~he's not. So lot of things~but mainly when he just throws my clothes from the dryer in a basket leaving them to get all wrinkled and crap-grr. And when his side of the dresser becomes a clutter spot where you can hardly see the dresser anymore. Oh, and hairs in the bathroom sink...ughh, hate that one! haha
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    *sending this thread to my wife so I can find out what I do* (So far almost everything listed) :laugh:
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    The GD hairspray on Effin' EVERYTHING in the bathroom. It's everywhere, catching all of the little dust particles in the air and making the counter tops nastya$$ gross. I had to have my spine surgically repaired because I slipped on the hairspray slick on the floor. TRUE! I thought hairspray was supposed to go ON the hair, not all over the toothbrushes and everything?! I have seriously considered installing one of those vacuum hoods like they use in pharmacies in our bathroom, but I don't want hairspray all over the planet too. WTF???
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    My husband believes it to be a great idea to just leave his damp towels piled on my side of the bed rather than bothering to hang them to dry in the bathroom where they belong. Because, you KNOW I definately appreciate, after a long days work, going to bed to find my side of the sheets and covers cold, musty, and damp.

    Gotta love 'em.
  • dirtyblue
    dirtyblue Posts: 90
    This thread is awesome...

    He can't throw his clothes in the hamper, they get thrown on top. I always remind him the the lid does open.

    He makes all kinds of noise while chewing his food. And he insists, on clearing off his fork with his teeth, god that noise kills me!

    He farts so loud and long, it actually wakes me up and shakes the bed.

    He constantly is leaving on lights, fans and anthing else that has a switch.

    He piles his clothes up in the corner of the bedroom-his clean clothes mind you!

    I have to remind him to take a shower! He can go three days and not remember! Ewwwwww!!!!

    But like evreyone else said, I'm sure he could have a list just as long for me!!!!
  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    Too funny! my hubby is a tree man(cuts them down all day) he comes in the newly swept kitchen and covers it with saw dust and mud from his boots! Mkes his way to the stove and eats right out of the pot with his filthy hands! Thanks god he comes home later where me and the kids already ate !Neanderthal get a fork and a plate! also don't enjoy the bad smelly *kitten* at night, for some reason he only has to fart when we get in bed and he loves to pull the covers up over my head and trap me there! its come to the point with that, that i told him he's going to look funny living the rest of his life with my fist cramed up his *kitten* to plug it!
  • ATXJudie
    ATXJudie Posts: 67 Member
    It's gotta be the clothes thing. They are just all over the bedroom! It takes two extra seconds to put it in the hamper. It is IN the bedroom IN the closet! How hard is that?!?!

    This actually translates to other clutter. Bottles on the counter, when the recycling bin is right UNDER the counter. Trash ON TOP of the trash bin in the bathroom...ON TOP. What?!!! I mean, it would take two extra seconds to put it IN the bin!

    I just don't get it. It is simultaneously mind-blowing, amusing and SO ANNOYING!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    leaving his work clothes all over our second room, then saying.. babe that room is a mess will you clean it.
    taking forever to unlock my door of the car. he has a clicker but for some reason cannot click it twice instead of once.
    saying Death instead of Deaf
    always having a contradicting openion to E V E R Y T H I N G! even if i say oh man i am tired.
    ordering food before me at a restaraunt.
    putting the TV volume at 100.
    talks at the same time as his dad. LOUDLY.
    leaving the ironing board out. every day.
    changing the seat settings in my car.
    he's ALWAYS doing laundry, and makes me fold everything. sometimes i dont wana fold anything!
    the fact that he drives like a cop, making me want to vom by the time we get to our desination
    anddddd lastly........ not saying yes when i get on my knee and ask him to marry me. lol
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Ahh that reminds me lol She doesn't take distance between us in account during conversations. When she talks to me when we are face to face, she'll talk like I'm standing 15 feet away. Or, on the flipside, I will be 15 feet away, she'll talk to me facing AWAY from me in a low voice. Like how am I supposed to hear that?
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    leaving his work clothes all over our second room, then saying.. babe that room is a mess will you clean it.
    taking forever to unlock my door of the car. he has a clicker but for some reason cannot click it twice instead of once.
    saying Death instead of Deaf
    always having a contradicting openion to E V E R Y T H I N G! even if i say oh man i am tired.
    ordering food before me at a restaraunt.
    putting the TV volume at 100.
    talks at the same time as his dad. LOUDLY.
    always asking what i said when i talk. i repeat everything
    makes a clicking noise in his throat.. on purpose.
    leaving the ironing board out. every day.
    changing the seat settings in my car.
    he's ALWAYS doing laundry, and makes me fold everything. sometimes i dont wana fold anything!
    the fact that he drives like a cop, making me want to vom by the time we get to our desination
    anddddd lastly........ not saying yes when i get on my knee and ask him to marry me. lol
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    My husband's a neat-freak and it's borderline OCD and drives me crazy... why can't we just live a lazy, hoarding life with all our unopened packages and cats?!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i just thought of the #1 thing i absolutely cannot stand..... when he opens his mail, leaves the junk in one pile, the EMPTY envelopes in another pile, and the mail he needs to keep for 30 years on the bar........ i got onto him once and threw everthing aways, so he decided to put his mail in MY drawers with my CLOTHES in them! soooo i put them on his pillow, he put them in my drawer, i put them under his pillow, he put them back in my drawer, so i threw those away too.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Ahh that reminds me lol She doesn't take distance between us in account during conversations. When she talks to me when we are face to face, she'll talk like I'm standing 15 feet away. Or, on the flipside, I will be 15 feet away, she'll talk to me facing AWAY from me in a low voice. Like how am I supposed to hear that?

    Ouch. I get yelled at for that all the time. Especially on bike rides. Of course I tell him all the freaking time that he could hear me if, like me, he only put in one ear bud while we ride.
  • angieolive1989
    Beard hairs in the sink are soo gross, how can he not notice them in there, their EVERYWHERE! in and around the sink...yuck.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Either Im really patient with recognizing things that are my problem moreso than his, or we've only been living together for 3 years so I haven't gotten sick of it yet.

    There are a ton of things that used to get to me because I'm obsessive about organizing and cleaning. Now, because I don't work and am at home almost all day every day, I just go ahead and move/clean things he's "messed up".
    I figure if I wasn't here he would leave those things exactly where they were until they needed to be somewhere else, so it's completely my problem that I don't think they go there.

    BUT! There's this noise he makes to clear his sinuses during allergy season that makes me absolutely want to stick a roto-rooter up his nose after about the 8th time he does it and then tries to hack the stuff up.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    He leaves his dirty clothes wherever he takes them off usually and he doesn't push his chair in when he gets up. He tends to procrastinate on things.

    But considering how amazing he is over all... They are a small price to pay.
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    He doesn't like sweets and I have a major sweet tooth but when he gets a goody (like a piece of cake or a chocolate bunny) he will save it FOREVER in the fridge and won't let me eat it. It's like torture.
    He has horrible road rage...which he has since passed on to me.
    He has an annoying habit of always being right...about everything.
    He loves chess and talks about it constantly. I'm glad he has a hobby but I sometimes feel like I'm paying penance for so many years of telling my mom every detail of every episode of Saved By The Bell.