Things I do to annoy my spouse



  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    : poor action..:tongue:
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    i dont wipe the knife clean of jelly before sticking it in the peanut butter... we actually had this argument the other day.... seriously... we were laughing at each by the time it was over.

    HAHAHAHA! I do the exact opposite! I use the peanut butter and then stick the knife in the grape jelly, but I am the only one who uses that jelly so I guess it doesn't matter too much.

    I drink out of the milk carton sometimes too. He doesn't know, so shhhhh! That would annoy him!
    My hubby would die if I did that..but he is allergic to
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I leave my shoes all over our bedroom.
    I don't put away the freshly folded laundry (which he does) and would rather just live out of the clean laundry basket.
    I'm a control freak but getting better.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I ask him if he would like a bite of what ever vegie or fruit I am eatting. He won't eat vegies (well only 3) or eat fruit (oj is ok).
  • KStaff87
    KStaff87 Posts: 36
    *****Not keeping the house spick a span as he's a total neat freak

    *****Twist his words...he'll say something (in his opinion) that's very thoughtful and considerate, but I would twist them around and think he's trying to tell me something on the slide, lol, he hates that with a passion.

    *****Bring stuff up from the past, he simply blows up about that

    ****Use extremely big words on purpose just to make myself sound smarter than him :)

    ****Throw my age in his face, he's a year younger than me and it destroys his pride o so much, but I do it anyway...i need to quit, lol!
  • KStaff87
    KStaff87 Posts: 36
    I leave my shoes all over our bedroom.
    I don't put away the freshly folded laundry (which he does) and would rather just live out of the clean laundry basket.
    I'm a control freak but getting better.

    Lol, I forgot about that one! lol! I never fold the clothes unless company comes over...after we wash clothes, they stay in the hamper and I will get stuff out as I need it until its time to wash again...he HATES THAT!!! LOL!
  • KStaff87
    KStaff87 Posts: 36
    I am not a fan of whole almonds but my husband is. I once sucked all the chocolate off of some Hershey's dark chocolate nuggets with almonds and put the almonds in my hand. I gave them to my hubby and he immediately tossed them in his mouth. The face afterwards was priceless, and he won't take almonds from me anymore unless they're in an unopened container. Ahhh... good times. :devil:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    I like to warm my cold hands and feet on him. :devil: It's not MY fault he has the body temperature of a blast furnace.

    love this one. while i do many things to annoy my husband this one is at the top of the list!!!
  • ginagn73
    ginagn73 Posts: 89
    I like to warm my cold hands and feet on him. :devil: It's not MY fault he has the body temperature of a blast furnace.

    love this one. while i do many things to annoy my husband this one is at the top of the list!!!
    One of my fav's...why is it they have such warm body's and ours is so cold.especially my feet. HE hates it!!
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I could make a very lengthy list after ten years. But I think the most annoying thing I do is call him too much. My job is so complicated and our lives are so complicated that if I think of something I need to tell him I have a habit of calling him before I even realize I'm doing it. So I might call him four times a day.

    But when I have made a point of not calling him for a few days, he starts calling me several times a day! So I think even though he says it annoys him, he couldn't live without me pestering him anyway!
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    The flipside of the other thread.

    Ever since we got dark counter tops, I dont' see crumbs as much. I SUCK at remembering to wipe them down when I clean the kitchen.

    I can't sleep with any light in the room. I will literally block a clock with a pillow just because of the light it gives off

    When chicken wings are at the table, I leave her very few because I can devour chicken wings like no other.

    Heck I'd be happy if my man would clean my kitchen!
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I am not a fan of whole almonds but my husband is. I once sucked all the chocolate off of some Hershey's dark chocolate nuggets with almonds and put the almonds in my hand. I gave them to my hubby and he immediately tossed them in his mouth. The face afterwards was priceless, and he won't take almonds from me anymore unless they're in an unopened container. Ahhh... good times. :devil:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I could make a very lengthy list after ten years. But I think the most annoying thing I do is call him too much. My job is so complicated and our lives are so complicated that if I think of something I need to tell him I have a habit of calling him before I even realize I'm doing it. So I might call him four times a day.

    But when I have made a point of not calling him for a few days, he starts calling me several times a day! So I think even though he says it annoys him, he couldn't live without me pestering him anyway!

    I call my husband at least 10x a day.. for no particulr reason.. pisses him OFF... and when i open things that have a cap (gallon of milk) i NEVER screw the cap on straight.. he has a habit of jerking things out of the fridge but stopped when a gallon of milk spilled on him. :laugh:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    LOL he hates how I take a new tube of toothpaste and just death grip it right in the middle....instead of squeezing from the bottom so "none gets wasted"...

    Or that I let my cats sleep on my pillow...not like I have all that much choice when I'm sleeping and they plop themselves down there...

    My compulsive spending on things I truly don't need...aka..Bath and Body Works, Sephora, candles etc...I just love them!

    I'm sure there are much more but my husband is so damn laid back that he rarely complains...(at least not to my face!!) lol
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    This thread is hilarious and I now understand why the divorce rate is so high! lol.

    I'm only engaged at this point but my fiance gets annoyed when I keep the lid of his laptop open, when I fall asleep on the couch instead of just going to bed and when I leave my purse and other crap on our bench in the hallway, thereby not allowing him to sit down and put his shoes on. Other than those few minor irritations I am a ray of sunshine :). Check back with me in a few more months though and see if we're still engaged! Oh and I don't cook enough. Well... that one is true! lol
  • ♥jewel♥
    ♥jewel♥ Posts: 839
    I like to warm my cold hands and feet on him. :devil: It's not MY fault he has the body temperature of a blast furnace.

    I think you may be married to my husband. I don't put my feet on him, but I do warm my hands, arms thighs or what ever happens to be cold on him.! *high five*
  • Tinalynn15
    Tinalynn15 Posts: 25
    Drives my husband nuts that I never close the bathroom door. Way I figure it, no matter what I am doing in there someone always has to come in anyway I am saving time. :wink:
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I have to agree with some of the other posts, the fact that I'm breathing pisses him off somedays.

    but mostly I piss him off because:

    I hate making the bed
    I like to fold the laundry on the diningroom table
    I rinse out the recycables and leave them on the counter to dry instead of bringing them out to the bin
  • mauck7
    mauck7 Posts: 74
    I am not a fan of whole almonds but my husband is. I once sucked all the chocolate off of some Hershey's dark chocolate nuggets with almonds and put the almonds in my hand. I gave them to my hubby and he immediately tossed them in his mouth. The face afterwards was priceless, and he won't take almonds from me anymore unless they're in an unopened container. Ahhh... good times. :devil:

    ha! I busted out laughing at this one. That's hilarious and mean all in one. Love it. lol
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My husband black douglas(ed) me once in bed before we were married. It was SO bad we had to leave the room for half an hour before we went back in. While it was somewhat funny, I told him that if he ever did anything like that again to beware, because I was the queen of middle of the night getting back at people.
    Its been over six years and he still won't do anything like his annoyance at me is the pure fact that he is scared enough of what I will do he won't prank me any more.

    He also hates that I stand quietly right behind him or right outside of a doorway to a room he is in and he jumps when he turns around Every. Single. Time. It is one of my lifes joys. :smile:

    I now do it to the guys at work too.
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