Gym vs home



  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    Gym, I work harder and like the social aspect. Plus I never get bored! I do work out at home if I can't make it to gym - HIIT, yoga, kettlebells and bodyweight ciruits.
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member

    No excuses. No driving. No waiting. No distractions.

    I can admire my abs and flexing abilities in my mirrors while singing Anaconda in my underwear without anyone watching. ;)
  • madammags
    madammags Posts: 97 Member
    I used to do all my working out at home, using kettlebells and body weight. But then I wanted heavier weights/different exercises so I either needed to buy more equipment (and deal with setting it up in a way so as to not damage the floor if I drop it), or join the gym. I did the latter.

    I still do my yoga at home and do running and circuit training just around the neighbourhood, but my weight training happens at the gym.
    I'm fortunate that the gym is only a 4 minute jog/7 minute walk away, though, so I do a mobility warm-up at home and jog down to the gym, then I'm warm and ready to go when I get there. At the end of my workout, I walk home (too tired for even the short jog, generally) and stretch and shower at home.
  • SunshineBdoll
    SunshineBdoll Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm only a month in on my journey, and about 1 week in on regular exercise. I'm an intern for a wonderful company that has a gym and a personal trainer for their employees. I finally strummed up enough courage to go talk to her.... As it turns out she went to my highschool. I have shame for being out of shape, but I'm determined. So we talked and worked out a plan. Turns out she is all for workouts that don't include machines! This makes it awesome! I have been trying to go in an hour early to do 30min but this weeks been hectic, so one day I was too late to do the workout and did the rest at home. She also wrote me up some exercises to do at home over the weekend. I like to to the gym, but home is so much easier! I picked up some dumbbells that were on sale and I think I might stick to the home routine.
  • JenWall2
    JenWall2 Posts: 14 Member
    Gym. 110%. It's my escape. They have everything I need that I can't afford to have at home (space wise and money wise) Weights, barbells, machines, etc. It holds me accountable, gives me a place to be my refuge. I tried working out at home and it was a flop for me. Videos and body weight exercises weren't cutting it and it was easy to bail. If I have a place to be, I'm there. Mentally the gym is better for me. I get motivated watching other people, I learn from watching them, I'm pushed to be better around other people. I absolutely love my gym.
  • JenWall2
    JenWall2 Posts: 14 Member
    I have to add that I have two kids and I cannot work out at home without so many stops and starts. I get distracted. I don't push myself as hard, it's easier to cheat. I also need to compartmentalize things. Home represents rest and comfort and neither of those things belong in a workout!! ;)
  • shadowconn
    shadowconn Posts: 141 Member
    I work out at home. I work from home so I really can't leave. No benefit anyway for me going to the gym. The goal for me when I go out is to see other people and get stuff done. Gym is -other people
  • JenWall2
    JenWall2 Posts: 14 Member
    I have shame for being out of shape, but I'm determined. So we talked and worked out a plan. Turns out she is all for workouts that don't include machines! This makes it awesome! I have been trying to go in an hour early to do 30min but this weeks been hectic, so one day I was too late to do the workout and did the rest at home. She also wrote me up some exercises to do at home over the weekend. I like to to the gym, but home is so much easier! I picked up some dumbbells that were on sale and I think I might stick to the home routine.

    One thing I want to say to encourage you is that most people at the gym are welcoming and willing to help people. They are there for the purpose of helping themselves so they understand you are too. You are beautiful and if anyone makes you feel unwelcome that's their problem. If you rather work out at home, do it but don't let fear hold you back from going to a gym if that's what you want to do. :)
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited August 2015
    I started at home ( too scared to try anywhere else), then expanded to the pool, then a few classes, then the weight room. Social butterfly now.

    I back onto the local rec centre's playing fields and the jogging track goes past my back gate, so it is an easy 5 min across the fields to the centre.

    I also qualify for a seniors pass - 6m for $180, that gets me all the pool and gym time I could ever need, as well as aqua fit, and various strength, circuit, and cardio classes.

    I should be in incredible shape with all that is so readily available, but I find anything over 60-90 min a day is overkill for my body, and I burn out.

    Edited to add- I find if I have paid for it I will be much more diligent than at home. I can let myself get distracted too easily.

    Cheers, h.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I worked out at home for many years, loved it. Have a nice elliptical trainer and some free weights...that is all I need.
    recently joined a gym and love it. Only joined because my daughter wanted a membership and the family rate was too good to pass on.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I get out of bed, drink half a cup of coffee, and turn on my DVD and do my workout. I love being at home and the early morning. I'm very self-motivated. I'd probably use a gym though if I wasn't working though to learn how to do weights.