55-65 year old women's success?



  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks vicky1947mfp!!
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    @debbond58 I feel your pain! I just turned 58 on Tuesday. I have about 25 pounds to lose and I just can't get motivated to stick to a plan. I am losing for health but don't feel too bad so the fact that my A1C is creeping up and my cholesterol is 201 doesn't motivate me enough! I too, work nights and find it hard to find a rhythm with my eating. I eat when I'm tired, I eat to celebrate, I like wine too much, the list goes on. ARGGGHH. And having a twin that runs marathons and has maintained her weightloss for 20 years isn't helping. Ah well today is a new and beautiful day so I will begin again.
    There are so many great stories here, I am encouraged every day!
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Welcome!!! To join you just need to chat. I'm 65, married 41years, 195 to lose. Just finished 6 months of intense ED rehab, now just a couple times a week. Book I recommend is " don't diet just live workbook" . If you need support let us know, let's walk the journey together!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • calmom2
    calmom2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi ladies what's everyone's meal plan for today. I need some inspiration. Breakfast I do a boring nutrition bar just to get something down because I'm not a great breakfast eater. Does anyone plan their whole meal for the day or just go meal by meal?
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    My food diary is open and you're more than welcome to view. B)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    calmom2 wrote: »
    Hi ladies what's everyone's meal plan for today. I need some inspiration. Breakfast I do a boring nutrition bar just to get something down because I'm not a great breakfast eater. Does anyone plan their whole meal for the day or just go meal by meal?

    Meal by meal, but I have two standard breakfasts (I need my morning to be *simple*!). One breakfast is for when I leave home first thing to go row, or to spin class - a "coco pop whole wheat pop cake" (it's a tortilla sized cracker thing, 20 calories) with 2T peanut butter & some skim milk. The other is when I have more time - oatmeal with greek yogurt, berries & walnuts. Sometimes when I have breakfast one, I eat breakfast 2 for lunch. Did that today. (I love my oatmeal, and find this meal comforting and satiating (356 cal).)

    I had a grande skim latte after rowing, with my double partner.

    Since I rowed today, and am at 1300 net calories, I have 832 calories left, or more if I get more exercise. Not sure how I'll spend them!
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    I nearly always have one of several flavors of Chobani greek yogurt, with 15 grams of Fiber One mixed in - depending on flavor (I try to stick to the 120 and 130 calories yogurts), that is 150 or 160 calories. Then, if I have ripe bananas, I have one, usually anywhere from 85 to 110 calories depending on size. If I don't have ripe bananas, I usually have one Thomas' Light Multi-grain English Muffin (100 calories), with one tablespoon (14 grams - I weigh it) of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Original. I always have water with my breakfast. I've never had a problem eating basically the same things every day, obviously. :)
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    Oops, forgot to add that the not-butter has 60 calories.
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    I try to plan my meals for the day. I try to keep a few extra calories free for indescretions. I am back to eating just 1460 a day and not counting any activity. I am stuck at 175. Trying to lose weight SUCKS!
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    calmom2 wrote: »
    Hi ladies what's everyone's meal plan for today. I need some inspiration. Breakfast I do a boring nutrition bar just to get something down because I'm not a great breakfast eater. Does anyone plan their whole meal for the day or just go meal by meal?

    I usually eat "lunch" for breakfast and lunch because I don't like cereal (it never fills me up). I make sure to have protein in the AM (and the rest of the day too). On gym days, I'll add some carbs to breakfast for the extra energy (always a fresh piece of fruit -- banana or apple).

    Meal planning varies since I usually eat the same stuff all the time (boring, but it makes me happy) I log everything but dinner. I plan ahead to see how much activity I have to do to eat what I want for the day. I hate those numbers in the red so seeing them encourages me to stay active. I exercise for food basically. If I don't hit my activity goals, then I change my food to make sure I'm in the green. I hate doing that so it forces me to stay active. I'm so shallow, LOL.
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    Oh for breakfast I have a piece of french toast, one chicken sausage and some maple syrup and balade light butter
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    I eat 1-2 scrambled eggs almost every morning. Most days I add some spinach and feta. On occasion I will have bacon or sausage or toast with my eggs. Some days I mix diced ham into the eggs and have hash browns. Eggs are about the only breakfast that fill me up. I add a peach or a handful of berries some mornings. Lunch tends to be a salad with grilled chicken or deli ham. Staying in this rut leaves me wide open for dinner/snack/dessert. I go out for lunch once per week and usually have a tostada, rice and beans. I go to breakfast every once in a while and have most of a western omelet and potatoes. I guess just find what works best for you
  • calmom2
    calmom2 Posts: 4 Member
    Tomorrow I'm having plain Greek yogurt with frozen berries and a sprinkle of Chia seeds I'm hoping it will keep me satisfied longer than my nutrition bar. Thanks for the input I love to hear new ideas.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    edited August 2015
    calmom2 wrote: »
    Tomorrow I'm having plain Greek yogurt with frozen berries and a sprinkle of Chia seeds I'm hoping it will keep me satisfied longer than my nutrition bar. Thanks for the input I love to hear new ideas.

    Calmom2, that sounds good! Do you like chocolate? I mix in a couple of servings of cocoa powder to Greek yogurt and fresh berries along with some flavorings (vanilla, coconut, orange extract). Keeps me full for hours. I tried nutrition bars a long time ago and they never kept me full and always tasted processed to me, so now I only eat them if I'm away from home and have no other options.
  • Eleted
    Eleted Posts: 121 Member
    Try these for breakfast. So good and low in calorie from MFP.
    URL to article: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/banana-sweetened-bran-muffins/
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Because of decades of shift work I can eat anything for any meal... and brekkie is often a quesadilla... I use a low carb tortilla, mash about 1/4 cup of kidney beans then mix with a few tbsp salsa and spread it on, sprinkle some green onions and a little low fat cheese, fold it over and toss it in a non stick frying pan for about 3 min on each side..
  • gtegirl2003
    gtegirl2003 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok, I'm 58 and have just spent 3 months losing 15 pounds that I had lost on here in 2013-14. I have about 20 to go. I am tall- 5'7'' and I have a Dr. goal of 175. I have been there twice with WW. I found that I wasn't losing on their program anymore. My A1C jumped to 6.3 (6.5 is diabetic) I have cut the carbs to 120-130 a day and use my diary. It is hard to keep track on a high day but accountability even at picnics and parties help me be in control. We are retired and travel and eat out alot. I keep a card in my purse with the count for favorite food at the places we frequently go so most of the time, I know what I will order in my calorie range. I also walk 35-40 minutes each day. Without the walking, I do not lose. I allow myself 1400 calories a day but usually use 1100-1200. I hope this keeps running.
  • twilasue54
    twilasue54 Posts: 42 Member
    mk2loser wrote: »
    @twilasue54 did the star turn yellow? If so, you are bookmarked here.

  • twilasue54
    twilasue54 Posts: 42 Member
    yes, i figurered it out. thank you so much.

  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I have just bookmarked too.
    I hate myself right now and struggling. I usually have a good breakfast and a sandwich or homemade salad for lunch. My downfall is wine and good food in the evenings. I am trying to cut back on the wine and don't intend to have any tonight. I am my own worse enemy as it is fairly easy to stick to the 1800 daily allowance without wine.
    I am very heavy right now so what gentle exercises would you recommend to get back into the habit. Thinking of buying some weights as strength training helped me before!
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