(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i often sing "fat bottomed girls" at karaoke.....LOVE IT......and jack black and casey abrams did that song on Idol's finale this year.....AWESOME.....
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i work 3p-11p five nights a week....i normally work out after work on those nights...on my days off, i do something outside, walk a nearby walking track or some fun outdoor activity.....i also have a friend that is working out with me on my "work night workouts"
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Great challenge and really fun songs!!!! I complained that my top is shrinking SO much faster than my bottom and I felt like an Oompa Loompa, but my husband and best friend are encouraging me to think of them as curves :) I'll listen to those songs tonight for a morale boost! I didn't work out this morning, but I'm gonna be outside with a bunch of 6-10 year olds all day at work, so I don't think meeting the challenge will be difficult!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Well it is 5am in CO and just finished my morning cardio. I prefer to work out in the morning, but with the way my work schedule is I sometimes have to settle for the afternoon. However, if I do cardio in the morning, I try to do some kind of strength training or toning (like pilates or yoga) in the afternoon if I can.

    And for those of us that get discouraged, please don't. Perseverance pays off, just read the stories within and outside of our blog. Stories like UltraRunnerGale are everywhere on MFP and continue to be an inspiration to us all.

    Well have to get ready for work now, everyone have a fabulous Friday!
  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    I prefer mornings because it puts me in a good mind set for the rest of the day.
    But other days, I workout in the afternoon and some evenings force my bf to go
    walking with me, some days I do all three.
    Thanks for the songs.. Mika's song brings back great memories of dance classes
    at the gym back in the day.
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I would prefer to do my workouts in the morning but since I already start work at 5:30 AM (Custodian, so quite physical work but I don't count that towards my workout) I usually workout at about 3:00 in the afternoon when I get home from work.

    Come on everyone, we can do this. Old or young we have it in us to succeed. Please, please do not give up. Dig deep and find your strength and renew your commitment to yourself. Prplangl4 is working hard for us, lets not let her or ourselves down.
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    I prefer to workout out at 6am. I feel that I have way more energy throughout the day. I go with a really friend of mine who is fresh to working out so it makes it fun for me to be with her to keep her moving. I should of workout harder today. I just did 15 mins on elliptical and 15mins of heavy arm lifting. I was sweating bullets. I am trying to do more weights 3-5 times a wk to build muscle and I am so use to seeing CALORIES BURNED on the Elliptical so I have to remind myself that its better to lift weights to burn more throughout the day.

    Thanks girl for the shout. Today is a new day. NO more junk food. I am really really nervous and excited for my new job today.

    Have a great day guys!!!!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    HI all, just joined. I'll try to do some reading and catch up to speed!!!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    I'd prefer to work out in the mornings, but that just doesn't happen. Ha. So I usually work out after lunch and go for my run. With the summer here, I keep saying I'm going to do more swimming, but that only lasted a week. Time to get back on track with that and start my mornings with a swim.
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 139 Member
    Hello BOBers! I try to work out when I get home from work (anywhere between 4:30 and 6:30). I usually am not able to work out until 9ish, though. I have a 4 year old and 14 month old that are both very busy and usually require both parents on kid duty :tongue:

    When I was pregnant with #2 I traded in my treadmill (needed more room) and got a foldable stationary bike. I try to hop on that 3-6 times a week. I try to do at least 45 minutes sometimes up to 90. Time flies when I watch tv or play a video game. Playing a video game actually makes me pedal faster, too!

    I have heard so much good stuff about Just Dance that I think I'm going to get a copy for myself. I am trying to find a cheapish Turbo Fire set to do this summer. I'm a teacher (only 7 days left!!! :drinker: ) and want to find something to keep me active as I usually turn into a lump during my summer vacation. Plus I turn 30 in a month and want to look rockin for my birthday party!

    Happy Friday!!! Keep up the amazing work everyone! :bigsmile:
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    :wink: :laugh: :glasses: funnest workout is when I walk the little Lhasa Apso "BOB" (teehee coincidently huh)?
    He breaks into this amazing run and his pure white fur is flowing in the wind with his long ears flying behind at a break-neck speed, for him, lol!:bigsmile:
    and here I am, leash connected to harness connected to BOB and I absolutely CRACKING UP!!!! I am laughing soooo hard that ppl driving by are staring at me and they start smiling too. It is so funny and the little guy is so cute when he runs. I love it!:tongue:

    Happy Friday & work it out everyone:heart:
  • SiouxPrincess
    SiouxPrincess Posts: 35 Member
    I prefer to work out in the morning, I do a Zumba DVD's every morning. I feel so much better afterwards. I have more energy and not as tired. Then I have the rest of the day with my kids, 2 & 4, who are very energetic.

    This weekend I am going to start getting up earlier and work out before everyone gets up, this is my NEW goal.
  • kristidann
    kristidann Posts: 42
    Welcome! It's great to have you!
    HI all, just joined. I'll try to do some reading and catch up to speed!!!
  • blondie1238
    blondie1238 Posts: 182
    When I work out all depends on my schedule... I work midnight shift, so it all depends on if I've worked the night before. Either way, I try to work out when I get up, whether that be midmorning or late afternoon ;)

    Hit the challenge today... worked out for 36minutes! Would have liked to for longer, but I need a nap before work tonite! :happy:
  • dinichols
    dinichols Posts: 37
    My workout varies due to my work schedule. I am currently going to boot camp at 6:15am the two days a week I don't have to be at work at 6:30 am. I do like starting the day burning some calories but also enjoy walking in the evening. Just recently ran in the evening an that was good too..
  • DunnaStunna
    DunnaStunna Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to work out in the mornings but since I don't get up early I do it right after work before I have time to get distracted. I think I might try walking the dog in the evenings (tho he is a chihuahua and so after chasing bugs in the yard he's pretty done for).

    Did the challenge today, zumba ftw. I'm new and I have to say the daily mini-challenges help a lot! This group has re-energized me to get back in the game.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    I used to be a big evening workout guy. But after becoming a new dad, I've found that if I want to get my workout in, I better get up early while the little guy is still sleeping. For my marathon training I did most of my training runs early in the morning. And on days when I did them later, my wife was less than thrilled. But this past week I have been getting up really early so I can go to the gym and I am starting to enjoy the really early mornings. Who knew one could get excited when the alarm goes off at 3am?!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    I find that working out in the morning before anything else gets me distracted is best for me.

    I think I get an extra boost from the energy it gives me that lasts throughout the day.

    I notice diminished mental clarity if I don't do at least 30 minutes of cardio in the morning.

    I also do a yoga practice on Thursday nights when I get home from work, just started, and plan to mix it up more often!

    The BOB challenge was really fun today! I used my "E Machine" and got the HRM up to my max levels a few times, perspiring good! Also, did the weight training on the circuit machine:)
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    I seem to be consistently doing my workouts in the evenings. I just have more energy then. I got Just Dance 2 today and it is very fun! I'm adding it to my daily workouts along with the 30 Day Shred I've been doing (just completed L1D5!)

    Met today's goal, by the way!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I did 40 minutes on the treadmill...sweating and my heartrate up....wearing my HRM which the treadmill was able to link to. I do my workouts mostly after work which is the evening. Gives me a release of the days tensions